| General Blen Greymoore
General Greymoore is said to embody everything the Empire stands for. He is an honorable warrior, proud to fight for the Empire and the Emperor, following every order and doing whatever he can to make the Empire a better place - even if it means that he has to fight the enemies of mankind without showing any mercy, hunting them until they are completely destroyed.
Already, many bards tell romantical tales of the veteran who was born a peasant and rose through ranks only by his wit, his tactical mind and his strength in both body and mind, saving not only his men but also fair ladies on a daily basis. Of course, the tales are exaggerated, as tales tend to be, and Blen wouldn't consider himself a paragon, having to send his men into certain death again and again to assure victory for the Empire, mourning those who he lost. Greymoore's soldiers all look up to him, seeing him, who fights at their side in every battle, as their inspirational role model. |
| General Gardon Bloodclaw
General Gardon is the most ruthless and merciless general in the Empire. He is known for using every available weapon against his enemies without showing any pardon. His background is a mystery. He simply appeared out of nowhere and became general. He proved very fast, that he got that position for a good reason, destroying the enemies of the Empire with fast, merciless effectiveness. He is the commander of the Ironfist, an elite force of the Empire, which often carries out top secret missions for the Emperor himself. According to rumors, Gardon himself enjoys the favor of the Emperor - much to the frustration of many higher-ranking Imperials. Yet none would dare make a move against him, as in the past, such attempts ended in disaster. |
| Rangul
Growing up as a usual member of the Deathbreeze Clan, Rangul's abilities and his dedication to his race along with his strength made him rise up the ranks of the clan quite fast until he became the first and most trusted lieutenant of the chieftain. Rangul sees his race on its way to utter extinction and dreams of a realm for his people. A strong realm that would prosper and serve as staging ground for many invasions. Dedicating his life to create this realm himself, he planned to not only be the successor of the chieftain but to also unite all other clans under his command, sending them against the Kingdoms of the Humans. Their lands would be taken over and used by the Orcs who would then become more than simple marauders and pillagers.
However, his plan has one major hole: The Demons and their constant attacks. While Rangul thinks that his people could be powerful enough to defeat some demonic army, he has yet to come up with any ideas on how his people should wage war on the Kingdoms on the one side and defend against the Demons on the other. |
| Amari
The chieftain of the Cliffhunter Clan, Amari, was born as the daughter of Rangul. While women in the Orc society were forced to stay at home and take care of it and the children while the males were fighting, Amari wanted to prove to her father, whom she knew was more tolerant towards new ideas - him adopting a human girl was perfect proof for his. She secretly gathered a few other members of the Deathbreeze Clan and went on a mission to gain his trust. However, she was betrayed and forced into exile - like all Orc women who were unwilling to "stay home". The fate of an exiled female was often death. However, Amari did not want to accept that fate. She sneaked her way through to the Kingdoms where she met other exiles and together they founded the Cliffhunter Clan - a clan consisting of all Orc women who had been exiled by their clains. Therefore the Cliffhunter Clan is considered an exile clan by the other Orc clans - and therefore hardly even considered a real orc clan.
Amari and her followers raided the Kingdoms for a long time, with Amari being smart enough to keep her clan moving instead of settling anywhere to avoid being detected by the armies of the Kingdoms. Since the foundation of their clan, the number of exiled Orc women has increased dramatically, showing that there are many women who want to fight. Amari promised to herself that, one day, she would make the other Orc clans accept her clan and reform the society of her people regarding females. |
| Aridon the Watcher
Aridon is the most mysterious creature of Arkain – also the most unknown. No one but the Demons even knows of Aridon's existence and the archlich intends to keep it that way as long as possible. It's unknown for how long he has existed, but he has always been here. He's even older than all of the oldest Demons together. It's also unknown who or what he used to be before – if he has ever been anything else before. He calls himself the humble Watcher of Arkain who ensures that the balance isn't disturbed by the other races. The Demons and the mortals alike often tend to threaten this balance with their actions and Aridon has often interfered in the actions of the mortals – but from the shadows without being noticed. He has seen the future and has known centuries ago that in this conflict, manipulations won't be enough and prepares for a full scale war. It's time for the Undead to fix the flaws of the other races. |
| Ornasion the Destroyer
Unlike other dreadlords, Ornasion had always prefered brute force over manipulations or mind games. This made others of his kind consider him a savage brute, not worth much more than some pitlord. He was considered simple-minded, no threat to the far more intelligent and cunning dreadlords. However, it was this apparent "simple-mind" that spared him from the political games between other Demons, allowing him to focus on what he did best: Warfare. He became a great tactician and led the Blooddrinker Legion into many successful battles against their enemies.
Ornasion turned out to be the greatest general of the Blooddrinker Legion, yet the other dreadlords never considered him a threat due to him being interested in nothing but war, even going as far as calling him a "Pit Dreadlord" in reference to the brutish Pitlords. It was the last time a dreadlord would underestimate any other dreadlord. One day, still centuries before the Void War, Ornasion made his move. He challenged all higher-ranking dreadlords of the Blooddrinker Legion at once - and tore them apart. While actually being the brute they always considered him to be, he was no fool and was driven by the same ambition as others of his kind were.
Ornasion used his brute force to make the Blooddrinker Legion the most numerous by absorbing several smaller Legions. In doing so and due to his tactical abilities, he had secured the place of his Legion as the one leading the charge against the Humans and other races of Arkain, planning to destroy all his enemies - be it by crushing their lands or by corrupting their minds. |