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Second Human Book of Arkain (Patch 1.29.2 or newer!)

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.

! No longer updated !
Check out the
True Story of Arkain for updates !


A Campaign Series made by Shar Dundred

! Requires Version 1.29.2 or newer !
You are not allowed to publish any edited version of any Arkain map! This includes but is not limited to Reforged edits!


Betrayed, invaded, defeated.... The Humans of the Empire suffered greatly in their fight against the Demons. They have now lost another kingdom in the war against the Demons and the inner conflicts are just about to start. Only a strong hand and leadership can lead them to victory against these odds.
Command the cruel General Gardon Bloodclaw and unite the estranged factions of the Empire by any means necessary. Withstand your enemies, both inside and outside, and face the horrifying Demons.
The question is... how far are you willing to go for absolute victory? Will you have to sacrifice your humanity in order to achieve victory? Only time will tell.

Campaign Series Info

The Legends of Arkain is a campaign series which takes place on the world Arkain.
The races of Arkain fight against the demon invaders, who try once again to enslave every being on Arkain. The Humans, the Orcs and the Undead will have to make a stand against them... or face complete annihilation or enslavement by the Demons.
This campaign series will consist of actually three different series. There will be a Human, an Orc and an Undead campaign series. They will all run in the same timeline but will present three different stories and outcomes. When they are all finished, it's completely up to you, who wins this conflict.
Those, who win the war, will write the history.

You like the campaign?
Click here to see the progress of the series!

Click here for the First Human Book!
Click here for the First Orc Book!
Click here for the First Undead Book!

Click here for the Second Orc Book!
Click here for the Second Undead Book!

Let's Play made by @Jayborino!

- Three different storylines/campaign series
Take control of one of the three factions, the proud Humans of the Empire, the plundering and strong Orc Clans or the mysterious Undead Nexus and their endless army of the dead, and face the demonic invasion as well as other struggles that await you.
- New units
Command units, you already know, as well as completely new units with new upgrades and abilities.
- Decide the fate of Arkain
At some points of the campaigns, you'll have the opportunity to decide things, that affect the storyline, characters and sometimes even the chapters you play or how you have to play them. By doing or, well, not doing certain side quests, you can also affect the campaign.
- Three difficulties
You can play the campaign in either easy, normal or hard difficulty, just like in the original WC3 campaigns. It will impact on the AI difficulty and scripting as well as other minor changes.
In easy version, for example, the AI won't rebuilt lost buildings.

- Full Jass AI
In this campaign series, every single AI is written in Jass instead of being created with the AI editor. This makes the AI more intelligent.
- Universal hotkeys
All abilities, units and buildings use QWER hotkeys.
- Race Mechanics
Every available race has its own unique race mechanic to improve gameplay - and, in some cases, to add new ways influencing the story.


General Gardon Bloodclaw
General Gardon is the most ruthless and merciless general in the Empire. He is known for using every available weapon against his enemies without showing any pardon. His background is a mystery. He simply appeared out of nowhere and became general. He proved very fast, that he got that position for a good reason, destroying the enemies of the Empire with fast, merciless effectiveness. He is the commander of the Ironfist, an elite force of the Empire, which often carries out top secret missions for the Emperor himself. According to rumors, Gardon himself enjoys the favor of the Emperor - much to the frustration of many higher-ranking Imperials. Yet none would dare make a move against him, as in the past, such attempts ended in disaster.
The fact that Gardon was forced to retreat because the inner conflicts of the Imperials had weakened them too much, infuriated him a great deal and he longs for a chance to take revenge on the traitors.

Admiral Merlon Seabright
Both in the Imperial and Royal Fleets, Admiral Merlon Seabright is a living legend. It is said that he was the captain of the ship that killed the Terror of Feraldir, a gigantic, demonic sea monster that had terrorized ships for thousands of years. Merlon dislikes staying on the shore for longer than absolutely necessary, for the sea is his true home. He is said to have been a critic and even an enemy of Gardon Bloodclaw until the two of them were assigned to a special mission. After that mission, Merlon remained silent about Gardon and even proclaimed to assist Gardon whenever he was needed.
Today, he is Gardon's most loyal ally who is not part of the Ironfist.

