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What is your favourite Arkain race?

Your favourite Arkain race is?

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Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
What is your favourite Arkain race?
What are your reasons for chosing it over the others?
I want to hear your opinions.
My favourite race is undead. They although not saints, have defended Arkain for a very, very long time. Unlike other races that have constantly been divided the undead have never been massively disunited until recently, and with Rahandir's recent defeat, the undead may be soon fully united under one leader once again. They unlike other races don't seek to rule the world, only to make sure it survives.
And finally no matter how much they kill, their plan isn't to make a race extinct. They could have destroyed the demons permanently millenias ago, but didn't. They could have easily killed all orc chieftains, putting their entire race in a civil war once again, killing any chances that they unite once again, thus making their chance of survival non-existent, but didn't. They could have killed a lot of human leaders, without them even realising it, thus making the human race easy pray for them or the demons to destroy, but didn't.
Anyway share your thoughts below.
You can chose the demons as your favourite race if you want, i don't know why you would do that, but it's your choice. :p
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Lets not overtopic this sub-forum of Shar´s.

This is not going very off-topic, if you ask me.

What is your favourite Arkain race?
What are your reasons for chosing it over the others?
I want to hear your opinions.
My favourite race is undead. They although not saints, have defended Arkain for a very, very long time. Unlike other races that have constantly been divided the undead have never been massive disunited untill recently, and with Rahandir's recent defeat, the undead may be soon fully united under one leader once again. They unlike other races don't seek to rule the world, only to make sure it survives.
And finally no matter how much they kill, their plan isn't to make a race extinct. They could have destroyed the demons permanently millenias ago, but didn't. They could have easily killed all orc chieftains, putting their entire race in a civil war once again, killing any chances that they unite once again, thus making their chance of survival non-existent, but didn't. They could have killed a lot of human leaders, without them even realising it, thus making the human race easy pray for them or the demons to destroy, but didn't.
Anyway share your thoughts below.
You can chose the demons as your favourite race if you want, i don't know why you would do that, but it's your choice. :p

I agree with you.

My favorite race are also the undead.

Their goal is to protect Arkain. The humans seek to defeat the demons only because they are a threat, and will most likely start attacking other races to expand once the demons are gone. The orcs are all about pillaging and destroying everything in their path.
I think the undead would even defend the demons if their extinction would bring unbalance to the world. Aridon, at least, never took the oppurtunity to destroy the demons for good, and he most likely had several of those along the centuries.

They are not corrupted. While this is most likely due to Aridon's control, the undead don't seem quite interested in things like wealth, lands or power. Sapphira seeks to have her revenge on those responsible for her death, but never let her thirst for revenge control her actions. Because of this, the undead are not to succumb to their desires, like Genethas or Aedale.

They are not bigoted. To them, any risen soldier is one of them, no matter if they were humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls, etc... They don't care who they were or what they did in life, they will raise anyone and let them join the cause.
They even accepted a demon among their ranks. A pity he betrayed them though...

The characters seem far better developed. This is just my opinion, but the undead characters seem far more three-dimensional andtherefore interesting than the others.
Aridon. A mysterious being, the oldest being on the entire Arkain, and supreme ruler of the undead. He seeks to preserve balance, no matter the cost.
Rahandir has both an interesting and sympathetic past. A great hero, whose legend is still known, betrayed by an envious king and raised by his own magic. Now he serves as Aridon's lieutenant loyally.
Krom the Immortal. Aridon's top enforcer, loyal and obedient to his master, but shows joy in killing his foes.
Sapphira. A ranger that seeks revenge on all those responsible for her death, but is still loyal to the cause. Out of the undead she the better in terms of morality, as she shows disgust towards Gardon and the Imperials, and even promised Zarin that she wouldn't raise him out of respect for his brother.
Largoth. A renegade demon that left his kind for unkwon reasons and allied with Aridon (for some time)
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Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
This is not going very off-topic, if you ask me.

not off-topic, overtopic
means making many topics for things that can be part of other topics
you can throw it into the "are we there yet?" topic or any other topic really

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Lets not overtopic this sub-forum of Shar´s.
not off-topic, overtopic
means making many topics for things that can be part of other topics
you can throw it into the "are we there yet?" topic or any other topic really
On the contrary, I approve of new threads like this. It is pretty much the point of this forum.
I also highly approve new topics over going off topic in other threads.

you can throw it into the "are we there yet?" topic or any other topic really
That would be off topic btw.

Anyway, voted for Demons. Have yet to do them justice, though.
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
On the contrary, I approve of new threads like this. It is pretty much the point of this forum.
I also highly approve new topics over going off topic in other threads.

