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Round Table of Arkain

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Until 17th of March 2018, this thread used to be the main project thread for the Legends of Arkain series.

Now it shall be used to discuss various topics that aren't fitting into any other existing threads - or the topics that people want to discuss without creating a new thread for.

Consider this an Arkain-themed discussion thread without a specific topic, to sum it up.
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Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Oh yeah, definitely going to keep an eye on this.

Edit: I seem to have found a bug,
in the section where I took control of Harmos and my previous forces switched over to the Imperial Army Blen ended up dying and I wasn't able to revive him when I got control back from the AI. When I looked at the altar I wasn't given the option of reviving him even though he was dead. *Shrug*
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Looks really nice developed.I support your project mate

Thanks, man. :)

Looks interesting :) and Arkain is..is it based of Arcane? Anyways, Good Luck!

Thank you. :)
Arkain and Arcane? Well, I honestly didn't realize that similarity although I pronounce it kinda the same way. Still, it's complete coincidence. Sorry to disappoint you. ;)

Awesome. R those campaigne are sequel.

And yes, it's actually planned to be three campaign series. In fact, there will be either 6 or 9 campaigns when I'm done.

Oh yeah, definitely going to keep an eye on this.

Edit: I seem to have found a bug,
in the section where I took control of Harmos and my previous forces switched over to the Imperial Army Blen ended up dying and I wasn't able to revive him when I got control back from the AI. When I looked at the altar I wasn't given the option of reviving him even though he was dead. *Shrug*

Glad you liked it. :)
And thanks for the report. I think, I have fixed it now. I'll update the demo to the fixed version.

Edit: The updated version is now available. The next update will come, when I'm finished with Chapter Three.
Level 12
May 11, 2014
WoW , it is a great project
, the story is interesting , the gameplay is prety good . Good luck with it and i have a question : Will you use some of the wc3 characters , such as Uther , Antonidas , Thrall , Grom , Kel Thuzan ?
Level 10
Nov 16, 2012
I'll test this next time if I'll able to get Warcraft c:. Looks Epic ! +

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
WoW , it is a great project
, the story is interesting , the gameplay is prety good . Good luck with it and i have a question : Will you use some of the wc3 characters , such as Uther , Antonidas , Thrall , Grom , Kel Thuzan ?

Thanks. :)
Since this campaign series doesn't take place in the Warcraft universe, there won't be any WC characters.

I'll test this next time if I'll able to get Warcraft c:. Looks Epic ! +

Glad to hear that. And thanks for the cake. ;)

I managed to continue working on Chapter Three and the first Interlude. Since I only have to edit my old maps right now, adding new content won't take too long. However, from Chapter Five on, I'll need much more time to finish the maps and won't be able to add new content as quick as I'm right now. So don't be surprised that everything is going so quick now, it's going to change later. ;)
Also, I might have to revise on Chapter Three later. But I'll explain that with the next update.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Version 0.20 released.

Chapter Three and Interlude One have been added.

- Disabled experience gain for all heroes
- Minor dialogue improvements

Chapter Two:
- Changed loading screen

Chapter Three:
- Completed Chapter Three

Interlude One:
- Completed Interlude One

I also added two screenshots from the third chapter. Atm it has some AoS elements. I tried to add some diversity to the campaign but I'm unsure if I keep it or replace it with an AI instead.
Please tell me what you think about Chapter Three and whether you like its style or not. Any suggestions are welcome, as always.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Chapter Eleven will be a large battle. I don't want to post too many spoilers, but I can tell you that you'll decide yourself who is your enemy and who is your ally - indirectly, that is. Some of the decisions you make during the campaign will affect this chapter and the storyline in the next book as well.

I also reuploaded the campaign for a little update. Those who already played Chapter One and Two won't have to replay them any more. Until the final release, all campaign buttons will be visible from the very beginning.

- Made all campaign buttons visible

Interlude One:
- Replaced all Riflemen with Crossbowmen


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Currently playing the mission right now but something happened when I destroyed the Unknown base, I got control of Aedale and her soldiers... and was able to break out from within the prison.

Restarting the mission and I'll tell ye' if I encounter anymore bugs if not then this post will remain unedited.

Edit: I know this is me being nitpicky but the Captains in Mission 3's end cinematic were all facing the wrong direction I'm not sure if that was just my game though.

