First Human Book of Arkain (Patch 1.29.2 or newer!)

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.

! No longer updated !
Check out the
True Story of Arkain for updates!


A Campaign Series made by Shar Dundred

! Requires Version 1.29.2 or newer !
You are not allowed to publish any edited version of any Arkain map! This includes but is not limited to Reforged edits!


The Humans of the Empire, who fought the Demon invaders for years, after the end of the so called Voidwar, now face a new strong invasion force. New ships have arrived from the other side of the Great Sea and the Humans prepare to defend themselves against the incoming invasion.
Command General Blen Greymoore, one of the best generals of the Empire, and his allies and face the new Demon Invasion. Defend the kingdoms and defeat the ruthless and merciless Legions.

Campaign Series Info

The Legends of Arkain is a campaign series which takes place on the world Arkain.
The races of Arkain fight against the demon invaders, who try once again to enslave every being on Arkain. The Humans, the Orcs and the Undead will have to make a stand against them... or face complete annihilation or enslavement by the Demons.
This campaign series will consist of actually three different series. There will be a Human, an Orc and an Undead campaign series. They will all run in the same timeline but will present three different stories and outcomes. When they are all finished, it's completely up to you, who wins this conflict.
Those, who win the war, will write the history.

You like the campaign?
Click here to see the progress of the series!

Click here for the First Orc Book!
Click here for the First Undead Book!

Click here for the Second Human Book!
Click here for the Second Orc Book!
Click here for the Second Undead Book!

Let's Play made by @Jayborino!


- Three different storylines/campaign series
Take control of one of the three factions, the proud Humans of the Empire, the plundering and strong Orc Clans or the mysterious Undead Nexus and their endless army of the dead, and face the demonic invasion as well as other struggles that await you.
- New units
Command units, you already know, as well as completely new units with new upgrades and abilities.
- Decide the fate of Arkain
At some points of the campaigns, you'll have the opportunity to decide things, that affect the storyline, characters and sometimes even the chapters you play or how you have to play them. By doing or, well, not doing certain side quests, you can also affect the campaign.
- Three difficulties
You can play the campaign in either easy, normal oder hard difficulty, just like in the original WC3 campaigns. It will impact on the AI difficulty and scripting as well as other minor changes.
In easy version, for example, the AI won't rebuilt lost buildings.

- Full Jass AI
In this campaign series, every single AI is written in Jass instead of being created with the AI editor. This makes the AI more intelligent.
- Universal Hero hotkeys
All hero abilities use the QWER hotkeys.


The Human Empire
There have always been Humans on Arkain. The Human kingdoms and their allies, the Elves and Dwarves, have fought the Demons for centuries while also being attacked by orc pillagers. They had no chance against the demons and were already close to annihilation, when the Empire showed up.
They came over the Great Sea in the west and saved the kingdoms, who immediately joined the Empire in return. The Humans still fight the Demons and more and more of them join the fight against their old suppressors.
The Humans already tried to get rid of the Demons for good, but they failed. However, they continue fighting and won't stop until there are no humans or enemies of humanity anymore.
The current Emperor is Theodor the Second.

The Orcish Clans

Legends say that the Orcs hail from another continent and then spread all over the kingdoms. But not even the oldest Orcs can tell, if that's the true or the Orcs have been here all the time, just like the other races.
But it is known that the united clans attacking absolutely everything and everyone they met and conquered a large territory. It did work for a while, but not long. The other races, especially the Demons, who were very angry about that insult, brought the fight to them and massacred half of the green skins.
The Orcs had to retreat and lost much of their territory. The only reason, why half of them are still there, is that their enemies fought among each other as well.
The Orc Clans allied with the Trolls, to increase their strengh, but still didn't manage to gather an army, that was comparable to their old numbers. Since they weren't able to begin their another huge conquest, the clans stopped working together and some old rivalries amongst the clans became important again.
Still, they managed to raid the other races and remain an annoyance for the other factions. There are still many Orcs left, which could prove to be a strong force, if they'd be united under a strong leader.