That would be off topic btw.

Anyway, voted for Demons. Have yet to do them justice, though.

Well, if the boss says so :D
I still wonder though. Will there be a list of all the demon sub-species?

As to the favourite race, its hard.
Definitely not orcs, will all their murdering women and children for plunder, but if someone repays them in kind then its soooo outrageous. Hypocrisy.
Undead seem to have noble goals, but enslaving species just to produce corpses? Btw, havent seen many nerubian corpses in undead ranks in the 2nd human book. All bones no chitin. What happened to them?
Gardon is regular slave master. Can´t approve of that. If it was not for that episode with Blen being tortured to death along with his Kasrkin, I would vote for humans and van Durce. But he´s too big a douche.
That leaves elves and dwarves. From these I always liked elves more. If only they chose their rulers better.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Definitely not orcs, will all their murdering women and children for plunder, but if someone repays them in kind then its soooo outrageous. Hypocrisy.


That leaves elves and dwarves. From these I always liked elves more. If only they chose their rulers better.

Elves are kind of selfish.
During the first book, they wanted imperial support but without wishing to give anything in return. Then their queen made a pact and was trying to flee to the other side of the ocean, while leaving the rest of the kingdoms to die.
Queen Renova's servants seemed a bit like sycophants, doing whatever she ordered even if she was totally in the wrong.
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
Elves are kind of selfish.
During the first book, they wanted imperial support but without wishing to give anything in return. Then their queen made a pact and was trying to flee to the other side of the ocean, while leaving the rest of the kingdoms to die.
Queen Renova's servants seemed a bit like sycophants, doing whatever she ordered even if she was totally in the wrong.

That was their Queen´s crap. Salana and Larine both expressed their wish for that to change. Larine more radically than Salana. Teran too thought so.
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
I will say that I honestly have no favorite race in this series.

- The Undead are controlled by Aridon (whom I'm still convinced is some self-proclaimed deity) that plays God with the lives of others. Personally, I look forward to his death; I don't find him all that powerful and he's hiding behind an veil of mistery claiming that "father knows best".

- Humans are chaotic, absorbed in conflict and locked in an eternal war with the Demons that have yet to be fully understood and revealed in their own Book. My hope for the Human race died with Blen in that dungeon.

- The Elves are selfish and self-isolated from the rest of the world for no true reason except a weak excuse that I don't believe. Their Queen is weak willed and inexperienced, willing to marry herself off to a Human King just to use his kinsmen as fodder.

- Demons are in my opinion very little understood and worked on in all of the Books. Aridon seems to knows something about them but he's not so eager to share. All that is repeated about them is that they are evil and bent on destruction although no one in charge of the Demons is made clear nor their final end goal.

- Orcs are a savage lot that would pretty much run anything to the ground if it meant they will get their daily bread. Of course this is Orc society in any fantasy universe, I just find them too plain to really spark my interest in them.

- The Dwarves are actually the most ok race out of all the others. I liked them each time I got the chance to play as this race but it could really have used a touch more polish Lore-wise and action-wise.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
- The Undead are controlled by Aridon (whom I'm still convinced is some self-proclaimed deity) that plays God with the lives of others. Personally, I look forward to his death; I don't find him all that powerful and he's hiding behind an veil of mistery claiming that "father knows best".

Well Aridon is the closest thing to a deity in this world.

If you read Shar's short stories, you will see that he was weakened by his battle with the other deities, which explains why he is not so omnipotent as he should be.

Feel lucky that he doesn't unleash the full might of his powers and armies on the world.

- Humans are chaotic, absorbed in conflict and locked in an eternal war with the Demons that have yet to be fully understood and revealed in their own Book. My hope for the Human race died with Blen in that dungeon.

On that case the Demons are the ones at fault since they were the ones that invaded the human kingdoms.

To be the two biggest flaws of the human race are that they can easily be corrupted and be swayed, and that they can't put aside their racism and pride even when they are on the brick of extinction.

- The Elves are selfish and self-isolated from the rest of the world for no true reason except a weak excuse that I don't believe. Their Queen is weak willed and inexperienced, willing to marry herself off to a Human King just to use his kinsmen as fodder.

Elves, what did you expect? :D

The Queen cares for her people, but only her people. She also seems to love her children, even willing to leave them under the protection of Rahandir.

- Demons are in my opinion very little understood and worked on in all of the Books. Aridon seems to knows something about them but he's not so eager to share. All that is repeated about them is that they are evil and bent on destruction although no one in charge of the Demons is made clear nor their final end goal.

