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Arkain News Network

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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
23rd January 2024
Ladies and gentlemen!

While I have already thanked you for the reception regarding the final cinematics of the True Story
of Arkain in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER], allow me to once again thank you.
As stated in my previous newspost, we, Kasrkin and I, are proud of the community we have
established over the years and we appreciate every single one of you - sincerely.

Now, with the emotional part out of the way, it is my honor to announce the release of yet
another short story in the Tales of Arkain thread!

The new short story called "The Golden Schism" has been added - you can find it here. It has in fact
already been teased in the Farewell cinematic of the True Story of Arkain.
Give it a good read and leave your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER] thread!

I know that this is one of many human stories but it has been something I wanted to write for quite some
time now - ever since the final chapter of the van Durce family in the True Story to be exact.
Do not worry, there will be stories of other races such as the Tribal Dominion coming as well - stay tuned for that!

Note: This does not mean that the Legends of Arkain will "only" continue in short story format. Just to get that
out of the way before there is any speculation. ;)


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
27th January 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

the time has come for yet another short story - or to be more specific, two stories in one!
That's right, @Jayborino has written two stories for Arkain again and these have been added
to the Tales of Arkain proper!

They are (of course) about the Tribal Dominion. The two stories have been added in a package
called "The New Dominion".

You can find them

Enjoy & leave your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER] thread!

Huge thanks to @Jayborino for writing those stories! His dediciation to Arkain is a great example to highlight
the amazing community that we have become over the years!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
29th February 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

not often that I get to write something on a 29th February, is it?
I wish to inform you that, after having taken some time off, I have once again returned to the drawing
board for the continuation of the Arkain storyline.
Take mind however that whatever media I choose to do so (I already know, I will however not
publish this piece of information at this point) does not exclude that I will also use other media as well.
Be mindful that I will first focus on writing the script of the next Arkain entry before you will actually
get to "see" much from it.
I highly appreciate your long time loyalty and continued support for Arkain Industries - that seat in
the first line for that war is basically guaranteed to be yours by now!
You might still have to pay for it, don't blame me, blame @Kasrkin, he wanted a more comfy seat for his office, someone has to pay for it.

I am however interested in one thing:
Would you prefer focus to be on a bigger piece of lore coming from me or would you rather have some
short stories in between?
ALSO: Can you guess what the next entry will be about?
Let me know in the Round Table of Arkain!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
17th March 2024

"It doesn't matter who you are, countless people have lost their lives in that blasted war - either
literally or figuratively. An outcast traitor, a selfish deserter, a tragic survivor, you could be any
of these and I wouldn't care. All I care about is that you are a reliable brother in arms. Your past
is in the past."
Darkan Hammerfall

Three years have passed since the end of the Second Voidwar. A new era is upon Arkain. The survival of
mankind is no longer in danger, but they are split between the two remaining kingdoms on one side and
the reborn Zyainor with its black dragon allies on the other.
The Elves have firmly aligned themselves with Zyainor under their new queen while the Dwarves have
withdrawn to their own realm, refusing to enter negotiations with any other race.
Led there by their now both secular and theocratic leader Amari, the Orcs and their allies have made
their new home in Salria while the Demons have withdrawn into their own realm in the east and
the Undead... are no longer really united ever since Aridon left them.

It is here where our story has its humble beginnings. Within the outskirts of Zyainor, an unconscious human
is found by a group of mercenaries led by a man who calls himself Boranel Aspurex.

Stay tuned for further updates!
Also feel free to discuss in the New Content Discussion!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
1st April 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

some of you might expect an April's Fools joke here but to be honest, I did not have much
time to "prepare" one and I didn't want to make up a bad one just to have made a joke
with inferior quality.
We at Arkain Industries do not tolerate inferior quality. That's why Veringar got the boot.

That being said, I hope you had a great Easter (or if you do not celebrate it, a great

Progress on the next entry of Arkain is still going. Our favorite paladin has been polishing his
armor for literal weeks while the story script has been finalized.
Yes, it is very shiny now... and @Kasrkin is still grumbling about that thing with a certain reporter... Also why are there flowers in her office again?

I have actually recently spent some time with editing textures and models (crazy, I know, still very
limited, I am no magician) to prepare.
As much as I would like to show you the results, it would spoiler the medium in which the next entry
will take place and I do not want to do that just yet.

Boranel Aspurex and his companions (whose identities are about to be revealed soon) are awaiting you.

Stay tuned!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
3rd April 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,
it is time for you to meet the companions of Boranel Aspurex - who himself would rather
have you meet him in person than read much about him though there is some stuff to
read about him in the Arkain universe already as some of you may remember!
Without much further ado, let me introduce them to you!

Darkan Hammerfall
A young (by dwarven standards) warrior of the Hammerfalls living far from his people, in exile. Having spent the last few years as a wanderer and mercenary, he has spent much time among the other races and became an experienced fighter. However, since Dwarves are a rare sight outside of their homes since the war, he is often met with awe and mistrust.

A travelling bard who clearly has some magical talent but has never gone to any academy in the Kingdoms. Trying to keep a low profile, her past is shrouded in mystery and secrecy to any but those who are close to her. Running from her past, like many others in the company of Boranel Aspurex, the singing Calere seems to enjoy her travels even if she seems to lack a destination.

A humorous (sometimes somewhat strangely sardonically so) hunter who is living in a small village in the borderlands between Zyainor and Kerrel. The villagers named him the "protector of the village" ever since he settled down there after fighting in the war. While not having joined Boranel Aspurex and his companions, he has been quite helpful and welcoming to them and seems interested in their goals.

