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Second Orc Book of Arkain (Patch 1.29.2 or newer!)

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.

! No longer updated !
Check out the
True Story of Arkain for updates!


A Campaign Series made by Shar Dundred

! Requires Version 1.29.2 or newer !
You are not allowed to publish any edited version of any Arkain map! This includes but is not limited to Reforged edits!

While the Orcs had managed to break through the lines of their Imperial enemies, it quickly became clear that their invasion was doomed from the very beginning. The Demons used their attack to further their own invasion and not only smashed through the Human defenders but also through the clans. Now they on the run. A new strategy must be found. Allies must be found.
Command the powerful Orcs and form alliances with those who would ally with your kind in order to become more powerful than any Orc army of the past. Use your new forces to withstand the armies of your enemies and destroy them to survive this war and to find a place for your people to live.
Will you be able to unite all those different factions? Will you be able to maintain peace among your own ranks while fighting your enemies or will you fight not only against the enemies of your kind but also against your own? Only time will tell.

Campaign Series Info

The Legends of Arkain is a campaign series which takes place on the world Arkain.
The races of Arkain fight against the demon invaders, who try once again to enslave every being on Arkain. The Humans, the Orcs and the Undead will have to make a stand against them... or face complete annihilation or enslavement by the Demons.
This campaign series will consist of actually three different series. There will be a Human, an Orc and an Undead campaign series. They will all run in the same timeline but will present three different stories and outcomes. When they are all finished, it's completely up to you, who wins this conflict.
Those, who win the war, will write the history.

You like the campaign?
Click here to see the progress of the series!

Click here for the First Human Book!
Click here for the First Orc Book!
Click here for the First Undead Book!

Click here for the Second Human Book!
Click here for the Second Undead Book!

Let's Play made by @Jayborino!
- Three different storylines/campaign series
Take control of one of the three factions, the proud Humans of the Empire, the plundering and strong Orc Clans or the mysterious Undead Nexus and their endless army of the dead, and face the demonic invasion as well as other struggles that await you.
- New units
Command units, you already know, as well as completely new units with new upgrades and abilities.
- Decide the fate of Arkain
At some points of the campaigns, you'll have the opportunity to decide things, that affect the storyline, characters and sometimes even the chapters you play or how you have to play them. By doing or, well, not doing certain side quests, you can also affect the campaign.
- Three difficulties
You can play the campaign in either easy, normal or hard difficulty, just like in the original WC3 campaigns. It will impact on the AI difficulty and scripting as well as other minor changes.
In easy version, for example, the AI won't rebuilt lost buildings.

- Full Jass AI
In this campaign series, every single AI is written in Jass instead of being created with the AI editor. This makes the AI more intelligent.
- Universal hotkeys
All abilities, units and buildings use QWER hotkeys.
- Race Mechanics
Every available race has its own unique race mechanic to improve gameplay - and, in some cases, to add new ways influencing the story.


Growing up as a usual member of the Deathbreeze Clan, Rangul's abilities and his dedication to his race along with his strength made him rise up the ranks of the clan quite fast until he became the first and most trusted lieutenant of the chieftain. Rangul sees his race on its way to utter extinction and dreams of a realm for his people. A strong realm that would prosper and serve as staging ground for many invasions. Dedicating his life to create this realm himself, he planned to not only be the successor of the chieftain but to also unite all other clans under his command, sending them against the Kingdoms of the Humans. Their lands would be taken over and used by the Orcs who would then become more than simple marauders and pillagers.
However, his plan has one major hole: The Demons and their constant attacks. While Rangul thinks that his people could be powerful enough to defeat some demonic army, he has yet to come up with any ideas on how his people should wage war on the Kingdoms on the one side and defend against the Demons on the other.

The chieftain of the Cliffhunter Clan, Amari, was born as the daughter of Rangul. While women in the Orc society were forced to stay at home and take care of it and the children while the males were fighting, Amari wanted to prove to her father, whom she knew was more tolerant towards new ideas - him adopting a human girl was perfect proof for his. She secretly gathered a few other members of the Deathbreeze Clan and went on a mission to gain his trust. However, she was betrayed and forced into exile - like all Orc women who were unwilling to "stay home". The fate of an exiled female was often death. However, Amari did not want to accept that fate. She sneaked her way through to the Kingdoms where she met other exiles and together they founded the Cliffhunter Clan - a clan consisting of all Orc women who had been exiled by their clains. Therefore the Cliffhunter Clan is considered an exile clan by the other Orc clans - and therefore hardly even considered a real orc clan.
Amari and her followers raided the Kingdoms for a long time, with Amari being smart enough to keep her clan moving instead of settling anywhere to avoid being detected by the armies of the Kingdoms. Since the foundation of their clan, the number of exiled Orc women has increased dramatically, showing that there are many women who want to fight. Amari promised to herself that, one day, she would make the other Orc clans accept her clan and reform the society of her people regarding females.

