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Youtubers of Arkain

Level 5
Jul 21, 2017
My run of the Second Orc Book of Arkain started a while back, this time it's only "mostly hard mode", had to lower the difficulty for mission 3 and 4. Do hope to redeem myself when I get onto them within the True Story.
Now, let's see what the Orcs get up to:

Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
My friends, the time has come to enter Salria! Unfortunately, the Salrians don't want us to enter their land. Luckly, we are not alone, as the orcs have brought their troll friends with them. In response, the enemy decided to also use the power of friendship (and mutual interest), and now we have to fight their friends. And they have lots of friends. Join me, as I let the New Guard loose, on the road to The Southern Realm!

Another mission in the Pearl of Lor, this time with our favorite rolling, dancing bear! However... there is something we need to talk about... There has been too much orc blood spilled already. The invasion has failed, the Darkmind clan is in ruins, all the other clans took great losses... so I took great care, to make sure none of our green friends die this mission. Yes, you have heard it right! A deathless Arkain mission!

Amari vs the world: Chapter 2. No one was spared this time. I even destroyed the dwarven base. Join me, as I show the humans who the new ruler of Salria is... Horse and Rider on Hard (as always)!
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Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
Hi everyone! Today it is time for an Arkain marathon!

Brockta invites us to the homeland of the ogres, where we have some mogh'tar to kill! My favorite part of this mission was, when Brockta said "It's Brocktin' time!" and Brocktad all those mogh'tar! All jokes aside, we have some quality trench warfare going on in front of the enemy base, which is right in front of our base. Traversing narrow canyons is always fun, so I invite you to join me, as I crush some mogh'tar with The Legion on Hard.

Although it is sad, because that was the last mission with clues man... So let's indulge in some nostalgia. Here is the first mission of Rangul (and the True Story), Pillage on Hard.

We found the clues and kidnapped a little girl, so... what do we do next? How about spending some quality time with our old friend, Blen Greymoore? Three orc clans stand in our way, so we need to take them out. The worst is the Ironthunder clan, dealing with those high shamans is a nightmare. That's right, we are playing Clash in the Forest, on Hard!

Speaking of nightmares, here is the mission Nightmare, where we finally get to play as Largoth. (On hard, as always.)

And to wrap it all up, let's finish what we started in Clash in the Forest. Playing as the Wolf Regiment was fun, but we couldn't make wolfguards, so it wasn't that great. Fortunately, this mission allows us to play with the Bull Regiment, and the tech tree is not limited. This is the first big battle in Arkain, and it's really fun. I also didn't spare the Golden Gu... I mean the unknown soldiers. Join me, as I commit several war crimes against the Darkmind clan, and also rescue a damsel in distress, it's The Wolf and the Bull on Hard!

And with that, the marathon has ended! It was really fun, but I think I need to see a therapist now...
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Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
Today's theme is making friends.

We free the Darkmind clan from the clutches of the humans as Rangul, making Rath Wolfscar our friend. Yes, it's Rescue on Hard:

And we make some new friends with Salana as well. Unfortunately, the Derryn outpost got destroyed, but the Ironfist came to save the day! Gardon enchanted Salana's necklace, I'm sure nothing bad will come out of that! Gardon is a really nice, trustworthy person, afterall... It's Allies on Hard:
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
Hi everyone! Today, we are unifying orckind! Well... sort of. Rangul wants to gather all the clans under one banner, for an attack against the humans. We are here to help him. It's Rise of the Clans on Hard, but we are going to play through it from EVERY PERSPECTIVE:

As the Deathbreeze clan, we need to defeat the three major clans (and also the minor clans, because they are in the way). I'd say, the Deathbreeze variant of this mission is the "hardest", but it's still not that hard, if you know what you're doing.

As the Darkmind clan, our job is to subjugate the minor clans, by destroying their strongholds. Rath only has one gold mine, but has access to Warlords (which is weird because Rangul doesn't have Champions) and the Darkmind gets more supply each time it subjugates a minor clan. This variant of the mission is fast paced, but challenging.

Who's ready for a get-rich-quick scheme? The Goldaxe clan sure is! There is a hungarian saying: "Ki korán kel, aranyat lel", which means: "Those who wake up early, find gold". Well... Dogran woke up really early today (Hortnog woke him up), and he is ready to profit from the war in any way he can! Even if that means we must subjugate the minor clans... again, but this time, instead of their stronghold, we need to destroy three of their buildings. The easiest variant of this mission, by far.

What's this, you may ask? I already did all three variants of Rise of the Clans, so what's this fourth video about? Well my friends, there is another orc civil war mission in Arkain. Yes, it's Bloody Uprising on Hard. This time, we're playing as the Bloodhand clan, lead by the Destroyer. In this mission, our job is to subjugate the minor clans, by destroying their strongholds... wait again? That's right, those poor minor clans can't catch a break.

Soo... that was it! These missions were insanely fun (not for the minor clans though), and now that orckind is (sort of) unified, Rangul can rest easy (or not).
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Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
I'm back with more Hard videos!

Here is the new chapter, Dogs of War:

Dark Secrets, where we look into the search history of Rahandir:

A Fresh Breeze, everyone's favorite naval map from the perspective of the

Let's join Sir Edoarus as he hunts down some Demons and their slaves in a swamp, it's Slaves of the Demons:

The only stealth mission in Arkain, Night Hunt, done in 5 minutes and 19 seconds:

Secrets in the Dark, where we find even darker secrets than last time:

Krom and Meya tell us a ghost story in Possession:

Zarin Hammerfall invites us to the green fields of hell, yes, you've figured it out, it's Green Wave:

Gardon invites us to the Pearl of Lor, to kill demons, undead, and tentacle creatures, it's Terror of Old (mostly with my heroes only, because I was saving my troops for the final boss):

Pearl of Lor, this time as the undead! Aridon decided to kill the leader of the tentacle creatures, while the Ironfist tries to do the same, it's Purge of the Pearl:

Still in the Pearl, this time, we are here to kill a traitor as Blen and the Grey Guard. It's Betrayal:
(R.I.P. Knights of Kome)

I didn't unite the clans just for fun, it's time to break through the defenses of the humans, it's Pride of the Empire:

The orcs have cleared the way for the demons. In this mission we control Lord Kersidar and our goal is to kill the remaining humans, orcs, and undead. It's Carnage, the last mission of the First Book Era:

And... to wrap it all up, here is Carnage again, this time on Easy, because the Souleater Legion is handicapped on Easy, and we are playing as the Souleater Legion in this mission, so it's actually harder than on hard difficulty. This is obviously a bug, but it was very fun to try out this "very hard" difficulty (but it still wasn't hard at all lol).

And that was it! Hope you enjoyed it, Arkain on Hard is... an experience. :D
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Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
Hello everyone! Today, I've completed "A Matter of Faith" on Hard. Pentiss wanted to defeat the dark elves with trickery. She said the "Peacemaker" would incapacitate the enemy forces, and win the war without directly confronting the enemy base. But that is cowardly. Are we afraid of some cave elves? I say no. So my friends, today, I didn't to use the peacemaker. Instead, I slaughtered every single servant of the Aldera, Zundali and Sligera families, and destroyed Quiraness' Citadel!


Video of it will come soon!
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
As I promised, more True Story videos on Hard:

Level 5
Jul 21, 2017
At long last, my True Story of Arkain footage is coming out.
I recorded the first bit of it well in advance, a certain lich encouraged me to take a break for a time but I'm back at it again.

Gaze upon the true story of the land of Arkain and let's see if some people don't get a better ending than they did in the other routes... I'm not putting any money on that.