The Undead Nexus

The Undead are the most mysterious race of Arkain. Of course, necromancers and necrolytes are not unknown and have always summoned some undead servants to do their bidding, but the Undead as a complete race are a mystery to all creatures.
Once, a group of mighty necromancers, who became insane because of their immense power, believed they could rule the world with an army of the Living Dead. However, only days after they began attacking the Human kingdoms, they simply vanished. Their armies were gone and only the remains of the corpses were proof, that they ever existed.
What no mortal and no Demon knows, is, that a powerful Archlich, Aridon the Watcher, self-proclaimed guardian of Arkain, took care of them. He has the ability to take control of every Undead, he wants to control. He uses this power only, to make sure, that besides him is no one, who can form a real army of Undead. He always made the Undead kill their masters and reanimated them as his loyal servants.
The only mighty Undead, not currently living on the Dead Mountain, are guarding old temples and ruins, which contain artifacts, not meant to fall in the hands of neither mortals nor Demons. Still, they all call Aridon their master.
Aridon and his Undead live on the so called Dead Mountain, which lies within the Human kingdoms. Every sent expedition on this mountain never returned, so the Humans decided to simply ignore it and built a garrison to watch over the only entrance to the mountain.
Aridon claims to be as old as the world itself and has seen the rise and fall of races and nations. His goal is to maintain the balance of the world - or at least, what he sees as balance. He stayed out of every conflict and only watched for millenia.
But recent events force Aridon to end his idleness and take action himself instead of only manipulating others. He'll have to make the world know about the Undead - and give reason to fear them.

The Demon Legions

If there are any creatures besides the Undead Lord Aridon, who are as old as Arkain itself, than it must be the Demons. These creatures have been the bane of Arkain for a long, long time. If their history contains anything else than attacking and enslaving other races, than only the Demons know about it.
Every Demon Legion is lead by its most powerful Dreadlord. Who is the one, who commands all Legions, is unknown to every non-demon.
The Demons' realm lies in the East of the continent and is seperated by a bottomless rift, the so called Void. No one, except for Demons and their slaves, has ever been on the other side of the Void. The Void is so heavy fortified by the Demons, that they managed to block every attack there. The Void is also the place where the Imperial Army was defeated during their Great Attack.
Now, the Demons seem to begin another great offensive against the other races. And this time, they are determined to be victorious and won't show any mercy.


General Blen Greymoore
General Greymoore embodies everything the Empire stands for. He is a honorable warrior who is proud to fight for the Empire and the Emperor. His tactical knowledge and physical strengh made him rise up the ranks very fast and he is eager to fight the Demons.
Lord Harmos, Guardian of the Flame
Lord Harmos has spent half of his life in an academy to study the arcane arts. He is known for a rather fierce and impatient personality. Still, he knows more about fire magic than anyone else and is absolutely loyal towards the Empire and fights the Demons with full caution and uses his knowledge to gain every possible advantage.
Aedale is probably the most powerful spellcaster in the Empire. Not because of her current power or experience but because of the potential within herself. Aedale still has much to learn, which makes the fact that she was sent to the front look strange. She takes every opportunity to prove both herself and the veterans what she's capable of.
Salana Woodhunter
Salana is the best ranger of the Elves and has some friends among the Humans and Dwarves. Therefore she often serves as diplomat for her people. Although she serves her queen without question, she had some problems with the politics of her people and begins to think, that the queen should take a more aggressive approach towards the Demons.
General Gardon Bloodclaw
General Gardon is the most ruthless and merciless general in the Empire. He is known for using every available weapon against his enemies without showing any pardon. His background is a huge secret. He simply appeared out of nowhere and became general. He proved very fast, that he got that position out of good reason. He is the commander of the Ironfist, an elite commando of the Empire, which often carries out top secret missions for the Emperor.
Click here to learn more about the other characters!













- Initial release

- Fixed cache issue

- Minor fixes
- Grammar fixes
- New skin for Elite unit
- New portrait for Destructor unit
- New abilities for Blen
- Set experience gain on all difficulties on 30%
- Various trigger fixes
- Terrain improvements
- Secret Chapter will no longer appear if you haven't followed the right way

Chapter One:
- Blen no longer sells his items when AI takes over

Chapter Two:
- Reduced the available gold
- Added a new gold mine
- Reduced the number of rescueable troops
- Reduced the movement speed of the Orc emissary
- Added guards for the emissary
- The Orcs gain a new base if the emissary escapes

