First Orc Book of Arkain (Patch 1.29.2 or newer!)

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.

! No longer updated !
Check out the
True Story of Arkain for updates!


A Campaign Series made by Shar Dundred

! Requires Version 1.29.2 or newer !
You are not allowed to publish any edited version of any Arkain map! This includes but is not limited to Reforged edits!


The Orc Clans were crippled by the other races when they tried to conquer the continent long ago. Now the remaining clans fight both each other as well as the other races. They control only small areas and everytime they manage to conquer more, either the Imperial Army or Demon Legions come to take it away from them.
But now, a new generation of proud Orcs prepares to continue where their ancestors failed and take the land their people need.
Take control of Rangul, high ranking member of the Deathbreeze Clan, and his clan to unite the Orcs under one banner and fight everyone who stands between the Orcs and their wish to take the Kingdoms for themselves.

Campaign Series Info

The Legends of Arkain is a campaign series which takes place on the world Arkain.
The races of Arkain fight against the demon invaders, who try once again to enslave every being on Arkain. The Humans, the Orcs and the Undead will have to make a stand against them... or face complete annihilation or enslavement by the Demons.
This campaign series will consist of actually three different series. There will be a Human, an Orc and an Undead campaign series. They will all run in the same timeline but will present three different stories and outcomes. When they are all finished, it's completely up to you, who wins this conflict.
Those, who win the war, will write the history.

You like the campaign?
Click here to see the progress of the series!

Click here for the First Human Book!

Click here for the First Undead Book!

Click here for the Second Human Book!
Click here for the Second Orc Book!
Click here for the Second Undead Book!

Let's Play made by @Jayborino!


- Three different storylines/campaign series
Take control of one of the three factions, the proud Humans of the Empire, the plundering and strong Orc Clans or the mysterious Undead Nexus and their endless army of the dead, and face the demonic invasion as well as other struggles that await you.
- New units
Command units, you already know, as well as completely new units with new upgrades and abilities.
- Decide the fate of Arkain
At some points of the campaigns, you'll have the opportunity to decide things, that affect the storyline, characters and sometimes even the chapters you play or how you have to play them. By doing or, well, not doing certain side quests, you can also affect the campaign.
- Three difficulties
You can play the campaign in either easy, normal oder hard difficulty, just like in the original WC3 campaigns. It will impact on the AI difficulty and scripting as well as other minor changes.
In easy version, for example, the AI won't rebuilt lost buildings.

- Full Jass AI
In this campaign series, every single AI is written in Jass instead of being created with the AI editor. This makes the AI more intelligent.
- Universal Hero hotkeys
All hero abilities use the QWER hotkeys.


The Human Empire
There have always been Humans on Arkain. The Human kingdoms and their allies, the Elves and Dwarves, have fought the Demons for centuries while also being attacked by orc pillagers. They had no chance against the demons and were already close to annihilation, when the Empire showed up.
They came over the Great Sea in the west and saved the kingdoms, who immediately joined the Empire in return. The Humans still fight the Demons and more and more of them join the fight against their old suppressors.
The Humans already tried to get rid of the Demons for good, but they failed. However, they continue fighting and won't stop until there are no humans or enemies of humanity anymore.
The current Emperor is Theodor the Second.

The Orcish Clans

Legends say that the Orcs hail from another continent and then spread all over the kingdoms. But not even the oldest Orcs can tell, if that's the true or the Orcs have been here all the time, just like the other races.
But it is known that the united clans attacking absolutely everything and everyone they met and conquered a large territory. It did work for a while, but not long. The other races, especially the Demons, who were very angry about that insult, brought the fight to them and massacred half of the green skins.
The Orcs had to retreat and lost much of their territory. The only reason, why half of them are still there, is that their enemies fought among each other as well.
The Orc Clans allied with the Trolls, to increase their strengh, but still didn't manage to gather an army, that was comparable to their old numbers. Since they weren't able to begin their another huge conquest, the clans stopped working together and some old rivalries amongst the clans became important again.
Still, they managed to raid the other races and remain an annoyance for the other factions. There are still many Orcs left, which could prove to be a strong force, if they'd be united under a strong leader.

The Undead Nexus

The Undead are the most mysterious race of Arkain. Of course, necromancers and necrolytes are not unknown and have always summoned some undead servants to do their bidding, but the Undead as a complete race are a mystery to all creatures.
Once, a group of mighty necromancers, who became insane because of their immense power, believed they could rule the world with an army of the Living Dead. However, only days after they began attacking the Human kingdoms, they simply vanished. Their armies were gone and only the remains of the corpses were proof, that they ever existed.
What no mortal and no Demon knows, is, that a powerful Archlich, Aridon the Watcher, self-proclaimed guardian of Arkain, took care of them. He has the ability to take control of every Undead, he wants to control. He uses this power only, to make sure, that besides him is no one, who can form a real army of Undead. He always made the Undead kill their masters and reanimated them as his loyal servants.
The only mighty Undead, not currently living on the Dead Mountain, are guarding old temples and ruins, which contain artifacts, not meant to fall in the hands of neither mortals nor Demons. Still, they all call Aridon their master.
Aridon and his Undead live on the so called Dead Mountain, which lies within the Human kingdoms. Every sent expedition on this mountain never returned, so the Humans decided to simply ignore it and built a garrison to watch over the only entrance to the mountain.
Aridon claims to be as old as the world itself and has seen the rise and fall of races and nations. His goal is to maintain the balance of the world - or at least, what he sees as balance. He stayed out of every conflict and only watched for millenia.
But recent events force Aridon to end his idleness and take action himself instead of only manipulating others. He'll have to make the world know about the Undead - and give reason to fear them.

The Demon Legions

If there are any creatures besides the Undead Lord Aridon, who are as old as Arkain itself, than it must be the Demons. These creatures have been the bane of Arkain for a long, long time. If their history contains anything else than attacking and enslaving other races, than only the Demons know about it.
Every Demon Legion is lead by its most powerful Dreadlord. Who is the one, who commands all Legions, is unknown to every non-demon.
The Demons' realm lies in the East of the continent and is seperated by a bottomless rift, the so called Void. No one, except for Demons and their slaves, has ever been on the other side of the Void. The Void is so heavy fortified by the Demons, that they managed to block every attack there. The Void is also the place where the Imperial Army was defeated during their Great Attack.
Now, the Demons seem to begin another great offensive against the other races. And this time, they are determined to be victorious and won't show any mercy.


Rangul grew up as a usual member of the Deathbreeze Clan. His abilities and dedication to his race along with his strength made him rise up the ranks quite fast. He now serves as the first and most trusted Lieutenant of the chieftain. He plans to form the Orcs from simple pillagers to a proud and strong army which would be strong enough to conquer the lands of the Humans. He's intelligent and always thinks before he acts since he knows that any mistake could ruin his plan.
Rath Wolfscar
Rath Wolfscar is the leader of the Raiders from the Darkmind Clan. He lead some pillages against the Humans himself and earned much respect in his clan. However, one day his clan made a huge mistake and was destroyed by the Imperial armies. They killed many warriors - and also women and children since they wanted to destroy the clan completely. Rath's hatred for the Imperials knows no bounds and he'll take every opportunity to take revenge.
Zairmak is one of the most powerful warlocks of the Orcs. No one knows how old he really is, but it's most likely that he's the oldest Orc who is still alive and knows secrets of the old times, he doesn't share with anyone. He gained control over the Ravaging Fire Clan years ago although only half of his clan supports him. He is feared among all clans and many respect him both for his age and his power. Underestimating him because of his age has proven to be a huge mistake in the past.
Vanessa grew up as the daughter of a lesser noble in the Human Kingdoms. When she was five years old, the mansion of her father was raided by the Deathbreeze Clan. Due to the absence of her father, they managed to defeat the guards and take everything they could find. Somehow, the girl wasn't terrified by the strange creatures and didn't hide. She was found by the Orcs and their leader, the young Rangul, decided to take her with him instead of killing her. She grew up among the Orcs and was even accepted as a member of the clan - at least by the chieftain and half of the clan. Many dislike her for still being a Human instead of an Orc. Still, she dedicates her life towards Rangul and the Deathbreeze Clan.
Sasrogarn is Rangul's eldest son and a strong spellcaster - like his father. He is Rangul's left hand and one of the few Orcs who already know of his plans and support him. Sasrogarn shares the dream of his father and has sworn that he'd carry on his dream in case his father dies. But he doesn't share the patience of his father and approves of taking a more direct and aggressive approach.








