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Round Table of Arkain

Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
It's that time again being this close to the end, woohoo! I have a video coming tomorrow where I meme my way through a proto-version of this list. I've made some changes to it today and the people are actually organized within the tiers.

Leftmost are the closest to moving up and out of their tier while rightmost is the opposite. The Hate tier is sort of unique from this process in that you have no chance getting promoted out of it LOL (yes, even if Ferdal eats the arrow for Vail), but is still ordered from Least hate to Most hate.

Aridon being high in 'A' and not 'I hate.' amazes even me, but Shar has managed to make this character simultaneously very very interesting and very very unlikable... which actually makes him very very likable from a narrative perspective to me.

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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
It's that time again being this close to the end, woohoo! I have a video coming tomorrow where I meme my way through a proto-version of this list. I've made some changes to it today and the people are actually organized within the tiers.

Leftmost are the closest to moving up and out of their tier while rightmost is the opposite. The Hate tier is sort of unique from this process in that you have no chance getting promoted out of it LOL (yes, even if Ferdal eats the arrow for Vail), but is still ordered from Least hate to Most hate.

Aridon being high in 'A' and not 'I hate.' amazes even me, but Shar has managed to make this character simultaneously very very interesting and very very unlikable... which actually makes him very very likable from a narrative perspective to me.

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Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
Knowing that "Red day" is coming soon, something crossing my mind and stay there even now: Who will be the playable heroes?

In the SOB, we have allies that control the other bases:
  • North base: Flammedus, Okri and Zairmak.
  • South base: Lokar, Pechan and Gorehowl.
Meanwhile, we have access to Amari, Grofzag, Grella, Oneeye, Brockta and Vanessa (If you keep her in the Dominion)

Now however, we saw many heroes die, old and new alike. Brockta, Lokar, Dogran and Borean (Still hurts a lot) are dead, Gorthog is Moghtar right now and demi heroes like the Destroyer are no more.
So, based on the former info, the former formations end like this:
  • North base: Flammedus, Okri and Zairmak.
  • South base: Pechan and Gorehowl.
  • Our base: Amari, Grofzag, Grella, Oneeye and Vanessa.

There is of course important points to take: Gorehowl is not trustworthy since Gorthog can appear during the mission and the dog can switch sides to fight against Amari. We also have Inara, but lets be honest: Her loyalty towards the Dominion is questionable at least.

Perhaps things will end like this:
  • North base: Flammedus and Zairmak.
  • South base: Pechan and Inara/Gorehowl.
  • Main base: Amari, Grofzag, Okri, Grella, Oneeye, Vanessa and Inara/Gorehowl.

Why I put Inara and Gorehowl like that? Let me explain:
  • On Inara's case, Amari can have her close so she can act quickly in case Gorehowl tries something during the battle, and since she's an important figure now, makes sense that she's close to Amari in this battle.
  • On Gorehowl's case, we know he and Amari want to watch each other's movement so they can act quickly against the former. Makes sense since Amari can have this chance to prove the gnoll king how wrong he was. Also, If Gorehowl tries something stupid, Amari can deal with him faster and (This can be crazy) put an amulet on him so he can be an "obedient" dog.

Another option is that we can have a new hero during the mission, so our allies bases will have at least three heroes to defend themselves from Redfist and the others, but who knows? Only time will tell us.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Well, I think about making a tier list, but I actually want to stall a bit until True Story is over, or at least until the next few missions are over.

In the meantime, I have compiled a few statistics about playable Heroes in True Story (so far) for your viewing pleasure, along with an Excel sheet to show that I actually did the math. I hope they are interesting to you all as they are to me.

- There are two missions where multiple races are playable: A Fresh Breeze (Human, Orc, Undead) and Utter Destruction (Orc, Undead)
  • Although, Utter Destruction only have a single boss fight to play as Orc characters.
  • However, Possession is the only mission with playable Undead Heroes, but with a playable Human Base, but they also have Ghosts, so I just consider it as Undead.
    • Thanks to the aforementioned factors, the number of missions where Orc Heroes are playable are the same as Human Heroes, at 24 missions.