Chapter Three:
- Destroying the Keep of the Unknown Soldiers solves the quest

Chapter Four:
- Fixed the outpost area
- Improved cinematics

Chapter Five:
- Decreased difficulty

Chapter Eleven:
- Decreased ally hit points on Hard

- Fixed cache issue

- Minor fixes

Chapter Seven:
- Fixed Main Quest update bug

Chapter Nine:
- Added reward for destroying Blue
- Reduced the significance of the item gained by killing the golems

Chapter Two:
- Fixed emissary spawn

- Fixed epilogue

- AI heroes now gain additional levels on Hard difficulty when they are supposed to
- High level Demon units can no longer be charmed
- Demon units don't take any damage from Holy Light anymore
- Demon units now take damage from Death Coil
- Activated latest melee patch for all maps that were still not up to date
- Blen's Neccessary Meassures spell was replaced with Imperial Edict
- Nerfed Giant Skeleton Warrior by removing Resistant Skin and Hardened Skin
- Increased damage of Destructors by 3
- Changed Armor Type of Eredar Warriors, Eredar Wrathguards and Eredar Grandmasters from Medium to Large
- Several model changes
- Added Hardened Skin and Resistant Skin to Clan Elite

Chapter One:
- Demon units now belong to the Souleater Legion
- Overlord replaced with Pitlord
- Added more Demon units
- When purple is defeated, an ally will now join the fight
- Slightly increased the defenses of the enemy bases
- Modified dialogue when encountering the Demons

Chapter Two:
- Increased size of enemy bases
- Increased the defenses of the enemy bases
- Minor terrain improvements

Chapter Three:
- Improved main base defenses
- Increased the number of Orcs attacking with the first wave

Interlude One:
- Added a few Pit Lords
- Added portals

Chapter Four:
- The Demons now send waves against the Ironfist
- The Captains are now still alive after the cutscene in the outpost
- Added Pit Lords

Chapter Five:
- Improved throne room
- Added more enemy units
- Added two Pit Lords

Chapter Seven:
- All Demon units now belong to the Blooddrinker Legion
- Added additional Pit Lord
- Added new dialogue
- The Deathbreeze Clan now supports its shipyards when attacked
- Added more ships to the fleet of the Deathbreeze Clan
- Added additional units to the base defense of the Deathbreeze Clan
- Increased difficulty of the attacking waves
- Replaced the Far Seer with Sasrogarn

Chapter Eight:
- Replaced Soul Burn of Progaderas with Mass Soul Burn
- Increased hit points of the bosses by 1000
- Added new ability for Margazar
- Added an additional Pit Lord
- Increased the number of Fire Golems

Chapter Eleven:
- Replaced Soul Burn of Progaderas with Mass Soul Burn
- Increased the number of Fire Golems
- Added Spell Immunity to Progaderas the Smoking
- The overall style of the map has been modified, the player no longer trains units, but instead supports the armies of his allies with his heroes, by capturing certain buildings and by upgrading the allied army

- Decreased range of Dragon Lancers from 800 to 700
- Decreased Warlord damage by 3
- Fixed Mass Soul Burn
- Salana no longer drops her necklace when she dies

Chapter Four:
- Increased number of allied forces attacking the outpost

Chapter Eight:
- Removed Margazar's super AoE stun

Chapter Eleven:
- Fixed attacking routes

- Various fixes

Chapter One:
- Small grammar fix

Chapter Eight:
- Name fix

Chapter One:
- Completing the side quest regarding the Black Dragon will now be saved as a choice

Chapter Nine:
- Completing the side quest regarding the Darkmind Clan will now be saved as a choice

Secret Chapter:
- The campaign button of Chapter Eleven will now appear properly after completing the secret chapter

- The new choices will now be referenced

- The campaign no longer uses the latest melee patch due to several balance changes messing up things, a few unit changes still apply to the campaign however

- Fixed an issue where the prologue would crash in version 1.30.1

Chapter Eleven:
- Reworked the AI to be less buggy
- Dramatically reduced the cost of upgrading your allies

- Upkeep reworked: Low Upkeep now gives you 8 instead of 7 gold and High Upkeep now gives you 6 instead of 4 gold
- Furbolgs are now correctly named Bearmen

- Fixed Batrider model

Chapter One:
- Replaced Ironthunder Clan cinematic with dialogue

Chapter Nine:
- Added a hint about the internal clan conflicts for the case of their heroes dying
- Clan Elites now spawn all over the base and no longer require a building to be spawned when the hero of said base dies