Sasrogarn is Rangul's eldest son and a strong spellcaster - like his father. He is Rangul's left hand and one of the few Orcs who already know of his plans and supports him. Sasrogarn shares the dream of his father and has sworn that he'd carry on his dream in case his father dies. But he doesn't share the patience of his father and approves of taking a more direct and aggressive approach. This seeming eagerness for war has not quieted the whispers that the son of Rangul is a weakling and coward, however.

Being the son of Ephrog, Rangul's closest advisor and ally, Grofzag grew up together with Sasrogarn, the two being friends ever since their birth, being even born on the same day.
Unlike his childhood friend, Grofzag has always been a strong and respected member of the Deathbreeze Clan. When he was still considered a child, he ripped out the back of a wolf that was trying to eat him and used it, to punch its rider, a member of an enemy clan, to death. Grofzag staying at his friend's side is often considered the only reason why Sasrogarn is even still alive, for he saved Sasrogarn's life in battle several times, providing the strength and brains his friend lacked.
While proving that he possessed the brutal strength of most Orcs, Grofzag is considered far less simple-minded than most others, including his close friend Sasrogarn - the friendship being the one thing whispered to be the only mistake he has ever made, so far. He also is one of the few members of his clan who respects the human Vanessa.

Vanessa grew up as the daughter of a lesser noble in the Human Kingdoms. When she was five years old, the mansion of her father was raided by the Deathbreeze Clan. Due to the absence of her father, they managed to defeat the guards and take everything they could find. Somehow, the girl wasn't terrified by the strange creatures and didn't hide. She was found by the Orcs and their leader, the young Rangul, decided to take her with him instead of killing her. She grew up among the Orcs and was even accepted as a member of the clan - at least by the chieftain and half of the clan. Many dislike her for still being a Human instead of an Orc. Still, she dedicates her life towards Rangul and the Deathbreeze Clan.

Commander Daric
The mercenary commander Daric spent many years in service of the Empire, putting down revolts and uprisings in many regions both in the Empire and the Kingdoms. For his service and his ingenious tactics and strategies, he had been rewarded with lands between the Kingdoms of Salria and Rengar. However, Daric refused to take any noble title and instead had decided to continue using his title as a mercenary commander, focusing on taking down the enemies of the Empire.
It is said that Sir Lerrig Goldheart has hired Daric to make up for Lerrig's own rather lacking strategic skills. While Daric himself considers Lerrig a poor tactician, the experienced mercenary acts professional and respectful and is the one keeping Lerrig's men in line - though now many soldiers began to say that things would go much better if Daric was in command instead of Lerrig.

Click here to learn more about the other characters!











Initial Release

- Scrolls of Healing now require a Fortress instead of a Black Citadel, making them purchasable now

- Fixed Zarok
- Pechan no longer costs food in his Robo Goblin form
- Fixed Air Form ability tooltip of Warmechs

Chapter One:
- Fixed Korjaha's dialogue

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed tooltip for Red Drakes and Red Dragons

Chapter Ten:
- Fixed New Units message

Chapter Thirteen:
- Fixed description typo

Chapter Fourteen:
- Fixed description of the main quest

- Fixed a special effect not appearing at the end of the cinematic

- Renamed Orc Frigates to Destroyers
- Fixed the message for completing one part of a quest with multiple quest requirements in all chapters
- Reduced the movement speeds of Warmechs in air form
- Duke Redfist is now wearing the Scepter of Healing

Chapter Four:
- Fixed the hotkey of Rock Golems

Chapter Thirteen:
- Grofzag now starts the chapter with the Hammer of Kome and keeps it for the following chapters

- War Mills now use the BETA model & icon of the Orc Lumbermill
- Rock Golems now require a Spirit Lodge instead of War Mill

