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Arkain News Network

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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
16th April 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
last update left you on quite the cliffhanger, didn't it?
Well let's take a look at the aftermath, shall we?

Salria is however not the only stage of this interlude...
Check it out!

You can find the new version
here in the Map Section - and do remember to share your thoughts in New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!


Act Eight, Chapter Two:
  • Added a second goldmine in relative proximity to your base
  • Delayed the Ogre attack until after all Gatekeepers are dead
  • Added a Goblin Merchant to provide items such as Scrolls of Town Portal
Act Eight, Interlude:
  • Released!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
19th April 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

I hope you enjoyed the latest cinematic - judging by the reactions so far I think it is fair to
say that you did!

I didn't state it in the last newspost to avoid spoilers, now however I want to thank the amazing
@johnwar for providing the model of the dragon queen - an amazing model that, in my opinion,
deserves all the praise and attention!
If you liked it as well, be sure to
head right over to it and show that you liked it!

As for the news... Well. The new act will require me to put quite some work into it due to its
True Story exclusive maps.
Yes, you read that right! Maps. Plural!

As to what is coming next... Lemme just show you a spoiler for those of you who are daring enough
to find out - remember, there is a reason why the Zirr Nexus keeps some of its knowledge secret!


Stay tuned!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
24th April 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
today a minor update has been dropped that should - hopefully for everyone - fix the lack
of Brockta's leadership bonus.
Furthermore it nerfs Vanessa's bonus due to being quite powerful. She is not a member of the
Goldaxe Clan as of today, she cannot be granted such powers yet!
However, it is not a mere bug fix - in addition a new scene has been added to the end of the
latest cinematic.
I will let it be a surprise and not tell you anything else about it just yet. ;)

Check it out
here in the Map Section!
As always, feel free to share your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
28th April 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

you know what time it is!
The next True Story exclusive has arrived!
This time it is featuring something so wholesome that I wouldn't want to spoil it by writing anything
about it!

You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!

Enjoy and be sure to share your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
10th May 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

the time has come!
YET ANOTHER True Story exclusive has arrived!

Those of you who still suffer from trauma after realizing what you did in the last one can rejoice!
This is not going to make you do or watch terrible things! None at all! Nope!


You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!

Remember to share your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!
Don't be shy!

Act Seven, Chapter Five:
  • Fixed the player color of the Boar Regiment
Act Seven, Chapter Seven:
  • Fixed the player color of the Boar Regiment
Act Eight, Chapter Three:
  • Increased the cooldown of Army of Death from 20 seconds to 60 seconds
  • Increased the cooldown of Finger of Death from 15 seconds to 30 seconds
  • Increased the mana cost of Army of Death from 0 to 100
  • Increased the mana cost of Finger of Death from 0 to 100
  • Adjusted Prince Rastan's animations for the ending cinematic
Act Eight, Chapter Four:
  • Released!
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
22nd May 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
the time has come! We're golden now!
The next chapter, Lords of the Golden Guard, is here!

While still similar to its original design, there have been some changes...
I look forward to seeing your reactions!

You can find the new version here in the Map Section!
Enjoy and be sure to share your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

  • Fixed War Zeppelin hotkey
Act Seven, Chapter Seven:
  • Fixed the player color of the Boar Regiment
Act Eight, Chapter Four:
  • Several grammar fixes
  • Replaced the Warlocks in the intro cinematic with Necrolytes
  • Added a few structures
  • Decreased the amount of defenders of the Boarslayer Clan
  • Increased the amount of spawned units at the end
  • The Bonebreaker Clan now correctly changes sides
  • Gorthog no longer kills his loyal pet hydra - poor thing did nothing wrong
  • Gorthog can no longer die and the mission can no longer be lost if he happens to be on low hp before the cinematic starts
  • Fixed a bug with some Moghtar units not changing sides properly
Act Eight, Chapter Five:
  • Released!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
4th June 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

you know what time it is? Time for the penultimate chapter of Act Eight!

Amari and Grofzag have finally reached Gnoll Island - but will they find allies here or be met
with hostility?
Let's find out!

You can find the new chapter
here in the Map Section!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
5th June 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

following the release yesterday, the next release will feature a True Story exclusive!

Today I want to bring another topic to your mind.
Something to play around with while waiting, you could say!

The Great Culling!
I am curious which characters you want to seeing dead. There has been a bit of death lately and we are not done yet!
So prepare tears of sorrow and joy alike!

