First Orc Book of Arkain (Patch 1.29.2 or newer!)

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.

! No longer updated !
Check out the
True Story of Arkain for updates!


A Campaign Series made by Shar Dundred

! Requires Version 1.29.2 or newer !
You are not allowed to publish any edited version of any Arkain map! This includes but is not limited to Reforged edits!


The Orc Clans were crippled by the other races when they tried to conquer the continent long ago. Now the remaining clans fight both each other as well as the other races. They control only small areas and everytime they manage to conquer more, either the Imperial Army or Demon Legions come to take it away from them.
But now, a new generation of proud Orcs prepares to continue where their ancestors failed and take the land their people need.
Take control of Rangul, high ranking member of the Deathbreeze Clan, and his clan to unite the Orcs under one banner and fight everyone who stands between the Orcs and their wish to take the Kingdoms for themselves.

Campaign Series Info

The Legends of Arkain is a campaign series which takes place on the world Arkain.
The races of Arkain fight against the demon invaders, who try once again to enslave every being on Arkain. The Humans, the Orcs and the Undead will have to make a stand against them... or face complete annihilation or enslavement by the Demons.
This campaign series will consist of actually three different series. There will be a Human, an Orc and an Undead campaign series. They will all run in the same timeline but will present three different stories and outcomes. When they are all finished, it's completely up to you, who wins this conflict.
Those, who win the war, will write the history.

You like the campaign?
Click here to see the progress of the series!

Click here for the First Human Book!

Click here for the First Undead Book!

Click here for the Second Human Book!
Click here for the Second Orc Book!
Click here for the Second Undead Book!

Let's Play made by @Jayborino!


- Three different storylines/campaign series
Take control of one of the three factions, the proud Humans of the Empire, the plundering and strong Orc Clans or the mysterious Undead Nexus and their endless army of the dead, and face the demonic invasion as well as other struggles that await you.
- New units
Command units, you already know, as well as completely new units with new upgrades and abilities.
- Decide the fate of Arkain
At some points of the campaigns, you'll have the opportunity to decide things, that affect the storyline, characters and sometimes even the chapters you play or how you have to play them. By doing or, well, not doing certain side quests, you can also affect the campaign.
- Three difficulties
You can play the campaign in either easy, normal oder hard difficulty, just like in the original WC3 campaigns. It will impact on the AI difficulty and scripting as well as other minor changes.
In easy version, for example, the AI won't rebuilt lost buildings.

- Full Jass AI
In this campaign series, every single AI is written in Jass instead of being created with the AI editor. This makes the AI more intelligent.
- Universal Hero hotkeys
All hero abilities use the QWER hotkeys.


The Human Empire
There have always been Humans on Arkain. The Human kingdoms and their allies, the Elves and Dwarves, have fought the Demons for centuries while also being attacked by orc pillagers. They had no chance against the demons and were already close to annihilation, when the Empire showed up.
They came over the Great Sea in the west and saved the kingdoms, who immediately joined the Empire in return. The Humans still fight the Demons and more and more of them join the fight against their old suppressors.
The Humans already tried to get rid of the Demons for good, but they failed. However, they continue fighting and won't stop until there are no humans or enemies of humanity anymore.
The current Emperor is Theodor the Second.

The Orcish Clans

Legends say that the Orcs hail from another continent and then spread all over the kingdoms. But not even the oldest Orcs can tell, if that's the true or the Orcs have been here all the time, just like the other races.
But it is known that the united clans attacking absolutely everything and everyone they met and conquered a large territory. It did work for a while, but not long. The other races, especially the Demons, who were very angry about that insult, brought the fight to them and massacred half of the green skins.
The Orcs had to retreat and lost much of their territory. The only reason, why half of them are still there, is that their enemies fought among each other as well.
The Orc Clans allied with the Trolls, to increase their strengh, but still didn't manage to gather an army, that was comparable to their old numbers. Since they weren't able to begin their another huge conquest, the clans stopped working together and some old rivalries amongst the clans became important again.
Still, they managed to raid the other races and remain an annoyance for the other factions. There are still many Orcs left, which could prove to be a strong force, if they'd be united under a strong leader.