Larine the Exile
Larine used to be the personal guard and a good friend of the elven queen. However, she began criticizing the fact that the Elves were hiding in their woods instead of fighting side-by-side with the Imperials and Dwarves. She blamed the Queen for the fact that the Elves were despised by many of the Humans who had been forced by their surperiors to defend them. She left the Elven Kingdom and was later exiled. She went to the court of King Dorten of Kerrel and started working for him, gaining his respect. Trained in both archery and nature magic, she is ready to fulfill her surperior's every command.

Lady Cora Redfist
Following her father's wishes reluctantly, Cora joined the Imperial Army instead of continuing her studies in the Imperial Academy. Having proven herself as a valuable asset of the army, she was given the offer of joining the Imperial Navy. She had always loved the sea and knowing that the Imperial Navy would enable her to progress further in her studies of water magic, Cora accepted the offer and became a member of the navy, later serving as the liaison officer between the Imperial Navy and the Golden Guard.
Over time, she developed a certain dislike for Renald van Durce, the general of the Golden Guard, considering him arrogant beyond measure.

Lord Brian the Fallen
Long ago, before the Empire had set sail over the sea, Lord Brian was a high-ranking member of the Emperor's court. People were afraid of the lord in dark armor who was said to study the forbidden dark arts of Shadow Magic. One day, he and his family disappeared without any trace of their whereabouts. Since he didn't return after many years, people started to believe he had died. However, in truth, he had discovered ancient secrets and power. Whatever happened to him, it made him immortal and gave him unknown power and knowledge. It remains a mystery what he has done over the past centuries.

High Lord Inquisitor Renald van Durce
Being one of seven younger brothers of the former emperor and therefore one of the uncles of the current Emperor, Renald could have lived a peaceful life of luxury in the Imperial palace. However, he loathed his other brethren for letting the luxury make them become lazy and corrupt. Becoming a great warrior-priest and leader, he himself led the final assault that removed all Demons from the continent of the Empire. Renald had always been arrogant, but his success made it even worse. However, his loyalty towards the Emperor is almost limitless and only the Emperor himself can command van Durce. Whenever he and his Golden Guard are sent on a mission, the Emperor sends his finest, most loyal and most arrogant soldiers.
His full title is:
High Lord of the Imperial Court, Lord Inquisitor of the Order of the Righteous, Lord Consultant of the Emperor, General of the Golden Guard.

Click here to learn more about the other characters!








Initial Release

- After finding out what caused the game to crash in the current iteration of 1.30, I fixed the Angelic unit, selecting it should no longer cause any crashes (Don't worry, I have fixed this with a 1.29 iteration, you do not have to update to the latest patch and I still advise against doing that, but those of you who already patched should be better off now)
- Increased the durability of Lord Brian the Fallen
- Armor of the Holy Bastion now also increases the hit points by 500 in addition to its 15 armor bonus
- Fixed Spears of Pain icon

Chapter Twelve:
- Added Resistant Skin for the Purificator in both A and B

Chapter Thirteen:
- Increased hit points of Krogar the Conqueror by 500

- Replaced Krogar's Stampede with The Horde, summoning a group of permanent Moghtar warriors
- Praxeus gained the Memory of the Past ability
- Plating no longer increases armor and reflects damage, instead it now reduces all inflicted damage
- Lord of the Shadows no longer splits Brian, instead it allows him to summon up to four permanent Shadow Creatures from corpses
- The amount of trainable Black Dragons is no longer limited to 2, go train more, go nuts
- Replaced Horgar's Barrier ability with Lightning Rune, summoning a rune that attacks enemies
- Changed the model for the Healing Rune
- Horgar and Zarin have both received Spell Resistance
- Changed Gardon's title from Butcher to Warmonger
- Gardon and Praxeus now both have a new permanent item

Chapter Seven:
- Changed a few epilogue lines for the Undead if Larine becomes queen

Chapter Eleven A and B:
- Slightly edited and fixed some dialogues
- Added new dialogues

Chapter Eleven A:
- Fixed the issue with Zarin's portrait not appearing when speaking

Chapter Eleven B:
- Added more enemy Black Dragons and Black Drakes to make sniping the enemy bases with Destructors less efficient

Chapter Twelve A and B:
- Removed the lines coming from the three liches in the intro cinematic

Chapter Fourteen A:
- Salana and Larine may both now call on the Elven Forces (Salana may even call upon a certain hero if she is still alive)

- Adjusted the lines at the beginning of the map regarding the choice system from the First Human Book

- Fixed the description of the Old Amulet

Chapter Nine:
- Praxeus should now start with his proper item, the Old Amulet, rather than the Ring of the Exile