Secret Chapter:
- New model for Duke Redfist (courtesy of @Rhapsodie)

Chapter Eleven:
- Removed the dot of "Drake." because my lad @Drake no longer has that annoying dot.
- Destroyed Castles now drop Runes of Restoration
- Increased the size of the ramp to Genethas' castle

- Fixed triggers that would not be working anymore after loading in newer versions of the game

- Changed the color of the Deathbreeze Clan to Emerald

Chapter One:
- Changed player color from Light Blue to Dark Green
- Renamed Blen's faction from Imperial Army to Kasrkin
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy

Chapter Two:
- Changed player color from Light Blue to Dark Green
- Renamed the Orc Wizards to Ravaging Fire Clan
- The prisoners are no longer "scouts" but instead part of a "vanguard", making their number and strength more plausible
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy

Chapter Three:
- Changed player color from Light Blue to Dark Green
- Changed the color of the Veterans of the Voidwar to Grey
- Changed the color of the Imperial Army to Light Blue
- Changed the color of the Unknown Soldiers to Yellow
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan factions to Navy

Chapter Four:
- Decreased the number of Demons attacking the outpost during the cutscene to decrease lags
- Changed the color of the Imperial Army to Light Blue

Chapter Five:
- Changed the color of Larantos' Elite Guard to Peanut
- Replaced Larantos' Phoenix ability with Doom

Chapter Six:
- Renamed the Slaves to Demon Slaves
- Changed the color of the Demon Slaves to Peanut

Chapter Seven:
- Changed the color of the Deathbreeze Clan to Emerald

Interlude Three:
- Adjusted the colors of several units and heroes

Chapter Eight:
- Changed player color from Light Blue to Dark Green
- Changed the color of the Veterans of the Voidwar to Grey
- Fixed the name of the Rohir Nexus

Chapter Nine:
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy
- Changed the color of the Deathbreeze Clan to Emerald
- Renamed the Renegade Orcs to Orc Dissidents
- Changed the color of the Orc Dissidents to Coal
- Minor adjustments to Rath's taunts
- Improved the quality and quantity of the Orc attacks & defenses
- Improved the attacks of the Elven Army
- Allowed Salana to use more Judicators

Chapter Eleven:
- Changed player color from Light Blue to Dark Green
- Changed the color of the Imperial Army to Light Blue
- Renamed the neutral Imperial Army to Imperial Army Bystanders
- Changed the color of the Imperial Army Bystanders to Wheat
- Changed the color of the Knights of Kome to Peach
- Increased the amount of units defending Progaderas
- Brought back the old RTS version of Chapter Eleven
- Removed all taunts

- Changed the color of the Elves to Teal

Models & Skins:
Blizzard Entertainment
Wandering Soul
Uncle Fester
Mc !
Dark Hunter1357
Dmitry Rommel
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Mechanical Man

Blizzard Entertainment
Uncle Fester
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Eagle XI

Campaign Preview Screen:

Campaign Logo:

Campaign Chief Development Tester and Grammar Genius:

Everything else made by:
Shar Dundred

First Supporters:
Theoden of KoMe
Veritas 117

Please contact me via PM if I forgot to give you credit for your resource!

To Blizzard Entertainment for this great game.
To Turnro whose great campaigns inspired me to revive this old project.
To Jayborino for his enjoyable let's play projects of the Arkain series!
To all who supported this project.
And very many special thanks to Kasrkin, who supported the creation of this project in many ways!

Feel free to post your suggestions, opinions and questions!
Please report any bugs!

Here you can find the old 1.27 version of the campaign.
Keep in mind that it is no longer being maintained!

Arkain, Legends, Legends of Arkain, LoA, campaign, series

Legends of Arkain First Human Book (Campaign)

Moderator: StoPCampinGn00b Legends of Arkain First Human Book by Shar Dundred RATINGS Scores[/COLOR]] Gameplay: 27/30 Terrain & Aesthetics: 13/20 Total Score: 40/50 Explanation[/COLOR]]5 Stars: 47+ 4 Stars: 40-47 3 Stars: 25-39 2 Stars...