The Undead Nexus

The Undead are the most mysterious race of Arkain. Of course, necromancers and necrolytes are not unknown and have always summoned some undead servants to do their bidding, but the Undead as a complete race are a mystery to all creatures.
Once, a group of mighty necromancers, who became insane because of their immense power, believed they could rule the world with an army of the Living Dead. However, only days after they began attacking the Human kingdoms, they simply vanished. Their armies were gone and only the remains of the corpses were proof, that they ever existed.
What no mortal and no Demon knows, is, that a powerful Archlich, Aridon the Watcher, self-proclaimed guardian of Arkain, took care of them. He has the ability to take control of every Undead, he wants to control. He uses this power only, to make sure, that besides him is no one, who can form a real army of Undead. He always made the Undead kill their masters and reanimated them as his loyal servants.
The only mighty Undead, not currently living on the Dead Mountain, are guarding old temples and ruins, which contain artifacts, not meant to fall in the hands of neither mortals nor Demons. Still, they all call Aridon their master.
Aridon and his Undead live on the so called Dead Mountain, which lies within the Human kingdoms. Every sent expedition on this mountain never returned, so the Humans decided to simply ignore it and built a garrison to watch over the only entrance to the mountain.
Aridon claims to be as old as the world itself and has seen the rise and fall of races and nations. His goal is to maintain the balance of the world - or at least, what he sees as balance. He stayed out of every conflict and only watched for millenia.
But recent events force Aridon to end his idleness and take action himself instead of only manipulating others. He'll have to make the world know about the Undead - and give reason to fear them.

The Demon Legions

If there are any creatures besides the Undead Lord Aridon, who are as old as Arkain itself, than it must be the Demons. These creatures have been the bane of Arkain for a long, long time. If their history contains anything else than attacking and enslaving other races, than only the Demons know about it.
Every Demon Legion is lead by its most powerful Dreadlord. Who is the one, who commands all Legions, is unknown to every non-demon.
The Demons' realm lies in the East of the continent and is seperated by a bottomless rift, the so called Void. No one, except for Demons and their slaves, has ever been on the other side of the Void. The Void is so heavy fortified by the Demons, that they managed to block every attack there. The Void is also the place where the Imperial Army was defeated during their Great Attack.
Now, the Demons seem to begin another great offensive against the other races. And this time, they are determined to be victorious and won't show any mercy.


Rangul grew up as a usual member of the Deathbreeze Clan. His abilities and dedication to his race along with his strength made him rise up the ranks quite fast. He now serves as the first and most trusted Lieutenant of the chieftain. He plans to form the Orcs from simple pillagers to a proud and strong army which would be strong enough to conquer the lands of the Humans. He's intelligent and always thinks before he acts since he knows that any mistake could ruin his plan.
Rath Wolfscar
Rath Wolfscar is the leader of the Raiders from the Darkmind Clan. He lead some pillages against the Humans himself and earned much respect in his clan. However, one day his clan made a huge mistake and was destroyed by the Imperial armies. They killed many warriors - and also women and children since they wanted to destroy the clan completely. Rath's hatred for the Imperials knows no bounds and he'll take every opportunity to take revenge.
Zairmak is one of the most powerful warlocks of the Orcs. No one knows how old he really is, but it's most likely that he's the oldest Orc who is still alive and knows secrets of the old times, he doesn't share with anyone. He gained control over the Ravaging Fire Clan years ago although only half of his clan supports him. He is feared among all clans and many respect him both for his age and his power. Underestimating him because of his age has proven to be a huge mistake in the past.
Vanessa grew up as the daughter of a lesser noble in the Human Kingdoms. When she was five years old, the mansion of her father was raided by the Deathbreeze Clan. Due to the absence of her father, they managed to defeat the guards and take everything they could find. Somehow, the girl wasn't terrified by the strange creatures and didn't hide. She was found by the Orcs and their leader, the young Rangul, decided to take her with him instead of killing her. She grew up among the Orcs and was even accepted as a member of the clan - at least by the chieftain and half of the clan. Many dislike her for still being a Human instead of an Orc. Still, she dedicates her life towards Rangul and the Deathbreeze Clan.
Sasrogarn is Rangul's eldest son and a strong spellcaster - like his father. He is Rangul's left hand and one of the few Orcs who already know of his plans and support him. Sasrogarn shares the dream of his father and has sworn that he'd carry on his dream in case his father dies. But he doesn't share the patience of his father and approves of taking a more direct and aggressive approach.