To make things more interesting:
You have to pick a MINIMUM of SEVEN characters! There is no maximum, if you want everyone to die, just say so!
If you DON'T want everyone to die, say which one character should not end up dead (death by old age does not count).
I look forward to seeing your cullings and discussions in the
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
10th June 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

a little update on the ongoing production of the next chapter.

Work is going well, the terrain is done, next step is triggers and cinematics followed by AI.

This True Story exclusive chapter is going to be the finale of the current act - you will understand why
when you play it.

It will feature you playing as the Undead. As for the details... we'll save this for another day.

All I can say right now is that you should stay tuned - and brace yourselves for what is to come.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
13th June 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

my good friend @Jayborino has spent quite a lot of time gathering all "up to date" information
regarding the statuses of the different faction of Arkain as of (near) the end of Act Eight of
the True Story of Arkain.
You can take a look at it
here. @Jayborino is consistently updating it with new information so
it would be great if you could contribute and support him & discuss the respective statuses - maybe
even speculate on it a bit as well as discuss the implications of the changes that have occured during
the True Story!
HUGE thanks to @Jayborino for this thread, I both approve of and appreciate its idea & execution!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
14th June 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

the time has come. The grand finale of Act Eight is upon us!
I will not talk much about it and let it speak for itself. Some of you may be confused why it
was the end of an act at first - but you will understand as soon as you finished it.
You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!
Enjoy and be sure to share your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!
That is not all for today however!
Not too long ago I asked you when you wanted the next Arkain Question Time to take place - you said
you wanted it to happen after Act Eight. Now is that time!

What is an Arkain Question Time? Mortals asking Aridon about their future?
Arkain Question Time (short AQT) is like an "FAQ" of Arkain. It is an event where people send
me Arkain-related questions via conversation. I collect these questions and then release them in a single
great post. As you can see in this thread, the questions also involve spoilers - and also some
funny/less serious questions (and answers). All these questions are welcome and I will include
as many as possible.
I will accept questions from now on.
Consider it "open-ended" until further notice.
I am going to take a break from mapping for quite some time and therefore this is the best time
for the event to take place to begin with.
I will inform you once that break is over.

Feel free to send right away after you finished the End of Act Eight!
Please send me your questions via conversation so I can gather them more easily.

And finally, the legendary Legends of Arkain Character Tier List has been updated!
Given the many, MANY events that have taken place lately this feels like a perfect time to get back to it!
Of course only after finishing the End of Act Eight!
I have even added another line to it in case you need more levels to differenciate the character rankings!
Looking forward to seeing you use it!

Act Seven, Chapter One:
  • Fixed a bug that would make neither Krom's nor Meya's art appear because the WarCraft 3 Editor sucks
Act Eight, Chapter Four:

  • - Fixed a bug with Dorbric's animations (he now punches Gorthog about 30 times instead of just 2 times)
Act Eight, Chapter Six:
  • Players now start with Envenomed Bolts and Bloodhunt researched
  • Brawlers are now trained with Frenzy on auto-cast
  • Fixed Mystic tooltip
End of Act Eight:
  • Released!
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
19th June 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

I hope you have enjoyed the release of the End of Act Eight!
I have also received the first couple of questions for the Arkain Question Time - you can find more
A huge thank you to all who have already contacted me - feel free to send me more if you want to!
Also, as mentioned in the last newspost, the
Character Tier List has also received an update!
Now featuring your new favorite characters such as Zelech and Darkfang as well as the children of van
Durce, the last daughter of Redfist and a certain, massive, DESTRUCTIVE demonic war machine!
Furthermore another lane has been added so you can differentiate the characters even more than before!
I am looking forward to see your updated lists in the Round Table of Arkain!

Now let's get to the news, shall we?
As you know I am currently taking a break from mapping so I decided to write another short story for
Arkain instead - you can find the new short story "Burdens of War" in the
Tales of Arkain thread!
Give it a read and feel free to share your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
23rd June 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
A new entry has been added to the Tales of Arkain thread.
This time, it has been written by @Jayborino and it is about his absolute FAVORITE character
of the ENTIRETY of ARKAIN! This character has managed to conquer the heart of this valiant
Youtuber within merely a few cutscenes and has kept it close ever since!
I am OF COURSE talking about THE DESTROYER!
Check out the new short story "Force of Nature" in the Tales of Arkain thread!
Big shoutout to @Jayborino for writing this!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
29th June 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

as you may know, questions for
Arkain Question Time are still being gathered and we are getting
close to reaching the (first) 100 questions!
Big thanks to those who have already sent their questions - you are welcome to send as many as you want!