- Fixed the tooltip of Lightning Rune
- Vail's leadership bonus now correctly states that the increase is permanent
- The campaign no longer uses the latest melee patch due to several balance changes messing up things, a few unit changes still apply to the campaign however
- New icon for the Bowman
- Increased the hit points of Knights to 840
- Some grammar fixes
- Dark Secrets now displays the duration
- Fixed the hotkey for Lord of the Shadows

- Fixed the issue with the prelude finishing too early

Interlude Two:
- Fixed the skipping issues related to this cinematic

Chapter Nine:
- The hotkey for sending Marin lumber has been removed

Chapter Thirteen:
- Fixed the tooltip for Korgar's ultimate

Chapter Fourteen A:
- The hint now tells you that Salana/Larine can also summon a wave of allies

Chapter Fourteen B:
- The Old Amulet item should no longer lie on the ground

- New upgrade "Skull Shield" available from Chapter Seven on

Chapter Eight:
- Replaced most units of the Order of the Flame with new, Order-specific ones

Chapter Five:
- Replaced the hero in the yellow base with a weaker hero to decrease difficulty

- Upkeep reworked: Low Upkeep now gives you 8 instead of 7 gold and High Upkeep now gives you 6 instead of 4 gold

Chapter Seven:
- The items you get from Larine if you chose Salana are now the ones from Chapter Six instead of Chapter Five

Chapter Twelve:
- Replaced the building models used by the Dominion to better showcase their new organisation
- Changed the names of some edited buildings

Chapter Thirteen:
- New model for Orie Redfist
- New model for Red Mages

Chapter Fourteen A:
- Replaced the building models used by the Ironfist to better showcase their new organisation
- Replaced the models used by Peasants and Militia
- Changed the names of some edited buildings

- Most maps now have their own unique loading screen made by @Rhapsodie

- Shieldbearer Changes:
* Decreased the damage dealt by Shieldbearers by 3
* Decreased hit points from 1500 to 1100
* Increased food cost from 4 to 5
- Reduced the movement speed of Warmechs in air form
- Increased the food cost of Black Dragons from 8 to 10
- All workers now start with Repair activated automatically
- New model & icon for Sir Praxeus "The Holy Bastion" Braelon
- New icon for the Order of the Holy Bastion leadership bonus

- Several tweaks and fixes (including changes that fix some bugs caused by newer Blizzard patches)
- Changed & Replaced several unit types and hero models to fit their kingdom/faction
- New models for Thanok & Claire (courtesy of @deepstrasz)
- New model for Shieldbearers (courtesy of @HerrDave)

Chapter Eight:
- Replaced Brutes with Firestarters

- New model for Duke Redfist (courtesy of @Rhapsodie)

- New model for Sir Jay Bubblerino (courtesy of @deepstrasz )

Chapter Eleven:
- Fixed the loading screen of Chapter Eleven

- Fixed the food cost for Black Dragons (was 8, should have been 10)
- Fixed the button positions of Dragonhawk Riders and their Cloud upgrade

Models & Skins:
Blizzard Entertainment
Wandering Soul
Uncle Fester
Mc !
Dark Hunter1357
Dmitry Rommel
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Kael Theron

Blizzard Entertainment
Uncle Fester
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Eagle XI
Mc !
Kael Theron

Bastian Kieslinger - Tears of the Mire (used in Interlude Four)

Campaign Preview Screen:

Campaign Logo:

Loading Screens:

Campaign Chief Development Tester and Grammar Genius:

Additional Testing:

Terrain Improvement:
Imperator (Prologue, Chapter Four, Nine, Eleven, Twelve)
Heinvers (Chapter Three & Chapter Eight)

Everything else made by:
Shar Dundred

First Supporters:
Theoden of KoMe
Veritas 117

Please contact me via PM if I forgot to give you credit for your resource!

To Blizzard Entertainment for this great game.
To Turnro whose great campaigns inspired me to revive this old project.
To Jayborino for his enjoyable let's play projects of the Arkain series!
To all who supported this project!
To all who reported bugs and gave/give constructive feedback both during and after the development!
And very many special thanks to Kasrkin, who supported the creation of this project in many, even countless ways!

Feel free to post your suggestions, opinions and questions!
Please report any bugs!