Chapter Six:
- Replaced the building models used by the Darkmind Clan buildings to fit both the weather and their "renegade" status
- Added slightly more snow terrain

Chapter Thirteen:
- New model for Orie Redfist
- Replaced the building models used by the Dominion to better showcase their new organisation
- Changed the names of some edited buildings
- Cannon Towers are no longer available
- Orc Watch Towers have been upgraded:
* Higher gold cost
* Weaker version of the Cannon Tower attack against ground units in addition to the attack against air units
- Pig Farms have been replaced by Burrows for Clockworkers
- Spirit Lounge is no longer available but also not needed as all caster upgrades are already researched

Chapter Fourteen:
- Replaced the building models used by the Dominion to better showcase their new organisation
- Changed the names of some edited buildings
- Cannon Towers are no longer available
- Orc Watch Towers have been upgraded:
* Higher gold cost
* Weaker version of the Cannon Tower attack against ground units in addition to the attack against air units
- Pig Farms have been replaced by Burrows for Clockworkers
- Spirit Lounge is no longer available but also not needed as all caster upgrades are already researched

Chapter Fifteen:
- Replaced the building models used by the Dominion to better showcase their new organisation
- Changed the names of some edited buildings
- Cannon Towers are no longer available
- Orc Watch Towers have been upgraded:
* Higher gold cost
* Weaker version of the Cannon Tower attack against ground units in addition to the attack against air units
- Pig Farms have been replaced by Burrows for Clockworkers
- Spirit Lounge is no longer available but also not needed as all caster upgrades are already researched

- Slight dialogue adjustments (including a scene at the end where Aridon uses the REAL name of the Master of Shadows)

- Reduced repair cost of Goblin Merchants
- Pechan now has a unique item, allowing him to place Goblin Landmines (endless charges but with cooldown)
- All versions of Finger of Death and Finger of Pain can no longer target units and buildings allied to the caster

Chapter Twelve:
- Pechan now has some land mines to protect his base

Secret Chapter:
- The enemy bases now make use of several land mines to bolster their defenses
- Vanessa's Gem of Health has been replaced with a Gem of True Seeing
- Increased the hit points & mana of Vanessa by 300 each
- Increased the maximum & starting hit points & mana of Zelech & Fox by 300 each
- Replaced the building models used by the Dominion to better showcase their new organisation
- Changed the names of some edited buildings
- Replaced all Cannon Towers with Orc Watch Towers
- Orc Watch Towers have been upgraded
- Several units of the Dominion have been replaced with more powerful units
- Sand Dragons now start with their upgrade researched
- Several dialogue changes

- Increased the hit points of Axethrowers from 420 to 500
- Added Redfist banners to every chapter featuring the Redfist

Chapter Four:
- Removed the northern (LB) and southern (Purple) entrances to the Grey base
- Changed the ownership of some units to avoud Grey sending out defense forces to attack the player
- The base of the Royal Army on the other side of the river no longer gets attacked by Demons (neither does the player if the Royals are killed)
- Small terrain adjustments to make some choke points less effective for the AI
- Stronger defense for Grey
- Players now share vision with the Demon waves

Chapter Six:
- The last enemy base will no longer replenish any units in the fortress apart from the Elites directly protecting it
- Replaced a few items carried by enemy heroes
- Players now share vision with the spiders
- The Darkmind Clan will now spawn AI controlled reinforcements in regular intervals to support your offensive
- Slightly moved Aedale's buildings at the entrance of the fortress away from it

Chapter Eight:
- Minor changes to some tiles in the starting area
- The Deathbreeze Clan will now spawn AI controlled reinforcements in regular intervals to support your offensive
- Increased the amount of starting units
- Increased food limit by 10
- Fixed the lack of level, abilities and items of the dwarven hero

- Shieldbearer Changes:
* Decreased the damage dealt by Shieldbearers by 3
* Decreased hit points from 1500 to 1100
* Decreased food cost from 6 to 5
- Increased the food cost of Red Dragons and Sand Dragons from 8 to 10
- All workers now start with Repair activated automatically
- Increased the intervals between the attacks to make it less likely for several attacks to occur at the same time
- Minor model adjustments