My theory is that while they, as individuals, are more ruthless and amoral than most humans, but I think they seek to conquer Arkain so that they can have a better home, since the Void is practically in ruins.

- Orcs are a savage lot that would pretty much run anything to the ground if it meant they will get their daily bread. Of course this is Orc society in any fantasy universe, I just find them too plain to really spark my interest in them.

I couldn't say the reason I hate the orcs better :)

- The Dwarves are actually the most ok race out of all the others. I liked them each time I got the chance to play as this race but it could really have used a touch more polish Lore-wise and action-wise.

Thankfully we haven't played the Dwarves as much as the other races, because I have the feeling that if we did, we would see that they have just as many flaws as the rest.
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
Well Aridon is the closest thing to a deity in this world.

If you read Shar's short stories, you will see that he was weakened by his battle with the other deities, which explains why he is not so omnipotent as he should be.

Feel lucky that he doesn't unleash the full might of his powers and armies on the world.

On that case the Demons are the ones at fault since they were the ones that invaded the human kingdoms.

To be the two biggest flaws of the human race are that they can easily be corrupted and be swayed, and that they can't put aside their racism and pride even when they are on the brick of extinction.

Elves, what did you expect? :D

The Queen cares for her people, but only her people. She also seems to love her children, even willing to leave them under the protection of Rahandir.

My theory is that while they, as individuals, are more ruthless and amoral than most humans, but I think they seek to conquer Arkain so that they can have a better home, since the Void is practically in ruins.

I couldn't say the reason I hate the orcs better :)

Thankfully we haven't played the Dwarves as much as the other races, because I have the feeling that if we did, we would see that they have just as many flaws as the rest.

I've read the short stories and some of the fan stories (like Karskin's own).

Of course Aridon's an Undead (probably wasn't in the beggining or probably ended up like that) so he might not feel remorse or compasion nor is he even bothered by the loss of life. So it is understandable why Aridon acts like that or says things the way he does. I just dislike how he continues to stay perched on a mountain, keeps an eye on things then later on decides to do something about it. He thinks that he knows what's best despite the fact that the other races could easily decide their own fates. Though if he was truly bothered by them Aridon could wipe them all out if he put a little effort.

Rahandir to me is a bit of a wildcard in the story. He does what he's told probably because Aridon has a leash on him, but there were moments in the story where Rahandir was reluctant not to kill someone (ex.: in the First Human Book where you meet him in the underground cript he was probably holding back story-wise and seemed to be sorry he wasn't allowed to kill) or was a little bit bothered because he had to kill (ex: in the First Orc Book the Elf ranger that almost escaped during the Orc raid, he seemed bothered that he had to do it).

I have a theory that some Demons have their own agenda. Like that Demoness that seeks revenge and was obsessed with taking control over Adelle. Or that optional mission demon you beat in that tainted forest in the First Human book if you choose to help Bloodclaw.

I don't exactly hate the Orcs as a race or story-wise. They just seemed uninteresting compared to the Human and Undead Books. The story was ok, the action wasn't as great as in the Human Book but it compleeted the missing story pieces nicely. There just were no characters in the Orc Book that made a real impact on me to care deeply (ex: like Blen Greymoore or Aurius the Pure or Aridon).

The Elves seemed ok at first but then they turned out to be genuine cowards for some reason. I expected a lot more from the Elves but I'll wait further into the story for a final verdict on them as a whole.

Dwarves seemed to be underused in the story. For me it was a delight to play a Dwarven race and that mission was both frustrating and fun. I just feel like they were shoved into the story for the sake of populating Arkain with more diverse races even though they could have used a touch more lore or action.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Of course Aridon's an Undead (probably wasn't in the beggining or probably ended up like that) so he might not feel remorse or compasion nor is he even bothered by the loss of life. So it is understandable why Aridon acts like that or says things the way he does. I just dislike how he continues to stay perched on a mountain, keeps an eye on things then later on decides to do something about it. He thinks that he knows what's best despite the fact that the other races could easily decide their own fates. Though if he was truly bothered by them Aridon could wipe them all out if he put a little effort.

To Aridon, the balance is far more important than the lives of mortals.

Rahandir to me is a bit of a wildcard in the story. He does what he's told probably because Aridon has a leash on him, but there were moments in the story where Rahandir was reluctant not to kill someone (ex.: in the First Human Book where you meet him in the underground cript he was probably holding back story-wise and seemed to be sorry he wasn't allowed to kill) or was a little bit bothered because he had to kill (ex: in the First Orc Book the Elf ranger that almost escaped during the Orc raid, he seemed bothered that he had to do it).