A no-nonsense mercenary captain of the Blackthorn who used to be a soldier of Salria that fought against the Tribal Dominion until the surrender of the kingdom. He was among the Salrian soldiers that partook in the battle against the Redfist fanatics and Rengian opportunists side by side with the Tribal Dominion.

An orc mercenary of the Blackthorn who works for Grazaz. As former shaman of the Ironthunder Clan back when that clan still existed, Orkar still wears the colors of his old clan with pride - despite this being frowned upon by many of his brothers and sisters in the new age of Orckind.

An angelic of the Golden Guard that harbors a dark secret behind her bright and shining face. While she is a great supporter of Boranel Aspurex, she seldomly accompanies him personally. As the Golden Guard is mostly looked upon poorly in the Kingdoms these days, she prefers to remain in the background.

Stay tuned for further newsposts!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
15th April 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

progress on the next entry of the legendary Arkain series is going well.
I want to thank each and everyone of you who follow this project for your loyalty.
Do not worry, more information regarding the nature of the next entry will follow soon.

For now, however, I would like to bring your attention to something else entirely.
My good friend @Jayborino has started a new video series for the True Story of Arkain.

As I am to understand, some people prefer their videos without commentary - and he
has now started to release videos offering just that.
You can find them in this playlist here.

If you prefer a commentated video series, you can find his complete commentated playlist here.

Huge thanks to @Jayborino as well as to all others who enjoy the Legends of Arkain.
As I have stated in the past, both @Kasrkin and I appreciate all of you, whether you make videos,
create assets and/or art for Arkain, are active in the forum or simply enjoy playing the project.

We look forward to sharing what holds the future with you!

Stay tuned for that!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
19th May 2024
Ladies and gentlemen!

It has been a while, has it not?

Today I am bringing you a new short story for the Tales of Arkain called "Sunset", a story taking place
several years after the end of the Second Voidwar in the Empire of Rodan. A new character has entered
the stage, looking for answers and family.

You can find the new short story

Enjoy & leave your thoughts in the New Content Discussion [SPOILER] thread!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
3rd June 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

as you are aware, for the past few months, I have been working on a new project for the
Legends of Arkain series - a new game to be modded, a new entry in the story, following the
mysterious Boranel Aspurex and his companions.

As you also know, I have been somewhat vague with information regarding this project.
While one of the reasons was definitely avoiding to give too much information before you
got to explore things yourself, one of the other reasons was also that while I was optimistic
about it and had modded the game before for quite some time already, I had never created
something on this scope which would have been a major overhaul of that game.
It would have been most unfortunate to go too deep into detail before checking if said project
was really possible at all.

To my dismay, due to technical and script-related issues, this has come to be the case.
Despite having spent quite some time on working around this in the past couple of weeks, I have
come to the unfortunate conclusion that this modding project has to be cancelled.

This is especially unfortunate since I had been able to do some things I had not been able to do in
WarCraft 3, things such as AI control or creating more complicated custom models and textures than
I had done i. e. for the True Story of Arkain.
This has not been an easy decision to make but I have made it nonetheless as I dislike the idea of just
having something in the "never to be finished" limbo hell without just putting an end to it.

That being said, this does NOT mean that the Legends of Arkain has met its "end".
The story I wanted to tell still exists, I just could not tell it in the form I wanted to tell it. There were also
(very early) plans for a dwarven story and another one focussed on certain people coming to Arkain from
a certain other continent.
It just means that the medium which I will use to tell these stories will be different - will it be a game, will
it be written, will it be a rap by @Jayborino on his Youtube channel? I cannot say for certain at this point.
I kinda doubt the last one though to be honest.
For the time being I am going to take a break - I am not leaving however, do not worry. I will still keep you
updated whenever there is something new to tell. There are currently other things I need to focus on - nothing
that you would need to be concerned about or anything, no worries, it is nothing bad at all, on the contrary, it just
is going to take some of my spare time away for the next couple of months.

I understand if some of you are disappointed about this development - I am as well however given the circumstances
this was the only correct decision.

Regardless, @Kasrkin and I both wish you a good start of the week and ofc stay tuned for more news in the future!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
29th June 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

today I have added two new short stories to the Tales of Arkain.

One of them is a human story called "Fall from Grace" which continues the events of the
"The Golden Schism" short story.

The other one is an orc story called "A Fragment of the Past" which centers around Grofzag
and Zairmak in the days of the Tribal Dominion.

You can find both short stories in the
Tales of Arkain in their respective post.

Enjoy and share your thoughts in the
New Content Discussion!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
2nd July 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

after almost a year since the last time and the conclusion of the True Story of Arkain, I am under the impression
that it is time for another Arkain Question Time!

For those of you that don't know, Arkain Question Time is an event where you can send me your various questions
regarding Arkain. I collect these answers and then answer them in a single great post.
As you can see in this thread, the questions also involve spoilers - and also some funny/less serious questions (and answers).
All these questions are welcome and I will include as many as possible.

This time however, I would like to do things a bit... differently.
I am not going to make any promises but this time I might make the event more easily digestible for you than
having to read a massive post at the end. More on that at a later date however.

I also intend to be more liberal regarding the questions I accept but that depends on the questions I get.

I will accept questions from now on. Consider it "open-ended" until further notice.

I am looking forward to your questions!

Stay tuned!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
16th July 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thank those who have sent their questions so far - already we are at ~70 questions for the Arkain Question Time.

There is currently no deadline for you to send the questions as of yet but I intend to set it sometime in early August.

Feel free to send more my way!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
25th July 2025
Ladies and gentlemen,

the tenth anniversary of the Legends of Arkain draws near.
On the 11th of August I can proudly proclaim that it has been 10 years since I first brought this project to Hive!

That being said, you have the chance to send your questions for the Arkain Questime Time until the 3rd of August.

I am looking forward to your questions!

And... stay tuned!
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