First Undead Book of Arkain (Patch 1.29.2 or newer!)

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.

! No longer updated !
Check out the
True Story of Arkain for updates!


A Campaign Series made by Shar Dundred

! Requires Version 1.29.2 or newer !
You are not allowed to publish any edited version of any Arkain map! This includes but is not limited to Reforged edits!


The Undead have never before interfered directly in the matters of the mortals. Their great leader, Aridon the Watcher, always manipulated events from a great distance without being spotted.
But times change. Aridon has seen that manipulations won't be enough in this war. The Undead have to join the war in order to restore the balance
Take control of Aridon and his deadly armies to punish both the mortals and the Demons for their flaws. Only the Undead can bring back the balance to the continent and prevent absolute chaos.

Campaign Series Info

The Legends of Arkain is a campaign series which takes place on the world Arkain.
The races of Arkain fight against the demon invaders, who try once again to enslave every being on Arkain. The Humans, the Orcs and the Undead will have to make a stand against them... or face complete annihilation or enslavement by the Demons.
This campaign series will consist of actually three different series. There will be a Human, an Orc and an Undead campaign series. They will all run in the same timeline but will present three different stories and outcomes. When they are all finished, it's completely up to you, who wins this conflict.
Those, who win the war, will write the history.

You like the campaign?
Click here to see the progress of the series!

Click here for the First Human Book!
Click here for the First Orc Book!

Click here for the Second Human Book!
Click here for the Second Orc Book!
Click here for the Second Undead Book!

Let's Play made by @Jayborino!


- Three different storylines/campaign series
Take control of one of the three factions, the proud Humans of the Empire, the plundering and strong Orc Clans or the mysterious Undead Nexus and their endless army of the dead, and face the demonic invasion as well as other struggles that await you.
- New units
Command units, you already know, as well as completely new units with new upgrades and abilities.
- Decide the fate of Arkain
At some points of the campaigns, you'll have the opportunity to decide things, that affect the storyline, characters and sometimes even the chapters you play or how you have to play them. By doing or, well, not doing certain side quests, you can also affect the campaign.
- Three difficulties
You can play the campaign in either easy, normal oder hard difficulty, just like in the original WC3 campaigns. It will impact on the AI difficulty and scripting as well as other minor changes.
In easy version, for example, the AI won't rebuilt lost buildings.

- Full Jass AI
In this campaign series, every single AI is written in Jass instead of being created with the AI editor. This makes the AI more intelligent.
- Universal Hero hotkeys
All hero abilities use the QWER hotkeys.


The Human Empire
There have always been Humans on Arkain. The Human kingdoms and their allies, the Elves and Dwarves, have fought the Demons for centuries while also being attacked by orc pillagers. They had no chance against the demons and were already close to annihilation, when the Empire showed up.
They came over the Great Sea in the west and saved the kingdoms, who immediately joined the Empire in return. The Humans still fight the Demons and more and more of them join the fight against their old suppressors.
The Humans already tried to get rid of the Demons for good, but they failed. However, they continue fighting and won't stop until there are no humans or enemies of humanity anymore.
The current Emperor is Theodor the Second.

The Orcish Clans

Legends say that the Orcs hail from another continent and then spread all over the kingdoms. But not even the oldest Orcs can tell, if that's the true or the Orcs have been here all the time, just like the other races.
But it is known that the united clans attacking absolutely everything and everyone they met and conquered a large territory. It did work for a while, but not long. The other races, especially the Demons, who were very angry about that insult, brought the fight to them and massacred half of the green skins.
The Orcs had to retreat and lost much of their territory. The only reason, why half of them are still there, is that their enemies fought among each other as well.
The Orc Clans allied with the Trolls, to increase their strengh, but still didn't manage to gather an army, that was comparable to their old numbers. Since they weren't able to begin their another huge conquest, the clans stopped working together and some old rivalries amongst the clans became important again.
Still, they managed to raid the other races and remain an annoyance for the other factions. There are still many Orcs left, which could prove to be a strong force, if they'd be united under a strong leader.

