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Round Table of Arkain

Level 8
Jan 2, 2017
Tierlist 2023.png

Late to the party, but here's my tierlist. The ones above E are the character I like for varying reasons. The ones below are those who I don't like also because of reasons. The ones in E are the ones who, in my opinion, lacks character and importance in the storyline and were just there as extra characters. I think you can see those who I love and hate. I would put an Aridon tier under Sas and a Gardon tier above S if I could.
Level 7
Aug 18, 2018
I think the save folder for 1.31 is somewhere in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Local\Saved Games or D:\Saved Games idk. Anyway, once you find it, just copy paste the whole thing. The cache file should be somewhere in there.
Yeh some saves I don't have on newer chapters. I should have saved it so there will be progress hopefully the cache will save it
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Feeling murdery today, so here's my new tier list.


  • "Based" is just what it is, with "Noice" being closed to it.
  • "Good" is, well, good.
  • "Has potential" just needs a nudge to get to the higher tiers.
  • "Need screentime" means they haven't appeared enough for me to put them in higher or lower tiers.
  • "Like a bit" means I've already seen enough of them and they're quite vanilla, which means I like them but nothing special. "DGAF" means I've seen enough, but I don't like/don't care the direction they're heading.
  • The last one is, I just like to kill a lot of characters that I think are dead anyway, or unnecessary, or they have fulfilled their roles. Or in case of Valerie and Fiona, I want them to die because it would be funny. (Sorry Dorbric.)
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
You made me imagine the scene of Lord Marin dressing like an anime girl while posing next to the Purificator. I hate you.
Just imagine, Lord Marin loves crossplay in his spare time, because he looks androgynous, and loves posing as these characters.

And the Purificator was props in one of his characters.

And by the way, using Reforged Warcraft will enable us to play the Arkain series in full, including the True Story?
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
I am not planning to support Reforged.
To clarify: you're making it in classic/1.29 but theoretically it is playable in the most recent version of the game using Classic Graphics. Or Reforged Graphics but the custom models won't translate so it's visually gross tbh. What you are saying is any unintended issues that may pop up from versioning are out of scope? It's the same as me playing on 1.31.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Yes, exactly. In 1.29.2 to be specific.

One major difference being that I can actually fix some bugs from 1.31 whereas when it comes
to Reforged versions of the game, I am less able to do so since some bugs are just, well, caused
by Reforged itself. Reforged graphics also come with their own issues that cause model bugs in addition
to the graphics becoming visually unappealing.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Anyone remember this post?
Well I have decided to add a few new characters - including two dragons (with a certain green
one going to join in later as well!).
Feel free to take a look if you are interested!
I have also edited the aforementioned post to make it more obvious who is who since there was some confusion surrounding that.
Lemme know if you are interested in more stuff like this.






Level 8
Jan 2, 2017
P.S. This is long and just some opinions.

