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Bug Report

Campaign: The True Story of Arkain
Act/Chapter: Act 3 Chapter 1
Nature of Bug: Dialogue Error:

For someone who claims his race to be the incarnation of perfection, Raszar does not even bother to check whether what he says is grammatically correct (... are the the incarnation ...). Had to report this one since it made me chuckle.

Nature of Bug: Hotkey Clash



When controlling Undead units, the Acolyte's Repair Ability [R] clashes with the Sacrifice ability [R], due to having the same hotkey.
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Triggers bugged, the mission doesn't automatically fail if either of the two hero diesView attachment 397249
Possibly because you are using the 1.31.1, which still has this infamous bug:

As Shar Dundred suggested, if you still face numerous issues during the gameplay, you should use the 1.29.2.
Latest Warcraft 3 patches are prone for numerous issues, especially the save-load bug that can "ruin" the important triggers and the black screen bug after exiting the post-game screen.
Level 2
Apr 26, 2022
Thank you for your amazing work and care Shar Dundred. Unfortunately I have a problem too - the sprites for Harmos, his Fire Mages in mission 5 and the new Bull regiment leader in mission 7 of true story of Arkain are completely invisible to me. I can select those Heroes from upper left corner, they are there, having their voice lines skills and are able to fight but I cannot see them on the screen nor I can select them manually. I am playing with Quenching Newest Version v1.8 and I am not sure if the current version of your game is compatable ( I played First and Second Books without any issue so I assume they were.). Forgive me If that is some kind of issue of my own, these campaings are my very first Warcraft modded/custom content. God bless you.
Level 7
Feb 7, 2020
In the first mission of act 6, which is awesome by the way, I just completed in hard, and I wondered about a potential bug: as part of a secondary objective, you can kill the red base. If you do so, it does not help, as the demons attacking the red base begin attacking 1) your base instead, at least a part of them and 2) the potential gold mine you built in the left upper corner in the defeated elven archer hero base (however, I guess demons could help you if this left upper corner base is not yet destroyed. However I think it not likely since the red base is way stronger than the elven hero base). I wondered if this was a bug? I thought about this since the other part of the secondary objective helps you since after destroying the teal base, the demons begin attacking the purple base. Even if they are very weak in comparison with purple defenses, it is quite useful as soon as your own units are inside the purple base, as the newly arriving demons occupy parts of newly spawned purple units.

2nd potential bug: the blue base never attacked me. However, after I destroyed their army and production buildings, some units remained there, alive. At some point, they attacked my town hall. I don't know what made them attack. Maybe one of my peons wandered nearby them?

edit: I deleted the feedback. it is not the right place.

3) destroy the teal base.

4) destroy purple base. As soon as you destroyed the first towers, put your units inside the base, so the newly arriving demons don't attack you from behind and attack purple units instead.

5) let the red base alone. In my case, at first I had destroyed it, but the demons there began attacking me. So what I did, to finish the mission with all objectives, was, after I weakened greatly the purple base, I annihiliated the red base, and quickly returned to the purple base.
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Level 7
Feb 7, 2020
Chapter Six Act One. The same mistake I pointed out early in this topic.
Daric's Mercenaries are not Grey anymore

Also a question. What causes to items to not transfer to heroes from previous chapters after updating? Maybe I do something wrong.
I cannot answer your questions, but mine transferred and here is what I did: I just downloaded the new w3n file, put it where the custom campaigns are, then just played it, and my heroes still had their items. I did not delete the previous True Story w3n file.

For me neither the Daric's mercenaries were not grey.


Level 5
Aug 18, 2017
With the last update of act 6 chapter 1
>Enabled mastery training research

But you can't get these trainings, because you can't upgrade your Stronghold into fortress.
(Why I have a feeling, that It's Shar trolling us, lol)


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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Despite being there in the editor for an eternity, it keeps appearing and disappearing.
I guess I will just delete the ability & create it again eventually with a new ID to fix it because
this is literally WC3 being WC3 and these stupid things actually fix these issues for no reason sometimes.
Level 5
Jul 21, 2017
Second Orc Book, Mission 6 "A Dish Best Served Cold" (Hard, if it matters.)
There isn't much to describe, often but not always when I attack towards the patch of buildings to the left, just inside the first set of doors, the game crashes to desktop. There's no error message or anything.
Given what it is, I don't have a screenshot but I do have footage of it:

Level 29
May 14, 2021
Second Orc Book, Mission 6 "A Dish Best Served Cold" (Hard, if it matters.)
There isn't much to describe, often but not always when I attack towards the patch of buildings to the left, just inside the first set of doors, the game crashes to desktop. There's no error message or anything.
Given what it is, I don't have a screenshot but I do have footage of it:

Don't worry, it's the game version.
If you didn't face numerous bugs, you should not use the latest version (1.31), but the version that the author recommends (1.29.2).
Level 5
Jul 21, 2017
Don't worry, it's the game version.
If you didn't face numerous bugs, you should not use the latest version (1.31), but the version that the author recommends (1.29.2).
Ah, that's it?
Hoped 1.31 was grand.