Arkain, Legends, Legends of Arkain, LoA, campaign, series, Gardon

Legends of Arkain Second Human Book (Campaign)

2016-04-10 Rufus: Rufus ReviewMap ScoreGameplay:25 / 30Aesthetics:20 / 20Total:45 / 50 Rating Chart 45-505/5 Highly Recommended35-444/5 Recommended25-343/5 Useful15-242/5 Lacking0-141/5 Unacceptable Gameplay That was one damn good first...
Restricted under author request / work in progress rule.

Pick your favorite character

  • Total voters




Rufus Review
Map Score
Gameplay:25 / 30
Aesthetics:20 / 20
Total:45 / 50

Rating Chart
45-505/5 Highly Recommended
35-444/5 Recommended
25-343/5 Useful
15-242/5 Lacking
0-141/5 Unacceptable

That was one damn good first quest, having your soldiers killed in "accidents". Very nice idea.
This is not only a fun idea for the game history, but also a very special gameplay factor as you have to lose just enough soldiers in order to continue.

The demons and the other creeps in the forest were pretty much balanced, and did not feel repetetive. I also like that you added mini "dungeons" for the player to deviate to in order to get an extra tome or item.

Balanced item rewards. Doesn't give you too much power too soon.

You don't always make it easy, but always interesting wich contributes to the rewarding feeling you get when you complete an objecctive.

The demons in chapter 2 felt a tad too tough though... ( I had to cheat to get past this :/ )

Awesome that in mission 2, you can actually move backwards, giving the murlocs a second round.

All hero spells are not very well-developed, but their kits works well.

Excellent story. It is advanced politically, and the characters are trustworthy actors of themselves with good personalities. You can sense something wrong going on with the powers above, and the main-characters need to pay for their superiours ignorance and mistakes.
Very well written and executed.

The cinematics are almost as good as the story.

The terrain is not great, but very close to blizzard looks. You don't think much about the terrain as you go through the game. It is just there as a sidenote.

In chapter 2: I'm not sure how they realized the murlocs had sided with the orcs. The statement comes out of nowhere.

LOVED the moment when lerrig and bloodclaw met. Won't spoil.

Even though the terrain is not always perfect, you have used it well to tell a story. I'm thinking of the burning pit of bodies in the demons camp.

I like how the admiral gained respect for bloodclaw over time.

All chapters are available from the beginning. Perhaps they should be unlocked over time?


This project is like a blizzard campaign, just a tad more story heavy.

The story of this project is amazing.
Flawless and interesting. Could aswell have been a book as a campaign story.

For its outstanding storyline and creative gameplay features, the author have made him self deserve a 5/5 rating on this map.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Rufus Review
Map Score
Gameplay:- / 30
Aesthetics:- / 20
Total:- / 50

Rating Chart
45-505/5 Highly Recommended
35-444/5 Recommended
25-343/5 Useful
15-242/5 Lacking
0-141/5 Unacceptable

That was one damn good first quest, having your soldiers killed in "accidents". Very nice idea.
This is not only a fun idea for the game history, but also a very special gameplay factor as you have to lose just enough soldiers in order to continue.

The demons and the other creeps in the forest were pretty much balanced, and did not feel repetetive. I also like that you added mini "dungeons" for the player to deviate to in order to get an extra tome or item.

Pretty damn excellent story. It is advanced politically, and the characters are trustworthy actors of themselves with good personalities. You can sense something wrong going on with the powers above, and the main-characters need to pay for their superiours ignorance and mistakes.
Very well written and executed.

The cinematics are almost as good as the story.

The terrain is not great, but very close (if not a little better) to blizzard looks. You don't think much about the terrain as you go through the game. It is just there as a sidenote.

All chapters are available from the beginning. Perhaps they should be unlocked over time?
There was a strange visual bug occuring by the first kodobeast you encountered. It radiated some custom model that i think was supposed to be solid. I don't think it was meant as a special effect.

I will not rate this now as there is still much for me to explore. I intend to play at least to part of chapter 3 before I give a full review. So far though, it is looking good.

Status remain Pending until I play it further.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
10:22, 8th Apr 2016
Rufus Review
Map Score
Gameplay:25 / 30
Aesthetics:20 / 20
Total:45 / 50

Rating Chart
45-505/5 Highly Recommended
35-444/5 Recommended
25-343/5 Useful
15-242/5 Lacking
0-141/5 Unacceptable

That was one damn good first quest, having your soldiers killed in "accidents". Very nice idea.
This is not only a fun idea for the game history, but also a very special gameplay factor as you have to lose just enough soldiers in order to continue.