- Initial release

- Minor fixes

Chapter Two:
- Added new ranged unit

Chapter Seven:
- Paladins inside the citadel no longer have Resurrection
- Made ally more useful

Chapter Eight:
- No more fights in the ending cinematic

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed AIs

- Fixed Epilogue

- AI heroes now gain additional levels on Hard difficulty when they are supposed to
- High level Demon units can no longer be charmed
- Demon units don't take any damage from Holy Light anymore
- Demon units now take damage from Death Coil
- Activated latest melee patch for all maps that were still not up to date
- Blen's Neccessary Meassures spell was replaced with Imperial Edict
- Nerfed Giant Skeleton Warrior by removing Resistant Skin and Hardened Skin
- Increased damage of Destructors by 3
- Changed Armor Type of Eredar Warriors, Eredar Wrathguards and Eredar Grandmasters from Medium to Large
- Several model changes
- Decreased range of Dragon Lancers from 800 to 700
- Decreased Warlord damage by 3
- Necrolytes no longer have full mana after being recruited

Chapter One:
- Removed one Footman from the mansion
- Added a few Footmen to the village
- Added a Pitlord

Chapter Two:
- Added more elven and dwarven units

Chapter Three:
- Added more enemy units to the bases

Chapter Five:
- Improved all Clans' defenses (except the players')
- Added a Goblin Merchant to the map

Chapter Six:
- All Demon units now belong to the Blooddrinker Legion
- Added Pit Lord

Chapter Seven:
- Paladins have been replaced with Knight Commanders which use Parry instead of Divine Shield
- The Knight Commanders inside the Fortress have Ressurrection again
- Empowered Theoden by giving him his Amulet of Discipline and a Necklace of Spell Immunity
- The Player starts with two additional Grunts
- Increased the gold from the player's first gold mine by 10,000

Chapter Eight:
- Players can no longer recruit Dragon Lancers
- Added new enemy AI
- Grey and Blue now fight each other actively
- Added Pitlord

Chapter Nine:
- Replaced Soul Burn of Progaderas with Mass Soul Burn
- Progaderas now has Spell Immunity
- Players can no longer recruit Dragon Lancers
- Changed some units that were spawned by destroying enemy buildings
- Added two Watch Towers for the player
- Added two big waves ordered by General Cleavehand himself
- Lerrig now retreats once his Castle is destroyed
- Added more dialogues
- Demons now all belong to Neutral Hostile and won't randomly attack
- The Main Quest and the Paladin side quest are now completed properly

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed Mass Soul Burn

- Various fixes

- The campaign no longer uses the latest melee patch due to several balance changes messing up things, a few unit changes still apply to the campaign however

Interlude One:
- Fixed an issue where the prologue would crash in version 1.30.1

- Spirit Legionnaires no longer have the Curse ability

Chapter Seven:
- Slightly edited the ending cutscene (Vanessa will no longer fancy the idea of becoming "Empress of all mankind")

Chapter Nine:
- Added a few guards for the three main bases of the Imperials
- Removed two lines at the end of the chapter

- Fixed the amount of passed years in the first two chapters to the correct value

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed the knight movement in the intro cinematic
- Players now start with Arcanite Weapons and Armor instead of Steel
- Increased food limit to 120 & upkeep from 50/80 to 80/100
- The Undead base is no longer invulnerable

- Upkeep reworked: Low Upkeep now gives you 8 instead of 7 gold and High Upkeep now gives you 6 instead of 4 gold

- Fixed Batrider model

Chapter Two:
- Due to some people still having issues with the Interlude: The Beginning due to bugs in some Blizzard patches, Chapter Two is now also unlocked upon finishing Chapter One

Chapter Five:
- Fixed handicap for Easy difficulty

- Fixed triggers that would not be working anymore after loading in newer versions of the game
- Adjusted several Vanessa dialogues from Chapter Seven onwards

Chapter One:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Renamed Fishbarn to Village of Fishbarn
- Renamed Salesbury to Salesbury Militia
- Renamed Guards to Mansion Guards

Interlude One:
- Changed player color to Emerald

Chapter Two:
- Changed player color to Emerald

Interlude Two:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy

Chapter Three:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy
- Changed the color of the Kasrkin to Dark Green
- Renamed the Imperial Rearguard to Phoenix Regiment
- Changed the color of the Phoenix Regiment to Red
- Adjusted the hero of the Phoenix Regiment accordingly

Chapter Four:
- Changed player color to Emerald

Chapter Five:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy
- Increased the gold required to finish the Side Quest from 4000 to 6000

Chapter Six:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Knights of Kome to Peach
- Renamed the Imperial Army factions to Bull Regiment and Falcon Regiment

Chapter Seven:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of all Knights of Kome factions to Peach

Chapter Eight:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Imperial Army to Light Blue

Chapter Nine:
- Changed player color to Navy
- Changed the color of Lerrig's Soldiers to Light Blue
- Changed the color of the Deathbreeze Clan to Emerald
- Added Cleaving Attack for Selior
- Replaced Selior's Vengeance ability with Justice
- Renamed the Imperial Border Guard to Bear Regiment
- Several dialogue and trigger adjustments

- Changed player color to Emerald

Models & Skins:
Blizzard Entertainment
Wandering Soul
Uncle Fester
Mc !
Dark Hunter1357
Dmitry Rommel
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Mechanical Man

Blizzard Entertainment
Uncle Fester
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Eagle XI

Campaign Preview Screen:

Campaign Logo:

Campaign Chief Development Tester and Grammar Genius:

Everything else made by:
Shar Dundred

First Supporters:
Theoden of KoMe
Veritas 117

Please contact me via PM if I forgot to give you credit for your resource!

To Blizzard Entertainment for this great game.
To Turnro whose great campaigns inspired me to revive this old project.
To Jayborino for his enjoyable let's play projects of the Arkain series!
To all who supported this project.
And very many special thanks to Kasrkin, who supported the creation of this project in many ways!

Feel free to post your suggestions, opinions and questions!
Please report any bugs!

Here you can find the old 1.27 version of the campaign.
Keep in mind that it is no longer being maintained!

Arkain, Legends, Legends of Arkain, LoA, campaign, series

Legends of Arkain First Orc Book (Campaign)

StoPCampinGn00b 21:25, 3rd Feb 2015 Map Name - Legends of Arkain First Orc Book (Version 1.00) Review Post - No Review[tr] Verdict - Approved, Not Rated

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21:25, 3rd Feb 2015
Review Post - No Review
Verdict - Approved, Not Rated
Map Name - Legends of Arkain First Orc Book (Version 1.00)
[/TD] [tr]

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
Cheats in this campaign are not disabled, but they aren't supported. If you cheat and encounter any bugs because of that, I won't fix that. There are no known major issues so far, this is just an ordinary announcement.