Here's my take on the characters and how i wanted the story to progress:
  • First of is Blen's Death due to either Rath or Zoia. To be honest, i don't hate Zoia as much since she had justifications for killing Blen, but it was honestly shallow. For Rath, I hate that he kills Blen then he gets killed. I hated that it went like that (but for the story, that's how it goes). So, there's a high possibility that Zoia dies because killing your brother-in-law with a shallow reason is bound to bite back. Just hoping Blen's child receives Greyfang along with the Shield of Derodar when she becomes mature.
  • For Dorbric, he will most likely die since he and his bulls would charge straight to the enemy. But good for him since he will have peace after the deaths of Selior, Blen, and Fergon.
  • For Kenos, i think he will battle the orcs, then he will become inactive for a short while (after Zairmak uses some kind of spell to delay his resurrection).
  • For Aveen, if she ever dies, I hope that her remaining soldiers join the Ironfist. I feel like Aveen and Gardon actually have some sort of relationship in the past with the 'thero' thing going on.
  • For the Dragon Regiment, if any of them survived, i could assume that they will join the golden guard since Ramerius was supposed to be a part of the golden guard. (edit: nevermind, because jay and shar indeed say they were effectively destroyed)
  • I’m hoping that Logan's forces (whether he survives or not) joins the Ironfist since they would think of the same thing Logan is. Plus, it was sad that Captain Ironside didn’t defect like in SHB.
  • I have a feeling Sir Ferdal will die since Krom's target would most likely be Vail instead of Merlon (I hope). But if Merlon will inevitably die, I'm hoping Zora will have the chance to speak to her father, even once.
  • At one point, I'm actually hoping Merlon survives. The diamond he gave Claire maybe a powerful artifact, which is why Golden Guard soldiers are stationed in the area. If not, its fine. After all, father Shar knows how to tell the stories right.
  • I'm honestly doubting that the Zyainor is as tyrannical as the Kingdoms assume. Seeing the attitudes of the current kings, I would say that the past rulers are more power-hungry than oppressed. Tyrannical, yes, because they were one nation, but were still protecting humanity from danger. Or maybe we’re just missing some pieces. Or was it magic that made me forget some details?
  • After Gardon and Amari makes the non-aggression pact, I’m hoping that the Tribal Dominion assists Ironfist in the battle against the Golden Guard, even if it’s just wind riders or dragons. Another idea would be the undead civil war. Where the assisting undead would leave the Ironfist vs Golden Guard to fight their own war (hopefully). The Tribal Dominion would assist them instead by taking their abandoned base.
  • I have a feeling the Destroyer will die valiantly and will be remembered as one of the greatest orcs to ever live. Whether he and Dorbric will fight to a tie or something. Okri will take his place as chieftain of the Bloodhand Clan.
  • For the Moghtar, I have a feeling they will act as a faction that is separate from the rest of the Tribal Dominion, but Amari will not treat them unfairly since Gorthog is a mighty warrior loyal to his race. Gorthog will most likely try and find more clues on the Dark One and why he twisted creatures.
  • Honestly hoping for an undead civil war. Aridon needs to be taught a lesson. Gardon had a lot of this as well, but he’s human, and he only does what’s necessary with the power he has. Aridon has tons of power. But his mindset before the series even started is just plain idiocy in my opinion. Balance? More like ‘Wannabe god’. He won’t even have agents on Rodan to spy on Tregakh. At one point, I want Rahandir, Kazardius, Lady Meya, and Sister Pentiss to separate themselves from Aridon and basically just weaken him entirely, resulting in massive to even effectively destroyed levels of losses. This is also to balance out the playing field. It’s not too fun if one is higher than the other. This will also allow him to coordinate with mortals against the common enemy, the Dark One.
  • After finishing the chapter finale, Destroyer was redeemed, which I like. But I also like someone who will replace him. A hero perhaps. Same with the Dogran. Maybe Maronogin will have a strong ‘orc’ take his place.
  • Hoping we will have an opportunity to play as Demon Slaves in the future. Like the Guardians or something.
  • I’m hoping the Boar Regiment doesn’t stay loyal to the Empire and merge with Zyainor. They were betrayed like the rest of the regiments. It would be blind loyalty to serve the Empire. Similar to how Salana knew Renova was incompetent, yet followed through with her wishes. With the remaining regiments, who knows. Maybe some soldiers of the Wolf, and summoners of the Phoenix will join Zyainor as well.
  • A little idea for the Tales of Arkain. Since we know Parlea is a magic user like Zurae, I was hoping the two would coincidentally meet while learning dark and sinister forms of magic. At one point, I could see Parlea wielding chaos magic like Scarlett or Cora, while I’m curious to see more of Zurae’s potential as a magic user. Maybe she could surpass the past guardians of the elemental orders. I could also see Herdon leading his own order that consists of dark druids as well, wielding that sinister nature magic along with martial arts is terrifying at the battlefield.
  • After seeing Shar’s comment on the faction statuses, I have a feeling that the regiments will either wipe out the orcs, or die trying. If that does happen, I would be a bit disappointed because they decided to blindly follow an empire that has abandoned them. Fighting a losing war with nothing but duty keeping them alive.
  • If any of the Phoenix Regiment survive, I have a feeling that they would move to the Order of the Flame. It would make sense since they’re both magic users of fire. But I would want them to join Zyainor instead. Mainly because they would be a valuable asset against the future war with the Imperial Army.
  • For the Tribal Dominion, I’m curious to see a human faction led by Vanessa. In the story ‘Seabright’, there were spies from the Dominion that were human. Which means the Dominion was either treating them right or they trained them right.
  • The fact that Shar put ‘XD’ on Jay’s comment about Destroyer’s death really puts me on edge.
  • Looking at the new story ‘Burdens of War’, it seems the black dragons absolutely hate other dragonclans. Not sure how the story goes, but it does answer my question of whether they would use other dragonclans as beasts of war, like the swamp dragons. Rather disappointed with this because the Imperial Army might have more in store for them in the war. I also wonder if they do not know of Vanessa’s story. Gardon has seen Vanessa, and if he ever heard that she continues to fight for the orcs, I’m curious to see if Gardon will change his mind about the Swamp Dragons. Then again, he is paranoid and would rather lessen the risk of betrayal than use other means to further increase their chances of victory.
  • As much as I love the Human stories, I’m kinda hoping for more Orc stories. Or perhaps more stories about the different generals known and unknown to us. Having Blen’s side of the story when he left Zoia’s sister is something I wanna hear. Or perhaps the children of the different generals and how they saw their parents.
Level 9
Sep 28, 2015
I have a feeling Sir Ferdal will die since Krom's target would most likely be Vail instead of Merlon (I hope). But if Merlon will inevitably die, I'm hoping Zora will have the chance to speak to her father, even once.
I think that the betrayal of undead to try kill Vail instead of Merlon, make more sense to me:

- Gardon defeat the demons and kill Kersidar puting a end the demon invasion

- So, a suposed death of Vail is more valuable than a death of Great Admiral, considering his lineage of Ziyanor specially when the most battles are in land not in sea. Vail death would put a end in all Gardon plan since the beginning. And have a foreshadow with that dialogue with Gardon, that Ferdal need to protect Vail whatever it coust.

But now i remember that Ironfist like Aridon suffer tiny losses too (In characters, Grey Guard doesn't include), so maybe the death of Merlon is inevitable
Level 8
Jan 2, 2017
I think that the betrayal of undead to try kill Vail instead of Merlon, make more sense to me:

- Gardon defeat the demons and kill Kersidar puting a end the demon invasion

- So, a supposed death of Vail is more valuable than a death of Great Admiral, considering his lineage of Zyainor specially when the most battles are in land not in sea. Vail death would put a end in all Gardon plan since the beginning. And have a foreshadow with that dialogue with Gardon, that Ferdal need to protect Vail whatever it coust.

But now i remember that Ironfist like Aridon suffer tiny losses too (In characters, Grey Guard doesn't include), so maybe the death of Merlon is inevitable
Both suffered great losses in both Betrayal and Bloodbath. But both recovered quickly since both Gardon and Aridon are both ruthlessly efficient.

I have some more thoughts on possible future writings:

I could also see why Aridon would want to kill Vail more since it is true that if Gardon succeeds, it means Brian would be a possible threat to Aridon's god game. Since Sir Ferdal killed Salana ruthlessly, and Saphira saw it, there is a high possibility that both Saphira and Krom would make a move. Saphira would be ordered to kill Vail, but gets Sir Ferdal instead. Then Krom succeeds in his kill of Admiral Seabright.
Level 9
Sep 28, 2015
Both suffered great losses in both Betrayal and Bloodbath. But both recovered quickly since both Gardon and Aridon are both ruthlessly efficient.
Yeah, but was temporaly losses, nothing permanently, like a death of a general, like Empire suffer losing Ramedius, the entire Dragon Regiment, Fergon... Same to Undead, they suffer only minion losses but they achieve Ornasion and one more Nexus turning undead more strong that was.

