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Which are your top 3 factions?

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Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Hello everyone.
Christmas holidays are coming, so Duke Redfist sent me to give you all a present and I want to ask you a question as a present. ¿Which are your top 3 factions?. Yes yes, is the same topic as the other post ¿Which is your favourite mission of each book? But since I joined Papa Redfist in his holy crusade to give our lovely Orcs a proper present, we can't spare much time.

Also, you can rank your factions in many ways, not just gameplaywise, you can rank It because you like them lorewise, because you think they represent you, because the golden colour makes you fabulous (points to the golden guard) or anyway you like.

So, i'll go first:

3.Ejara Nexus. My favourite Nexus of the undead legions, the ones that enslave the nerubian race and some bad Orcs (extra point). They seem really smart to me. Yes, you can raise soldiers and villagers alike but you need strong soldiers at your disposal. So training them and then killing them to become undead and even stronger seems like a bold move.
You can ask Aridon, he is probably happy to have the nerubians and Haran, a really strong pawn to use in any way he wants.
Also during the years that the undead were passive, they still are probably growing their numbers to enforce their leader's will.

2.Redfist. How can I pick the redfist in second position? Well, they are the true crusaders of arkain, instead of those paladins. These soldiers fight with zeal and hate against a common enemy of the Humankind, The orcs. The same orcs that have attacked the imperial defense and let the demons take Lor, the same orcs that want everything and everyone slaughtered just because that's their tradition.

The soldiers are also the best human faction ever existed, even a single crusader can crush your skull if you underestimate him. And we couldn't forget about our glorious leader, Duke Volarian redfist the tyrant, winner of best papa cup and father of the century. A caring father with all his daughters and soldiers.
The main reason I love this faction is because they are trying to do something that many of us want, kill the savage greenskins that deserved death.

1. Tribal Dominion/Blackthorn. Then why did I pick the tribal dominion in the first place if redfist are so glorious? Because this alliance of races really is different.
Gameplay wise is even stronger than the redfist but lets see it from a lorewise point of view. Amari, the empress of this alliance and a peculiar orc, unite most of the minor races in a single command. Making them useful against the true enemies, the demons.

Most of those races have nothing to do on their own, but together they are a strong force. They are willing to cooperate with even humans from Salria and other places. So they could be spared in some way. Furthermore, one of their leaders is the daughter of the best man in Arkain, how could you hate them?

So which are your favourite factions in Arkain? You can also rank the factions you hate the most too.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Then I will try to give my honest opinion. Since I have difficulty in ranking, I will instead pick my favorite out of each storyline.

The Tribal Dominion
A ragtag group of misfist up to eleven, that is the best way to describe the Dominion.

An idea thought out by Amari, the exiled daughter of Chieftain Rangul, it only started with her own Cliffunter Clan, the Dark Trolls and the Goblin Federation, but it slolwy grew to get the surviving Orc Clans, the Bearmen, the Centaurs, the Ogres, the Gnolls, the Harpies, the Red and Sand Dragons and even the surviving humans of Salria. They managed to take down Salria, Dalric's mercenaries. the Redfists, the Bloodstone Dwarves and even the Bonelords thanks to their unity and trust on each other.

This confederation of races makes their armies a true threat, as each race can complement the weaknesses of the others.

Zirr Nexus
The ultimate librarians of Arkain.

While most factions are interested in power, wealth or bloodshed, the Zirr Nexus's top priority is collecting all knowledge there is in the world. They have been collecting it ever since they were created by Aridon and will keep collecting till the Nexuses are gone, something that will not happen so soon. They most certainly know more about humans, elves, dwarves, demons more than these races know themselves, and that can be terrifying if Aridon decides to use their knowledge.

The Ironfist
The necessary anti-heroes of the Kingdoms.