(Forgot to mention this with the edit woops) Freeing Aedale first then destroying the Unknown Base does not cause any other bugs from what I saw.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Just a little progress report.
Chapter Four took more time than anticipated. Many parts of it were so unsatisfying that I had no other choice but recreating most of it.
I'll update the campaign when I'm done with both Chapter Four and Chapter Five since both belong more or less together and Chapter Four can be kinda short depending on your choice.
And yes, Chapter Four will be the first chapter where you can decide how you want to get through it. The shorter variant might be a bit... well, I'm not going to reveal anything. You'll see soon enough. ;)

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Version 0.30 released

Chapter Four and Five have been added. I'll add some screens later.

- Replaced all loading screens
- Minor improvements

Chapter Three:
- Fixed quest bug
- Fixed cinematic bug

Chapter Four:
- Completed Chapter Four

Chapter Five:
- Completed Chapter Five

And here's a little spoiler for the following chapters:

There will be a secret chapter which you can get only, if you make certain decisions in two other chapters - if you really want that. It's not the "good" way. ;)

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Another quick update. Mostly cosmetic stuff. I added some icons made by Heinvers.

- Replaced Gardon icon
- Replaced Swordsman icon

Chapter Five:
- Added Boolean for Devilish Influence Side Quest

I also wanted to ask what you think of the reinforcement system in Chapter Five. I'm considering to use it again in the future.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Well, at the moment everything is very fast since everything to Chapter Four has already been created long ago (Except for the Prologue) and only had to be modified. In addition, I'm on holiday right now and have an injured foot.

However, from now on, I won't be able to upload new chapters as fast. My foot regenerates quite fast and my holidays end in about two weeks. Also, all chapters from now on have to be created from scratch which takes MUCH more time. I warned you, that at the beginning everythin will go fast and later it will take MUCH longer. We already reached this point. ;)
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Little update, mostly for Chapter Five. There were some bugs left I found while making screenshots. Let me know, if you find more.

- Demons don't sleep anymore

Chapter Three:
- Enabled Master Training for Chaplains

Chapter Four:
- Minor balance improvements

Chapter Five:
- Fixed the boolean issue completely
- Reinforcements and the Player have shared vision now
- Fixed some AI issues
- Replaced Lera model with the proper one


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Hey Shar, sorry I haven't done a bug report in a while but I've been busy and I'll try to get back to you tomorrow alright? I'll edit this post if I find anything.

Edit: The last parts of Chapter Four's loading screen text is cut off, what happened to the captains that I rescued did they stay to defend the outpost?

A "Lord Larantos" appeared twice when Salana spoke in the beginning of Chapter Five, is there supposed to be vision on the ally you summon to help you? The gate to my ally's base was locked and I broke it down not sure if I needed to do that or if would open anyways but they still came out to help me, but... it's bit inconsistent. Fighting all three elven traitor factions makes it a bit hard without help from my ally.

I'll get back to you in a bit... oh and something I forgot there was a blademaster in Chapter Three that liked to Ghost Walk and make a direct bee line for my allies but never the Voidwar Veterans.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Take your time, Kasrkin, you already helped me a lot and we all have other things to do as well. ;)
I already took care of some minor bugs, not corrected in the last update, and these fixes will be included within the next update.

I finished the next Interlude and turned to creating the next chapter. I don't know how long it'll take, but I hope I'll be able to update the campaign within the next few days.
I've just played your campaign yesterday. Not bad, but some areas feel a bit too empty, like the Outpost area. Please add height variation to the terrain(I mean the raise lower tools), you already have cliffs. Also you might wanna add the shadow borders back to the maps, it feels strange without them.....and while you make cinematic please put the scenes more towards the map center not right to the map's edge, it looks odd as of now. Good luck with it :)

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Thanks Heinvers, I'll take your advice and work on that. I already use the raise lower tools, but not that much so far. I'll try to improve that.
I removed the borders mostly for space reasons, but I'll add them back. (Must've forgotten this one somehow.)
For the cinematics, which do you mean exactly? Some, like in Chapter One and Five, have to be on the edge since that's your starting point. However, the Chapter Four ending cinematic can be moved to the center easily.