The demons and the other creeps in the forest were pretty much balanced, and did not feel repetetive. I also like that you added mini "dungeons" for the player to deviate to in order to get an extra tome or item.

Balanced item rewards. Doesn't give you too much power too soon.

You don't always make it easy, but always interesting wich contributes to the rewarding feeling you get when you complete an objecctive.

The demons in chapter 2 felt a tad too tough though... ( I had to cheat to get past this :/ )

Awesome that in mission 2, you can actually move backwards, giving the murlocs a second round.

All hero spells are not very well-developed, but their kits works well.

Excellent story. It is advanced politically, and the characters are trustworthy actors of themselves with good personalities. You can sense something wrong going on with the powers above, and the main-characters need to pay for their superiours ignorance and mistakes.
Very well written and executed.

The cinematics are almost as good as the story.

The terrain is not great, but very close to blizzard looks. You don't think much about the terrain as you go through the game. It is just there as a sidenote.

In chapter 2: I'm not sure how they realized the murlocs had sided with the orcs. The statement comes out of nowhere.

LOVED the moment when lerrig and bloodclaw met. Won't spoil.

Even though the terrain is not always perfect, you have used it well to tell a story. I'm thinking of the burning pit of bodies in the demons camp.

I like how the admiral gained respect for bloodclaw over time.

All chapters are available from the beginning. Perhaps they should be unlocked over time?


This project is like a blizzard campaign, just a tad more story heavy.

The story of this project is amazing.
Flawless and interesting. Could aswell have been a book as a campaign story.

For its outstanding storyline and creative gameplay features, the author have made him self deserve a 5/5 rating on this map.
Level 2
Apr 12, 2016
Really nice campaign, and hard :D :D The second mission was the hardest, but I figured out about the hydromancers' power and won( I used those waves to focus down the demon gates haha. )
Level 2
Aug 13, 2015
Really nice campaign, and hard :D :D The second mission was the hardest, but I figured out about the hydromancers' power and won( I used those waves to focus down the demon gates haha. )

Hi,how about the fourth mission?I found it very difficult to get through it……
Level 1
Apr 8, 2016
4th IS fricking impossible[not]
JK its just so TIME consuming to beat
almost 100/100 food army enemy
Level 1
Feb 7, 2014
Good day to you sir!
I'm one of your fans of Legend of Arkain series. I would like to ask if could you please create a melee map of their races--> Imperial Army, Orcen Horde, Undead Nexus and Blooddrinker Legion. I think it would be great. I guess it would be best if it's created once the series is finished though. I hope you'd give a reply soon. Thanks again for your maps and may they all get completed in due time...
Level 1
Mar 29, 2015
Anyone else get a glitch or bug in chapter 3 where warcraft crashes randomly...it crashes for me when ever i try to destroy the orange base...
Level 1
Mar 3, 2014
CH 4 is way too hard and nearly impossible. My full army is finished by trebuchet once i reach the front gate only.... Hahaha... funny...

Yeah... i stop playing.. waiting something realistic coming on...
Level 15
Jan 26, 2010
Well the main problem is that, though I did cheat, the shades will IRONICALLY get caught if you try to sneak them to the catapults. A slow sustained assualt taking down the enemies' bases is a safer bet. Longer then cheating but eh.
EDIT: Killing the traitor was IMMENSELY satisfying.
Level 3
Apr 5, 2015
ch3 and ch 4 is hard to defeat them even your allied have your cover but id think it is possible. for my opinion it will take like 1 or 2 days to bet ch3 and ch4.and im still currently waiting for ch5
Level 4
Apr 19, 2016
I have played through and I it is good imo, I just don't like Gordon that much. I would like it more if he had some more useful abilities; he doesn't have much mana to use his first skill, same for the second one, third one is a simple self heal on long cooldown and seems much inferior to other heroes' abilities. The passive ulti is probably the only thing making me want to have him around...
Compared to the admiral hero, Gordon is severly underpowered - this is just my personal opinion :)
I can't rate it still, but if I could, I'm not sure how high I would.. I mean, everything is good except the difficulty. The trebuchet chapter for example is just ridiculous on Easy, not even the Shades help as much as one would expect them to, the sheer number of the enemies everywhere is intimidating just to see, let alone defend from and attack at the same time.
I would probably care not to use cheats if I had like 2 gold mines a million each in my base, in addition to extroadinary patience.
Please consider making the chapter(s) more suited to the selected difficulty as well as making them not long and tedious where it doesn't have to be. Again to the trebuchet chapter - why sooo many guards around the trebuchets...