Chapter Five:
- Grammar fix in the quest log

Chapter Six:
- Choosing Blen now results in all Towers & Burrows of the Orcs getting destroyed to make tower spam less likely to hurt yourself
- Corrected the name of Captain Gregor
- The Captains Gregor & Elias who have been with Blen since the first mission of the First Human Book now stay if you choose Blen over Rath
- The flames in the ending cinematic now are also properly displayed if Blen is chosen
- Human towers will now shoot their enemies correctly after the cinematic if Blen is chosen (the rest of the bases will remain passive)
- Some (by far not all!) of the defensive forces now belong to the base next to them, meaning that some of the defensive troops will be reinforced by nearby bases
- Replaced some units around Harmos' base with units of the Order of the Flame

Chapter Seven:
- Fixed the message regarding the new units
- Slightly increased the number of units for the Stonelord Dwarves and the Salrian Army
- The Redfist is no longer displayed in the score screen

Chapter Eight:
- Fixed the Knights of Salria not being able to train Paladins
- Adjusted the attack times of the enemy bases to slightly decrease difficulty
- Increased the strength of the attacks coming from the Knights of Salria
- Decreased the time in the ending cinematic until Zairmak uses Finger of Death
- Flammedus' Centaurs are now controlled by an AI
- Doubled the amount of resources gained for completing the optional quest in Chapter Seven
- Cliffhunter Clan starts with Centaur Hooves already researched
- The Deathbreeze Clan (Player) has been replaced with Ravaging Fire Clan to make colors more distinct
- The Ravaging Fire Clan starts with Burning Oil already researched
- The Ravaging Fire Clan starts with Golem Power already researched
- The Cliffhunter Clan no longer has access to any Orc units (apart from female ones)
- The Ravaging Fire Clan no longer has access to any female Orc units or any race allied to the Orcs apart from Golems (and Bearmen if recruited)
- Moved Magic Vault to a new position between the two bases of the player
- Both the Ravaging Fire Clan and the Cliffhunter Clan are back at a maximum of 100 supply instead of 80
- Replaced the Merciless accompanying Thorn with a new unit type
- Increased the hit points of Commander Thorn by 1500
- Cassius now also trains Mercenary units

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed the message regarding the new units
- The Ogre Legion now joins the fight against the Moghtar once the avalanche has been caused by higher powers and will also train more units to join in
- Improved the graphical effect of the avalanche
- Sand Dragons & Sand Drakes in this chapter no longer cost any food

Chapter Ten:
- Doubled the interval between the summoning of new Fire Golems after the initial summons
- Slightly increased the time for the first group of Fire Golems to be spawned
- Decreased the number of summoned Fire Golems
- Increased the intervals between the attacks to make it less likely for several attacks to occur at the same time

Chapter Thirteen:
- Added some defensive units

- New model & icon for Sir Praxeus "The Holy Bastion" Braelon

- Fixed Batrider model for newer versions of the game

Chapter Thirteen:
- Increased the gold in the inital goldmine
- Added a second goldmine to the player base
- Tweaked AI attacks
- Seperated the bases of the player and his allies by trees to avoid the AI walking through the player to attack the allies
- Increased the lumber per tree from 50 to 300
- The Redfist Elite, a faction of the Bloodstone Dwarves & the Redfist (not the Redfist Vanguard) remain passive until certain conditions are met
- Tweaked the target change for the allied AI

Chapter Fourteen:
- Tweaked AI attacks

- Final (hopefully) fix of the Batrider model for newer versions of the game
- Several AI tweaks

- Several tweaks and fixes (including changes that fix some bugs caused by newer Blizzard patches)
- Changed & Replaced several unit types and hero models to fit their kingdom/faction
- New model for Shieldbearers (courtesy of @HerrDave)

Chapter Six:
- Replaced Brutes with Firestarters
- Added Force Walls to Greymoore's base to avoid the player from rushing to trigger the choice too early (the Force Walls stay until all other Castles inside are destroyed)
- Added a Sentry Ward to the second gold mine
- Added a Fountain of Health on the first level of the castle

- New model for Duke Redfist (courtesy of @Rhapsodie)

Chapter Twelve:
- Bonelords now have the "Ancient Bone Armor" which reduces all non-Hero damage by 50%

- Several grammar improvements

Chapter Four:
- Renamed the Imperial Army to Wolf Regiment
- Changed the color of the Wolf Regiment to Coal
- Changed the class of Elaine the Beasttamer from Ranger to Mercenary Ranger