Some tips from Kasrkin, the Chief Development Tester of this campaign, for the harder chapters.

-Send Zairmak immediately to the circle of power, he'll die but you can just revive him.
-There is a base to your immediate south do whatever it takes to kill it: bait units away, spam necrolytes for lightning, castle target w/e just make sure they're dead.
-Take the southern goldmine once they're dead.
-Send peons to the ruined Imperial Army base for the goldmine but don't build a hall yet, building a hall will instigate an AI attack. Build the hall as you attack the plateau base or after it's destroyed.
-Attacking the plateau is simple enough, they don't have much in terms of defense but make sure you have a significant amount of units still alive after the castle is destroyed.
-Have peons right behind your force as you'll need to build quickly, have them build a wall of towers... not kidding a wall of towers on the cliffs leading down to the citadel. Turn the plateau into your new central base it'll be your home for a while as you try to make headway into the citadel.
-Watch out for flyers attacking the plateau they'll be coming from the south-east. (Dwarf base) Gryphons and coptors watch the skies!
-That being said don't destroy the castle until you're ready, meaning be prepared for a counter-attack to come charging out the gates.
-You're going to be attacked constantly by elves, dwarves, and the knights so leave a few units behind to help with elites and heroes. The towers can't do all of it on their own.
-Now we get to the hard stuff, the entrance hall needs to be cleared but there are units there that aren't a part of the attacking waves along with an archmage hero. This probably won't be cleared before another wave comes so good luck, that's all I can offer.
-Start to bring some peons behind your force for this next part.
-Once the entrance hall is cleared make a beeline to the east, the dwarves are here, don't engage the towers or catapults along the way just run to the base.
-Get in there and punch those walking midget beards, I recommend going to the castle first and torching it until it's well done. This will cut a few dwarf units out of the equation since they like their elite units. (Bear riders, gryphons, flying machines)
-Kill those unit buildings now, it'll take a while the base is one of the bigger ones.
-As you're doing this build your own barracks, totems, towers, etc.
-At the southernmost section of the base there is a group of farms don't destroy them, I'll bring them up again when they're relevant. For now just leave them be.
-Time to attack the first Knight base. The plan is simple.... KILL THAT PALADIN THEN TEAR DOWN THAT CASTLE.
-The first base is simple enough just gotta be mindful of the waves and the elf hero's starfall use soul burn when she comes by.
-Same plan as before get in there and build.
-Be careful with the elf base to the south it's right next to the main Kome base so reinforcements will be there quickly to assist those damn knife ears.
-Raze the castle, slap the elf hero, time for the industrial revolution again.
-Attack the last base and kill whatever forces they send out at your army, as they're attacking have some units destroy those farms in the back of the dwarf base, they're directly linked to the last Kome faction's population. So you'll have a short amount of -not giant waves- happening.
-Focus on unit production buildings as the castle is all the way in the back, don't forget about altars as well. Do this until completion.
Sit back and enjoy the cutscene.

Author's Notes

Some of my thoughts and plans. (includes spoilers)

This is a mode that will be added later. It's supposed to be an additional difficulty for all, who think that Hard is too easy.
The name comes from Kasrkin (who would have guessed that?) who tested the campaign. The idea came when he said that Had was too easy.
I'm not COMPLETELY sure how it will look like later, but it's planned to make the campaign really hard.


It was a clear night. The wind was picking up, making the leaves rustle while the light of the moon revealed everything on the ground. Everything, especially the remains of those who were fighting at this place days ago. Betrayed by their own king, these brave soldiers of humanity were sent to their deaths because their king became paranoid.
King Uras the Fifth of Rendar, the richest realm of the Seven Kingdoms, called "Defender of Mankind". He sent two thousand soldiers to their deaths because he thought that their leader was plotting against him, because his advisors told him to get rid of him, because this one leader, who was more loyal than the whole council of the king, was more popular than he himself. The moonlight showed who this "Defender of Mankind" really was: A murderer, a madman. A traitor.
The troops had hold their position for several days before they were overwhelmed by the Demons who inhabited this place. Demons, the most wicked and vile creatures that ever existed. There has been no month without a battle against these creatures, no week without waiting for them to attack, no day without being reminded of their trickery and their evil sorcery. They say, a single Demon might be capable of destroying a whole village if not opposed by true warriors. But what are the Demons compared to the schemes of humanity? The intrigues of mankind are already destroying the whole race from the inside, even without the Demons attacking the Kingdoms. The next real invasion of any other race would destroy humanity easily at its current state. Luckily, for the survivors of the clashes that take place before that happens, it might still take centuries before the next real invasion occurs. The Demons have a strange way of acting and the other races have other problems to deal with. Humanity is lucky. That's the only reason why it still exists.
A heavy breath. One of the fighters has survived the battle, heavily wounded. He can feel as life forsakes his body and as he slowly leaves this plane of existence. Only thanks to him and the healers, the soldiers managed to survive that long in this god-forsaken place. He looks around at his fallen comrades, feeling both endless shame and rage at the same time. When that big Demon's strike hit him, he realized that he had been a fool.
The king whose orders he obeyed, let him run into death. The man knew that the king became obsessed with the thought that he was to be replaced, but he didn’t think that it would make him even consider such actions. He was too blind to see what his king had become. That's at least what he wished to be the reason. Actually, he knew the truth: He didn't WANT TO see it! He didn't want to believe that the fear of the king would get the better of him. This was the punishment. Death. Ironic that it wasn't too long ago that he saved the life of the king himself. Now, so many had to die because of the madness of this king. The man had known these soldiers for years, he fought at their side countless times. Now, thanks to the king, they were dead. The man wouldn't have been surprised if some evil god with a twisted sense of humor was laughing right now, while watching him, suffering the pain and waiting for the end.
No, it wouldn't end like this! The man wouldn't ALLOW himself to die just like that! He would return to his king, spit in his face and kill him the most slow and painful way he could think of! This "Defender of Mankind" would suffer for the betrayal of his own kind! His family and advisors would be annihilated, just like the king annihilated all the soldiers here for his mere envy! No one would be able to escape revenge!
The man gathered the tiny bit of magic that still remained in his body and tried to give himself the power to stand up. He didn't care about the consequences, he just wanted to stand up and take revenge! He screamed in pure rage and bitterness. The magic exploded. The man could feel the life abandon his life, leaving him for good, but he was still there. He could feel new strength, his might returning to him, making him even more powerful than he was before. The man stood up, slowly walking away from this place of death. The king shall regret the day, he decided to betray his own kind. For from now on, his time would be over.