I am curious to see how many more are going to be added!

Remember to send me your questions via DM/conversation on Hive!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
3rd July 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

we've exceeded 100 questions for
Arkain Question Time and are currently approaching the 120s!
Again massive thanks to those who have already sent their questions - you are welcome to send as many as you want!

Since there seems to be some uncertainty regarding this, I will specify now that questions are still being accepted!

I have now decided to set the 23rd July 2023 as the last day to send further questions!
Until that date you can keep sending me your questions for the AQT event!

Stay tuned!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
19th July 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

the 23rd July 2023 is drawing near!
Remember that you can still send me questions for the Arkain Question Time up to that day!

At the moment, we are at over 400 questions for the event - which is an outstanding amount, thanks
to everyone who participated!

Stay tuned!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
24th July 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
I want to thank all of you who have sent questions for the Arkain Question Time!
This event would not be possible without you and I appreciate all the contributions!

I have already started going through the questions, removing duplicates and writing the first
couple of answers but I am not done as of yet.

Once I am done, I will let you know.
Stay tuned for the results of this latest iteration of Arkain Question Time!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
29th July 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
the wait is finally over! The answers for the Arkain Question Time have been posted!

Those of you who read the latest newsposts might notice a discrepancy regarding the amount
of questions. There has always been one but this time it is quite noticeable which is why I wanted
to address it.

Firstly, there have been a lot of duplicate questions. Since we are reaching the final chapters of the
Second Book era, this is no surprise as the same topics are on many people's minds, which only makes
Other questions have already been answered in the past and therefore also are not added this time.

Secondly, the amount of questions related to the original books was bigger than I expected them to be
which is why I decided not to include them.
This may sound strange unless you realize how long it has been since we last touched or talked about
the original books. The original books have been concluded three years ago.
I understand the love and interest in the original books, they are after all what brought most people into
contact with Arkain to begin with. They also still mean much to me which is why they remain in the
Map Section up to this day. Every time I consider removing them to reduce confusion I decide against
doing it due to this fact.

Most importantly, most if not all questions related to the original books have already been answered in past
AQT events.

And finally, questions way too spoiler-y have not been included as well. I. e. I was asked how the True Story would
end - I appreciate the interest but there is no way I am revealing that kind of information at this point!

With that out of the way, time to take a look at the results, eh?
You can find the Arkain Question Time and its results


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
9th August 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
we're back!

Arkain Industries has returned to production of Act Nine - we are reaching the final stages of the Second Book era!
Before we can truly ride high, however, we must travel down in the depths of the caverns below... to save the Dwarves
from a great threat!
You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!
Let us know what you think in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

Act Eight, Chapter Five:
  • Fixed a bug that caused the lore entry for the Swamp Dragons not to appear
Act Nine, Chapter One:
  • Released!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
10th August 2023
Ladies and gentlemen!

I have made some small adjustments to the chapter I released yesterday:
a) The Aspirants of Heat are chilling now and will no longer constantly charge everything into the player base
b) The reinforcement triggers have been adjusted - those alone are reason enough to give the chapter another try even if you already have, trust me on that one
c) Your Castle has more hit points but you also lose if it dies

You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
22nd August 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

less than two weeks ago the last chapter was first released & then updated with small yet substantial changes!
I am happy to see that you enjoyed it!

The next chapter will also be a familiar one - however it will also be quite different from what it used to be like.
Not just from a story perspective but also gameplaywise you can expext quite the difference to its original iteration!

I will not reveal just yet which one it will be but I assume you already have your ideas. ;)

Stay tuned!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
4th September 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

you will not have to wait for much longer. Soon, quite soon, the next chapter will be released.

You can expect quite the dread to be there. Only if you and your forces can overcome your fear and
feel naught of it, you will be able to succeed.

Following said chapter, there will be a meeting of class and nobility. Better have yours good suits and dresses ready!

Stay tuned! Stay VERY tuned!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
8th September 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

the wait is over! The next chapter has been released!

The war on the sea has begun! Will you be the one to run away, filled with dread... or the one who feels naught of it?

You can find the new version here in the Map Section!

Act Nine, Chapter One:
  • Fixed a part of the dialogue repeating itself
Act Nine, Chapter Two:
  • Released!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
13th September 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

today I am not going to release the next map - but in my sheer endless generosity I have
decided to SHOW it to you.
It's quite, shall we say, golden.