The only loss that Undead will suffer if nothing change is the bonelords if things proceed according Second Orc Book. Brian make the deal with Aridon, if their minions fail to destroy the undeads, Aridon will leave Dominion in peace and Brian will not interfere the 7D chess of Aridon. So maybe there is no hope of Gardon + Amari together against Aridon, i really would like, and second orc book show the two sides allying against Golden Guard (Of course for gameplay perspective because we are playing as Dominion, not Ironfist, but this open a possibility!)

I could also see why Aridon would want to kill Vail more since it is true that if Gardon succeeds, it means Brian would be a possible threat to Aridon's god game. Since Sir Ferdal killed Salana ruthlessly, and Saphira saw it, there is a high possibility that both Saphira and Krom would make a move. Saphira would be ordered to kill Vail, but gets Sir Ferdal instead. Then Krom succeeds in his kill of Admiral Seabright.

I see that too, one will try to kill Merlon and the other try to kill Vail, what is interestly is that both have a lietnant to protect them, Vail have Ferdal, Merlon have Claire, and Krom, Saphira use bow, so maybe Krom will try kill Vail because Krom will want to hunt the last Ziyanor and have this your final hunt of the immortal like he said he want (I think that is true, that he want a great hunt, like we see on first mission of act 7 he bored killing another Dreadlord), and Saphira will try kill Merlon? I remember that mission the Ironfist have two lanes of undead ally, Cora was on right side, Merlon left, and you control Vail on center, maybe in the True Story Cora and Vail switch sides? I think that skill of summoning Kome knights will work same if put on Gardon or Cora, because in SHB Cora spawn along koma knights in "Long Live the Queen", that an interestly plot.

Ironfist will only have loss in the end of Voidwar perhaps.
Level 8
Jan 2, 2017
I see that too, one will try to kill Merlon and the other try to kill Vail, what is interestly is that both have a lietnant to protect them, Vail have Ferdal, Merlon have Claire, and Krom, Saphira use bow, so maybe Krom will try kill Vail because Krom will want to hunt the last Ziyanor and have this your final hunt of the immortal like he said he want (I think that is true, that he want a great hunt, like we see on first mission of act 7 he bored killing another Dreadlord), and Saphira will try kill Merlon? I remember that mission the Ironfist have two lanes of undead ally, Cora was on right side, Merlon left, and you control Vail on center, maybe in the True Story Cora and Vail switch sides? I think that skill of summoning Kome knights will work same if put on Gardon or Cora, because in SHB Cora spawn along koma knights in "Long Live the Queen", that an interestly plot.
If he really is dying, it would be a good final hunt. And I doubt Krom is actually dying. I mean, the name implies "the Immortal" after all. If Shar ever decides to change the map and have Vail accompany the undead, then it is possible. Using Cora would be good since she is a really good mage.

I also love the fact that Shar could get ideas from us by speaking out opinions on possible changes for the story (or not, but I like to think there's some effect)
Level 9
Sep 28, 2015
Herdon and Tormin are mentioned in a post-True Story tale, so I think @Mochi King nailed it with the failed Vail assassination. Ferdal takes one for the team like he was designated to do IMO. Also, this might be a New Content thread discussion, but I dunno.
Ah, maybe if Shar have intention in go beyond Second Human, Orc book perhaps? But Ferdal will have his heroic death i think (I am hoping that Claire and Merlon dont have that fate)
Level 9
Sep 28, 2015

Finally i beat Last Stand of Golden Guard (SHB) on hard difficult, this only cost me miner 130 THOUSAND GOLD and 50 thousand lumber (Now that make sense that there is no resource to use in fight against demons in the next mission). Win in this mission without Van Durce optional quest of Destroyer is so much better.

I cant play this mission before because i disable high model detail on config to give me more FPS, that make my mission crash in the loading screen, maybe because the model of Lord of Sky. When enable mission work perfectly.