- Initial release

- Minor fixes

Chapter Two:
- Added new ranged unit

Chapter Seven:
- Paladins inside the citadel no longer have Resurrection
- Made ally more useful

Chapter Eight:
- No more fights in the ending cinematic

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed AIs

- Fixed Epilogue

- AI heroes now gain additional levels on Hard difficulty when they are supposed to
- High level Demon units can no longer be charmed
- Demon units don't take any damage from Holy Light anymore
- Demon units now take damage from Death Coil
- Activated latest melee patch for all maps that were still not up to date
- Blen's Neccessary Meassures spell was replaced with Imperial Edict
- Nerfed Giant Skeleton Warrior by removing Resistant Skin and Hardened Skin
- Increased damage of Destructors by 3
- Changed Armor Type of Eredar Warriors, Eredar Wrathguards and Eredar Grandmasters from Medium to Large
- Several model changes
- Decreased range of Dragon Lancers from 800 to 700
- Decreased Warlord damage by 3
- Necrolytes no longer have full mana after being recruited

Chapter One:
- Removed one Footman from the mansion
- Added a few Footmen to the village
- Added a Pitlord

Chapter Two:
- Added more elven and dwarven units

Chapter Three:
- Added more enemy units to the bases

Chapter Five:
- Improved all Clans' defenses (except the players')
- Added a Goblin Merchant to the map

Chapter Six:
- All Demon units now belong to the Blooddrinker Legion
- Added Pit Lord

Chapter Seven:
- Paladins have been replaced with Knight Commanders which use Parry instead of Divine Shield
- The Knight Commanders inside the Fortress have Ressurrection again
- Empowered Theoden by giving him his Amulet of Discipline and a Necklace of Spell Immunity
- The Player starts with two additional Grunts
- Increased the gold from the player's first gold mine by 10,000

Chapter Eight:
- Players can no longer recruit Dragon Lancers
- Added new enemy AI
- Grey and Blue now fight each other actively
- Added Pitlord

Chapter Nine:
- Replaced Soul Burn of Progaderas with Mass Soul Burn
- Progaderas now has Spell Immunity
- Players can no longer recruit Dragon Lancers
- Changed some units that were spawned by destroying enemy buildings
- Added two Watch Towers for the player
- Added two big waves ordered by General Cleavehand himself
- Lerrig now retreats once his Castle is destroyed
- Added more dialogues
- Demons now all belong to Neutral Hostile and won't randomly attack
- The Main Quest and the Paladin side quest are now completed properly

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed Mass Soul Burn

- Various fixes

- The campaign no longer uses the latest melee patch due to several balance changes messing up things, a few unit changes still apply to the campaign however

Interlude One:
- Fixed an issue where the prologue would crash in version 1.30.1

- Spirit Legionnaires no longer have the Curse ability

Chapter Seven:
- Slightly edited the ending cutscene (Vanessa will no longer fancy the idea of becoming "Empress of all mankind")

Chapter Nine:
- Added a few guards for the three main bases of the Imperials
- Removed two lines at the end of the chapter

- Fixed the amount of passed years in the first two chapters to the correct value

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed the knight movement in the intro cinematic
- Players now start with Arcanite Weapons and Armor instead of Steel
- Increased food limit to 120 & upkeep from 50/80 to 80/100
- The Undead base is no longer invulnerable

- Upkeep reworked: Low Upkeep now gives you 8 instead of 7 gold and High Upkeep now gives you 6 instead of 4 gold

- Fixed Batrider model

Chapter Two:
- Due to some people still having issues with the Interlude: The Beginning due to bugs in some Blizzard patches, Chapter Two is now also unlocked upon finishing Chapter One

Chapter Five:
- Fixed handicap for Easy difficulty

- Fixed triggers that would not be working anymore after loading in newer versions of the game
- Adjusted several Vanessa dialogues from Chapter Seven onwards