In Arkain, where humans, elves and dwarves are known for being stuck in the old ways, the Ironfist are a breath of fresh air, and a quite necessary one at that. Employing necromancers, willing to study demonology and even joining forces with the Black Dragons. They know that in order to defeat the demons, the imperial army has to change, that the old ways can't save them from the approaching endless demonic legions.
Hadn't been for Genethas' second betrayal, the other factions mistrusting them for their radical beliefs, the Golden Guard coming in and the orcs walking around they could have defeated the Demons sooner than they did.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
3. Tribal Dominion

Even if a few units are just there and have very little use ( like the brawler and batrider ), the Tribal Dominion was without a doubt the most fun faction to play as gameplay-wise. Great combination of light units, heavy units, ranged units, spellcasters and others.

Storywise, it showed that the orcs learned from their mistakes and were ready to change themselves for the better while also helping others in the process.

2. Golden Guard

Plenty of strong air and ground units and some very annoying Paladins that could potentially make very strong arena fighters just in case, the Golden Guard has it all gameplay-wise.

Storywise, well, as much as most people won't admit, they were instrumental in turning the tide of the second voidwar in the humans' favour, even if by not the most traditional means. In an alternate timeline, they also acknowledged their mistakes and tried to right them, even if ultimately failing.

1. Redfist

Our favourite Red may be dead, but the horrors and joy that the player felt while fighting against and for them hasn't. While they had a painful lack of air units, their ground units were incredibly tough and hard to deal with.

For better or worse, their actions made the orcs and Tribal Dominion desperate, unifying them further. The indirect effect the faction had on Orie, Cora, Aedale and Vanessa will most likely be felt for an incredibly long time. Bonus point for being the coolest looking faction, which had the strongest playable hero, in my eyes.

Honourable mentions go to the Rohir Nexus, Mindslayer Legion and the Lords of Lava, the first two for being cool in concept sneaky factions that do anything but go to straight-up direct combat and the third because if I didn't put him anywhere, Progaderas' crying will eventually melt all snow on the Dead Mountain and Cold North.
Honourable mentions also go to the Elven Kingdom, the Daviliad Nexus and the Lenira Nexus, at least in their dreams. :p
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Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Kinda difficult to rank, but here is mine:
1. Zirr nexus: One of the most aesthetic *cough* factions I've played so far. They are capable of raising even more skeletons than Scarec *no pun intended* and could pulverize entire armies with sheer sorcery of death. If Aridon authorized them to weaponize all knowledge archived in Dead Mountain libraries, they can surely beat even the entirety of Demons. I personally love the sense of style and 'arcane chastity' found in Zirr.
2. Kezzar nexus: Currently haven't been able to command its full armies, yet they are UNDEAD Demons. I mean DEMONS. Their vengeful theme fits really with their undead dignity. Their living kin should feel jealous and fearful of such nightmarish reapers. The fact that Ornasion leads them is even more appealing. Who wants to mess with Spartan dreadlord? After the defeat of Souleater legion, they could become the strongest nexus capable of besting even Splecir *pun intended here*.
3. Souleater legion: Just perfect. Houses the best politicians and manipulators, and even numerous too. Only if they applied themselves with unity and less inner conflict, they could've accomplished so much. Something about them is disarming and thrilling at the same time. Their works, however, ultimately brought some fruits. The Elven kingdom for instance, lost half of their population because of their machinations. One of the high-ranking leaders of Blooddrinker legion was deserted because of them (if it hadnt happened... maybe Blooddrinker would've stood chance). And wonder how Maranogin will play part...
Well, there are couple more which I also like. The honorable mentions go to Tribal Dominion, Redfist, Wolf Regiment, Phoenix Regiment, Splecir nexus, Ironfist, Mindslayer legion, Elven Kingdom, Scarec nexus, and so on.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
most certainly know more about humans, elves, dwarves, demons more than these races know themselves, and that can be terrifying if Aridon decides to use their knowledge.

Never thought that. Now i like them even more.

Even if a few units are just there and have very little use ( like the brawler and batrider

How dare you. Every race needs normal soldiers(cannon fodder) and 5 brawlers plus 4 grunts can tie with a single crusader.

Honourable mentions also go to the Elven Kingdom, the Daviliad Nexus and the Lenira Nexus, at least in their dreams.
Top 3 most hated factions, anyorder, that was quick.

