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Youtubers of Arkain

Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
The story of Gardon Bloodclaw reaches its conclusion... I hope you are ready, because today, we are storming the Gate of Hell! I destroyed the demon gates of the Dreamhunter and Hopeflayer legion as well, for maximum (emotional) damage!
Even though Gardon can rest now, our playthrough is far from done. We still have the Golden Guard timeline to complete, after all!
Level 5
Jul 21, 2017
It took many hours of trying, and redoing the campaign so I could switch to a different version of Warcraft 3 - minor targeting issue on one enemy, but I finally managed to survive the fight with Rahandir on Hard Mode.
Maybe even more of a ballbuster than the first time around. I hope there's nothing else like it in the rest of the campaign.
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
The Golden Finale!
I must say, the Second Human Book is my favorite custom campaign, ever... I think I enjoyed it even more than the True Story (I know, I'm weird). Maybe it's the choices, or the very deep, but still straightforward story. Overall, everything in this campaign was great. Now that our playthrough of the Human books have concluded however, it is time to embark on a new journey, this time with our pillaging green friends...
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
The introduction of Rath Wolfscar, and the Darkmind clan! I spared

Xxingraal, The Great Brood Mother

so the Ironthunder clan will not be my ally in the next mission, but... who knows? Maybe this will... benefit me in the long run. Xxingraal lived in this forest before the humans burned it down... she might want to take revenge on the humans who did this. You know what they say... revenge is "A Dish Best Served Cold"...
Level 4
Aug 15, 2016
I Livestreamed and recorded (with my webcam mic connected to Streamlabs Studio unfortunatly.... hopefuly it will be fixed next livestream) and I did 2 videos of it and before i posted 2 videos of them I thought to myself I might put them to my playlist before I share it to you I hope you like this playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeZrNR4Ja8UwbyLgUUKCvVLYQfJbYnMog

If I missed anything deatailed just let me know OK.... I feel like I missed a few of key differences between Legends of Arkain first human, Orc and Undead book including Legends of Arkain Secend Human Orc and Undead Book but let me know just in case as well :D
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
Today, we are finishing the First Orc Book! First, we must face the dead led by the mysterious Aridon...
After that, we fight the full might of the Imperial Army (okay not the full might, because the Ironfist, Veterans of the Voidwar, Grey Guard, Knights of Kome, Seabright's Elite and Lerrig's forces are missing, but... you get the point)!
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
We are heading into the Second Book Era, this time as the orcs...

We have a new main character! We are no longer following Rangul, but an ambitious exile...

Meet the weakest hero in Legends of Arkain:

Meanwhile, Rath is still lost in his vengeance, pushing into Kerrel for no reason, other than to kill Greymoore:

Daric and his merry band of gentleman chase Grofzag and Zairmak into a forest... of course not until I collected every tome on the level!

After escaping the imperials, our heroes find themselves in the Pearl of Lor, where they'll have to make a choice. Hurry to the warchief, or save those in need? Since none of his superiors are there, Grofzag has to take on the unbearable burden of choice.

Well, that was it for today! Next time we will witness the end of Rath's journey. Will he be able kill Greymoore? Only time will tell...
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
Hello everyone! Today's theme is making friends. The orcs need allies, so we need the help of the centaurs, ogres, red dragons, gnolls and many other races! And daddy Redfist is also here, to settle an old score with the warchief...

But first, we must deal with the Golden Guard... I honestly feel bad for Samuel and Sirale...

Now comes the mission, where we get a taste of how... "fun" playing against the Redfist faction is.

This is the last mission where we can play as Rangul, and we also meet Brockta the Stomper. Let's see if we can find any clues!


In this mission, we get to meet Merlon Seabright's daughter! It's a shame her pirate faction isn't playable in the Second Human Book... anyway, they surrounded us, so we need to deal with them.

And that was it for today! :)
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
Hey guys... this episode is going to be a little different. I've full cleared the map, and then... uuhhh... the Sign of Life just... disappeared. So, since the game glitched the last part of the Sign of Life out of existence, I had to replay the map off screen. :D
I'd submit this to the bug report, but I know the old books are no longer supported, and I've made a mistake by not playing the mission as intended (I should have picked up the sign, immediately after it dropped, but I left it there, because I wanted to full clear the map).
Level 5
Jul 21, 2017
Been a while since I shared a vid here, figured I should post my 100th episode of my playthrough of the True Story of Arkain.
In this episode, I finish my demonic rampage by finding that one really well hidden leader, see the interlude at the start of Act Five, and we meet the Exiles - The start of the second book era of missions. Plenty more yet to come.