Chapter One:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Renamed Fishbarn to Village of Fishbarn
- Renamed Salesbury to Salesbury Militia
- Renamed Guards to Mansion Guards

Interlude One:
- Changed player color to Emerald

Chapter Two:
- Changed player color to Emerald

Interlude Two:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy

Chapter Three:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy
- Changed the color of the Kasrkin to Dark Green
- Renamed the Imperial Rearguard to Phoenix Regiment
- Changed the color of the Phoenix Regiment to Red
- Adjusted the hero of the Phoenix Regiment accordingly

Chapter Four:
- Changed player color to Emerald

Chapter Five:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy
- Increased the gold required to finish the Side Quest from 4000 to 6000

Chapter Six:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Knights of Kome to Peach
- Renamed the Imperial Army factions to Bull Regiment and Falcon Regiment

Chapter Seven:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of all Knights of Kome factions to Peach

Chapter Eight:
- Changed player color to Emerald
- Changed the color of the Imperial Army to Light Blue

Chapter Nine:
- Changed player color to Navy
- Changed the color of Lerrig's Soldiers to Light Blue
- Changed the color of the Deathbreeze Clan to Emerald
- Added Cleaving Attack for Selior
- Replaced Selior's Vengeance ability with Justice
- Renamed the Imperial Border Guard to Bear Regiment
- Several dialogue and trigger adjustments

- Changed player color to Emerald

Models & Skins:
Blizzard Entertainment
Wandering Soul
Uncle Fester
Mc !
Dark Hunter1357
Dmitry Rommel
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Mechanical Man

Blizzard Entertainment
Uncle Fester
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Eagle XI

Campaign Preview Screen:

Campaign Logo:

Campaign Chief Development Tester and Grammar Genius:

Everything else made by:
Shar Dundred

First Supporters:
Theoden of KoMe
Veritas 117

Please contact me via PM if I forgot to give you credit for your resource!

To Blizzard Entertainment for this great game.
To Turnro whose great campaigns inspired me to revive this old project.
To Jayborino for his enjoyable let's play projects of the Arkain series!
To all who supported this project.
And very many special thanks to Kasrkin, who supported the creation of this project in many ways!

Feel free to post your suggestions, opinions and questions!
Please report any bugs!

Here you can find the old 1.27 version of the campaign.
Keep in mind that it is no longer being maintained!

Arkain, Legends, Legends of Arkain, LoA, campaign, series

Legends of Arkain First Orc Book (Campaign)

StoPCampinGn00b 21:25, 3rd Feb 2015 Map Name - Legends of Arkain First Orc Book (Version 1.00) Review Post - No Review[tr] Verdict - Approved, Not Rated

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Level 1
Aug 29, 2011
Noticed this on chapter 5 thought I would point out but when you get the Goldaxe clan they still send units to orange base its not a problem with them attacking it but they just kinda mass up units there.

Chapter 6 just a small thing the side quest completion for capture the coast comes up as "no orcs allowed" instead
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Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
i loved it! but the last chapter is one hell of hard and long battle! every structure spawns 5-6 units..
Also i think the developers should do the thing that makes the heroes you ain't gonna play in the next chapters lose their items and appear next to HG so the player can use them for the current heroes, because most items are valuable :D
Overall, one of the greatest campaigns in this site so far! keep it up, and i can't wait for the second orc book!!


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
We only do the lost the items shtick if one of the heroes ends up dying. I think I remember that actually giving us some difficulty. Wait no, it was Rath constantly selling his items whenever he had a base.
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Level 13
Feb 5, 2008
Taking a break from my own work (cough cough procrastination) to take a crack at my first Arkain playthrough! First of all, Hard difficulty on the first mission is no joke (although maybe that's because I just did terrible micro on the first section and lost too many units). I wound up soloing the Bandit Lord and his entire group with Rangul by doing screwing with their acquisition range using Hex. Probably means I'm doing something wrong.

However, my crazy micro playthrough of half of the first mission did unearth a kinda funky issue. The noble's manor can be attacked from behind, which I did because all I had left after killing the Bandit Lord was Rangul, but because of that all the purple humans were still there during the cinematic and I lost during the cinematic because they killed all the cinematic units and Rangul. Again, probably serves me right for cheesing that part of the mission, but I just wanted to mention that this is a possibility.