For days, the man walked through the forests and mountains that separated him from his target. He knew every route in the Seven Kingdoms, but no one was supposed to see him. Most likely, they already heard that his men were slain and thought him being dead. The king might even have celebrated this day with one of his concubines. He was everything but faithful. His wife was either too ignorant to see it or just looked the other way, not wanting to feel the agony of being cheated. It didn’t matter. Soon, she'd be dead along with her husband and the bastards who dare calling themselves advisors while they're actually just trying to gain more power. Sadly, this was how politics work. It would never change, but the man didn’t care anymore. He wanted to take care of those who wanted his death. Everything else didn't matter at all.
It was a dark, windy night when the man reached side entrance of the capital city. Three men were guarding it. The king, in all his wisdom, had decided that everyone who tried to enter the capital after midnight, was to be granted no entrance. If they still tried to enter, though, the soldiers were allowed to execute them. According to their banners, the guards were part of the king's personal army. That meant that they were more than ready to just kill anyone trying to enter. They were cruel bastards, but effective in battle. Making them guards instead of sending them to fight in the first line was just another proof of the king's stupidity and another reason why the people hated their king.
After the man left the forest and entered the street to continue his way, it didn't take the guards too long to notice them and prepare for a fight. They could be heard laughing, most likely already looking forward killing someone. The hood of the man hid his face, disabling them to see who he actually was. Just a few more steps and the man would've passed the gate, but the men surrounded him.
"See what we got here, boys. Some old fella trying to get through the gate." laughed the guy in front of the man, who also blocked the path to the gate.
"Never heard of the rules of the king, old man? No one is allowed to enter the cities after midnight. Midnight passed one hour ago, we are allowed to kill you right now. If I were you, I'd be begging for mercy!" another one said. The third man grinned and grabbed the hood of the man.
"Let us see your face before we kill you. Just so we know whose ugly face will never be seen again." he claimed. Then he removed the hood and fell to the ground, screaming both shocked and scared of what he just saw. It must've been the most terrifying thing he has ever seen in his whole life, a living nightmare.
"By the gods, what-" One move with the hand and both he and the first guard turned into ice. Another move. The ice melted in mere seconds. The second guard was about to beg for mercy – the man wondered if that simple minded moron was even capable of understanding the irony of this – but the man just moved his hand again and the guard exploded from the inside. Then he placed his hood back and entered the city. The few in the city, who were still not asleep, didn’t care about the sounds. They got used to the screams of those who were slain by the guards. The man continued his journey, unaffected by the gruesome deaths of these guards, and entered the dirty streets of the city.
No one minded the hooded man who was wandering through the streets, the few people who were still up were either had something illegal in mind, were too busy with their own business or just left the brothels and taverns and were on their way home. No one cared about one more hooded figure in the night.
It didn't take him long to arrive at the royal palace of the king. The man knew the palace like no one else – not even the king knew about all the secret passages that lead inside. The man only had to touch the stone walls. They still reacted to his touch, they opened and revealed the secret way. Only the man could open this secret door. He entered and the walls closed behind him again, as if the secret gate never had been there.

It took the man mere minutes to reach the king’s quarters. He knew this place all too well. He used to wander through these passages almost every week for years. He knew every candle, every guardian, every door, everyone and everything inside this palace. Another move with his arm and the door opened silently, allowing the man to enter. The room was filled with gold, almost everything was made out of it. Even the bed. The man could see that someone lied in the bed, but it was only one person – the queen. The first target. One move would be enough to make her suffer the same fate as the guards, but the man wanted to take revenge and suffer like he did. Some movements and magic surrounded her. She woke up, most likely feeling how her feet started to ache. She looked at the man with horror. He didn't wear his hood anymore and she looked into his dead eyes. She tried to say something, but she couldn't talk anymore. The man had used his magic to silence her. She wouldn't be able to scream as the ache became real pain. She wasn't able to scream when the pain became even worse. Little, summoned insects fed upon her body, eating it from the feet up to her stomach. She still tried to scream when the insects reached her head. The magic also didn’t allow her to die and made her feel through every second of her torment. This was nothing but a tiny bit of the pain the man had to go through. He watched every second of her torment and felt nothing. No happiness, no pleasure, just nothing. It took hours until it ended and the man was quite sure that, very close to the end, the queen realized who he was. In the end, the summoned insects disappeared after they had eaten all flesh, all bones, nothing was left, no trace that she had ever even existed. The man left, unmoved by the cruelty he just commited. He felt no guilt. She was among those who were responsible for his betrayal, there could've been no doubt about it.
The advisors shared a similar fate as the queen, they died, one after another. In the end, only the king himself remained. The man knew exactly where to find the "Defender of Mankind". The quest rooms, one particular guest room. The man could hear laugher, the king had more pleasure in bedding his most exotic guest than his wife. Soon, all three would be united again - in death. He entered the room the same way he entered the others. Nine people had died tonight, soon it’d be eleven. The man closed the door behind him and then broke the king and his lover apart with his magic. They looked at him, both confused and shocked. The king of Rendar and his "company" – the elven queen. It was rumoured that, soon, she'd allow her daughter to take over so she could enjoy her immortal life without ruling the Elven Kingdom. That day would come sooner than she thought. She was a vile woman who only used the Humans to fight her battles for her. The man had many good friends among the Elves, her daughter was said to be more popular than her mother but not to be trusted. The man had met her once. He didn't like her back then. Only time would show, but tonight, the Elves would lose their queen and the people of Rendar would lose their king. The man rose his hand to gather his magic and then pointed at her. A loud crushing. An ice meteor had fell from the sky – it landed directly on the elf and crushed her body completely. The king stared at her, not believing what he just saw. He tried to call the guards, but he was silenced by the same spell the man used on his wife.
This king would die a slow, gruesome death, he would suffer the same pain as the man did. First, the man entangled the king in this bed. Then, he froze the arms of the king while also burning them at the same, creating a magical symbiosis that was both effective and really painful. The king tried to scream but the spell prevented him from doing so. The man removed the insects once they were done eating the feet and used dark magic to make the king feel pain from both the inside and the outside. Feeling endless waves of pain, the king didn’t realize how his blood became corrupted by the dark magic – he was too busy fighting the pain. He had no chance. The man opened his mouth and an unnatural, strange sound, that made the king look at him filled with even more fear than pain, was the last thing, the king would ever hear. His blood began to burn in black flames, slowly killing the king in agony. The deed had been done.
The king and everyone else responsible for the betrayal of the soldiers were dead. Still, the man felt nothing. He left the palace the same way he entered it and also left the city. In a few hours, the people would realize that their king is dead and since he didn't have any heirs, chaos would reign for the next few years. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. The man disappeared in the forest and, for the first time since days without rest, he stayed at one place. His journey was over, but the man somehow knew that his story wasn't over. This thought was confirmed sooner than he had expected.
"I've been watching your progress with great interest. We should meet, in person." A voice said inside his mind.
"Who are you?" asked the man, his voice sounded strange, not human at all.
"My name is Aridon, I am the guardian of this world. Come to me, Rahandir Drakeskull, and hear me out. You won't regret it."