Pick your favorite character

  • Total voters
Level 6
Sep 16, 2019
Hello. I am playing this campaign and i think that it is set by default to Hard. Is this my impression ?
I started normal mode as i know this is a hard campaing to play and in chapter 09 against the Orcs i cant even
move outside my base. Constant attacks from all sides and units with full upgrades. I broke through after 1 hour two bases

but obviously 1 peon managed to get away and ofc they rebuild the whole base in a matter of minutes... Hahaha. It is reasonable i am not
arguing against it but man, i am getting destroyed. Finally i established 2 base income and cleared the way so we can attack purple with Alana.
I followed her in and i lost 100 supply in a matter of seconds just trying to clear healing wards.
I am so pissed at this map, i spent all day.
Level 6
Sep 16, 2019
What difficulty does the menu of your vanilla campaign display, normal or hard?
Afaik, the game takes the difficulty for custom campaigns from the vanilla campaigns rather than the custom campaigns settings if you launch the map via the "next mission" button instead of the menu.
HAHA. Tnx m8, after 20 years of playing the game i am still a newb. XD
I ll continue playing this in Hard difficulty then. I ll just be more patient.
Btw you already know from everyone that you have created something special here.
Just taking the opportunity to appriciate you and your work.
Creating something interesting is a challenge. You have created something worth of attention.
Level 1
Aug 27, 2020
Can someone help me?
is there an item that the guardian from chapter 10 gives to aedale when you choose the knowledge? It seems that i didn't receive anything from the guardian.
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Level 6
Sep 16, 2019
So i finished the campaign. It is marvelous.
I wonder at this point how should i procced?
Play the orc book or continue with the second human book?
What is the best order?


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
So i finished the campaign. It is marvelous.
I wonder at this point how should i procced?
Play the orc book or continue with the second human book?
What is the best order?

Just go by release order: First human book, orc book, and undead

And the second books follow the same order, while you can start the second human book right away playing the other books first gives you an idea of what's happening in the background even if the timelines don't always match up. That and the difficulty increase between the first books and second books is rather massive.

Can someone help me?
is there an item that the guardian from chapter 10 gives to aedale when you choose the knowledge? It seems that i didn't receive anything from the guardian.

No item I'm afraid just knowledge for the character.
Level 2
Apr 1, 2017
Hey guys maye there is answer for my Q but there is like 21 pages of comments so sorry for asking again :D

How can I play this custom ? have anyone older versioon of warcraft for download? (1.29 - 1.31) or is there a way to play it on reforged
Level 3
Oct 12, 2020
hi I'm Yazid I'm rly big fan of your campaign for me it's blizzard level or even better. I was planning to remade the whole campaign and make it reforged compatible but i had some difficulties with objects i couldn't find the units one their respective maps. so I decided to import the object data from the campaign editor and the map didn't even launched so can u contact me so we can discuss about it more ? thanks for your work and I'm really looking forward for a positive reply, cheers !
Level 2
Jan 21, 2018
Hello, I have a problem with mission 11. Well, while watching the jayborino gameplay, I noticed that my version looked a little different, and I think it was bugged. First, the dark green ally's base has been split in half, one being his and the other under my control. Second, this great ally buff building is gone. The mission itself is difficult to make the transition in this way, and when I saw what a big difference is between mine and even jayborino or other people, I decided that I would ask if it was a mistake or was it supposed to be like that. (in the place of the screenshot, you can notice the lack of these in the building and the halved base)
Level 6
Jul 27, 2020
Hey i just play this campaign today and i CANT see First human book prologue its get crash when its load Why?
but Chapters looks fine whitout problem
im playing un warcraft 1.30
Level 5
Sep 6, 2019
hi guys i never played arkain campagins but now i want play it so which one i should play first i mean what is first story human or orc or undead
Level 30
May 14, 2021
hi guys i never played arkain campagins but now i want play it so which one i should play first i mean what is first story human or orc or undead
If you want to know about full story, you should download all six campaigns (First and Second Book), then play in chronological order (Human, Orc, Undead).
Level 8
Dec 1, 2021
is there any ways to get the hero only on mission 11 ? i really want to try it after watch jay borino videos, as far as i know, the current map cannot get that condition
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
downlaoded pack of all of them
humans 1 doesnt load (i can get the 1st behind the scenes to load)
maps dont work

EDIT: is it because i havent started nor finished any of the campaigns? (bought copy instead of using my ahrd copy)