Hopefully you take others' opinions into consideration, don't take this post as a rant, but as an (at least) an attempt to make consctructive criticism :) You seem to be good at making those campaigns and would hate to see you quit because of critics. Keep it up!
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Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
Last mission took me sooooo many tries, and like 4+ hours to complete with constantly saving and reloading files....wish Shar would make it a easier....cause at this point it becomes pure frustration and very little fun...


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
I usually rate completed works but I'll probably make an exception at some point since I like your other three books.

If you would ever want to finish it (anything actually), don't rush it, work on it when you feel like doing so. Time not only helps solve some issues you might encounter working on it but will also give you ideas and space to think properly about what you should do for your work.
It really helps to do things straight to the point. Shorten your ideas into something that really matters and makes sense. Let the less important stuff be told by characters or visible events. Show the world what they have to be shown, the essence.
Level 3
Apr 5, 2015
Last mission took me sooooo many tries, and like 4+ hours to complete with constantly saving and reloading files....wish Shar would make it a easier....cause at this point it becomes pure frustration and very little fun...

Well shar said this a challenge campagin,if you want easier? do normal or eay instead
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Level 4
Apr 19, 2016
Well shar said this a challenge campagin,if you want easier? do normal or eay instead
Lol I played on easy, but still couldn't do it without cheats x.x
Even with unlimited resources it took me a long time.

I've read that Shar is leaving the campaigns and the community here. Well I wasn't a member here for long enough to "know" him, but it's a pity nevertheless... Allegedly the campaigns will be permanently removed from hive by him as well.
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Level 1
Mar 21, 2016
Hey, excuse me Shar Dundred but when I started playing the second book the dreadlord Largoth mentioned that I skipped the first book, do the choices in the first book apply towards the second book
Level 2
Apr 27, 2015
I got feedback from chapter 1 & 2 not finished the whole campaign yet but I cannot delay this message of mine.

Chapter 1
- It would be good to scatter more rune of mana after killing certain creeps.

Chapter 2
- The endless waves of demon is a bit annoying and didn't the map mentioned in the load out that enemies were trying to hold their position building the demon portals but still they're swarming to attack the base. I suggest that the demons should not sending forces to attack but a settlements of Orcs and Murlocs that band up together or separately invading while Demons are standing their ground waiting for reinforcements like 45 or 30 minutes which will be a threat to the player and must be decisive which action to take defend or attack with a few troops (depending on the player skills to gather enough forces to take out the enemy team.) before the time limit.

- Now if you are going to ignore my 1st suggestion I recommend instead of Hydromancers you should put a disabler utility support unit for those damned Doom Guard skill "Rain of Chaos" Sadly the two heroes doesn't even have a stun or mini-silence skill.

Chapter 3
- I'm frustrated because of the long road with catapults and bowmen which is annoying. Please, I don't feel the excitement like your last campaigns anymore. Chapter 3 is hard I don't like the way the enemy transport gateway which is the ark, that made me construct wall of towers to defend while my troops are pushing on. Using Redfist blizzard to eliminate the catapults, towers and bowmen, only to delay the inevitable destruction. I cleared out all of the enemy bases even the north-western part of the map.

- Those farmers which will turned into ally once they're freed from the champion stationed there should make it worth to be freed because they're sending troops only to be trampled and won't make any progress to help me destroy Rektan Noble base.

Chapter 4
- WTF?! No hero to support my troops. I recommend a hero to play in this part like that Shadowy Knight or Cora Redfist.

- This is the very first time I cannot annihilate an enemy base with my strategy. The trainining time for the enemies are messed up, Its too fast they recover like hell and tough to kill, unlike the 3rd chapter the enemy there are militias which is okay for them to train quick. But frost wyrm, Abomination, Knight, etc.? Oh come on! I wanted to erase the blue force from the map to make it easier to defend my base. TOWERS aren't enough to halt the enemy troops they have blizzard and rain of fire. Make it easier.

- The Trebuchet is impossible to reach with the shade on the center to reveal my shadow units. This units cost like hell and the upkeep is 5! I recommend to reduce the troops stationed up there because they will surely be wiped out by the shadow units only to delay to reach the top and that shade is making it imposible to destroy it.