Dark Heart and Mind

I sat in the corner and sighed. I had no idea how long it had been since they threw me in this prison. I was alone for hours. Sometimes, the guards passed by, but they wouldn't dare say a word. I didn't know why, but they only looked at me, grim expressions in their faces. They despised me, they couldn't understand that I wasn't one of them. I've never been one of them. I was raised far away from them, by an Orc as an Orc among Orcs who couldn't accept me either. Only the one who raised me, the one I even called father, and the one I called brother really accepted me. Others tolerated my presence, but I never got anything from them without fighting for it – but that was a common thing among Orcs. I was happy that I had so many opportunities to prove my worth. I had forgotten everything that was before.
My orcish foster father said that he'd unite the Orcs one day. That he'd create a future for his people that would make them get the life they deserved. While pillaging was part of the culture, it shouldn't be the limit. He wanted to see the Orcs in their own kingdom, he kept telling me. I loved listening to him and discussing his plans with him. He also insisted that I'd have a respected position in that future. I had forgotten so much.
I was more than happy to fulfil every single order he had for me. It wasn't the first time he sent me to infiltrate the Empire, not the first time I got information for him since the Humans always believed that I was one of them. However, on the last mission, they caught me. I still have no idea how they could have found us, but they had. The Imperial knights rushed the camp we had built just a few hours ago and killed everyone inside, excluding me. I managed to escape while the Orcs sacrificed themselves for me. In the end, it was in vain. I reached a Human village and tried to get through unnoticed. While doing so, I overheard many talks between the Humans. Before, I had never really cared about their small-talk, I was only interested in the things I knew. I realized that the Humans and the Orcs weren't so different.
However, before I could start to ponder about this, the knights found me. They had noticed me when I escaped and rode after me. This time, there was no escape, no battle. They caught me. There was a mage in brown clothes who accompanied them. He just had to wave his hand and I couldn't move anymore. I was helpless, when they enchained me. The mage had a short talk with one of the knights before he and half of the knights were on their way. The knights said, there was someone who wanted to talk with me.
I was thinking about this capture, when I suddenly heard noises and looked up. From far away, I could see light. A tall figure, bearing a torch, was coming my way. I could already hear the heavy armor from afar. When he came closer, I noticed the dark armor he was wearing and knew who it was. It was the very person I had been brought to after the knight captured me. I had never seen anyone else with this armor. It was black with some golden ornaments on it, but that wasn't all of it. Being a magic user myself, I could FEEL the magic of this armor. Dark magic. He put the torch aside and looked at me. The torch allowed me to see his face. It was completely cold. He didn't say a single word, he just looked at me.
"What is it?!” I asked him. I wasn't scared of him – unlike the Imperials. I had heard several tales about him, claiming that he was the most intimidating, living Human. But I was no Imperial, I grew up among Orcs. Orcs don't fear their enemies. He didn't reply. Instead, however, he opened my cell and entered. From this close, I could see how tall he was. Had he been an Orc, he would still be tall in comparison to others. Even taller than my foster father.
"You have only a limited amount of time until the Orcs will be here, Imperial. You should run, you cannot hope to have the power to withstand them!” I told him after some time of silence. When I said "power”, he seemed to be amused. He smiled. He claimed that I had no idea about TRUE power, that I was naïve to trust on others. He came closer and as much as I tried to deny it, his presence started to intimidate me. I blamed some spell of his armor. He removed his helmet and came closer until his face was almost touching mine. I could've tried to use this opportunity to try and kill him to escape, but I couldn't do it. I had to listen to what he told me next, what he whispered in my ear. I had to listen to the dark and sinister secrets, that he told me. My eyes widened, the longer I listened to him,the less horrified and the more fascinated I was by this secrets. It didn't take long until I LONGED FOR knowing more. He whispered of things, unable to describe. I forgot everything I had known, he was filling my mind with things so monstrous and so wunderful at the same time, I couldn't have dreamt of. He talked for hours and the more I listened to him, the more obsessed I became with learning more. More knowledge, more power, there was nothing else I could think about. I completely forgot everything else. It didn't matter anymore that I was imprisoned, it didn't matter that he should've been my enemy, I just wanted power and knowledge, no matter how dangerous it was, I WANTED it. When he stopped talking, I begged him to continue. He told me, that he would tell me more next time we met, but also that he had to go now. Then, he just left.
I knew that he had changed me. He had darkened my thoughts by simply talking with me. Sometimes, I could still hear his whispers afterwards.
The moment he left, I forsake all the plans Rangul had. There was only one thing left in my mind: Power. I longed for it. It was like an addiction and I wanted to see it satisfied. I would find my own ways of gaining power and then seek him out again.

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Level 6
Apr 1, 2014
Yehey!, Its release. Gonna check it out.

Congratz, for the fast release.


You should change your description color, you already use it in the first campaign.
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Deleted member 239421


Deleted member 239421

Hey man, just started playing the campaign and loving it already. I have a question about the lore, I remember a post somewhere saying one of the player was confused with the storyline and you told him about it. You said something like this orc book is not a direct sequel to the human book but an alternate storyline happening in the same timeline as the human book. Do correct me if I'm wrong.

Deleted member 237964


Deleted member 237964

One word....

.......YES! Finally it's here! I will have to play this.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
Hey man, just started playing the campaign and loving it already. I have a question about the lore, I remember a post somewhere saying one of the player was confused with the storyline and you told him about it. You said something like this orc book is not a direct sequel to the human book but an alternate storyline happening in the same timeline as the human book. Do correct me if I'm wrong.

You're absolutely right. :)

You should change your description color, you already use it in the first campaign.

Why? Orange is good to see on the Hive. That's why I decided it to be the color of Arkain.

I had to update the campaign because the loading screens of the last chapter and the epilogue have been bugged.
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Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Well i finally managed to get some free time to play the camping.So i am giving a review on it.MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD READ AT YOU'RE OWN RISK :)

Terrain:+4/5 I know you don't like the terrain work.Reason why i gave you 4 out of 5 is cuz you are one of the most hardworking hivers out there you deserve it.
Custom unites/heros:+4.5/5 Just when i thought i had seen all the custom unites you made you amaze me even more The paladin model was OUTSTANDING.The only part I think it needs some work are the hero spells.
Plot:+5/5 The strongest point of the camping.Strating from Venessa a human raised as an orc,her attempt at trying to create peace between the family who raised her and her race.The old warlock who try's to get in her way.The young Sasrogan who is confused when come's at making decisions.The Rath whose heart is filled whith hatred and wants only the avange of his people[even tho i have a feeling he will get spanked by Glenn].Last but not least Rangul the guy who has to keep balance on a culture who is know for their short temper.Who knows one day you might be a director whith the skills you have at writing plots :ogre_hurrhurr: :thumbs_up:
Gameplay:+5/5 Old school WC gameplay what i love.

Things that really impressed me.
The model of the Lich who killed The chiftains at the Cave
The new unite models.The paladin one was really good

Things that need improvment
Well there aren't alot of things
Just one thing comes in mind.Trolls :D
They are a part of the orc army and clans do you plan on adding any key character of their race into the Orc books or any chapter related to their origin and how the joined the orcs?

On a finale note
This is the third time i am asking you about it and i know it is annoying but...Do you plan on adding ogres ? :ogre_haosis:
Level 2
Jan 28, 2015
there is one thing that has been on my mind,
i don't think it's a bug but more of a "slip of thought"
but when you train necrolyte's they come with full mana pool.
is this what you intended or not?
Level 1
Jul 29, 2013
This took me totally for surprise! i wasn't specting this to be ready now! im gonna finish this TONIGHT! jaja
Level 3
Jan 18, 2013
It may look more interesting if a player can choose (for example, click yes or no) on canon choices instead of making it passive choice.
Each decision, one clicks, one may think about it and it increases weight of choices.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
It may look more interesting if a player can choose (for example, click yes or no) on canon choices instead of making it passive choice.
Each decision, one clicks, one may think about it and it increases weight of choices.

So, you want to choose if you can even choose?

Before anyone gets "canon" the wrong way: This doesn't mean that your decisions will be for naught in the Second Books. It just means that this is what happens if you play one of the other races' books.
Level 6
Jan 31, 2014
Liked it like the humans campaign. But terrain ... I understand that maybe you don't really like working with it , but it would be great if you make it better .
If you gona work on it then- Make title more different , and doodles like bushes near the trees , add flowers and stuff like that .
Also with village (at first level) add something like market , to make it feel more like a place where people live.
But still I liked it. 4/5

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Overall, it's a great experience, apart from one bug that cought my attention. In the last chapter, the purple undead base does not attack you when it should. Aside from that, everything went smoothly, the AI is quite challenging, and variety of difficulties are available to the players with different level of skill.
As I told you before, it could use some improvments here and there. Overall, it's nothing special, but it gets the job done. Work on it a bit more on your future campaigns.
It is, by far, the best part of the campaign. I found many characters to be quite interesting and the story itself is well-written. Player is also allowed to make choices in this campaign, which can change the course of storyline.
Overall, a great and worthwhile campaign. Rated 4/5 and vote for APPROVAL.
Level 3
Dec 14, 2014
The first human book is incredible!
Let's see what you got in store for us this time :)

I don't know if the 7th mission (the one where you have to save Vanessa from the humans) is meant to be this way but, honestly, I have to say I didn't really enjoy playing it.
Basically once you cross the bridge-thing and enter the human base all humans come to protect each other. Fine and dandy but the issues I had with it were:
- human units are stronger than the player's. That's cool BUT with the next point it becomes an issue;

- there are 2 or 3 Paladins in the fight so it's nearly impossible to silence/soul burn all three and nuke them out (specially cause the only real nuke skill the player has is the Finger of Death and if you take a couple seconds to Soul Burn them, they go into the bubble and it's 45seconds where you can't counter them).
The fight drags on and you have 2-3 paladins casting Ressurection in the battlefield. Eventually I won but it had to be through attrition, not so much by strategic skills. Bottom line, I felt it was a dull uphill battle more than enjoyed the fight.