The Undead Nexus

The Undead are the most mysterious race of Arkain. Of course, necromancers and necrolytes are not unknown and have always summoned some undead servants to do their bidding, but the Undead as a complete race are a mystery to all creatures.
Once, a group of mighty necromancers, who became insane because of their immense power, believed they could rule the world with an army of the Living Dead. However, only days after they began attacking the Human kingdoms, they simply vanished. Their armies were gone and only the remains of the corpses were proof, that they ever existed.
What no mortal and no Demon knows, is, that a powerful Archlich, Aridon the Watcher, self-proclaimed guardian of Arkain, took care of them. He has the ability to take control of every Undead, he wants to control. He uses this power only, to make sure, that besides him is no one, who can form a real army of Undead. He always made the Undead kill their masters and reanimated them as his loyal servants.
The only mighty Undead, not currently living on the Dead Mountain, are guarding old temples and ruins, which contain artifacts, not meant to fall in the hands of neither mortals nor Demons. Still, they all call Aridon their master.
Aridon and his Undead live on the so called Dead Mountain, which lies within the Human kingdoms. Every sent expedition on this mountain never returned, so the Humans decided to simply ignore it and built a garrison to watch over the only entrance to the mountain.
Aridon claims to be as old as the world itself and has seen the rise and fall of races and nations. His goal is to maintain the balance of the world - or at least, what he sees as balance. He stayed out of every conflict and only watched for millenia.
But recent events force Aridon to end his idleness and take action himself instead of only manipulating others. He'll have to make the world know about the Undead - and give reason to fear them.

The Demon Legions

If there are any creatures besides the Undead Lord Aridon, who are as old as Arkain itself, than it must be the Demons. These creatures have been the bane of Arkain for a long, long time. If their history contains anything else than attacking and enslaving other races, than only the Demons know about it.
Every Demon Legion is lead by its most powerful Dreadlord. Who is the one, who commands all Legions, is unknown to every non-demon.
The Demons' realm lies in the East of the continent and is seperated by a bottomless rift, the so called Void. No one, except for Demons and their slaves, has ever been on the other side of the Void. The Void is so heavy fortified by the Demons, that they managed to block every attack there. The Void is also the place where the Imperial Army was defeated during their Great Attack.
Now, the Demons seem to begin another great offensive against the other races. And this time, they are determined to be victorious and won't show any mercy.


Aridon the Watcher
Aridon is the most mysterious creature on all Arkain – also the most unknown. No one but the Demons even knows of Aridon's existance and the archlich intends to keep it that way as long as possible. It's unknown for how long he has existed, but he has always been there He's even older than all the oldest Demons together. It's also unknown who or what he used to be before – if he has ever been anything else before. He calls himself the humble Watcher of Arkain who ensures that the balance isn't disturbed by the other races. The Demons and the mortals alike often tend to threaten this balance with their actions and Aridon has often interfered in the actions of the mortals – but from the shadows without being noticed. He has seen the future and has known centuries ago that in this conflict, manipulations won't be enough and prepares for a full scale war. It's time for the Undead to fix the flaws of the other races.
The Dreadlord Largoth is one of the few Demons who don't belong to the Legions anymore. He abandoned his people a long time ago and for the other Demons, he's nothing but a traitorous renegade who has to be killed on sight. He joined Aridon for unknown reasons – most likely one reason was that Aridon had the power to hold the Demons off. In exchange for Aridon's mercy, the Dreadlord uses his powers to support the Undead's cause. They've been working together for a long time to fight the Demons because if the Demons win, both Largoth and Aridon are on their target list.
Rahandir Drakeskull
Rahandir's history is legendary in the Kingdoms. There's no one who has never heard of the Dragon Slayer and Demon Hunter who died in battle a long time ago, but no one knows the truth of his death. No one knows that Rahandir and his men were betrayed by their mad king who sent them to their deaths. No one knows that Rahandir came back as a lich and killed the king before he joined Aridon out of free will. Rahandir is still as intelligent and sarcastic as he used to be in his living days but he became... cold. Still, he remains a powerful spellcaster, ready to hunt his old enemies again.
Saphira Whisperwind
Saphira used to be a loyal servant of the Elven Kingdom. She has trained together with Salana Woodhunter, who is now the best diplomat of her people and the right hand of the Queen. Saphira was outmatched by Salana as a diplomat, but she was the better ranger of the two. However, when she was sent on a mission to acquire an artifact for the Queen, she and her allies were defeated by the Deathbreeze Clan. Saphira managed to escape, but was caught by Rahandir Drakeskull instead, who killed her easily and took her body with him to Aridon who wished to reanimate her for his cause. Now, being an Undead, Saphira has only two things in her mind: Serving her master and taking revenge.
Krom the Immortal
Krom was among the first to serve Aridon. It's unknown who or what he was before, but now he serves as Aridon's merciless executor who kills everyone his master wishes to see dead. Krom can shoot better than any other living or dead creature and never misses his target. He doesn't care much for the fate of the other races, but is happy when he gets to kill someone. Still, Krom is no brainless brute, he has a cruel and cunning personality. He might prefer the forceful solution, but he often makes a malicious plan to make it most effective.