1. Zirr nexus: One of the most aesthetic *cough* factions I've played so far. They are capable of raising even more skeletons than Scarec

Yes, but the Zirr Nexus isnt the SKELETON LEGION. Also no skeleton ogres.
Level 10
Oct 23, 2016
3 I would say Ironfist for maybe of silly reason in that I adore the hp regen bonuses they get for their units, I also love the aesthetic they have in General and the golem i think is rather neat as well. Also gardon is a real powerhouse with that War Aura.

2 Tribal Dominion The sheer variety of units is just so cool all the different casters and build ideas you can make. Do i want to mass centaur and the spirtcallers to mass rez them as they die? maybe a horde of tanky ogres and witch doctors. maybe building a gnoll force of defenders, gnoll healers with harpy air support. Or just build 9 dragons and 5 witch doctors.

3 Elven Kingdoms so I adore my elves their anti percieing they get the walykries and just their aesthetic the power of their Ranger Heroes with their starfall their caster being a peirceing resistant makes them superior and more tanky compared to other casters. Also getting to play as the Elves in the first human book was such a massive treat and shake up of my expectations.

bottom 3
3 demons ahhhh so much chaos ahhh. I still kind of like them even though they beat me up.
2 Redfist, I mean they are an extremely villainous faction not they don't have points that give them complexity but they are both villain's to humans and orcs really
1 Dark Elves they wish they were half as cool as my above ground peeps go suck a lotus root.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
3. Id say Orc tribes/Tribal Dominion

I purely liked them for their insanely strong spellcaster units i mean even before they became Tribal Dominion their core spellcasters were insanely good. The, Shaman,Troll witch doctor, Warlock+ heavy front line unit combo is one of the best and strongest combos in LOA.

Not to mention they have ways of quickly dealing and nullifying pesky enemy Heros, whenever you need to burst them down through Warlocks fireball spam or simply rendering them useless through Necrolytes silence ability, they are third for me because even tho they boast the biggest roster of units available to the player out of all races they are bland in terms of gameplay, most of their units are obsolete by the time we acquire them.

2.I'd say golden guard, like the Orcs they boast a really strong combo through their Innerfire+Haste+Frenzy + executioners combo. They have top tier Air units that can be used as both siege engines or for damage also they get access to paladins which are amazing frontline/support units.

1.As for my top 1 most favourite faction I'd say its a tossup between The undeads with each of their nexuses or the Iron first, Ironfist i love purely for their Mass Blackdragon+ Enchanter combo its simply broken and makes the AI feel how the player feels when he is getting hit in three directions by units with tier 3 upgrades. As for the undeads, i cant really pick a favourite nexus it is rather early for me to say that but i feel that undeads boast the most balanced roster out of all the three major races.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
I have this very balanced love in these 3 factions:

3) The Tribal Dominion. The idea of Amari to unite multiple races to a single cohesive army is quite a feat for itself. Orcs with both strength and intellect, Gnolls with their tactics and strategies, Ogres with raw strength, Centaurs with their agility, Goblins with their machinery, Dark Trolls and Bearmen with their skills, Harpies and Dragons with their air superiority, and a few Human ingenuity in between made this initially chaotic faction of races solidify enough to capture a whole Kingdom by their unity.

2) Undead Nexus as a whole. The Undead had many ideals, making this race quite fascinating. Ejara with their enthralling dedication, Rohir with their espionage skills, Zirr with their arcane knowledge, Scarec with their dedication, Ardoz with their biological advances, Splecir with their straightforward dedication, Lenira with their devotion, Kezzar with their vengeance and Daviliad with their redemption. These ideals was mixed and combined to make this faction stronger.

1) Zyainor. Many will raise the brow with this decision. But this faction made me love the game in this first place. From the start, when an Imperial bastard Gardon Bloodclaw gathered clout, to him being scorned by some of the Imperials and Royals, to building his force with his skills and his Ironfist loyalists. He resurrected Zyainor with his impressive skills and achievements. Zyainor took the brunt and burden of defending the land of Arkain from any threat, despite the fact that many of the people from the Kingdoms and Dwarven people hated them, and having an uneasy alliance with the Dominion, they endured.

