Century Park [MOD] (Powered core)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
In this huge built park, everyone will fight to be the sole owner of this place. Get ready to fight with all your might!
Modified map based on another file previously posted by another user https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/century-park.194360/

Version 1.2
Taverns, markets and goblin market have been relocated.
Added more redesigns of the central part.
Now the sources of health and mana are in each corner of the central part.

Version 1.1
Incorporation Powered Core 4.0
Issues in terrain aspects.


The map is ALTERED MELEE type (classic strategy game mode with modifications in characteristics of the objects).
It works under a set of modifications of the units and objects of which I call it "Powered Core" in version 4.0
- The construction time of all processes has been reduced by 50%
- The collection of gold and wood is double x2 in the same time.
- Trees have more wood, it takes much longer to cut down completely.
- All heroes have max level 50
- Races are default (Human, Orc, Undead, Night Elf)
- Some skills have upgrade levels (every next level with longer delay time and more and more expensive):
* Research "War Animal Training" has 3 levels
* Research "Long Rifles" has 3 levels
* Research "War Drums" has 3 levels
* Research "Skeletal Longevity" has 3 levels
Night Elf:
* Research "Spring Well" has 3 levels
* Research "Moon Saber" has 3 levels

Please send comments, this map is subject to corrections based on bug reports

Century Park (Mejorado) (Map)

Meager changes on a map that's not originally yours. Please take a look at the good altered melee maps on the site to learn from them. Substandard. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site...
Level 27
Jan 4, 2020
Wow, such a cool looking 12 players map but with this design I don't think that this is gonna be work in a real melee map.
-No space for AoW play...
-Bad spacing expo in the middle.
-No space for a big team fight. Seem fit more for an FFA map but still so random.
-Creep aggro, also some creep camp doesn't even has anti-air creep.
-Random Level(num) item with no category.
-Too strong item for some certain camp.
-So random for each player some got FoH some get shop in front of their base.
-No critter as well.

Other than those above I have another question are you the same creator who made this map from 2011?
Level 4
Aug 4, 2015
Wow, such a cool looking 12 players map but with this design I don't think that this is gonna be work in a real melee map.
-No space for AoW play...
-Bad spacing expo in the middle.
-No space for a big team fight. Seem fit more for an FFA map but still so random.
-Creep aggro, also some creep camp doesn't even has anti-air creep.
-Random Level(num) item with no category.
-Too strong item for some certain camp.
-So random for each player some got FoH some get shop in front of their base.
-No critter as well.

Other than those above I have another question are you the same creator who made this map from 2011?
Thanks for your suggestions. Neutral buildings have been relocated and the central area has been redesigned.
The original map was created by another player (Pandino). I have completely redesigned it.


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
This map is clearly an altered melee and not a "standard" melee map, i.e. a map which provides default unaltered wc3 gameplay, I'll remove the "melee" tag from the bundle and change it to "altered melee". The "melee" tag should exclusively be reserved for unaltered melee maps.
Level 4
Aug 4, 2015
Please try contacting the original author and ask for permission to edit and upload.
Also, please write the map description in English (too) as this is an English based site.
1. Communication is impossible. The creator's last activity on this network was in 2011. That's why I mention it in the description of the map to avoid misunderstandings of plagiarism without citing.
2. The description was changed to the English language as indicated.
Level 4
Aug 4, 2015
This map is clearly an altered melee and not a "standard" melee map, i.e. a map which provides default unaltered wc3 gameplay, I'll remove the "melee" tag from the bundle and change it to "altered melee". The "melee" tag should exclusively be reserved for unaltered melee maps.
Yes, the day before yesterday while updating the map I removed the melee tag and put the altered melee tag.
Thanks for the quote.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
1. Communication is impossible. The creator's last activity on this network was in 2011. That's why I mention it in the description of the map to avoid misunderstandings of plagiarism without citing.
Yes but you should try contacting and waiting for a response for at least a while before declaring the author to be gone.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Meager changes on a map that's not originally yours.
Please take a look at the good altered melee maps on the site to learn from them.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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