Chapter Eight:
- Fixed ghost Flammedus in the ending cutscene
- Changed the class of Elaine the Beasttamer from Ranger to Mercenary Ranger

Chapter Twelve:
- Expanded many ingame dialogues, especially the Bonelords' (a little foreplay to the Bonelords Expansion that will be part of the True Story of Arkain)
- Renamed the Bonelord's factions from Rohir Nexus to Scarec Nexus
- Changed the color of the Scarec Nexus to Snow

Chapter Fourteen:
- Minor building movements

Models & Skins:
Blizzard Entertainment
Wandering Soul
Uncle Fester
Mc !
Dark Hunter1357
Dmitry Rommel
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Kael Theron

Blizzard Entertainment
Uncle Fester
Shar Dundred
Uljimasa Hojo
Eagle XI
Mc !
Kael Theron

Campaign Preview Screen:

Campaign Logo:

Campaign Chief Development Tester and Grammar Genius:

Additional Testing:

Everything else made by:
Shar Dundred

First Supporters:
Theoden of KoMe
Veritas 117

Please contact me via PM if I forgot to give you credit for your resource!

To Blizzard Entertainment for this great game.
To Turnro whose great campaigns inspired me to revive this old project.
To Jayborino for his enjoyable let's play projects of the Arkain series!
To all who supported this project!
To all who reported bugs and gave/give constructive feedback both during and after the development!
And very many special thanks to Kasrkin, who supported the creation of this project in many, even countless ways!

Feel free to post your suggestions, opinions and questions!
Please report any bugs!

Arkain, Legends, Legends of Arkain, LoA, campaign, series, Gardon

Legends of Arkain Second Orc Book (Campaign)

One of the Hosted Projects. In addition, I have personally played the demo versions and they are well-made. Unless a major bug is reported in this particular version, I don't see why holding out approval status for this map given the sheer amount of...

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  • Total voters
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Looking forward to play it and see all possible outcomes! :):thumbs_up:

The only reason I won't start right now is because it is 1 AM here, but I will start tomorrow!

Just to be clear, this is not an April Fool's Day prank, right? Certainly you wouldn't be too cruel to make a prank out of this, right Shar? :p
Level 8
Dec 27, 2016
Oh well, that's a first, i thought you out, Welcome back, mate, glad you returned with the series, i was getting board of what to do, well i will give it a shot




Well-well, here we are. Damn, this was real fast. I imagine it was hard for you, Shar. ANyways, I guess you're gonna take a break for now, so good luck on your Hive-vacation!
Level 4
Sep 21, 2014
maybe you can make a spoiler of different choice. i loved to play your campaign but there are so many ways for a choice . i want them all :pPPPP
One of the Hosted Projects. In addition, I have personally played the demo versions and they are well-made. Unless a major bug is reported in this particular version, I don't see why holding out approval status for this map given the sheer amount of testing for demos.


Feel free to PM me OR file a complaint at Staff Contact if anyone wants to complain this review.

If author wishes to get a rating for this review, feel free to contact me via PM.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Level 2
Nov 8, 2017
Think I ran into a bug. In Chapter 12, Risen Resistance the objective to destroy all human bases cannot be completed due to there being some invulnerable undead buildings owned by the teal human faction to the left of your base.

Aside from that, great campaign, as usual for the Arkain series.
Level 1
Jul 13, 2018
There was an error of the first ability of Grella that did damage to our troops also do not know if that error has been solved
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Lol. Just played the Chapter where we release the Gnoll King. If I kill the Redfist forces and buildings that would be on the harpies' path and then release the harpies, the harpies are capable of killing everyone inside the fortress without my assistance in a matter of minutes.

And before you ask, no, I didn't release them pretty much at the same time. I went around the fortress killing Redfist and releasing the harpies. Even before destroying the 11th and 12th cages, the harpies had already killed all the units inside the fortress and were focusing on the buildings.
Level 2
Mar 3, 2018
In chapter 4, the rock golem and axe thrower is sharing the same hotkey (W).