I will admit that I have no idea what version of the campaign I am playing. This might have been corrected since I downloaded this. All in all, I like the campaign; I think you've done a better job of making it than I have of playing it so far. I will be replaying this mission shortly to do it right. :p
Level 1
Jul 10, 2017
I just finish this campaing, compare to humans and undead this is my least favourite, no because its bad but humans and undead are too good. I really like how you discover the story of every character playing all books (like how saphira became undead). I cant wait for the second of every race. Great work!!!
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
On an actual feedback note: I completed Siege of Kome last night and it was probably the first of the giant macro maps that I was really looking forward to it being over due to the grueling nature of it by the end.

I understand that these types of maps are very core to Arkain and I've truly enjoyed all of them prior. The first half of the map was very fun and engaging, but that grind through the castle... hoo boy, that was rough and not in a challenging way, just a time consuming way!

Brainstorming ways to freshen maps like this up near the end where 30-60 minutes of what is essentially just map cleanup is required - could Rath set up forward bases when the elves and dwarves are each eliminated to hasten completion? At the same time, you'd have to defend his new production from the Kome attacks, so it just adds a new element to change the second half rather than: find new enemy base, make demolishers with extra supply, destroy productions buildings, repeat X5.

This is just one idea, and I know you're working primarily on the second books, but figured I'd share my thoughts as this was the first map that really had me exasperated by the end. I also understand that these big maps are what Arkain is all about and sometimes they will be very time consuming; it is what it is. Looking forward to finishing the last two missions!



Level 3
Sep 16, 2010
This was a fun campaign and I really liked seeing how it interacted with the human book. I'm rather curious to see how well the undead book interconnects with the human and orc chapters. I did have one question about the story so spoilers anyways to anyone reading this.....

When Vanessa and Rangul have their fight why didn't she point out herself as an example of how humans could be useful? She could of used herself to demonstrate that regardless of one's heritage, they can still become loyal to the orcs as she is. It would have helped establish that both sides had a point. After all the orcs and humans have a bloody history and any attempts to incorporate human into their ranks could lead to disaster down the road and yet despite being human Vanessa is genuinely loyal to the orcs and does show how orcs and humans can work with one another for betterment of orcs. However the orcs come off as having the point and Vanessa seeking a dream without explaining how her dream would help the orcs down the road instead of exploding in their faces like Zairmak keeps expressing.

Now I did find one bug:
*Couldn't click on the troll bat riders at all. The only way I could get them into a group was to expand the cursor and grab in the area of the unit.
Level 10
Oct 23, 2016
I really enjoyed this campaing played it a long time ago and again recently found it even better the second time around when i deiced to not cheat the way i found to do the the Knights of Kome mission was to go around and snipe key buildings with my troll bombadtiors it was fun and problay not the best way to do it but it worked eventually and was fun all the while.
Level 9
Mar 29, 2015
This was a fun campaign and I really liked seeing how it interacted with the human book. I'm rather curious to see how well the undead book interconnects with the human and orc chapters. I did have one question about the story so spoilers anyways to anyone reading this.....

When Vanessa and Rangul have their fight why didn't she point out herself as an example of how humans could be useful? She could of used herself to demonstrate that regardless of one's heritage, they can still become loyal to the orcs as she is. It would have helped establish that both sides had a point. After all the orcs and humans have a bloody history and any attempts to incorporate human into their ranks could lead to disaster down the road and yet despite being human Vanessa is genuinely loyal to the orcs and does show how orcs and humans can work with one another for betterment of orcs. However the orcs come off as having the point and Vanessa seeking a dream without explaining how her dream would help the orcs down the road instead of exploding in their faces like Zairmak keeps expressing.

Now I did find one bug:
*Couldn't click on the troll bat riders at all. The only way I could get them into a group was to expand the cursor and grab in the area of the unit.

The Troll Batrider thing isn't a bug, it's part of the game. It's there in the base game too
Level 2
Aug 4, 2013
Really nice campaign, all sides. :)

*Quick note: All the the campaigns have this bug, probably because of the new patch, but most neutral parties have become hostile.
Per example, during the first mission the ships attack the footmen talking in the cutscene, so they die in the first 2 seconds.
Also in the second mission, the orc ships attack the orc base. All animals are also hostile, so you always attack them. Even gold mines and healing fountains are hostile and become buggy because of that.