Special mention: The Imperial Regiments. The Wolf Regiment with their Werewolves and Lycans, Dragon Regiment with their "dragons", Phoenix Regiment with their Phoenixes, Falcon Regiment with their beasts, Bear Regiment with their Werebears, Bull Regiment with their strength, Boar Regiment with their skills and wits had me make this mention. These Imperials made the Imperial Army label proud.

Also, despite being a mob of vengeful persons and one of the antagonists, the Redfist also had me put them in mention. Best Daddy might be not the best general there is, but his dedication was unequal, and his followers having a set mindset as him is a boon. But with absence of air units and weak strength, that was negated by allying with other that had what they lacked.

There are 2 factions I hate: Golden Guard and the Royal Army.

Golden Guard with their blind devotion, matched with their brutality and bad decisions caused their downfall. Their strength might be strong, but their decisions were morally wrong.

Elven Kingdom pre-Zyainor is also one. A bunch of xenophobic race who were like leeches who clings to those who they think to assist them made me hate them. Their xenophobia and racism was the bane of them.
Level 4
Feb 20, 2017
1. Golden Guard with their aesthetic and a fanatical storyline of being the best of the best. Good unit roster too.
2. Ironfist's dark aesthetic serves as the foil to the Golden Guard and it does the job well enough to make them look like edgy badasses, not to mention their units and story.
3. Redfist's scarlet crusade look is very intimidating on the eye and powerful. I loved fighting them the most.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

My top 3 Arkain factions:
  • The Tribal Dominion
    -The Cliffhunter Clan
    -The Ironthunder Clan
    -The Blackrazor Clan (Ishzog and his followers)
    -The Ogres (Can include the Cyclops)
    -The Centaurs
    -Either the Gnolls (can include the Harpies), the Dark Trolls or the Sand Dragons
  • The Dark One's Servants
  • The Mindslayer Legion
Honorable mentions (no ranking):

Zirr Nexus

-Daric's Mercenaries

-The Boar Regiment

My bottom 3 Arkain factions:
  • The Falcon Regiment
  • The Wolf Regiment
  • The Ironfist/Gardon's Zyainor
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
Here are my 3 favorite factions:

3rd Goldaxe clan: I like how they gave them more background in reference to characters, motivations and others. Although they are orcs they are not xenophobic and are willing to lend a hand to whoever can give them a good "incentive", even if it puts them against their own kind sometimes. With the arrival of the second part, we discover who their leader is, and that for me makes them much more interesting, do they know who their leader really is? Are they ignorant of that? If they know, what motivates them to follow it? I hope we know more about them in the future.

2nd Rohir Nexus: The spies of the undead. Unlike the other nexus who prefer to slaughter mortals, they prefer to employ them for subtlety and infiltration. One would never expect any of these agents to be right next to you, watching you.

1st Tribal Dominion: The alliance of many races for survival. Since I saw them at the SHB, I wanted to know a lot about them. With the arrival of the SOB, seeing the union of all the races until the creation of their own kingdom was something emotional for me. It was strange to see that the orcs were the ones who started this, but after learning about the characters that appeared later and all the events that occurred, the arrival of this "new era" was surprising and wonderful.

Some honorable mentions:
-Kezzar Nexus: The undead demons whose purpose is to kill their own kind.
-Dragon regiment: I loved their units.
-Daric's mercenaries: They have Logan, the only human with common sense in all of Arkain.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
  • The Tribal Dominion
    -The Cliffhunter Clan
    -The Ironthunder Clan
    -The Blackrazor Clan (Ishzog and his followers)
    -The Ogres (Can include the Cyclops)
    -The Centaurs
    -Either the Gnolls (can include the Harpies), the Dark Trolls or the Sand Dragons
  • The Dark One's Servants
  • The Mindslayer Legion
Despite being such a Rath and Inara fan there is no Darkmind clan there.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Despite being such a Rath and Inara fan there is no Darkmind clan there.
Well, I am more of great fan of Inara specifically/individually rather than Rath and the rest of the Darkmind Clan, which takes a slightly lower precedence than the Cliffhunter, Ironthunder and Ishzog's faction of Blackrazor Clan. If Inara takes over the Darkmind Clan, than it most likely go up in the hierarchy.
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