However, brace yourselves. Unless you are actually ready for the truth... You may not survive it.


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
20th September 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

progress on the next map is going very well!

I assure you, it will be a glorious experience for all of you and I expect nothing less than
absolute preperation and excitement from all of you!

It will be bloody, there will be losses but in the end there can be only one victor!
Will you rise above the competition and prove yourself worthy of the mantle of victory?
Time will tell - very very soon!

Stay tuned - VERY tuned!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
22nd September 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

the time has come!
The Golden Truth has arrived - along with the Lords of the Golden Guard!
The Van Durce family awaits you!

It is both similar AND different from what you remember - enjoy!

You can find the new version here in the Map Section.

Act Nine, Interlude:
  • Released!
Act Nine, Chapter Three:
  • Released!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
23rd September
Ladies and gentlemen,

I have uploaded an important update today!
It is mandatory to play the new update due to issues with the game cache!
It also has some new and fixed features listed below!

You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!

Act Nine, Chapter Three:
  • Fixed the game cache
  • Larine now goes the CORRECT way in the ending cinematic. She MAY have been told she'd be replaced with Salana if she refused.
  • Fixed a dialogue for the Grey Battalion
  • Fixed a dialogue for the first encounter with swamp dragons
  • Fixed the spawn and dialogue for a certain Swamp Dragon character.
  • Replaced Prince Toraes' Horn of the Clouds with a Lion Horn
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
11th October 2023
Ladies and gentlemen!

Today I present to you the next chapter of the True Story of Arkain!

The Risen Resistance has begun and there will be... slaughter. And perhaps... even worse.

Go and find out yourselves if you can stand against the tides of enemies!

You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!
I will not say much more to keep you as... surprised as possible. And I assure you, you WILL be surprised.
However this release also comes with a bit of a headache. During testing there have been some issues with
some versions of WarCraft 3 such as 1.30. I will leave the stage to Kasrkin to inform you of the rest however.
Make sure to share your thoughts about the new chapter in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

Kasrkin said:
We're currently still unsure what is causing the CTDs experienced during testing, if you experience one please tell us the version you were using. Also provide video or screenshots to help us determine what in the tyrant's dreams of endless fortune is going on. If no crashes occur please just post normally with whatever bugs you find posted in the bug thread. Thank you, this has been your local Kasrkin.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
21st October 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

I do hope you enjoyed the latest release even if some of you might have shed one or more tears
while experiencing it.

Yet do not let the thirst for revenge consume you, ladies and gentlemen. You all know what happened
to Rath.

The next chapter will include a certain... brutality yet it will not continue the Orc part of the story.

You will receive more information regarding this in the near future.

Stay tuned!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
25th October 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
today is a special day!
Yet another True Story exclusive map is going to be released today!
Labelled Blood and Soul it will bring you a combat scenario never seen before while also
revealing certain things that have happened far from the eyes of both players and protagonists alike...
We are looking forward to hear what you think about this map in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

You can find the new version
here in the Map Section.

This update also features some minor fixes for Risen Resistance such as small performance tweaks,
cinematic fixes and a Flammedus that actually rebuilds his lost Khan units.


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
1st November 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

I dare say that the latest chapters have been quite... revealing, haven't they?
Many things have happened, some expected, some unexpected.

Now that we are five chapters into Act Nine, nearing the finale of the Second Books, it is time
to talk about the True Story of Arkain on a more... direct note.

It has been over four years since the True Story has started behind the scenes, coming January it
has been four years since the initial public announcement of the True Story. The Legends of Arkain
itself has been around for over nine years by now.

The True Story has grown more and more as time progressed and I am very satisfied with how it
turned out - and according to the reception received over the years, I dare say the same was the
case for you as players. Many of which have been here for a long time which I really appreciate a lot.
I am both grateful and happy to have such a loyal and encouraged playerbase for Arkain and enjoy all
interactions that are going on in the forum.
There have also been new faces coming along, showing growth, which is also something that I am very
happy about.

Now the True Story is reaching its climax. In the past I have never really talked about how things would
continue after the True Story or replied to speculations about how far in the timeline the True Story would go.

Well, I will continue to remain silent about the former for now but it is time to address the latter.

The True Story of Arkain will reach its end when the era of the Second Books reaches its end. There were never
any plans to beyond that with the True Story.