- Out of all playable missions, there are 19 missions without using a base.
  • Bloody Uprising is the only mission with a base, but without Gold Mines.
  • Carnage is the only playable Demon mission.

- There is only one mission where no Hero is playable: Bloody Uprising.
  • But for the rest of the statistics, I count Destroyer as a Hero, because he deserves it.

- The word "Dark" appears in 6 different missions names: Dark Secrets, Secrets in the Dark, Wrath of the Darkmind, Dark Blades, Dark Depths, Dark Sea.

- The missions which feature the most playable heroes is A Fresh Breeze, with 8 Heroes (3 Humans, 3 Orcs, 2 Undead) and Risen Resistance (8 Orcs, including Brockta).
  • Technically, in The Fresh Breeze, it is one Undead, one Dark God, but still.
  • The mission which features the most playable heroes at the same time is also Risen Resistance, with 7 Orc Heroes.
  • Tied at second place, there are four missions with 5 playable Heroes: Bloodbath, Horse and Rider, Last Stand of The Golden Guard, and End of the Invasion.

- There are a total of 60 unique playable Heroes so far.
  • Gardon is playable in 9 missions, which is the highest. Amari and Grofzag are both tied at 2nd place, with 8 playable missions.

- There are 19 playable Heroes that are only playable once. (Bonelords count as one)
  • Out of them, there are 10 characters who are confirmed to be no longer playable, due to death, being gravely wounded (Salana, Praxeus), or a special reason (Bonelords).
    • Out of these 10 characters, Dorbric is playable the earliest, and Flavius and Renald are the latest.
    • Out of these 10 characters, Dogran is playable the second earliest, and Bonelords are the second latest.
  • Out of all 19 of them, Fleshtearer is playable the earliest, in Slaves of the Demons, is still alive until the latest chapter, but not playable.

- Coincidentally, there are also 19 characters who are confirmed to be no longer playable, due to death, being gravely wounded, or a special reason.
  • Out of these 19 characters, Borean is the fluffiest and most likable. He also died the latest. Salomar died the earliest, in Secrets in the Dark.
    • Sasrogarn died the second latest, in The Bloody Sharpshooter. Blen and Rath died the second earliest, during A Dish Best Served Cold.
  • Out of these 19 characters, Rangul is the one playable in 6 missions, landing him at rank 3 overall, tied with Krom and Ornasion, and even higher than Brian.
    • Rath is also dead, but he's only playable in 5 missions.

- Out of the 41 heroes that are playable more than once, those are the ones with the largest gaps between missions:
  • 1st: Aridon: 47 missions, from Purge of the Pearl to King of the Dead.
  • 2nd: Galareth: 44 missions, from Purge of the Pearl to Blood and Soul.
  • 3rd: Aedale: 40 missions, from Betrayal to Crimson Awakening.
  • 4th: Zoia: 39 missions, from Clash in the Forest to A Dish Best Served Cold.
    • Out of these four, Galareth was the only one who kept his cache items, I believe.
    • Out of these four, Aridon was the only one who reached level 15.
    • Out of the Four, Aridon was the only one who reached level 15.


  • Arkain Heroes.xlsx
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Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Christmas is getting closer, my friends.
If Santa Brian allowed you to join a faction which would it be for each race?
Gotta go with Ironfist. You either get killed by demons, or most likely in a civil war, or you live long enough to be promoted... and thus get a cool amulet as a bonus. You also get a cool armor !
Hopefully I last long enough to make it to Zyainor :peasant-grin:

In the dominion, I think I'd go for Dark trolls, gotta love me some democracy (though I might jump ship when all the religious stuff gets involved)