My 1st suggestion about having a time limit is a good method to rack the players mind and about the disabler think about considering it and chapter 3 and 4 need to be balanced. :D happy to play your campaigns. You could catch up to or surpass Turnro the Great, Forsaken, and Sclammerz. :D
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Level 3
Jan 18, 2013
I have finished first 4 chapters. Here is a walkthrough.
Chapter 1 - Basic micro old school. We fight against traitor in chapter 1.
Chapter 2 - Clear demon gate behind player's base, Push slowly with many couples of knight and priest with 5-6 catapults supporting them. Push slowly. Done. Catapults killed everything.
Chapter 3 - I had to build 30+ towers around where enemies landed from warping to secure the area. Push slowly. I had to build 10+ towers again at the north of the map before the bridge to prevent being back-stab while attacking North-East base. The chapter took a lot of time to beat. Probably, because there was no plan dealing with rebels rather than directly attack them. Catapults killed everything again.
Chapter 4 - No heroes for player in this chapter. At least, Thanonok, elite unit, could be a mini hero in this chapter, but, no.
I built 10+ towers at two entrances. Surprisingly, I encountered 1 destroyer and it lost in 1vs1 versus a crossbowman. After this, I attacked
First, I attacked North-west undead base. Same old, executioners + priests with 4-6 catapults. Catapults killed everything again. (about 80 food army)
Second, I destroyed three big catapults. Using many many shades killed many many guards. Send them in until all enemies' small catapults at the top had gone then send another army of executioners + priest + catapults.
Those 2 free big catapults didn't help me much. That was when I realized their strength came from their armies and heroes.
Third, I attacked Human base with executioner-priest - Hydromancer for slow with about 4 siege golems. Catapult was not effective here because their knights were fast and easily destroyed my catapults.
Fourth, I built 10+ cannon towers before West undead base to lighten their number. I attacked this base with an army of executioner - priest, many necromancers to counter their necromancers (9-10), 6 catapults to prevent them from recovering.
Fiftieth, I used shades to kill skeletons that can use death coil, depleted mana from units that can use holy light killed traitor and clear 2 big catapults.
Sixth, After open the south gate and clear the room. After the room, I built cannon towers again(about 8-10) then lure enemies in. Using necromancers (now 12) to clear all corpses and killed spirit legionnaire with catapults. I don't think I need a new hero at this point anymore but game still gave me one. No idea why. I am not sure if he ate 5 food or not but he was not much useful at a point where you can win 2 + trebuchets vs 1 without heroes. It was probably a joke or something...
All of these, I must push slowly, keep grouping because there was no 1vs1 in this campaign.
So I ended chapter 4 ... How long did it take... 3 hours and 6 minutes on first try... okay...

Iron First always attacked without a plan, yet, they won. Probably, that was why it took too long to beat.
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Level 2
May 23, 2012
Have to say I genuinely enjoyed every map made in this series and I sincerely hope that at some point in time you continue the series; at the least, I want to know how the story ends.

Chapter 1: Fun, only thought was maybe make it so that if you attack the Golden Gaurd then they become hostile so as to force you to manage your units better.

Chapter 2: Make the goldmine on the same level as the castle or closer so as to make the harvesting more efficient.

Chapter 3: Any ramp, even if it is in the militia base to kill all of those bastards on the mountains would be incredibly satisfying.

Chapter 4: I enjoyed this chapter the most and I would probably rank it in my top five of all the maps throughout all the books. The difficulty was fun and the bunkering I had to do to save up for the resources was challenging and a lot of fun. I would suggest is to increase the range of the trebuchets and make it so that your ally, Iron Fist, attacks pink and grays base instead of becoming useless after you kill the mayor. I would also recommend that you amp up the defenses of Pink/Gray's base as I steamrolled them once I got to that part and was able to defend with no upkeep in order to harvest gold for as long as I needed; I think frost dragons or some type of air would make the last two bases harder to take.

Oh, and the easter egg was amusing to find as I waited for units to be trained.

Once again, I hope you continue the series at some point in time.
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
Version 0.12 released

- Dark Secrets now increases damage and gives the hero a life-stealing attack instead of regeneration over time
- Players can no longer skip the Prologue (required to import the choices from the First Book)

I don't believe the vampiric potion ability that you're basing the dark secrets ability on gives a % attack bonus, rather it just gives a flat bonus...you should change that in the spell description