- Initial release

- Reworked Dark Arrow ability
- Fixed Fist of Ice tooltip
- Removed stun from Splitting and increased damage instead

Chapter Two:
- Improved terrain
- Wrath and Lust are classified as Undead now
- All player units' hit points have been reduced

Chapter Three:
- Added sky
- Made some of the walls invulnerable
- Improved dialogue

Chapter Four:
- Added trees

Chapter Six:
- Player can see enemy ships now

Chapter Seven:
- Portals got Resistant Skin
- Added some Runes of Healing

Chapter Nine:
- Destroyer can no longer be trained in the Slaughterhouse
- Fixed Fleshtearer issue
- Fixed issue that made the Souleater Legion look like they're just a few Dreadlords

- Fixed Splitting ability
- Fixed Spirit Legionnaire's Resistant Skin

- Fixed Epilogue

- AI heroes now gain additional levels on Hard difficulty when they are supposed to
- High level Demon units can no longer be charmed
- Demon units don't take any damage from Holy Light anymore
- Demon units now take damage from Death Coil
- Activated latest melee patch for all maps that were still not up to date
- Blen's Neccessary Meassures spell was replaced with Imperial Edict
- Nerfed Giant Skeleton Warrior by removing Resistant Skin and Hardened Skin
- Increased damage of Destructors by 3
- Changed Armor Type of Eredar Warriors, Eredar Wrathguards and Eredar Grandmasters from Medium to Large
- Several model changes
- Decreased range of Dragon Lancers from 800 to 700
- Decreased Warlord damage by 3
- Replaced Largoth's Death Pact with Dark Spirits (new spell)
- Since Largoth doesn't have access to his full powers (or simply doesn't want to use them), he no longer has any ultimate spell

Chapter One:
- Replaced the models of all Orc buildings to something fitting the map theme

Chapter Two:
- Added new dialogue

Chapter Three:
- Added Defend for the Footmen attacking the base
- Footmen attacking the base get upgrades once Krom arrives
- The Iron Gate in the outpost can no be destroyed
- Increased the defense of the outpost
- The Firemage is now gone after the Prologue

Chapter Four:
- Added four new Pitlords
- Added attacking wave from Saphira

Chapter Six:
- All Demon units now belong to the Blooddrinker Legion
- Added Pitlord
- Added dialogue
- Dialogues are no longer triggered by Shades
- Added another scene to the epilogue

Chapter Eight:
- Koridun the Overseer is now level 9

Chapter Nine:
- Replaced Soul Burn of Progaderas with Mass Soul Burn
- Progaderas now has Spell Immunity
- Fixed the Imperial lines
- Added two more Pitlords
- Increased the power of Ornasions Rain of Chaos
- Increased the number of Orcs attacking the Imperials

- The Skeletons raised by Aridon are now permanent, but have a limit of 5
- Increased Aridon's stats to make him fit his position as ultimate leader of the Undead

- Various fixes

- Various fixes

Chapter Nine:
- Players can now see the Imperial Border Guard
- Fixed Orc attack waves
- Added an initial orc assault on the Imperials

- The campaign no longer uses the latest melee patch due to several balance changes messing up things, a few unit changes still apply to the campaign however