Last edited by a moderator:
Level 30
May 14, 2021
downlaoded pack of all of them
humans 1 doesnt load (i can get the 1st behind the scenes to load)
maps dont work

EDIT: is it because i havent started nor finished any of the campaigns? (bought copy instead of using my ahrd copy)
What game/patch version are you using? Please read the notice below.
WC3 Requirements 2.jpg

Also, if you are using the latest version (1.31), then you'll most likely encounter numerous bugs. Therefore, please try to use 1.29.
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
What game/patch version are you using? Please read the notice below.
View attachment 392521
Also, if you are using the latest version (1.31), then you'll most likely encounter numerous bugs. Therefore, please try to use 1.29.
ahhh okay. im on the latest. sittin here playing through the campaign just to try to play this custom campaign lmao (thinking i had to "reach" frozen throne)


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
downlaoded pack of all of them
humans 1 doesnt load (i can get the 1st behind the scenes to load)
maps dont work

EDIT: is it because i havent started nor finished any of the campaigns? (bought copy instead of using my ahrd copy)

Please refrain from emotional rating. Use patience and rationale instead.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

downlaoded pack of all of them
humans 1 doesnt load (i can get the 1st behind the scenes to load)
maps dont work

EDIT: is it because i havent started nor finished any of the campaigns? (bought copy instead of using my ahrd copy)

I have removed your 1/5 rating. You should learn how to appreciate people that work hard on their projects! I wish I could rate Shar's work 100/5.
Level 1
May 8, 2017
Am I able to play the game on reforged with classic graphics? I can't figure it out.
Level 30
May 14, 2021
Am I able to play the game on reforged with classic graphics? I can't figure it out.
WC3 Requirements 2.jpg

I won't guarantee all custom campaigns, including this one, are playable on Reforged, regardless the Quenching Mod you have.
If you still encounter problems, use the version as the author suggested.
Level 9
Dec 1, 2021
So I was about to write a lengthy review like usual, but when I wanted to put in a picture, Hive asked me to refresh (like it always does), and when I pressed it, everything I've written has disappeared, which is something that has never happened before.
I don't know if the problem was on my end, or on Hive's, but the lesson here is obvious, kids: never write lengthy stuff without having a backup/save of your progress, else the devil of luck might ruin your day. :sad:

Unfortunately, I won't be going to rewrite it right now. I'm getting close to finishing the Undead Book, and I'm kind of struggling to find time to write these.
Maybe I'll eventually find time to backtrack and make a proper review of this campaign in the future. But if you guys are interested, you can feel free to ask me what my thoughts are about anything from the First Human Book.

But I guess I could do a quick review, for now:
  • The campaign is between 8/10 and 9/10, but it doesn't really have many huge flaws that I'd like to see fixed, only minor ones, so it's still 5 stars for me.
  • The enjoyability is very subjective. The gameplay style is something that will really appeal to some people, while it might really not appeal to some others.
  • The general balance of the campaign is in a pretty decent state. Arkain campaigns used to be extremely off with it, but they got fixed quite well.
  • The story is very interesting. If you want to play a campaign that gets you invested in its story, this might just be what you're looking for.
  • Choices add a lot to both the gameplay and the story. Some of them are a bit underwhelming and can basically be ignored, while some others are complete gamechangers.
  • The terrain is not exactly the strongest point of the campaign, but it does do the bare minimum to properly show you the places that the maps play out on. It's not fascinating, but it's enough, at least for me.
  • Throughout the campaign, you'll be hearing the default music around 99% of the time. This is fine if you enjoy the human/orc/undead soundtracks, though I do advise that you use a personal playlist, since most maps take a while.
Oh, and I've got some funny cutscene glitches/interactions I'll share with you all. (One of them is achieved by placing a building a little bit in the back during A Fresh Breeze, while the other is achieved by casting Banish on Harmos before the end of Iron and Blood) Along with mister Sturmbringer ("Sturm" is either a reference to a face cream, a Resident Evil character, or a Serbian general from World War 1. I hope it's the first, since a lot of the characters are old.), and Renova's twin sister that doesn't come up ever again, even though she could have played an important role.





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Level 7
Nov 13, 2018
Can Anyone help me update warcraft lll from 1.28 to 1.29 or newer..?