*Edit: Good point, I don't think I've had the most recent update installed yet. My bad, thank you for the answer.
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Level 1
Jun 18, 2009
So theres this bug right in the first mission that crashes the game within 3-10 seconds after the cutscene ends. I've tried even using the auto-win cheat code to just move on to the next map so I can play the rest of the campaign and it immediately crashes in that case. Can anyone help me out, i'd really love to play the orc campaign.
Level 2
Oct 11, 2017
Anyone have any suggestions regarding the last mission on hard? I had little trouble with the rest. This one....geez. It seems like all the units are worthless. So many fliers, so I tried making lots of headhunters. They die too quick. Ground units are almost useless since there's so many fliers. It felt like if my heroes weren't in a fight, it was impossible to win it. and at the end of most fights, I'm left with my three heroes, and <2 of whatever units I had. If I go to help orange, I get attacked and lose buildings / peons because I can't get my heroes back to help. Can't make an agressive push, because when I get attacked, my heroes have to go back or my town is lost. THen, the rest of my offense team is lost because my heroes left. Suggestions?
Level 1
Nov 29, 2017
I'm having the same problem as murazar. Game crashes seconds after starting the first mission.
I would love it if someone has some sort of solution I could use.
Is this campaign just not compatible with the latest patch?
Level 1
Aug 30, 2018
Version 1.30 and its "hotfix" may have heavily damaged the playability and the balance of Arkain.
It most likely also caused new bugs.

This is NOT limited to Arkain, other custom maps seem to be affected as well.
I advise you to stay away from that buggy patch for the time being.

any chance of a fix for that first orc missions prismcat and murazar are talking about? I have it too and I'd love to play your campaigns :)

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
Version 2.11 released!

- Spirit Legionnaires no longer have the Curse ability

Chapter Seven:
- Slightly edited the ending cutscene (Vanessa will no longer fancy the idea of becoming "Empress of all mankind")

Chapter Nine:
- Added a few guards for the three main bases of the Imperials
- Removed two lines at the end of the chapter

Deleted member 245347


Deleted member 245347

Game crashes while intro in second map..
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Deleted member 245347


Deleted member 245347

Latest version is installed, checked also if something newer is available.
The first map works so far and the second crashed in intro. Up to the scene daemon's vs humans fighting scene and then it runs into a crash

Deleted member 245347


Deleted member 245347

thought i had the wrong one :D yeah, of course. i downloaded it for some days ago. I'll try it later again if it works.
Always the same error until now. I'll give you feedback later if i tried it.

Deleted member 245347


Deleted member 245347

okay, i just need to skip the intro on the mission. it works then.. :) I can live without the intro
Level 2
Oct 11, 2017
Sorry for repeating the post, hoping for some feedback:

Anyone have any suggestions regarding the last mission on hard? I had little trouble with the rest. This one....geez. It seems like all the units are worthless. So many fliers, so I tried making lots of headhunters. They die too quick. Ground units are almost useless since there's so many fliers. It felt like if my heroes weren't in a fight, it was impossible to win it. and at the end of most fights, I'm left with my three heroes, and <2 of whatever units I had. If I go to help orange, I get attacked and lose buildings / peons because I can't get my heroes back to help. Can't make an aggressive push, because when I get attacked, my heroes have to go back or my town is lost. Then, the rest of my offense team is lost because my heroes left. Suggestions?

A video would be awesome if anyone has one as well =]

Also, not being able to make a gaggle of wind riders to take down the undead to eliminate that threat is a severe hindrance. You are forced to setup a lot of defense in the northeast section of your base which doesn't ever "hold them off" on it's own. Wasting a ton of gold and lumber. OR you have to constantly send your forces back to defend against them.