- Fixed an issue where the prologue would crash in version 1.30.1

Chapter Six:
- Changed the name of the mission to A Rotten Breeze

- Upkeep reworked: Low Upkeep now gives you 8 instead of 7 gold and High Upkeep now gives you 6 instead of 4 gold
- Furbolgs are now correctly named Bearmen

- New model for Duke Redfist (courtesy of @Rhapsodie)

- Fixed triggers that would not be working anymore after loading in newer versions of the game

Chapter One:
- Renamed the Inactive Nexus factions to:
* Inactive Zirr Nexus
* Inactive Rohir Nexus
* Inactive Scarec Nexus
* Inactive Ardoz Nexus
- Changed the color of the Inactive Zirr Nexus to Blue
- Changed the color of the Inactive Rohir Nexus to Teal
- Changed the color of the Inactive Scarec Nexus to Snow
- Gave the Nerubian Overlord his proper name: Haran'tel-kazor

Chapter Two:
- Added a black fog effect

Chapter Three:
- Changed the color of the Imperial Elite to Dark Green
- Renamed the Imperial Army to Bull Regiment
- Changed the color of the Bull Regiment to Teal
- Changed the color of the Royal Defenders to Blue
- Changed the color of the Imperial Garrison to Grey

Chapter Four:
- Changed the color of the Demon Slaves factions to Peanut

Chapter Six:
- Changed the color of the Deathbreeze Clan to Emerald
- Renamed the Imperial Army factions to Bull Regiment and Falcon Regiment
- Changed the color of the Knights of Kome to Peach

Chapter Eight:
- Renamed the Stonebreaker Dwarves to Stonelord Dwarves
- Changed the color of the Stonelord Dwarves to Brown
- Renamed Bor Stonebreaker to Bor Stonelord

Chapter Nine:
- Changed the color of the Darkmind Clan to Navy
- Increased the number of Darkmind Clan units attacking the Humans
- Added Wyvern spawns for the Darkmind Clan to attack the Humans until the quest is completed
- Minor dialogue adjustments
- Renamed the Imperial Border Guard to Bear Regiment

Models & Skins:
Blizzard Entertainment
Wandering Soul
Uncle Fester
Mc !
Dark Hunter1357
Dmitry Rommel
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Mechanical Man

Blizzard Entertainment
Uncle Fester
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Eagle XI

Campaign Preview Screen:

Campaign Logo:

Campaign Chief Development Tester and Grammar Genius:

Everything else made by:
Shar Dundred

First Supporters:
Theoden of KoMe
Veritas 117

Please contact me via PM if I forgot to give you credit for your resource!

To Blizzard Entertainment for this great game.
To Turnro whose great campaigns inspired me to revive this old project.
To Jayborino for his enjoyable let's play projects of the Arkain series!
To all who supported this project.
And very many special thanks to Kasrkin, who supported the creation of this project in many ways!

Feel free to post your suggestions, opinions and questions!
Please report any bugs!

Here you can find the old 1.27 version of the campaign.
Keep in mind that it is no longer being maintained!

Arkain, Legends, Legends of Arkain, LoA, campaign, series

Legends of Arkain First Undead Book (Campaign)

StoPCampinGn00b 22:13, 9th May 2015 Map Moderated - Legends of Arkain First Undead Book Comment - Imperator's Review Verdict - Approved, 4/5 Other [TR]Map Submission Rules Staff Contact The Hive's StaffMap Reviewers Description Tutorials

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Level 2
Aug 13, 2015
Thank you very much Shar~I have a question for mission 1.

If I attack the Orc after I have Necromancers and Meat Wagon,I can take the base easily.Then I can go and complete other missions step by step.There is no need to have Abomination and spiders in my army while attacking the orc.Is this a wrong order to finish mission 1?It may lower the difficulty.Or should I try the highest level?

My suggestion is to reinforce the military force in the Orc base,making it more
difficult to be captured,and the advanced soldiers will be useful.