Hi, I am a Korean and I cannot speak nor read English very well..
So, it's really hard to get information about maps, needless to say "new version, or whatever"
I was guided to download the link for 1.29 version, but it was really tricky...
I was just led to Reforged Warcraft again where I cannot really play custom mission (f*ckT_T.. I bought expensive reforged and deprived of cumstom campaign mode..?)
Of course, the thread specified that "you need a CD key otherwise it will be reforged".. but I couldn't get a chance to put CD-key..
It just became reforged with no any option....

Can any one save me from this Hell??T_T...
I don't even know where to put my thread... so I just left comment here...
Thank you...
Level 9
Dec 1, 2021
If you're looking to download an older version of Warcraft 3, then this thread could help you.
I don't have Reforged, so I don't really know how hard it is to keep an older version while you do have it, but I think you should be fine as long as you use a new CD code, while not using through the old version. And you should press "no" every time the game asks you if you want an update. New, free CD keys are available here.
Level 30
May 14, 2021
If you're looking to download an older version of Warcraft 3, then this thread could help you.
I don't have Reforged, so I don't really know how hard it is to keep an older version while you do have it, but I think you should be fine as long as you use a new CD code, while not using through the old version. And you should press "no" every time the game asks you if you want an update. New, free CD keys are available here.
The link that you provided is ONLY related to the very latest versions of WC3, which is 1.31.1. Here's the thread for older versions, including 1.29.2:
Level 5
Apr 29, 2017
An excellent campaign, and an excellent story.
It's about time I got around to completing these things, and have fun doing it, which I have had!

I was thoroughly invested in the story here, I was actually paranoid over characters showing up where they shouldn't be, playing into the traitor narrative, and I was very invested in the characters I was supporting and which I had to fight - I was actually really devastated when I had to help Genethas instead of Gardon during the fortress vs fortress mission, and was really happy to not have killed him and Selana. The fact that every side quest plays into the story in some way is quite nice, and it actually made me avoid them in order to leave them uncompleted to steer the characters in the right direction. I had a blast playing around with the characters, exploring very nice landscapes across this first book, going to all sorts of places, really kept things interesting to look at.

Although - to elaborate on why I 'had' to side with Genethas, is that I simply could not complete Gardon's branch of special mission. I'm not exactly sure of the details, since I didn't really troubleshoot too hard, but in my run the mission wouldn't end correctly, loss or victory. I ended up siding with Genethas just to reach the end of the campaign. I have personally attributed it to using an older warcraft version, 1.30.4, which might be messing with it, or perhaps an outdated campaign install, but in the end, I can still move on.

All in all, I'm already totally invested in the story, and I will absolutely play through all of these to put it all together!
Level 5
Dec 7, 2022
Here is my review of Legends of Arkain first book: (review may contain spoilers)

Global enjoyment: I suppose I should've started with this book first instead of the orc one, but this made my experience even better.
Everything here is much more enjoyable it was a step further the orc one, you have a real feeling of power with the human, their are more choices, there is more diversity,this is way less lame. There is definitely something more about this book that makes it very enjoyable. I even remember the first level reminding me of the original campaign with the terrain that I'll discuss later on. +0.75

Scenario: This is the strongest part of the campaign and it got even better, Arkain's universe is very good, it makes us want to see the cinematic and the interludes more and more, the choices with the artifact makes you think twice (I didn't wanted to take it, but it would've prolly been way different if I did, I don't know). The cinematics are sweet, we really appreciate that lore. +1

Terrain: This one was less empty, there were still vast useless areas, but way less noticeable. The terrain gives the original campaign vibe which for me is a plus. The building's placement this time was better, I think there are too many, but this isn't 2 hours of trying to destroy them. +0.75

Techtree: I feel like this is classic humans but at the same time improved, I feel like playing something different and that is very good.
We have access to necromancer, to that fire mage being dope for hero snipe and that fire rain, demolishers being op, golems in the end. The dwarves are nice to play even tho there is not muc. Elves felt very weak to play with Salana's party but that was only 1 mission and none of my allies worked which I suppose is a bug. What is the most important in this campaign is the feeling of the humans staying together with all the paladins and badass warriors around you, you are strong and well guarded when playing humans, this feeling is great. +0.75