Now the only mission that i can't win in hard was Lord of Golden Guard (SHB) and the final of Golden Guard (How can be possible i win against Starfall and Cora ultimate without stun? Impossible)

Correction: 235 thousand gold, oh my God.
Level 12
Dec 19, 2022
I usually handle Starfall by running away if I cant stun in an easy way. The AI drops it in like 5 sec.
Can someone upload the original Dead Forest for that extra hard mission?
Level 9
Sep 28, 2015
I usually handle Starfall by running away if I cant stun in an easy way. The AI drops it in like 5 sec.
Yeah, that works, but have a problem, normally they cast close in my base. I have a strategy of killing one of IA bases using the ship artilery to destroy their own base to collect gold. But i give up of this mission. I will tray in the future beat Lords of Golden Guard, hard, without destructor of SHB. My only problem with this mission is the Darkmind clan, i really hate it since Green Wave and Avenge skill...
Level 2
Jul 2, 2023
Hey! I've just made this account to say how much I adore this series. I loved everything up to the last chapter which BTW the last chapter, WHY DID YOU DO MY BOY LIKE DIS BROOOOO Xd

I like everything that's been happening and I gotta say, this series is really fun to play when i have the spare time. Cant wait to complete the arkain character tier list uvu I'm new to this website so bear with me if I dont know things I should.
Level 2
Jul 2, 2023
Screenshot (128).png

So this is my character tier list, most of it was bias and some were placed simply because they were funny or had good personalities especially the regiments, other races, and the nexuses. I ranked Gardon REALLY low considering he's one of the main characters because I simply disliked the way he goes about things. I know thats the point to his character but it doesn't mean I like him for it. Pentiss goes in F for clear reasons, my boy Renald I wish survived but we all know what happens to the man who was just following orders. Amari and Rangul are both equally good characters along with The Destroyer which BTW I loved his evolution as a character, from a simple throwaway to an orc wanting more than just fighting. Oh and Zoaia and Merlon are weirdos so they are put low. I wonder though, will Gardon perhaps be mad at Brian for not telling him about the Undead's plan? I feel like he would


  • Screenshot (128).png
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Level 12
Dec 19, 2022
Since we are approacing the end;
My guess for the end sequence.
Last stand of the Golden Guard -> Risen Resistance -> End Of the Invasion ->
Red Night/A Red Day -> Gates of Hell

Finally the mission which was just a part of Zyainor Reborn in the original human book but i hope is fleshed out.
[Undead Betrayal]. Placeholder name for when the Undead turn on the Ironfist
Level 11
Aug 1, 2019
Since we are approacing the end;
My guess for the end sequence.
Last stand of the Golden Guard -> Risen Resistance -> End Of the Invasion ->
Red Night/A Red Day -> Gates of Hell

Finally the mission which was just a part of Zyainor Reborn in the original human book but i hope is fleshed out.
[Undead Betrayal]. Placeholder name for when the Undead turn on the Ironfist
i don t like the idea of canceling the golden guard path i hope shar won t cancel it
Level 11
Dec 31, 2012
Which human kingdom from Wacraft can be equivalent to Empire of Rodan?
I wanna say Lordaeron before the scourge desecrated the lands. Though, that's only because both are massive empires with well-trianed forces, powerful magics, and decient technology. However, the issue is that at lot of Lordaeron's power is built on it's allies, while Rodan is more independently built.
Overall, I'm not 100% sure which human kingdom in the Warcraft universe can match up with it, especially since Shar has made it clear he doesn't care for Warcraft's lore and storyline, partially because Blizzard has a bad habit of retconning and changing things with almost every WoW expansion.
Level 12
Jun 19, 2016
I wanna say Lordaeron before the scourge desecrated the lands. Though, that's only because both are massive empires with well-trianed forces, powerful magics, and decient technology. However, the issue is that at lot of Lordaeron's power is built on it's allies, while Rodan is more independently built.
Overall, I'm not 100% sure which human kingdom in the Warcraft universe can match up with it, especially since Shar has made it clear he doesn't care for Warcraft's lore and storyline, partially because Blizzard has a bad habit of retconning and changing things with almost every WoW expansion.
How about Stromgarde or Alterac?
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Which human kingdom from Wacraft can be equivalent to Empire of Rodan?
I guess the arathor of old would be the closest equivalent to Rodan empire (even though Arathor would be more akin to Zyanor since both split up) As for current kingdoms no one comes close to Rodan in the current warcraft. Rodan is a massive empire that spawns the entire continent i guess the only one that compares to it in terms of landmass would be the old Night elf empire but since we're talking about Humans id say Arathor. I always thought of the Rodan empire as the empire from Warhammer universe (even though the empire of the Warhammer universe its an elective monarchy as opposed to a hereditary one)
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Just tried to replay Dead Forest (Act 7 Chapter 3). I just wanted to ask. Since when do the Golden Guard reinforcements despawn after destroying the demon slaves bases ? They spawn workers and a few units, but their giant army just disappears (i checked with cheats because I didn't see them attack in a previous attempt). Every playthrough I've seen shows them attacking the demon base and everyone uses their initial attack to take out the Souleater base.