A little spoiler.
Chapter Six will incluce the first actual Boss fight. There'll be other Boss fights - although you can avoid one of them - but it's unlikely that I'll create many Boss fights.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Version 0.40 released

- Dialogue improvements
- Minor enhancements
- Replaced Demonlord model
- Improved terrain
- Re-added camera borders
- Added version name to the description
- Added campaign preview screen

Chapter Three:
- Blademasters don't have Wind Walk anymore

Chapter Four:
- Increased difficulty
- Moved epilogue place more towards the center of the map

Interlude Two:
- Completed Interlude Two

Chapter Six:
- Completed Chapter Six

@Kasrkin: Thanks for your report. But I thought I already removed the ally bugs in Chapter Five with the last update. I should maybe add 'Known Issues' to the first post to show which bugs have already been noticed and (hopefully) removed.
The captains should be going with Salana though the tunnel.
And for the loading screen: That's most likely because of your WC3 resolution. For me, all of the text is displayed. However, I'll think about it. It might be neccessary to shorten the text.
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Level 12
May 11, 2014
WoW , a very fast project , and you are a good map maker and i like that you want to make a campaign series . Good luck


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Ok Shar, I'll go back in and do the Retreat option along with helping Bloodclaw this time.

Oh and a bit of a request even though it's not a part of the job I gave myself, when you're done with this campaign can you make some of the Elven buildings in Chapter Five more elf-like? Like replace the barracks model, workshop, not sure about the Aviary maybe just rename it, and can you enable the option to build high elven farms?

I'll get back to you with a report soon.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
WoW , a very fast project , and you are a good map maker and i like that you want to make a campaign series . Good luck

Thanks again, man. :)

Ok Shar, I'll go back in and do the Retreat option along with helping Bloodclaw this time.

Oh and a bit of a request even though it's not a part of the job I gave myself, when you're done with this campaign can you make some of the Elven buildings in Chapter Five more elf-like? Like replace the barracks model, workshop, not sure about the Aviary maybe just rename it, and can you enable the option to build high elven farms?

I'll get back to you with a report soon.

Suggestions are just as welcome as bug reports. Helps me to improve the campaign. ;)
I'll consider doing that - at least for Chapter Five. I already found some interesting models for that.

A little announcement, by the way. When I'm finally done with the last chapter and epilogue of this book, I'll first release it here as the demo for one or two weeks and wait for bug reports. Than I'll remove the demo and upload the full version in the maps section and turn to creating the First Orc Book. Maybe I'll add some things to the full version either way - things like Kasrkins suggestion for example. I'll also credit everyone who tested the campaign and posted about it here as tester. (So, tell me - should you still be watching this thread - if you were able to play it, BandolXD :p)
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Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Lost everything I typed out.... flippin hive...

Chapter Four: The captains still don't show up for either path taken but the dialogue for one of them does show up if you choose the retreat option even though there are no captains.

Chapter Five: Everything works fine now here, even with Bloodclaw as an ally. Although trying to destroy green base is still a major pain with Larantos right up there with his demon army. A suggestion though can you give the player the option to train Cavaliers to bring some sort of heavy unit into the fight? A comment on the Walkyries, I only used them with my first playthrough on this chapter and even then only one battle, maybe just trade them for the calvary? One more thing are the Elven Traitors meant to have a hero? They have an altar of kings.

Chapter Six: Everything worked fine, excellent job Shar.

Can you tell me what objectives unlock the secret chapter though? I don't have a lot of time on my hands and it'd help if I didn't have to search through the missions gotta test for bugs man.

One last thing I did this all with the Revenge option, I'll try getting back to you with the Retreat option over the weekend... maybe tomorrow.

That's all peace.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Lost everything I typed out.... flippin hive...

Chapter Four: The captains still don't show up for either path taken but the dialogue for one of them does show up if you choose the retreat option even though there are no captains.

Chapter Five: Everything works fine now here, even with Bloodclaw as an ally. Although trying to destroy green base is still a major pain with Larantos right up there with his demon army. A suggestion though can you give the player the option to train Cavaliers to bring some sort of heavy unit into the fight? A comment on the Walkyries, I only used them with my first playthrough on this chapter and even then only one battle, maybe just trade them for the calvary? One more thing are the Elven Traitors meant to have a hero? They have an altar of kings.

Chapter Six: Everything worked fine, excellent job Shar.

Can you tell me what objectives unlock the secret chapter though? I don't have a lot of time on my hands and it'd help if I didn't have to search through the missions gotta test for bugs man.

One last thing I did this all with the Revenge option, I'll try getting back to you with the Retreat option over the weekend... maybe tomorrow.

That's all peace.

Yeah, I know that. Loosin' typed stuff isn't a Hive specific matter, however...
I'll replay Chapter Four and look at this Captain matter.
Destroying Larantos' base is supposed to be painful. Try on Hard and you'll get a special surprise. ;)
Having access to Walkyries does have a reason. They're the only unit with Spell Immunity you have, so they're great counter units for Dragonhawks and Doomguards since Dragonhawks Aerial Shackles are useless and Doomguard without using offensive spell is kinda weak. Walkyries make it much easier to fight the yellow base.
And no, the Elven Traitors aren't supposed to have a hero (yet?) but they need the Altar of Kings to build the Castle. That's the only reason, they have one.