- Rangul is a massive strong badass hero. His son Sas, on the other hand... Lightning Shield? That's a mid-rank Shaman power. Also, Shaman's deals 20 damage (that's Sas' lv2!) Honestly i was disappointed at the hero with that specific power. I have to admit, however, I never liked the skill in the first place so my judgement could be clouded here. '-'
Vanessa and Sas contrast is kinda too big there. She's a massive powerhouse where he's the wuss lol.

- 8th mission, when you get to control the 2 blademasters, the AI kinda messed up all I had planned (repositioned a couple units, broke my groups and made "useless" units resulting in "useless" upkeep costs). If I were you, instead of transferring control, I'd pause all units in the area.

- Champion vs Warlord. Champions deal less damage, have less armor, pretty much the same HP and cost 5 food, where warlods are overall better (imo) and cost 4? I didn't build a single champion xD

But enough criticizing! Those small points are what I'd change if I were you, but overall it was incredible!
- The storyline hooked me completely since the Human book and now i want more more more!
- The maps are hard to win and that's definitely a pro for you!
- Hero balancing is also cool (aside from Vanessa x Sas contrast and amount of paladins in mission 7) with powerhouses on both sides.
- strong units for everyone. REALLY cool!
- Awesome cinematics with great timing to read AND check the environment.

Anyway, I'd vote you 4,8 if I could =]
Definitely a +rep job!
Keep it up, mate!

Level 2
Oct 31, 2011
like your campaign very much, the fact that the subquest can affect the further campaign is very nice. got a question for chapter 5.

Is there a way to get the purple clan, right side to your position, to join you? i got the others but had always to destroy purple. so far this was my favorite map, fighting with all the other clans against the brown player was awesome.

Greetings, Deadworker.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
There is no way to get that clan to join you, they will always be your enemy in chapter five.
Level 2
May 28, 2014
... pls dont mind this... stupid page says i need to place a comment explaining "how great this map is and why it deserves 5 stars" even though its clearly obvious... so yeah...
Level 1
Sep 29, 2014
I finished playing this campaign a few days ago and it's... amazing :D ! I like it very much and I hope you will make similar campaigns or sequels to this campaign :)
However, I'm sorry to tell you but... I also found some issues that I disliked... Some of them refer to the fact that you made specific parts of some chapters impossible to get over ( and yeah.. I cheated a little bit.. so I can get to know what happens next throughout the storyline). As well, the story was good... but it could have been better and probably you can improve it in the upcoming Orc Books (Second Orc Book, Third Orc Book and so on..). I also didn't like that at ALMOST EVERY chapter you just have to destroy a base or two and that's kinda boring.. just killing and destroying stuff, you know ?
Nevertheless, I can frankly admit that I enjoyed certain dialogues between some characters and this campaign also gave me back some good old memories from the old Wacraft III :)

Keep it up and don't despair ;)

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
Second level is ridiculous. No ranged units except the crappiest of the casters (who don't even get their useful spell), no healing, against enemies that have fliers and healers.

You have all counter units you need:
Flyers ----> Raiders
Healers and Buildings ----> Demolishers

You have to use mass Demolishers and Grunts in this chapter.
I played and finished a couple of chapters, very good, but again two things that were common also to the other campaign. First is terrain, but it's not that big of a problem, second it is this difficulty level scaling, which is not that well done, because again there are some chapters in the beginning way harder that successive one. Good thing that now the first chapter is easier, the second, like the guy above mentioned, it is quite long and hard compared to subsequent, yet you are still at very beginning.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Fifth mission: once you get the yellow clan's allegiance, they only send their troops to the orange base, even after the purple base is destroyed.

There is no way to fix this, it's warcraft's fault this time. They would've eventually stopped going to orange's base it takes a while though.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Eighth mission: After the dungeon crawl, every town hall I'd built suddenly had a lot more peons around it.

Also, Ephrog belongs to the red team in the final cutscene, meaning he arrives only for the other three to attack him. Funny, Rangul didn't seem the "You have failed me" type.

Ninth mission: sometimes your allies walk right past enemies without attacking. The demon attacks seem to end after a while, there were several doom guards and infernals clustered in the clearing without attacking any bases.

Well, finished it... I have to say I found this one kind of disappointing compared to the human one (though only in terms of gameplay, the story is still interesting). The difficulty is schizophrenic, and while some missions are enjoyable, others are just boring.
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Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
any hints on mission 7: Rescue Vannessa?

The map maker please show me a video where u can beat the level in hard mode?? :eekani:

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
any hints on mission 7: Rescue Vannessa?

The map maker please show me a video where u can beat the level in hard mode?? :eekani:

I'll ask Kasrkin to write down some hints - I didn't test hard mode myself. Since I don't want to lose my mind, I let him do that. ;)

@everyone: Thanks for your feedback and for pointing out some bugs!
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
any hints on mission 7: Rescue Vannessa?

The map maker please show me a video where u can beat the level in hard mode?? :eekani:

After you destroy the base that is in front of the castel.Build a base there.It is a really good choke point.

Champions and necrolytes are your best friends.Use soul burn to prevent paladins from using resurection and bubble.Spam champions necrolytes and catapults.Take care of the dwarven base first.In the back of their base there are farms of the main Human force.When you attack the dwarven and elven baseS try and rush their castel and then kill all their workers.
Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
After you destroy the base that is in front of the castel.Build a base there.It is a really good choke point.

Champions and necrolytes are your best friends.Use soul burn to prevent paladins from using resurection and bubble.Spam champions necrolytes and catapults.Take care of the dwarven base first.In the back of their base there are farms of the main Human force.When you attack the dwarven and elven baseS try and rush their castel and then kill all their workers.

I don't really get exactly how u manage to get closer into the fortress, the way into it is a very narrow one which your army usually get stuck fighting while the enemy has a bunch of AoE spell & their allies keep coming to you, not to mention their heroes with annoying spell. The soul burns can be easily dispelled by the priest & the paladins will simply turn on their invincible shield right after that. And seriously, I don't have enough time to train enough units to make up for the dead ones.

The champions are simply for tanking & taking time, the Alliances have valkyries (holy **) magic atk & immune to magic while orc has no good anti-air unit at all (surely if u keep spamming champions, catapults & necrolyes u wont have enough food for troll headhunters)
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
I don't really get exactly how u manage to get closer into the fortress, the way into it is a very narrow one which your army usually get stuck fighting while the enemy has a bunch of AoE spell & their allies keep coming to you, not to mention their heroes with annoying spell. The soul burns can be easily dispelled by the priest & the paladins will simply turn on their invincible shield right after that. And seriously, I don't have enough time to train enough units to make up for the dead ones.