Deleted member 245347


Deleted member 245347

Sorry for repeating the post, hoping for some feedback:

Anyone have any suggestions regarding the last mission on hard? I had little trouble with the rest. This one....geez. It seems like all the units are worthless. So many fliers, so I tried making lots of headhunters. They die too quick. Ground units are almost useless since there's so many fliers. It felt like if my heroes weren't in a fight, it was impossible to win it. and at the end of most fights, I'm left with my three heroes, and <2 of whatever units I had. If I go to help orange, I get attacked and lose buildings / peons because I can't get my heroes back to help. Can't make an aggressive push, because when I get attacked, my heroes have to go back or my town is lost. Then, the rest of my offense team is lost because my heroes left. Suggestions?

A video would be awesome if anyone has one as well =]

Also, not being able to make a gaggle of wind riders to take down the undead to eliminate that threat is a severe hindrance. You are forced to setup a lot of defense in the northeast section of your base which doesn't ever "hold them off" on it's own. Wasting a ton of gold and lumber. OR you have to constantly send your forces back to defend against them.

Same here. It's almost impossible to attack with the Heros when Undead attacks me / all other attack orange. i had to go back with my heros to defend. It's possible to defend but the current attack is totally worthless. they'll repair it in seconds and i need a new army.. then, i want to attack, but their forces attack again and seconds later the undead also..
Wtf is this on normal?
All other missions were not the problem and the latest is impossible.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
Version 2.12 released

- Fixed the amount of passed years in the first two chapters to the correct value (twenty instead of fifteen)

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed the knight movement in the intro cinematic
- Players now start with Arcanite Weapons and Armor instead of Steel
- Increased food limit to 120 & upkeep from 50/80 to 80/100
- The Undead base is no longer invulnerable
Level 1
Jun 5, 2019
I cant point select Batrider unit in chapter 8 onward. I still can select them by dragging square. Is there bugs, perhaps?
Level 13
Mar 4, 2014
Great campaign, loved it, Orcs are my favorite race so i had a blast microing my way true the enemies(humans/demons alike), BUT, and this is a big but, i just can't give this one more than 3 stars just because of that damn annoying and incredible tedious last mission!:ogre_rage:
Getting attacked by a ton of enemies with imba lvl 10 heroes and op units its just ridiculous, this is the kind of map that forces you to build an infinite ammount of towers and camp in your base for 2 hours just to survive... and this was supposed to be a siege!( but looked more like a survival game to me). My allies were so bad that i had to go and actually kill their bases and take their goldmines cuz there were not doing anything with the gold anyway...(talking about Sasrogarn's base, yes i choose the path where vanessa makes Sasrogarns spare the humans and all that shit, which btw it was pretty bad since i didn't get anything in return for going this stupid path beeing on Vanessa's side.), the orange base was good(trying to survive and getting rekt by op paladins and those annoying flying sheeps with insane attack speed, always had to go and rescue them as well).
You can tell i am pretty pissed but yea, i am just disappointed by this last mission, oh and The bat rider unit is invisible and cannot be targeted/selected(bug from the last war3 patch most likely). and yes i was playing on hard difficulty but this last mission was just a clusterfuck.:mwahaha:
Level 6
Sep 16, 2019
Hello. I am playing Siege of Kome and i got a malfanction during the map.
Batriders are not visible (i only see their shadows) and also not accesible meaning that I cant control them.
I am playing latest patch.

Some thoughts on previous map "Deathly breeze" , i tried to prevent the drop offs in my expansion with wyverns
and the zeppelins actualy appear from nowhere (it was weird to me) and i only managed to take down 2 of them in the woods when i cleared some trees. I also know that i did something wrong here because i went on the bottom left and took that camp and map ended there ( its a big map to end like that... so i felt that it shouldnt end even if i followed the "wrong order" (maybe i am overthinking it). I should play the map again to find out. Regarding Merlon his ulti in easy mode, nearly took out my base and half of my units ( i was in low upkeep like 35 trying to save gold for the fleet so i guess he had time to fuck me over). so i would suggest to balance that a bit.

Regarding the campaign, my opinion is that it's brilliant. I love it.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009


  • GiantBatFixed.mdx
    137.2 KB · Views: 132
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
If @Shar Dundred allows it, you have to open the campaign in the editor via the campaign editor and then open each map/chapter individually which contains that unit and replace it with the fixed one.
The campaign editor also has its own imports so maybe you only need to find the model there and replace it without doing the change for all chapters having that unit.