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Legends of Arkain - Kasrkin mode

Should Kasrkin mode be created?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • No

    Votes: 13 59.1%

  • Total voters
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009

Welcome ladies and gentlemen,

this thread is related to my project Legends of Arkain. If you have no idea what this is all about and want to know, you might want to check out the thread first.

Anyway, let's get to topic: The Kasrkin mode!
FINE! I'll introduce it to you:
The Kasrkin mode was intended to be a new difficulty mode for the Legends of Arkain. A mode even harder than Hard, with only one purpose: To either challenge you or make you scream. Well, actually both.
Each existing campaign of the Legends of Arkain series would get a new version with this difficulty. Playing the Kasrkin mode would make your enemies MUCH stronger while making you weaker. The ultimate challenge for everyone who thought that Legends of Arkain was too easy.

My plan was to add this mode as a seperate campaign in a pastebin and later, when Hive 2.0 gets released, in the same bundle as the original campaigns.

However, I want to know how many of you would actually WANT such a mode and I also want to see a little discussion about this topic.

So, go ahead and give me your vote and your honest opinion! ;)
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I would like to play this mode someday. It sounds quite challenging. Unless it is so hard that I end up throwing my computer to the wall out of murderous anger when I lose a chapter.

About stronger enemies, what are we talking about? They have more hit points, more damage, the AI is far intelligent or the number of enemies is far bigger?


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
I would like to play this mode someday. It sounds quite challenging. Unless it is so hard that I end up throwing my computer to the wall out of murderous anger when I lose a chapter.

About stronger enemies, what are we talking about? They have more hit points, more damage, the AI is far intelligent or the number of enemies is far bigger?

Things would be added man crazy stuff: more heroes in some missions, constant damage in the forest mission with Gardon, last chapter would've been a literal storm of fire and demons in no particular order.

Of course they were just ideas and those were just a few I had some sadistic stuff in mind.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Increasing the enemy HP, attack damage, limiting resources maybe?
Well, if Easy isn't bad enough for me, a newbie xD

Seriously, I would like to see this to be honest. I want to have some real challenge like I felt in Adventure of Rowan the Wise ^^ perhaps far more better.

And yes, I might crush my laptop if I lost too much patience in this mode for sure.
Level 3
Feb 1, 2014
Well, I'm not a Warcraft 3 expert but this is very cool. I can have patience but if i lose too many times, I'll RAGEQUIT! (Just joking) Anyway i vote for yes becuz if this is hard it might even improve my skills in Warcraft 3! Good luck!
Level 5
Jul 8, 2013
Hard mode is still a ''Hard'' mode for a campaign of that kind...I believe that Karskin mod shouldn't be created cause that distracts you from the main objective :Ending one of the finest wrc3-funmade-series i have ever seen in the hive.

Told you in the pm as well Shar , that this reminds me a lot of Game of Thrones (Kinda :p)
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
I am kinda on dilema....
I would love to see how hard will it be for me to beat the Kome Castel on Kasrkin diff but...I would love to see the story line keep on going as well.

Sinc nobody knows what the future hold i would suggest that you keep on going with the story line(who knows you might start a job,school and other life problems).So for the greater good i vote for NO!.Most of the guys here play the campain for it's unique features than for the SHEER gameplay...We already have seen people complainin about how hard the missions were

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
(who knows you might start a job,school and other life problems)

I already have a job (for quite some time and still have enough time to work on this, believe it or not ;) ) and my life is awesome, so no need to worry about any of these. :)

I'll stay neutral in this discussion (I'm not going to vote in the poll as well) since I want you to discuss this without me interfering.

One thing though: This topic is about Kasrkin mode in general, I wouldn't start working on it before the First Undead Book is done. Yes, additional difficulties would be interesting and yes, the development of the series would most likely be slowed down.
I've read good arguments so far, but nothing will be decided in just a few days. I'll continue watching.

@Stronger Enemies: Stronger enemies would mean both more of them and with upgrades (perhaps I'd even replace all regular units with elite units like the ones from the final missions).

It's hard to answer questions about this mode yet, since I haven't started working on it yet. Most ideas that already exist are vague (except the ones above).
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Well you never know when the life is going to give you a slap but you get the point.Just to be on the save side :D .
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