The champions are simply for tanking & taking time, the Alliances have valkyries (holy **) magic atk & immune to magic while orc has no good anti-air unit at all (surely if u keep spamming champions, catapults & necrolyes u wont have enough food for troll headhunters)

It has been some time sinc i play the orc book.But i managed to beat it with this strategy.You just wait for Rath to strike.Let his men take the initial damage while your's stay healthy.After you reach the dwarven base it is really easy to destroy it and after the dwarven base falls the rest of the fortress is alot more easy to beat.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
This level is irksome on hard difficulty and will take a long time.

Before you kill the Kome base here completely start building whatever you can as long as you are confidant that your attack will succeed. Build a fortress at the entrance to the citadel... I'm not kidding, put as many towers around those cliffs as you can and keep a token force to help out with the units that refuse to die i.e. elites and catapults. Also, build as many production buildings as the available space allows you need units and you need them fast. After the attacking waves is defeated go to the dwarf base and kick their asses, but focus on the castle and the workers. The loss of the castle will prevent the production of the more powerful units, leaving units that can be produced to be much weaker such as rifleman and mortar teams.

Now, bring peons in it doesn't matter if you brought them with you before an attack wave or not get them the hell inside. I implore you to not build a great hall yet as they will make a beeline for the base once one is built. So, literally build everything else at your disposal and a lot of towers lined up at the entrance to the former dwarf base.

From here on it's a long process of attack, hope it works, maybe attack again, then take their section of the base and be glad for the increased amount of gold.

As for units to train, necrolytes are very helpful with their soul burn and raise dead. Both will do wonders to cancelling out all the potential paladin resurrections, also for the other hero ults if you see starfall try to stop it or just run.

There's not much else I can say here besides again restating the importance of killing the castle and workers to cripple the enemy, also the altars need to die heh. Those farms in the back of the dwarf base count as the food supply for the last Kome base, destroying them will put a halt in their production for a short time if you are having trouble destroy them then get going!

If I remember anything else, I'll add it,

but... it mainly just requires the ability to not give up and have patience you are besieging a citadel after all heh have a good day.

Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
This level is irksome on hard difficulty and will take a long time.

Before you kill the Kome base here completely start building whatever you can as long as you are confidant that your attack will succeed. Build a fortress at the entrance to the citadel... I'm not kidding, put as many towers around those cliffs as you can and keep a token force to help out with the units that refuse to die i.e. elites and catapults. Also, build as many production buildings as the available space allows you need units and you need them fast. After the attacking waves is defeated go to the dwarf base and kick their asses, but focus on the castle and the workers. The loss of the castle will prevent the production of the more powerful units, leaving units that can be produced to be much weaker such as rifleman and mortar teams.

Now, bring peons in it doesn't matter if you brought them with you before an attack wave or not get them the hell inside. I implore you to not build a great hall yet as they will make a beeline for the base once one is built. So, literally build everything else at your disposal and a lot of towers lined up at the entrance to the former dwarf base.

From here on it's a long process of attack, hope it works, maybe attack again, then take their section of the base and be glad for the increased amount of gold.

As for units to train, necrolytes are very helpful with their soul burn and raise dead. Both will do wonders to cancelling out all the potential paladin resurrections, also for the other hero ults if you see starfall try to stop it or just run.

There's not much else I can say here besides again restating the importance of killing the castle and workers to cripple the enemy, also the altars need to die heh. Those farms in the back of the dwarf base count as the food supply for the last Kome base, destroying them will put a halt in their production for a short time if you are having trouble destroy them then get going!

If I remember anything else, I'll add it,

but... it mainly just requires the ability to not give up and have patience you are besieging a citadel after all heh have a good day.

Thanks a lot Mikasa & Kasrkin, I'll give it a try then.

Maybe with some chapter like this, you should add some command to control the allied force like: "charge" or "hold" - just to make sure that they won't try to go into the fight alone when we are not fully prepared. :wink:
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Thanks a lot Mikasa & Kasrkin, I'll give it a try then.

Maybe with some chapter like this, you should add some command to control the allied force like: "charge" or "hold" - just to make sure that they won't try to go into the fight alone when we are not fully prepared. :wink:
This type of AI is way more better than the AI-s blizzard gave us.
You're idea on those commands it is really good.
Glad i could help

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
I added a little story to the first post. It takes place some centuries before the Voidwar.
You can also read it here. Enjoy!


It was a clear night. The wind was picking up, making the leaves rustle while the light of the moon revealed everything on the ground. Everything, especially the remains of those who were fighting at this place days ago. Betrayed by their own king, these brave soldiers of humanity were sent to their deaths because their king became paranoid.
King Uras the Fifth of Rendar, the richest realm of the Seven Kingdoms, called "Defender of Mankind". He sent two thousand soldiers to their deaths because he thought that their leader was plotting against him, because his advisors told him to get rid of him, because this one leader, who was more loyal than the whole council of the king, was more popular than he himself. The moonlight showed who this "Defender of Mankind" really was: A murderer, a madman. A traitor.
The troops had hold their position for several days before they were overwhelmed by the Demons who inhabited this place. Demons, the most wicked and vile creatures that ever existed. There has been no month without a battle against these creatures, no week without waiting for them to attack, no day without being reminded of their trickery and their evil sorcery. They say, a single Demon might be capable of destroying a whole village if not opposed by true warriors. But what are the Demons compared to the schemes of humanity? The intrigues of mankind are already destroying the whole race from the inside, even without the Demons attacking the Kingdoms. The next real invasion of any other race would destroy humanity easily at its current state. Luckily, for the survivors of the clashes that take place before that happens, it might still take centuries before the next real invasion occurs. The Demons have a strange way of acting and the other races have other problems to deal with. Humanity is lucky. That's the only reason why it still exists.
A heavy breath. One of the fighters has survived the battle, heavily wounded. He can feel as life forsakes his body and as he slowly leaves this plane of existence. Only thanks to him and the healers, the soldiers managed to survive that long in this god-forsaken place. He looks around at his fallen comrades, feeling both endless shame and rage at the same time. When that big Demon's strike hit him, he realized that he had been a fool.
The king whose orders he obeyed, let him run into death. The man knew that the king became obsessed with the thought that he was to be replaced, but he didn’t think that it would make him even consider such actions. He was too blind to see what his king had become. That's at least what he wished to be the reason. Actually, he knew the truth: He didn't WANT TO see it! He didn't want to believe that the fear of the king would get the better of him. This was the punishment. Death. Ironic that it wasn't too long ago that he saved the life of the king himself. Now, so many had to die because of the madness of this king. The man had known these soldiers for years, he fought at their side countless times. Now, thanks to the king, they were dead. The man wouldn't have been surprised if some evil god with a twisted sense of humor was laughing right now, while watching him, suffering the pain and waiting for the end.
No, it wouldn't end like this! The man wouldn't ALLOW himself to die just like that! He would return to his king, spit in his face and kill him the most slow and painful way he could think of! This "Defender of Mankind" would suffer for the betrayal of his own kind! His family and advisors would be annihilated, just like the king annihilated all the soldiers here for his mere envy! No one would be able to escape revenge!
The man gathered the tiny bit of magic that still remained in his body and tried to give himself the power to stand up. He didn't care about the consequences, he just wanted to stand up and take revenge! He screamed in pure rage and bitterness. The magic exploded. The man could feel the life abandon his life, leaving him for good, but he was still there. He could feel new strength, his might returning to him, making him even more powerful than he was before. The man stood up, slowly walking away from this place of death. The king shall regret the day, he decided to betray his own kind. For from now on, his time would be over.

