• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.

Crimson Blade

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Legal_Ease
Crimson Blade v1.0adungeonseeker PresentsCrimson Blade

Crimson Blade v1.0a
Created by dungeonseeker

Map Info:

This is a first person shooter set in the medieval world:

Use the arrow keys to move, spells to attack.
If you have a hero with a scope ability, you can look around freely in 3D.
There are 3 different type of game modes:
Hero Kills, Planting Crops, And Rescuing Hostages

Note: If you want to play against the AI, you must set computer slots before the game starts, then pick the difficulty ingame as red.


Intriguing landscapes, manually adjusted frames/second for best Wc3 framerate.

Some other stuff about the map:

This map is protected, and will be unprotected later on depending on it's popularity.
You should be able to play this map on Bnet without any problems.

Also, make sure your operating system is equivalent to at least a Windows 7 or faster.

Screenshots and Videos:

Image Description:


Image Description:
Unstringing Bow


Image Description:


Image Description:



Special Thanks:
  • Assassin Lord
  • Deconform
  • Time_Outz

Author's notes:

Have fun! Remember to read the required quests for instructions on how to play.

The Esc button can always be used to skip any cinematic.

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

Dark Blue Map Description - Template

First, Person, Shooter, Halo, Call, Duty, Half, Life, Modern, Warfare, Knight, Total, War, Medieval, Castle, Sword, Hero, Arena, 3D

Crimson Blade (Map)

Moderator: -Kobas- Contact: Visitor Message / Private Message! Date: 09-Jul-13 (22:37:31) Critical Errors: -> Map interface and overall graphics are of low quality. -> No 'work in progress' submissions, please use The Map Development Section...




Moderator: -Kobas-
Contact: Visitor Message / Private Message!
Date: 09-Jul-13 (22:37:31)

Critical Errors:
-> Map interface and overall graphics are of low quality.
-> No 'work in progress' submissions, please use The Map Development Section for unfinished maps.
-> Your Map has low quality terrain.
-> Your code has noticable errors, game crashing exceptions and possible multiplayer desync.
-> Your code isn't optimized well enough, MPI and/or MUI.
Useful Links:
-> The Important Site Rules.
-> You can use Map Development Section for testing and improving your maps.
-> Need help with triggers/memory leaks? Make a thread in the Triggers & Scripts Section.
-> Got any World Editor related questions? Make a thread in the World Editor Help Zone Section
-> The Important Site Tutorials.
-> If you have any complaints or questions about your map, please make a thread here:Map Resource Moderation.
Personal Comment:
-> Map has way too many errors. You can use arrow keys to move even dead.
Terrain isn't really great you can enter into structures with camera, there are no camera bounds.
Alpha tile isn't working at all places.

Map Status: Rejected

(1/5) Unacceptable