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Legends of Arkain - The Arkain Race Poll

Which Arkain race is yours?

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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009

Welcome ladies and gentlemen,

this thread is related to my project Legends of Arkain. If you have no idea what this is all about and want to know, you might want to check out the thread first.

Anyway, let's get to the topic: The races of Arkain!

At this point, the First Books of the Humans, the Orcs and the Undead have been completed. Many have been asking me which Second Book will come first and I thought, it might be a good idea to start this poll to see what you think. Which race would YOU like to see next? I can imagine which race is going to win this, but I'm curious. You can select more than one race if you wish to, but please don't select all of them.

Also, I'd like to know which of these three races would be your favorite race - more from story and characters than from gameplay and unit varieties. So, I ask you to post about the race you like the most with a little explanation. If you want, you can also write something about the other races.

Go ahead and give me your honest opinion! :)

Disclaimer: The result of the poll might or might not decide which Second book will be created first.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
My favourite race is definetly the Undead.
They are the only ones tha are fighting for the world of Arkain. The Imperials and the Orcs are fighting only for themselves, and they apparently wouldn´t mind if the demons destroyed the other races. The Undeads defeated the Forgotten Ones not for themselves, but because they were invading the world and plotting to erradicate all life that they didn´t see as 'perfect'.
If they are not the actual good guys in these books, they are at least a necessary evil in the world. According to Shar's information, Aridon is perharps even older than the oldest demons and since the world seemed fine until now and without the other races ever noticing the Undead's existance, he must have been doing a good job in protecting the world.
I overall like all the undead characters. Too bad Largoth betrayed the cause, I kind of liked the idea of a Dreadlord in a 'noble' cause and fighting to protect the world.
The character I like the most is Rahandir, though I would like see him use more of the sarcasm Shar talks about. After reading about his story, I would be lying if I say that I didn´t sympathize with him and I can´t blame him for abandoning his kind and joining Aridon. I am actually pissed that neither Salomar and Aedale felt pity for him being betrayed by his king (though I think they would never show such feelings towards an undead, or practically any other race they see as abhorrent).
I would like to see backstory about all of the undead characters. I already know Sapphira's and Rahandir's, but what about the others?
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
Story-wise... the orcs, I guess. though I would have liked to see more of their developing (like Vanessa proving herself to the orcs).

Undead have some good characterization, but their spells are a bit lacking.

Humans I don't know, they just seem generic. Bloodclaw in particular, everyone goes on about how he's bloodthirsty and brutal, but we don't really see that happening.

The Forgotten Ones could use a better introduction, they just seem to pop out of nowhere for a level.

Gameplay-wise, Humans, Undead, then Orcs (in terms of ease of winning).
I would prefer Undead.

Let's see... They're the protectors of Arkain, and pretty much Lisboah made it clear. In other hand, Aridon's origin, as well as Krom are mystery, which adds more lively curiosity to them. Also, Aridon, out of few are pretty much the most tactical out of all character, devising a plan for centuries. The Undead also pretty much a stealthy one, which makes it more mysterious, rarely seen in the open by the others and only intervene from behind, until the last chapter of course.

In other hand, I'll go with human after undead, because of Gardon of course. He's the bad guy attitude in the series while actually the good guy (Chapter Eleven : Betrayal). His origin, which is a mystery also serves well in making human story becoming more twisted and great. In other hand, Aedale also has a good share in making the series more amazing, it's a mystery of what will happen to her with so many possibility throughout the series of human book. Also, based on teaser, it's a mystery of what will occur to Blen, Aedale, and Gardon in the series.

The Orc book, in my perspective feels dull. I only see Vanessa being the only twisted character, which makes it quite boring. Sasrogarn doesn't really amaze me, neither do Rangul. I must say however, Rangul is a good tactician and he's one of few reasons why I enjoy the Orc book. Zairmak doesn't seems to be pretty interesting either, and Rath seems to only take too much vengeance with on Blen.

So, my vote goes for Second Undead Book first.
I don't mind gameplay, because what we see in the first book doesn't mean it will be similar in the second book.

Also, forget to mention, I pretty much like Rahandir Drakeskull more than other characters. Especially with his background story, though I also like Gardon and Aridon as well, and for Orc perspective, Rangul is my pick.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

I would rather stick with the original plan: Humans>Orcs>Undead.
I don't see the point of changing this blueprint. It's more interesting to follow the story in the original order.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
-I think following the same path you did with the first books would be wise.

-From what i saw from the trailer the story in the human book gets REALLY REALLY INTRIGUING from that of Orcs

-The undead book just finished so it seems kinda unfair to go for their second book.If you do that...

-This is kinda personal but...I WANNA SEE HOW HARD BLOODCLAW BANGZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!

The reason why i like Humans more than other two races is cuz the Protagonists here are more "intipendat" even tho they all obey the Emperor.Their faction is more diveres by having midgets and Knifears so that means potential chapters in which we can play these two other races and get to know a little more about them and we might get to know a little even about the Demons ;) .While Undeads all obey to big daddy Ardion and Orcs to Rangul...Even tho Veressa might make their book more interesting.

SO.I vote for Humans
Level 3
Feb 1, 2014
For me I pick Undead then Humans

The Undead faction is really a huge mystery especially the characters more importantly Aridon and Rahandir Drakeskull. The undeads have nicer storyline than the other factions. It helps me to know more about the undead.

The Humans on the other hand is also grear but i have a feeling that there is something lacking (I better figure that out) Anyways, it has a good storyline, good terrain, great models and good graphics. The only thing that bothers me is the balance. WTF GARDON!!! I mean he's last skill is totally overpowered! At least decrease it or change it like a fast slash or something.

The Orcs seems..........boring. (No offense) It's just like focusing on doing allies...allies.....ALLIES!! I know you can make the orcs more interesting and nice.

This is all I can say. Hope it helped! :))))
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
The Orcs seems..........boring. (No offense) It's just like focusing on doing allies...allies.....ALLIES!! I know you can make the orcs more interesting and nice.
I agree let's hope that Veressa would bring some life to their book.The only thing i liked about their book it was it's difficulty.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
It seems like this

Pros for undead
:Guardians f arkain
:Full od schemes


Pros for imperials
:proud.... wht els

:ruining the world with wars

Pros of orca
:none..... i thnk


Choose Undead 100
Level 3
Feb 1, 2014
I agree let's hope that Veressa would bring some life to their book.The only thing i liked about their book it was it's difficulty.

Yeah, the difficulty was pretty nice especially in Chapter 9.
I wish Vanessa would do something suprising in the next book like betray the orc or just suffer watching every human die and be mad to Rangul and Rath, would be suprised if that happened.
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