Finally, in the undead, I'm quite torn, my heart wants to go to the Kezzar, but the Rohir and Lenira sound like plenty of fun, but the Daviliad sounds more chill... Does Aridon allow for Nexus hopping ?
Human: I'm torn between Golden Guard and Ironfist. My 'traditionalist' side of me prefers Golden Guard, while the 'progressive' side prefers Ironfist.
Dwarf: I recall the most "less traditional" ones are Bloodstones, right? Though I think I'll skip altogether.
Elves: Umm... I don't think there's much to them. Riana's too dangerous. Teran seems to be the traditionalist. Is there anyone in the elves who are not stuck in the mud regarding the Queen besides Larine's faction?
Orc: Goldaxe. Hey, research needs money, and money rules!
Dominion: (forgot this one) Still Goldaxe. But if Orc clans discounted, I'd stick with Pechan faction.
Undead: I am bad with the nexus names, but either Rahandir's or Ardoz Nexus, but I am reconsidering the latter since I don't wanna become an abomination
Demons: I'm not sure since there are too many intrigues. I'd say Kersidar faction, though I'd be careful with picking sides in here, since Hesrathion and Ebira gonna make life difficult.

Either research or anything that helps research is where I prefer the most, but if I don't feel that faction 'safe', probably switching to the more traditionalist types.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Does Aridon allow for Nexus hopping ?
He won't mind, that is nexus politics - they definitely have a say in that though.
Orc: Blackrazor Clan in the New Age :cool:2
As Amari's bodyguard? :p

Undead: Not sure why, but Scarec really calls to me
Skeletons, crusades and Jay. Classic.
Either research or anything that helps research
Do Zirr as keepers of knowledge count?

Demons: Ebira & Lisara
Each on their own separately you mean? Since they are not one faction.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Humans. Probably Redfist, who dont want to serve under BEST father of the century´s army, also i dislike most of first orc era clans. Second choice would be Zyanior
Orcs. Lets divide between orc clans and dominion, the orc clan would be Skullblade since they tent to breed animals and dont attack humans, so they are less likely to die.
Undead. Ejara nexus, they are the most efficient since they can replenish their numbers even during peace years, also they can trade bodies with other nexus to increase their position.
Dominion. Probably centaurs, Bearman or Goblins, any of those would be really cool. I wouldn´t like Dark trolls or gnolls.
Demons. Well... any demon faction is trying to kill each other and we only know about the 3 that are the vanguard of the invasion, i suppose Ornasión factions would be the most straight-forward so you wouldn´t get backstabbed.
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
Christmas is getting closer, my friends.
If Santa Brian allowed you to join a faction which would it be for each race?
Humans: Dragon Regiment. I like the beasts they had.
Orcs: Ironthunder clan or Zairmak's clan or Koydoss tribe. Either shamanic, druidic or dark magic is my choice.
Undead: Zirr Nexus or Rohir nexus. Being in the shadows collecting knowlegde from the mortals.
Demons: I will side with Maronogin on this.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Humans: This is a tough one. Seasonally, it would probably be the Shadows of Zyainor, so I can catch all those who try to give kids coal for the holidays.
For the remainder of the year, probably the Phoenix Regiment.

Orcs: Probably the Goldaxe clan. Gotta play a role in the maximization of those profits, whether it be on Christmas or the remainder of the year.

Undead: Zirr Nexus. Learning all of that hidden lore will be nice.

Demons: Mindslayer Legion. Don't wanna get caught while placing the gifts under the tree. Or ever.

Dominion: Koydoss Tribe. Roll with it.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Lor fighting the hopeless fight.
"Lord Greymoore... the royals of Lor seem to have repelled the demon invasion on their own... in fact, they completely crushed the invasion forces and are currently pushing into the void."
"What !? How did Selior do this ?! Why would he push into the void on his own ?!"
"No sir, they actually did so before Sir Cleavehand's arrival. They seem to have reorganized into some unit called Kasrkin. The members we've encountered seem to hold rituals to speak to some sort of deity. They call him "Shar Dundred" and are currently complaining that this was too easy and providing suggestions to "buff" the demon legions."