Rahandir is truly loyal to Aridon, not like Largoth.

He didn't kill Aedale and Salomar because Aridon told him not to. He probably finds killing a bothersome.

I have a theory that some Demons have their own agenda. Like that Demoness that seeks revenge and was obsessed with taking control over Adelle. Or that optional mission demon you beat in that tainted forest in the First Human book if you choose to help Bloodclaw.

Check for the Character Sheets to know why Lisara seeks revenge and freedom.

The demon in the forest is actually an undead demon serving Aridon. He was making demons fight the Forgotten Ones to weaken the demon legions.

I don't exactly hate the Orcs as a race or story-wise. They just seemed uninteresting compared to the Human and Undead Books. The story was ok, the action wasn't as great as in the Human Book but it compleeted the missing story pieces nicely. There just were no characters in the Orc Book that made a real impact on me to care deeply (ex: like Blen Greymoore or Aurius the Pure or Aridon).

Exactly. The orcs are all one-dimensional and flat as characters and don't play a major role, simply caring about their interests that are quite petty.
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
I was just expecting something more out of the Orcs story-wise. Oh yes they are separated into various clans but their Chieftains are bothered with other things (like ridiculous amounts of gold hoarding or kill that other Orc Chieftain because he gets on my nerves for no discernable reason) than trying to find a home for their dying people.
This doesn't mean that they are weak, unit-wise the Orcs were strong and some of their Hero units are really strong (ex.: like the two Chieftains from the First Orc Book that were cut off by the Undead and eventually killed while attempting to join up with the rest of the army). Not to mention that story-wise even though they were weakened they still broke through that barricade (the frontier army lead by that general who waa friends with Blen Greymoore) that held up for so long. It's probably my fault as well since I have a personal bar for the Orcs that if its not reached then they don't make it on my Top 3 Races list. I just expected them to be a bit more philosophical about why they fight, but they are straight up "a well placed pubch in someone face fixes everything" kind of thing.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
The races had their pros and cons.

The Humans had stood the wave of challenges they face, and prepared for more.

Gardon and his Zyainor project is running the show majorly. They gathered loyalists, Dragons and defectors. They also strengthened their defenses near both the Void, the Fields of Despair and the Western coast, in case of Empire threatened Arkain.

The Kingdoms were still in defiance. Kerrel still stands, with dissent silenced, and support from the Order of the Flame and Knight orders on them. Rengar is different. Suffering from a plague, locking down half of their Kingdom, they cannot either afford to resist nor attack Zyainor at the moment.

The Empire still stands, and now with another wave of intervention force ongoing, they will be regaining what they lost.

Orcs, having initially tasted victories, was set back by both the Demon attacks, and the genocidal armies of the Best Daddy and his merry friends, putting them into square one. Amari and her idea saved them.

The other races of the Dominion was saved by Amari's idea of unity under one banner. They contributed to the Dominion much. They invaded and took Salria as their own. With Human volunteer help, they became a fighting force to be reckoned with.

The Undead is a non-racist race. They never cared for the past lives of the individual members, they have a clean slate under the Watcher's will, just follow his rule. Many past heroes made new start in the Nexuses which have distinct ideals. Coupled with Undead Demons, Dark Elves, Undead Elves and many Undead Orcs and Dwarves, coupled with Humans, Arkainians and other races under them, the Undead can fight off attempts to fight them or possible opposition to their balance.

The Demons, despite the factional bickering, they present a clear threat beyond the Void. They made the races struggle for their lives, but they were pushed back by both Gardon and Aridon's efforts. The Demons had many numbers on their homeland, coupled with their thralls from almost all other races made them to be threat to other races in Arkain.

The Dwarves were a mighty race. They fight with honor, loyalty and strength. They had undying loyalty to the High King, and had technologies to bolster it. But their pride and proudful stance made them isolated.

The Forest Elves was quite the cowardly and quite xenophobic too. Under their equally xenophobic and opportunistic Queen, they stood at the brink of obliteration. Only for both the efforts of Larine and Salana, with Gardon's assistance, they prevented the extermination of their race.
Dark Elves was a feminist race, making men only be seed makers and laborers with no power over their society (which feminist groups laud at the setup). They were patient, taming the underground creatures, tilled the caves, contending with Cave Orcs and other creatures inside it, all the while waiting for the call of the Watcher.

My ratings:
9/10 for Humans
8.5/10 for the Orcs
9/10 for the Dominion
7/10 for Dwarves
7/10 for Elves
8/10 for Demons
9/10 for Undead

I was torn between both Humans and Undead, so I will do a eenie meenie on both of them.
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