Thank you, tried again and it's cooperating this time but if it starts acting up again or when I get onto the next book, I'll change versions.
Just don't want to have to go through it again.
Level 1
Jan 30, 2018
It's not a bug I think, it is way to worse. Between a Rock and a Hard place - this mission is IMPOSSIBLE playing on Hard. I beated all other books, chapters on hard. This mission makes me sick. There are just nonstoppable waves of human forces on your tiny base, which becomes harder and harder. Towers can do nothing with elite's and reptiles. I can destroy blue base in yhe beggining of the mission, but I can't do nothing more. Waves of attacks on my main base just destroy me. Please. Shar. Do something with it. Improve this chapter. Make human forces do not attack every 30 seconds or something else
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Have to agree that this chapter is insane, but not unbeatable. I usually make it easier by stacking Grofzag and Zairmak with good items from Siege of Kome, and an Inferno Stone from the Demon Slaves' Castle in Death's Approach. As for the level itself, I use Zairmak's boni, with mass Master-trained Necrolytes and Demolishers. Turtle in until you amass an army of about 60-80 supply, then attack the Falcon Regiment (you can use Zairmak to take down the outer tower and barricades first), making sure that the Castle, Altar and Barracks are destroyed (and Towers if possible so you can use it as a secondary base. Daric's won't attack there) then retreat Zairmak in time with Teleport to defend the base from the next attack wave. Turtle some more, amass an army, build some towers, then go for Dragon Regiment.

With two of your attackers gone, you can now go for the win or do whatever the hell you want, because Daric's Mercs aren't that scary against a well-defended base.
Level 7
Aug 18, 2018
Hello, I tried replaying missions but sometimes the items of my heroes are always gone like its their items from the beginning, not the ones I got during its progress. Its really frustrating that I had always need to repeat the missions just to get some items. Am I doing something wrong here?
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Hello, I tried replaying missions but sometimes the items of my heroes are always gone like its their items from the beginning, not the ones I got during its progress. Its really frustrating that I had always need to repeat the missions just to get some items. Am I doing something wrong here?
For example, let's say you replay Chapter 5 - Clash in the Forest, in which Blen is playable for the first time, and you stack a ton of cool items on him. Then, you jump to Chapter 15 - Terrors of Old, and Blen doesn't have anything, mainly because that is the third mission that he is playable. In order to get those cool items for him, you have to beat the second mission that he is playable, which is Chapter 7 - The Bull and The Wolf.

tl;dr: Don't know if this helps or if we're even talking about the same issue here, but if you want to keep items for a certain hero(es), you need to replay the missions in which they are playable, in the chronological order (and on the same profile obviously). That's just how cache work.

Also, a few bugs on Chapter 6 - Dead Man's March, regarding the Zirr Nexus.
- Ghosts can attack air units, despite saying "Attack land units" in their descriptions.


- Skeletal Mastery and Skeletal Longevity are available, but Lorekeepers' Raise Dead can't benefit from them.
Level 7
Aug 18, 2018
For example, let's say you replay Chapter 5 - Clash in the Forest, in which Blen is playable for the first time, and you stack a ton of cool items on him. Then, you jump to Chapter 15 - Terrors of Old, and Blen doesn't have anything, mainly because that is the third mission that he is playable. In order to get those cool items for him, you have to beat the second mission that he is playable, which is Chapter 7 - The Bull and The Wolf.

tl;dr: Don't know if this helps or if we're even talking about the same issue here, but if you want to keep items for a certain hero(es), you need to replay the missions in which they are playable, in the chronological order (and on the same profile obviously). That's just how cache work.

Also, a few bugs on Chapter 6 - Dead Man's March, regarding the Zirr Nexus.
- Ghosts can attack air units, despite saying "Attack land units" in their descriptions.

View attachment 405199
- Skeletal Mastery and Skeletal Longevity are available, but Lorekeepers' Raise Dead can't benefit from them.
View attachment 405200
So when replaying missions, since I always replay act IV, I don't need to finish it so it wont progress the current items.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
I don't catch the meaning here, but I assume you mean that if you quit a chapter before it ends/plays the ending cinematic, the items of the playable heroes in that chapter won't be carried to the next chapters? In that case, you're right.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
I think the problem comes from Thanok's Altar. He can 'train' Zed from there at the start of the game, and I think that's the unwanted side effect from making Zed revivable for the player.