So, you wanna know, how to get the Secret Chapter? Just two hidden tags ahead.

You sure 'bout that? Can't go back, you know?
Alright, you have to take the shard in Chapter Six and absorb the power in Chapter Ten. The Secret Chapter comes directly after Chapter Ten

Hey Shar Dundred , is your leg still heart ?

It's much better now, thanks. :)
Shouldn't take long until it's completely healed.

You still haven't fixed this: Kapitel Three > Chapter Three.

o_o How did I manage to miss something like that? I'll fix it at once. ;)

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Hehehe, rather the opposite. If I played Chapter Three more than once, I might have recognized that sooner - or not. :p

@Kasrkin: I found the reason for this bug.

Quick update because of two bugs, I couldn't tolerate.^^

Chapter Three:
- Corrected Chapter Three name display

Chapter Four:
- The rescued Captains now join you outside the outpost
Level 12
May 11, 2014
In chapter 11 you said that it will be a large battle , it will be something like “united we stand “ , i mean at the start of the mission you will chose your allies (orcs or undead ) and fight against a vast army of demons ?

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Looks promising. I'll check it out later :)

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
In chapter 11 you said that it will be a large battle , it will be something like “united we stand “ , i mean at the start of the mission you will chose your allies (orcs or undead ) and fight against a vast army of demons ?

Nay, it's not going to be like that. The Imperials would never work with the Orcs or Undead. They still don't know the truth - or anything - about the Undead and they hate the Orcs - not as much as the Demons, but still. They don't trust any of them. They'd only ally with one or both of them if they have no other choice, but it's unlikely that this will happen in any Human Book. This may change or not.
In one interlude you'll have the opinion to choose between two missions. This decision will direct who you'll have to fight in the last chapter.

Looks promising. I'll check it out later :)

Thanks, take your time. ;)

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Ok, I've started playing. Haven't noticed anything wrong in the first chapter so far, just a few minor things:
1. AI and player bases both have more than 5 workers in gold mines for some reason(Mines cannot support more than 5, so you can put in 100, it will still be the same). You should take care of that.
2. You should put in the sky. It's not that important in general, but that leads me to next problem.
3. There are some points(edges of the map) in chapter one that aren't covered with any terrain or trees. Plus, without the sky, it looks even more ugly.

But nothing really major, everything else is cool so far. I'll let you know if I find anything else.
Level 12
May 11, 2014
General Gardon Bloodclaw is the most ruthless and merciless general , you could use this in a mission . A mission with 2 parts : part 1 ( you are allied with orcs and you must destroy a demon base ) and part 2 (you must destroy the orc base who was your allies ) What you think ?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
General Gardon Bloodclaw is the most ruthless and merciless general , you could use this in a mission . A mission with 2 parts : part 1 ( you are allied with orcs and you must destroy a demon base ) and part 2 (you must destroy the orc base who was your allies ) What you think ?

Hmm, I like the sound of that. It'd really fit to Bloodclaw - the super villian of all non-demon races since Undead aren't really evil in this series - to first use the orcs and then betray them. I think, this could be in the next book. :)

For a moment I thought they'd ally the undead o.o Thank god.

But what about the sorceresses choice of absorbing or not the shard that the Lich left? Any consequences if she absorbs the power from it? :p

Weeeeeeeell, yes. First of all - you can't really see it in the mission - one of her abilities will be replaced. Secondly, it will affect both her character development and her ambitions. I don't want to spoiler too much (especially since most things might happen in the next books which aren't planned completely yet) but I can tell you that she'll meet a certain someone who begins watching her after the adventures inside the cave. :p

@Imperator: Thanks for the feedback. Adding skies comes on my to-do-list.
Level 12
May 11, 2014
I am glad that you like my idea . And how about to give Gardon Bloodclaw a brother , a brother at same ruhless and merciless and he lead a band of mercenary who want to kill the emperor and you must kill him . Maybe in the next book ?
Level 12
May 11, 2014
With all due respect I don't think it would be that good (just my opinion).

Well it is opinion , and i am not upset or angry but why you dont think is not a good idea ? is a mission when you must kill your brother for the good of the empire , you know something like “Death to the traitor . Long life to the empire “