Anyway I like the Undead book best of the three.Mission 8 is my favourite,a nightmare when I was playing.:)
Level 2
Aug 13, 2015
@Blake8: :)

@grouper586: I assume you're playing on normal? You can, of course, always test hard difficulty for a single chapter and see how it is going. I can tell you that there are quite some points where there's a huge difference between normal and hard. ;)
Also glad you liked it. :)

Er……Yeah,you are right.I tried the hard level and I found it impossible to defeat the Orc with ghouls and necromancers.Their army seemed to be double-scaled up and was generated much quickly.It is frustrating that the Orc have quite a few more giants which were difficult to destroy in a short time,and meanwhile another group of army was generated.

Maybe I need to accomplish the summon missions first and then try to conquer the Orc.

I cannot imagine what would happen in mission 8 at the hard level:)
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015

- The Skeletons raised by Aridon are now permanent, but have a limit of 5
- Increased Aridon's stats to make him fit his position as ultimate leader of the Undead

Thank you! Now that is something fitting for the one true lord of the Undead!
I replayed the fifth mission and the Splitting ability of the Flesheater says 0 damage and in the next mission the gem wasn´t even close to the door when it opened. Sorry.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
In the eighth mission shouldn´t our ranged fighters be crossbowmen rather than dwarves gunmen?
Does killing or not the Nerubian rebels change the plot?
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Well, you get Rifleman because of the Dwarves in the tunnels.
Killing the Nerubian Rebels makes the big Crypt Fiend appear in the finale.

Oh ok that makes sense.
So if I were to spare the nerubians, I wouldn´t have to deal with a greater nerubian rebellion on the second book? And will you introduce undead nerubian heroes?
Another question. Aridon is most likely hundreds of thousands years old right? Shouldn´t he already have thousands, if not millions, of corpses at his disposal seeing that the races of Arkain have been fighting each other for ages?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
There'd never have been a second revolt. The first one was only there because Aridon wanted it.

About the corpses: Yes, he has millions of corpses at his disposal and secrecy gathered more and more over the millenia of his existance. However, he had plans that didn't require such huge forces yet. Also, should he show his full army just like that, it'd be very likely that all other factions would, for a short amount of time, forget their differences and concentrate on the war against the Undead. Remember, this happened before when the Orcs arrived.
And against EVERYONE else, even massive amounts of undead can fail.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
There'd never have been a second revolt. The first one was only there because Aridon wanted it.

About the corpses: Yes, he has millions of corpses at his disposal and secrecy gathered more and more over the millenia of his existance. However, he had plans that didn't require such huge forces yet. Also, should he show his full army just like that, it'd be very likely that all other factions would, for a short amount of time, forget their differences and concentrate on the war against the Undead. Remember, this happened before when the Orcs arrived.
And against EVERYONE else, even massive amounts of undead can fail.

I find that reasoning to be... logical.
Level 5
Feb 3, 2014
Hey Shar just dropped by to ask something..... Did u put weapon sounds on the Eredar(melee ver)? It's been bothering ever since the 1st human book :p

EDIT: So yeah replaying stuff and I found that Largoth's Dark Spirits is still named Cluster Rockets
P.S. About chapter 1... sneaky sneaky mister Shar... You thought I wouldn't find that well hidden secret :3 a cookie for you good sir! I loved that secret though hahaha
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Level 5
Feb 3, 2014
Forgot to add something :p It seems Largoth's Dark Spirits ability does not inflict damage... it just stuns enemies.... and the soundlessness will stiil bother me? maybe you should've made them into Eredar Ninjas haha! Silent and Deadly XD anyways I'll report more problems to you when I encounter them.... In all three books :p
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Ok after I cheated my way out of the mission where you need to push the demons back and kill the demon leader, I just wanted to say that it's outrageously difficult - and that's the easy mode!
Concentrating fully on the demons, I was still unable to make significant progress, and I have no idea how to even begin completing the side quests...

Note to author: why are you making it so darn difficult on EASY? I love your campaigns but you could just remove normal and hard mode and rename "easy" to "hard". I see it's possible from a previous post but for those who don't want to pull their hair out on some missions - will you consider making the easy mode easier at least in future?