Heroes: I wasn't expecting something like this, every hero is actually good. There are some without any modification, but there are loads of synergies heroes feel so great there, I don't know how to explain, even the general Gardon Bloodclaw, there is something about this dude that is so much appreciable and powerful. Definitely one of the best heroes in the entire hive. Nothing to say here. +1

Difficulty: At some point it's chill in normal because you don't have to kill 6 bases or a enormous one, but sometimes its painfull and eventually lame. Things should be a bit easier but it's not a diseaster because if the intention is to make the campaign hard, than I think it's accomplshed. I didn't wanted to make anything in hard to not ruin my experience but if you want a challenge, go for it. +0.5

Very good experience, strong campaign, lot of contents, nothing more to say 4.25/5.
Level 7
Aug 18, 2018
Here is my review of Legends of Arkain first book: (review may contain spoilers)

Global enjoyment: I suppose I should've started with this book first instead of the orc one, but this made my experience even better.
Everything here is much more enjoyable it was a step further the orc one, you have a real feeling of power with the human, their are more choices, there is more diversity,this is way less lame. There is definitely something more about this book that makes it very enjoyable. I even remember the first level reminding me of the original campaign with the terrain that I'll discuss later on. +0.75

Scenario: This is the strongest part of the campaign and it got even better, Arkain's universe is very good, it makes us want to see the cinematic and the interludes more and more, the choices with the artifact makes you think twice (I didn't wanted to take it, but it would've prolly been way different if I did, I don't know). The cinematics are sweet, we really appreciate that lore. +1

Terrain: This one was less empty, there were still vast useless areas, but way less noticeable. The terrain gives the original campaign vibe which for me is a plus. The building's placement this time was better, I think there are too many, but this isn't 2 hours of trying to destroy them. +0.75

Techtree: I feel like this is classic humans but at the same time improved, I feel like playing something different and that is very good.
We have access to necromancer, to that fire mage being dope for hero snipe and that fire rain, demolishers being op, golems in the end. The dwarves are nice to play even tho there is not muc. Elves felt very weak to play with Salana's party but that was only 1 mission and none of my allies worked which I suppose is a bug. What is the most important in this campaign is the feeling of the humans staying together with all the paladins and badass warriors around you, you are strong and well guarded when playing humans, this feeling is great. +0.75

Heroes: I wasn't expecting something like this, every hero is actually good. There are some without any modification, but there are loads of synergies heroes feel so great there, I don't know how to explain, even the general Gardon Bloodclaw, there is something about this dude that is so much appreciable and powerful. Definitely one of the best heroes in the entire hive. Nothing to say here. +1

Difficulty: At some point it's chill in normal because you don't have to kill 6 bases or a enormous one, but sometimes its painfull and eventually lame. Things should be a bit easier but it's not a diseaster because if the intention is to make the campaign hard, than I think it's accomplshed. I didn't wanted to make anything in hard to not ruin my experience but if you want a challenge, go for it. +0.5

Very good experience, strong campaign, lot of contents, nothing more to say 4.25/5.
Now finish this book and the undead so you can experience the true story of arkain which is much enhance of the the six books combined
Level 9
Dec 31, 2016
so this is the first campaign in the series I finished and I have this question. If I want to try different "choices" and replay some missions, does it take into consideration only the last choice made? For example in one interluide you can choose to go with Gardon or Genethas, so if I choose Gardon first and then Genethas will the game count only the second choice for the second human book? I read on the wiki there is a little something in the prologue of the second human book that changes based on this choice.
so this is the first campaign in the series I finished and I have this question. If I want to try different "choices" and replay some missions, does it take into consideration only the last choice made? For example in one interluide you can choose to go with Gardon or Genethas, so if I choose Gardon first and then Genethas will the game count only the second choice for the second human book? I read on the wiki there is a little something in the prologue of the second human book that changes based on this choice.
The choices are saved in the cache, I recall. So, it will pick which one you played last in the previous book
Level 5
Aug 29, 2021
I want to start playing Arkain series now, but where should I start with? What is the chronological order?
First Human Book of Arkain - Nov 1, 2014
First Orc Book of Arkain - Jan 20, 2015
First Undead Book of Arkain - May 6, 2015
Second Human Book of Arkain - Apr 4, 2016
Second Orc Book of Arkain - Apr 1, 2019
Second Undead Book of Arkain - Aug 28, 2020
Legends of Arkain True Story demo - Feb 5, 2022