Also, does anyone know how to complete the level without that ? The attacks of the Glory battalion barely take out one demon before being wiped out and the souleater base keeps around 10 infernals at all times (with a fully upgraded maxed out army, I barely killed half of theirs after attacking the second they were busy with a glory battallion attack).
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
Just tried to replay Dead Forest (Act 7 Chapter 3). I just wanted to ask. Since when do the Golden Guard reinforcements despawn after destroying the demon slaves bases ? They spawn workers and a few units, but their giant army just disappears (i checked with cheats because I didn't see them attack in a previous attempt). Every playthrough I've seen shows them attacking the demon base and everyone uses their initial attack to take out the Souleater base.

Also, does anyone know how to complete the level without that ? The attacks of the Glory battalion barely take out one demon before being wiped out and the souleater base keeps around 10 infernals at all times (with a fully upgraded maxed out army, I barely killed half of theirs after attacking the second they were busy with a glory battallion attack).
What version are you playing on? I've ran into this bug on 1.30.4. The battalions NEVER attacked the demon bases for some reason. I thought it was just bad luck, but no, the battalions always stop attacking after taking out the demon slave bases on that version. I've switched to 1.31.1, and the battalions attacked the demon bases correctly, every time.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
What version are you playing on? I've ran into this bug on 1.30.4. The battalions NEVER attacked the demon bases for some reason. I thought it was just bad luck, but no, the battalions always stop attacking after taking out the demon slave bases on that version. I've switched to 1.31.1, and the battalions attacked the demon bases correctly, every time.
Really ? Mine isn't even that they don't attack, they simply disappear. Like I've seen their army disappear in real time using the vision cheat, and then a few seconds later, another far smaller army spawns and builds their camps. I figured there was a trigger simply removing them. I'm on 1.29.2.
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
Really ? Mine isn't even that they don't attack, they simply disappear. Like I've seen their army disappear in real time using the vision cheat, and then a few seconds later, another far smaller army spawns and builds their camps. I figured there was a trigger simply removing them. I'm on 1.29.2.
That big army disappearing is intended, but they are supposed to disappear while attacking the demon base. They disappear because they would destroy the base otherwise, and that would be too easy I guess. The Golden Guard attack is meant to be a distraction, the problem is, they don't attack the demon bases, they stay in their base, and after some time, the trigger removes them. I think you should try this mission on 1.31.1. That's what I did, when I was recording my hard playthrough, and it worked.
An idea I had for the big army and the big army only is that they'll have the Life Regeneration ability from the regular Fountain structure, only with negative values (and based on flat values, if that option exists as far as I recall).

That way, they get to go out in battle, dying to the demons (actually the game nerfing them).

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
An idea I had for the big army and the big army only is that they'll have the Life Regeneration ability from the regular Fountain structure, only with negative values (and based on flat values, if that option exists as far as I recall).

That way, they get to go out in battle, dying to the demons (actually the game nerfing them).
It has been a couple of years since I really experimented with that ability but I recall
the Fountain of Life ability only targeting units that do not have full hp.