Otherwise I have nothing to complain, it's a free campaign we're allowed to download and play and a quality one no less :)
Level 7
Jun 9, 2015
Ya man, hard? I did it on normal - if y dont believe I have a proof as well.
You have to concentrate on counterattacking, else you´ll get crushed - never stop
training units, dispelling enemies, healing allies ( using krom), and you ll win.
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Darn it, but why does it have tobe so hard? I mean why not keep it casual on easy difficulty, normal on normal and hard on hard? :/
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Ehem I admit it's betable, I just did it on easy. Spammed fiend and necro wagons all the time, destroyed gates with wagons as soon as I was able and it's mosty done at this point. Seems I'm just not used to this micro madness required to complete some of the more difficult missions.
Though I had a blast in the mission before, in the mines; possessing all the time and finishing it just by spamming ghosts with some hero micro :p even posessed the crossbowmen on hills lol
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Version 2.03 released

- Various fixes

Chapter Nine:
- Players can now see the Imperial Border Guard
- Fixed Orc attack waves
- Added an initial orc assault on the Imperials

Wonderful to see that you are still working on this project. I am still a big fan of Arkain!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
I will look into Largoth & his abilities; I believe there was a reason for removing Dark Spirits for Death Pact...
Might be one of the "various fixes".

About Saphira, she only sends a wave of Frost Wyrms to attack - also only if you take too long.
That's about 40 minutes ingame (remember, pausing the game etc doesn't affect this).
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
I'm playing through the game again and I must say I'm quite disappointed in the poor item choices. when you play you want your heroes to feel like gods, or at least I do, items are your only chance to do that. plus you get to hunt for your items which makes them feel like an achievement instead of just being super powerful to begin with.

however there have been some improvements from last time. for instance I don't remember the nexus looking so fancy. some hero power changes though over all they suck. I'm not sure why the banshies can't possess yet but I'm not yet at the end portion of the game. I like the fact that there is not one choice but several after your initial choice. it makes me wonder just how many possible futures there are?

the story line is perfect... betrayal is makes the perfect catalyst for a good story
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
It's crazy, in the last mission you win, whether you actually destroy the enemy or he does the same to you, never expected this.

I wonder how this will impact the outcome in the 2nd books
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
It's crazy, in the last mission you win, whether you actually destroy the enemy or he does the same to you, never expected this.

I wonder how this will impact the outcome in the 2nd books

I just finished playing the last mission, I was disappointing you don't get to use all the heroes in the attack. I mean those demons are so damn tough and I had a special cheat in mind. If I could use the watcher I would have been able to spawn an endless supply of skeletons, giving him all the mana items so he regens quickly. Unfortunately you don't get to do that and killing the orcs don't help either. The only reason I won was because after dealing with his wave assault I just rushed the main dude with wyrms, totally wiping him off the face of the earth but not before he took control of about 4 of them and killed the rest. The only good thing about that mission is the fact that your base is pretty well defended... for about 30 minutes in you don't need to worry much.

the ending totally blows, they basically say all your choices were the wrong ones and you be no hope of surviving the follow up.
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Rahandir is the Best Character of the Entyre Saga, Hands Down.

True on that! I like his sarcastic way of talking and his backstory is both fascinating and sympathetic. The fact that he is still ''alive'' is quite a plot twist, since the only thing mentioning him was Salana's necklace. Rahandir is easily one of the best written characters alongside Gardon, since the rest are mostly so one-dimensional that they are quite dull.
Level 1
May 4, 2017
Good campaing.

4/5 Gameplay
4/5 History
5/5 Difficulty (played on normal and CH 8 really fucked me)

I love the idea, choices could have a mark (sound, Letter, something) to identify those that would change the story, but how i think we don't need do know until it's necessary (like killing fire lord in 9) u could say how many endings the book has.

Bugs: Troll batrider don't have hitbox.
CH9: in normal, orcs don't rebuild troops, army or attack humans after 5-10 minutes.

CH6: idk if i have a way to stop nether drakes from spawn so...
CH6: i did both objectives and idk if both activated to history or only 1.

I just wish choices like explode or not the cave could be split from the mission because i gonna need to redo all the mission only to rechoice.
That's all, greetings to the creator and i want the second book soon.

Apologies for the english.

Edit for all campaigns: slow some dialogues, better read 2 times than none.
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