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
"Lord Greymoore... the royals of Lor seem to have repelled the demon invasion on their own... in fact, they completely crushed the invasion forces and are currently pushing into the void."
"What !? How did Selior do this ?! Why would he push into the void on his own ?!"
"No sir, they actually did so before Sir Cleavehand's arrival. They seem to have reorganized into some unit called Kasrkin. The members we've encountered seem to hold rituals to speak to some sort of deity. They call him "Shar Dundred" and are currently complaining that this was too easy and providing suggestions to "buff" the demon legions."
If I had defender plating back it would be even easier!
Demons suck gg no re
Level 8
Jan 2, 2017
been a while since i've been to this thread. but seeing the santa brian post, here's mine:
Humans: Ironfist (Hail King Gardon!)
Dwarves: Bloodstones (who doesn't wanna kaboom?)
Elves: Ironforged (Rather not serve the incompetent queen)
Orcs: Blackrazor/Bloodhand (New Age!/Brute force is always the answer)
Other Dominion: Ogre/Bearmen (Brute force/I wanna serve Borean)
Undead: Scarec (I wanna serve the merged bonelord. I would've chosen the splecir, but the mad watcher controls it. so hell nah on that one)
Demons: Maronogin (former powerful demon to businessman. who wouldn't want dem gold nuggies?)
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
This is my True Story Tier List.

Apologies for going beyond S, and into the Holy Sh!+ tier, because I love torturing my PC processor with clashes.

Humans im general: Ironfist for the win (All Hail King, i mean Cala'er Gardon)
Orcs: Darkmind with Ironthunder merged (that's gonna kick off. Orcish riders plus shamans with Bloodlust)
Dominion: Ogres (brute force)/Goblins (Did somebody say Goblin?)
Undead: Kezzar (with those Deathlords)/Splecir (no ideologies, just fists, and dedication)
Elves: Ironforged of course (rather than dying for a fool)
Imperial Regiment: Taking the Phoenix (with that seemingly unkillable Kenos)/ Wolf (Darkriders plus Stalkers)
Dwarves: All of them (no biases against those brave warriors.)
Moghtar: Gorthog of course.
God: Bhaarizel. Nuff said.
Dragons: I'll take the Black.
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Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Personnally, while I would like the next big piece of lore, I think that's mostly me wanting to know which media it will be on. If I don't factor the question of media, I would be fine with either.

As for the next entry. If we're talking short stories, I would think some story from a demon perspective, because I have the impression that the aftermath of the Void war has been narrated from the perspective of most other factions.
As for the next big piece of lore, well the second Imperial invasion seems like a big piece of it, but I wonder if it'll start before (maybe the Kerrel cold war starting to heat up before being interrupted by the imperials)
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
I feel like Praxeus' quest will be on the back burner for now, so not him.
Same with Krom and Gorthog.
Aridon just left the scene so I think there'll be a bit of time before we hear of him.
Grofzag or Zairmak are unlikely unless the story focuses heavily on orcs.
Dorten doesn't have much more to add until either the imperials' return, or Zyainor's attack.
Blen would be either a flashback or the greatest plot twist ever.

So I expect either Aedale and what she's up to after the second void war, Vanessa with maybe another view of the dominion, or the beginning of Brian's interest in her or a new character doing new character things. (though I wonder what faction this new character would be a part of.)
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Most likely Prax, he's ending was kinda 'open' while the others endings kinda got clearance and their planes were pretty much laid out, Prax's ending is a wild card. Not to mention is abit weird how a " second hand" character ( i assume most of us would agree on this one) got a whole ass ending dedicated to him and let us not forget that the angelical demon is a mystery figure in itself. I think out off all the characters he has the highest potential to be the one.

Which kinda makes me happy cuz i was always were rooting for him.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
I´m guessing Gorthog, he really have a story going with all the Moghtar + secret alliance with Gorehowl.
Aedale would be cool too.
I doubt is any undead or Blen/Dorten.
And vanessa was in drums of the south short story, so either Gorthog or Grofzag/Zairmak.