That being said, Act Nine will be the final act of the True Story of Arkain. Unlike previous acts it will not come with
seven or eight chapters but instead go all the way. We're currently in the middle of the act - I will let you speculate
how many more chapters that means but I can safely say that there will be more than "just" one new chapter coming.

Naturally the end of the True Story does not mean the end of the Arkain universe as I have stated several times in the past.

It has been a great journey and we are not done. I am looking forward to releasing the remaining chapters and
I want to thank you all for sticking around.

Let's make the True Story end on a bang, shall we?

Stay tuned for the next update!
It will be a real bang indeed.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
4th November 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

today the latest update has received a bit of a surprise update.

Given the feedback, I have decided to make some minor... adjustments to the latest chapter.

You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!

You can find the changelog below, enjoy!

Now I have to go and work on the next map... it might commit a few crimes against humanity but
I am sure you can manage!

Act Nine, Chapter Six:
  • Adjusted the reinforcement waves so that the player gets only two in total
  • Added some enemy attacking forces

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
13th November 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

the time has come to unleash yet another True Story exclusive!

The new chapter "The Bloody Sharpshooter" has arrived!

I don't think I need to explain much about this chapter but... let's just say that you should still expect
some surprises!

You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!

Share your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
14th November 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thank you for reporting a certain bug for the latest chapter. Thanks to these
reports I have been able to locate and eliminate said bug. Those of you who follow the other
Arkain threads will already know that the issue has been fixed and the chapter now works as

Let me take this opportunity to speak a bit about what is coming next in the True Story of Arkain.
The next map is going to be an interlude - and it will not just be what some of you may expect.
As the True Story has shown in the past, I still have some aces up my sleeve.

Following said interlude will be a new chapter - and, believe it or not, it will be yet another True
Story exclusive chapter!

Yes, you read that right! You have quite something to look forward to as this particular chapter will...
enlighten you. And, possibly, make you realize a terrible truth... or maybe a devilish lie?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
17th November 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am quite certain you did not expect another newspost with NEW CONTENT so soon!
Today I am bringing you... an interlude.
Yes, no new release just yet, the interlude will release alongside the next chapter.

However, you know me, how cruel would it be to let you wait for that?
I can answer that question - not as cruel as having you watch it and then CRAVE to get more!

Enjoy watching this brandnew interlude!
It might answer some questions - or make you ask new ones!


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
18th November 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

@Jayborino has put together a list of his theories for the True Story of Arkain and I highly recommend
that you go and check it out!

This kind of content, along with the discussions in the forum, serves to highlight how much people
enjoy Arkain that they get that deep into it to make these theories and that is something that makes me,
as creator, very happy to see.

Shoutout to @Jayborino for his video - go give it a view and like!


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
19th November 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

the time has come for the next True Story exclusive chapter to be revealed: King of the Dead!

This brandnew mission lets you play as your best friend Aridon the Watcher - it has been a while, hasn't it?
As for what exactly Aridon is doing... you will have to discover for yourself!
You can find the new version
here in the Map Section.
Enjoy and remember to share your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

Act Nine, Chapter Seven:
  • Fixed an issue with Inara not rebuilding her base
Act Nine, Interlude Two:
  • Released!
Act Nine, Chapter Eight:
  • Released!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
26th November 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,
today is a very special day! The next chapter of the True Story has been released!
The new chapter "Crimson Awakening" is at your service!
It will be... lots of red I can tell you that much and the price of victory will cost you dearly I am afraid.
I am quite certain however that you will prevail against all odds!
You can find the new version
here in the Map Section!

Enjoy and be sure to leave your feedback in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
27th November 2023 - On the matter of crashes
Ladies and gentlemen,
as you may know, some of you have encountered crashes in the last few chapters.

Working with @Jayborino and @Kasrkin, we have FINALLY been able to find a cause for a guaranteed
crash on pretty much every version of WarCraft 3.
A crash seems inevitable when using the Restart button - even if you save and load afterwards,
eventually the game will crash, not necessarily during the restart process itself but eventually.

Saving and loading still works without any issues however.

It has been theorized that the file size that the campaign has reached by now makes this happen,
I have been informed that this apparently also happened for some other custom campaigns.
I will continue to work on keeping the file size as small as possible - as I already have - to prevent
any more problems from spawning as well as keep the "current issues" as small as possible.

It could also just be the sheer amount of maps, I cannot say for certain, we are talking about
dissecting a game that is over 21 years old by now, it might as well be that I have not sacrificed
a newborn baby to Blizzard Entertainment for some time and they are getting pissed about that.