For days, the man walked through the forests and mountains that separated him from his target. He knew every route in the Seven Kingdoms, but no one was supposed to see him. Most likely, they already heard that his men were slain and thought him being dead. The king might even have celebrated this day with one of his concubines. He was everything but faithful. His wife was either too ignorant to see it or just looked the other way, not wanting to feel the agony of being cheated. It didn’t matter. Soon, she'd be dead along with her husband and the bastards who dare calling themselves advisors while they're actually just trying to gain more power. Sadly, this was how politics work. It would never change, but the man didn’t care anymore. He wanted to take care of those who wanted his death. Everything else didn't matter at all.
It was a dark, windy night when the man reached side entrance of the capital city. Three men were guarding it. The king, in all his wisdom, had decided that everyone who tried to enter the capital after midnight, was to be granted no entrance. If they still tried to enter, though, the soldiers were allowed to execute them. According to their banners, the guards were part of the king's personal army. That meant that they were more than ready to just kill anyone trying to enter. They were cruel bastards, but effective in battle. Making them guards instead of sending them to fight in the first line was just another proof of the king's stupidity and another reason why the people hated their king.
After the man left the forest and entered the street to continue his way, it didn't take the guards too long to notice them and prepare for a fight. They could be heard laughing, most likely already looking forward killing someone. The hood of the man hid his face, disabling them to see who he actually was. Just a few more steps and the man would've passed the gate, but the men surrounded him.
"See what we got here, boys. Some old fella trying to get through the gate." laughed the guy in front of the man, who also blocked the path to the gate.
"Never heard of the rules of the king, old man? No one is allowed to enter the cities after midnight. Midnight passed one hour ago, we are allowed to kill you right now. If I were you, I'd be begging for mercy!" another one said. The third man grinned and grabbed the hood of the man.
"Let us see your face before we kill you. Just so we know whose ugly face will never be seen again." he claimed. Then he removed the hood and fell to the ground, screaming both shocked and scared of what he just saw. It must've been the most terrifying thing he has ever seen in his whole life, a living nightmare.
"By the gods, what-" One move with the hand and both he and the first guard turned into ice. Another move. The ice melted in mere seconds. The second guard was about to beg for mercy – the man wondered if that simple minded moron was even capable of understanding the irony of this – but the man just moved his hand again and the guard exploded from the inside. Then he placed his hood back and entered the city. The few in the city, who were still not asleep, didn’t care about the sounds. They got used to the screams of those who were slain by the guards. The man continued his journey, unaffected by the gruesome deaths of these guards, and entered the dirty streets of the city.
No one minded the hooded man who was wandering through the streets, the few people who were still up were either had something illegal in mind, were too busy with their own business or just left the brothels and taverns and were on their way home. No one cared about one more hooded figure in the night.
It didn't take him long to arrive at the royal palace of the king. The man knew the palace like no one else – not even the king knew about all the secret passages that lead inside. The man only had to touch the stone walls. They still reacted to his touch, they opened and revealed the secret way. Only the man could open this secret door. He entered and the walls closed behind him again, as if the secret gate never had been there.

It took the man mere minutes to reach the king’s quarters. He knew this place all too well. He used to wander through these passages almost every week for years. He knew every candle, every guardian, every door, everyone and everything inside this palace. Another move with his arm and the door opened silently, allowing the man to enter. The room was filled with gold, almost everything was made out of it. Even the bed. The man could see that someone lied in the bed, but it was only one person – the queen. The first target. One move would be enough to make her suffer the same fate as the guards, but the man wanted to take revenge and suffer like he did. Some movements and magic surrounded her. She woke up, most likely feeling how her feet started to ache. She looked at the man with horror. He didn't wear his hood anymore and she looked into his dead eyes. She tried to say something, but she couldn't talk anymore. The man had used his magic to silence her. She wouldn't be able to scream as the ache became real pain. She wasn't able to scream when the pain became even worse. Little, summoned insects fed upon her body, eating it from the feet up to her stomach. She still tried to scream when the insects reached her head. The magic also didn’t allow her to die and made her feel through every second of her torment. This was nothing but a tiny bit of the pain the man had to go through. He watched every second of her torment and felt nothing. No happiness, no pleasure, just nothing. It took hours until it ended and the man was quite sure that, very close to the end, the queen realized who he was. In the end, the summoned insects disappeared after they had eaten all flesh, all bones, nothing was left, no trace that she had ever even existed. The man left, unmoved by the cruelty he just commited. He felt no guilt. She was among those who were responsible for his betrayal, there could've been no doubt about it.
The advisors shared a similar fate as the queen, they died, one after another. In the end, only the king himself remained. The man knew exactly where to find the "Defender of Mankind". The quest rooms, one particular guest room. The man could hear laugher, the king had more pleasure in bedding his most exotic guest than his wife. Soon, all three would be united again - in death. He entered the room the same way he entered the others. Nine people had died tonight, soon it’d be eleven. The man closed the door behind him and then broke the king and his lover apart with his magic. They looked at him, both confused and shocked. The king of Rendar and his "company" – the elven queen. It was rumoured that, soon, she'd allow her daughter to take over so she could enjoy her immortal life without ruling the Elven Kingdom. That day would come sooner than she thought. She was a vile woman who only used the Humans to fight her battles for her. The man had many good friends among the Elves, her daughter was said to be more popular than her mother but not to be trusted. The man had met her once. He didn't like her back then. Only time would show, but tonight, the Elves would lose their queen and the people of Rendar would lose their king. The man rose his hand to gather his magic and then pointed at her. A loud crushing. An ice meteor had fell from the sky – it landed directly on the elf and crushed her body completely. The king stared at her, not believing what he just saw. He tried to call the guards, but he was silenced by the same spell the man used on his wife.
This king would die a slow, gruesome death, he would suffer the same pain as the man did. First, the man entangled the king in this bed. Then, he froze the arms of the king while also burning them at the same, creating a magical symbiosis that was both effective and really painful. The king tried to scream but the spell prevented him from doing so. The man removed the insects once they were done eating the feet and used dark magic to make the king feel pain from both the inside and the outside. Feeling endless waves of pain, the king didn’t realize how his blood became corrupted by the dark magic – he was too busy fighting the pain. He had no chance. The man opened his mouth and an unnatural, strange sound, that made the king look at him filled with even more fear than pain, was the last thing, the king would ever hear. His blood began to burn in black flames, slowly killing the king in agony. The deed had been done.
The king and everyone else responsible for the betrayal of the soldiers were dead. Still, the man felt nothing. He left the palace the same way he entered it and also left the city. In a few hours, the people would realize that their king is dead and since he didn't have any heirs, chaos would reign for the next few years. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. The man disappeared in the forest and, for the first time since days without rest, he stayed at one place. His journey was over, but the man somehow knew that his story wasn't over. This thought was confirmed sooner than he had expected.
"I've been watching your progress with great interest. We should meet, in person." A voice said inside his mind.
"Who are you?" asked the man, his voice sounded strange, not human at all.
"My name is Aridon, I am the guardian of this world. Come to me, Rahandir Drakeskull, and hear me out. You won't regret it."
Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
I managed to get to the last base, but I was stuck there run out of all resources, and 1 HUGE BUG: The blue ally stop attacking orange forces, it seemed they were programed to only attack to the last green elves, cuz when I destroyed the last building of the elves, they stops attacking as well. And I couldn't go any further because I use d up all the gold mines available on the map.:goblin_cry:
Level 1
Mar 17, 2015
nice campaign , but i found many levels unbalanced :p it was nearly impossible for me. started on hard mode and went to normal after lvl 2.. where i had to use cheats to even beat lvl 2 on hard :p but maybe im just bad lol. but really only ranged units in lvl 2 was shamans and you where against 3 factions with a lot of units to counter all yours... and lvl 6 i just find impossible to break thought the orange and gray player. but maybe just me ;-) but i like your campaign man dont get me wrong