Sadly, the same thing doesn't seem to apply to Claire, or it would be really funny.
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Act one, Chapter three: Rise of the Dead (or the first ever chapter for the Undead in LoA)
I decided to destroy the whole Orc base layed in the north (it's not a main quest line yet), and after I destroyed the base with only 3 nexus from the 4 ( I should capture them all, and wait for the quest to be progressed next time?) the chapter was ended with a Victory. I Repeat: I do not capture all 4 inactive nexus, I only captured 3, and there was no quest or any type of indication that if I destroy the Orc base in the north, the map is going to be ended. I was impressed, when I destroyed the base, I... Just completed the map, even the fact, that from the main quest lines, I don't even completed the first one.
"Why are you destroyed the orc base instead of doing the first main quest?"
Because I hate when I'm interrupted all the time. I played on normal difficulty.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
In Lord of Shadows, we play zed and in the iron fist allies they have another zed Idk if this is intentional but just wanna say it
Fixed via hotfix.
- Banishers' Healing Wave's hotkey is missing.
It's actually not, WC3 is just being annoying again.
I tried fixing it - no idea if it worked, WC3 doesn't seem to be capable of comprehending Arkain's superiority anymore.
- Headhunters' model is missing. And the tip is still using the oid unit description.
Fixed via hotfix.
I decided to destroy the whole Orc base layed in the north (it's not a main quest line yet), and after I destroyed the base with only 3 nexus from the 4 ( I should capture them all, and wait for the quest to be progressed next time?) the chapter was ended with a Victory. I Repeat: I do not capture all 4 inactive nexus, I only captured 3, and there was no quest or any type of indication that if I destroy the Orc base in the north, the map is going to be ended. I was impressed, when I destroyed the base, I... Just completed the map, even the fact, that from the main quest lines, I don't even completed the first one.
Not a bug, intentional actually. Been like that since forever. :)
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
In the chapter after "nightmare", when you control Zoia and Blen + Firemage, here what I got after the Firemage is arrived. Blen is alive, but I can revive on the Altar. When I revived on Altar, the two became one, and after the first battle against the Darkmind Clan, when Blen died, he died just for me, he is alive, and I can't even control him, but he is some god because he is invulnerable, and for me and for the enemy is not targetable, I can't even choose him, but he is died. Also I can't revive him either on altar. But after the screenshots Blen is finally died, and I can revive him on altar. I'm not cheated, and I playing on normal difficulty.

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Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
What version are you playing on?
Current version LoA 0.68, Warcraft III 1.31.
Some information about how I achieved this: When the Bloodhand clan is defeated, after that I loose control over the armies what I controlled this point, and I only control the Firemage and Firemages. During this period Blen has died, when I arrived with the firemages to the outpost, the story goes as I writed previously.
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Act Two, Chapter Three: Slaves of the Demons

Resurrected Demonlord "Unholy Regeneration" ability description is not entirely true. When I used the shire to make some new Allies, I wanted to heal some of them with this ability, but I can't. It's not working for them. Undead only right now (in this map, I don't even met this unit yet on other maps).
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
did the flame shield on fire mages and chaplain work their because I found it out on the mission with the bull regiments and tried it again in betrayal
I'm on 1.31, and Harmos's Fire Shield depleted non-hero units' mana pool. I don't know why, though, because as far as I know, Fire Shield only adds Permanent Immolation to the unit, which shouldn't cause this behavior.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Act Two, Chapter Three: Slaves of the Demons

Resurrected Demonlord "Unholy Regeneration" ability description is not entirely true. When I used the shire to make some new Allies, I wanted to heal some of them with this ability, but I can't. It's not working for them. Undead only right now (in this map, I don't even met this unit yet on other maps).
The ability heals any of your units or allied units in range, it's not working on the forest denizens because they are considered neutral instead of allied.
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Secrets in the Dark

Sir Cheveran The Black was died during the boss fight with Kazardus. This chapter can be done when Sir Cheveran die only during the fight with Kazardus. The main quest line is having the written requirement - Sir Cheveran The Black must survive - but either way, no, it's not needed. Later after Aedale "unification" with the succubus, Cheveran reappeared. Or the main quest line has been edited, that Salomar The Healer with his Resurrection ability can resurrect him, so the quest was not immediately failed, only when the skeleton of Cheveran is disappeared from the map?


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Level 10
Oct 23, 2016
In the new version of Exiles for me on 1.29 edtion several units seems to only have shadows and are unselectable found both among friendly and hostile units (this was an issue before the vison cheat)


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