In short:
Do not use the Restart button! Go back to the campaign menu and play a mission as you start
it normally. Saving and loading remains unaffected.

I hope that you can return to your well-known Arkain experience, now that you know what to keep in mind,
and continue to enjoy this project!
We're in the endgame of the True Story of Arkain now.


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
2nd December 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

the time has come for the next interlude of the True Story - Birth of the Dominion!
Just like last time, it will be featured as a Youtube video and will be added to the campaign
file when the next chapter is released!

This is the last "release" of new Arkain content for this year as I am going to be very busy
for the rest of the month. It was important to me however to give you this before I head out.
It features more than you will think - and one or two or maybe more surprises!

I wish all of you happy holidays ahead and hope you can all spend the time around the holidays
with those who are important to you!

The True Story of Arkain draws to its conclusion in 2024... but Arkain is far from being done!

Now, enjoy!


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
12th December 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

Christmas is coming soon - and while there will be no new Arkain maps released for the rest
of 2023... why not give a lil (early) Christmas gift?
The following cinematic may or not be part of a future map... Who knows?
Actually it will be. The REAL question is: Is this truly a Christmas gift of lore - or a curse, adding
even more questions?
Let's find out!

Feel free to leave your thoughts and discuss the teaser in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

Happy holidays for all of you!
Arkain Industries looks forward to seeing you all again in 2024!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
27th December 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

we at Arkain Industries hope that you had a great time, be it celebrating the holidays or just
having a good time in general.

The year 2023 is coming to an end - unlike it however, the True Story of Arkain has not reached its
conclusion just yet.
A bird tells me however that another step towards that is being made at this very moment...
Who knows if that bird says the truth - then again, are falcons known for lying? Or is someone just... throwing shade their way?

I guess we shall find out soon enough!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
30th December 2023
Ladies and gentlemen,

before the year ends and we leave 2023 behind us, let me present to you one final surprise of the year!

Today marks a very special day - a Red Day to be exact for that chapter has just been released as well as
the cinematic you have already been able to watch on Youtube - and maybe, just maybe, the teaser you
have seen will also make its appearance - AND reveal its conclusion.

You can download the new version
here in the Map Section.

Enjoy and have a great start into 2024 - may it bring great Arkain content!

Act Nine, Interlude Three:

Act Nine, Chapter Ten:
Last edited:

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
1st January 2024
Happy new year, ladies and gentlemen!

Last year ended with an Arkain surprise - so why not start the new year with one as well?
The final interlude of Act Nine has gone live on Youtube - just like last time it will be added to
the campaign file when the next chapter is released.
It is based on the "Temptation" interlude from the Second Human Book but make no mistake,
it has been overhauled quite extensively!
Enjoy and leave your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER]!

And, as always.... stay tuned for what comes next...


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
6th January 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

today is a very special day.
Yet another chapter has been added to the True Story of Arkain.

In fact, the mission that has been added today was first released in its original state almost six years ago, in April 2018.

I am of course talking about the legendary Gate of Hell mission - the conclusion of the Gardon path in the Second Human Book
and eleventh chapter of Act Nine in the True Story of Arkain.

You can find the new version
here in the Map Section.

Keep in mind that Hive Workshop seems to be a bit on the slower side of downloads today so you will need some patience.
Due to this I have decided to provide an alternative download mirror via Dropbox. [LINK REMOVED]


Act Nine, Chapter Ten:
Fixed Pechan not moving out properly

Act Nine, Interlude Four:

Act Nine, Chapter Eleven:

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
8th January 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

it is my honor to announce that today is the day of the full release of the True Story of Arkain!
From this day on, it is no longer called a "demo".

After three years of production and over nine years of Arkain on the Hive Workshop, the True Story has finally been finished.

The new update features the Epilogue as well as another cinematic that will be unlocked by watching the epilogue.

I want to thank all of you who have followed the True Story for all this time, I appreciate each and every one of you.

Both @Kasrkin and I are proud to announce this full release together and want to thank EVERYONE who has helped us
to get to this point - whether that was through a bug report, a resource, support, by giving your opinion or any other
means is not relevant, we appreciate all of you.

We are proud to have built such a strong community over the years - both the ones that have been with us since the
start as well as those who have joined us later.

The True Story has finally reached its conclusion - but the story of the Legends of Arkain is far from over!

Stay tuned but first... enjoy the cinematics.

You can find them
here in the Map Section.


Arkain Industries

Kasrkin & Shar Dundred
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