Edit: Just completed it, the story is good as always. But I did not enjoy the difficulty. I played on normal and it felt like hard.:( The mission without buildings can be cleared without cheats but those with bases are just too hard or took too long. Maybe im just bad:oops:

Final chapter is full of surprises :D
  • Logan's dead trigger a new abilities
  • Using the cannon causes it to explode which is subtly hinted by the human (Thought it was some generic dialogue between enemies lol) and cutscene before the mission (sad pechan, you will be remembered)

Looking forward to the Second Undead Book, i just hope it will have a difficulty that is not too hard or easy.
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Level 14
Nov 13, 2017
My female friend is liking it the day I gave a copy of this campaign and just started first two missions. However, she hasn't followed story so I said to her to try the older campaigns to understand the lore.

Still, I'm secretly laughing she's playing it in hardcore difficulty. Too brave to be hardcore eh? I know she is a pro in finishing the vanilla campaigns but this one offers new challenge so I'd stick to medium difficulty myself for safer gameplay he he he.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I just completed it. I loved it, as expected.

I have to say that this ending was happier than the one of the Second Human Book. While the humans had a victory, it wasn't a complete victory, while the Dominion had managed to achieve all of their goals.

The only error I found was on the 'A Red Day' Chapter when Brockta says 'fali' instead of 'fail' when adressing one of the Redfists commanders.
Last edited:
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
I definitely enjoyed this a lot more than the SHB, both story and gameplaywise. The unit selection is quite large, increasing the replay value. The maps, as always, were hard, but also more unique.
The bugs and typos I've encountered have already been reported.
Have a deserved 5.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
  1. -some ships in the back stop temporarily because of those in front of them. Moving them each alone from region A to B and all having the same movement speed and some distance between them might help.
  2. -maybe the cameras should work better on the people speaking instead of only some being in the foreground.
  3. -some orc units have their aura FX overhead instead of origin like the trolls.
  4. -Zarok item says left click to use but nothing happens.
  5. -well, you should try changing the usual Warcraft III spells more.
  6. -you should also work on techtrees more so that they don't have the exact spells Warcraft III racial units have, in this case Orcs.
  7. -same goes for items.
  8. -Barrier's description, after learning the spell, doesn't say how much the spell lasts.
  9. -Amari is bigger than Okri who is a mounted hero, selection circle, size and all.

  1. -it didn't look like the orcs you rescue were in any trouble than having low HP. They were not being attacked and not really surrounded by the enemy. OK, that was just the first one.
  2. -killer level by the way.
  3. -the optional quest should finish when the sword gets in the inventory.
  4. -I guess a hidden unit gives the War Aura on the redfisters to the far southwest? Those units which have that aura are paused or something.
  5. -if you go straight to the goblin gate with the key, during the scene the orcs will go behind scenes to fight the humans at the gate.

  1. -peons don't mine during the scene, they are lined up idly.
  2. -blue vs blue, grrr....
  3. -Rath has no ultimate?
  4. -for some reason saving didn't work it just froze doing it after some time of playing. Lucky that after end tasking and restarting the game, the save was actually made.
  5. -destroyable enemy city buildings? As if farms were not enough. The Cathedral is not for razing, eh?
  6. -Rath is just too lucky.

  1. -Grozfag doesn't have a special ability like the rest of the heroes (hotkey T).
  2. -this map becomes a nightmare if you decide to finish the optional quests because then the demons come at you.
  3. -I think the purple catapult might get stuck between the tent and the workshop.

  1. -still Eredar?
  2. -rock golems are affected by Disease :D
  3. -nothing special about the optional quest. You just kill more infected creature types you've already killed before.
  4. -I don't get it. The furbolgs wanted to get out as well but couldn't because of the demons. Why was it important to kill some random infected when the path out was the other way and obviously they couldn't do it without the orcs at that point?

  1. -really lucky, to find Blen home instead of somewhere fighting demons.
  2. -if you attack fast enough Aedale's buildings don't train.
  3. -a siege with no healing...
  4. -they stun you for almost 10 seconds too.
  5. -this level is too annoying.
  6. -I think 200 food would be better instead of 120 since you're fighting 4 bases at once after destroying the first two.
  7. -if you play on Easy and change sides, the handicap will still be on the humans while the orcs remain without any HP reduction.
  8. -what was it with those frozen towers?
  9. -Blen's Avatar remains during the end scene and it might even revert. Maybe, use a dummy cinematic unit?
  10. -so, the other heroes don't fight at all, just Blen when you choose Rath? Oh, they were somewhere, for reinforcements maybe?
  11. -funny that Blen gets killed out in the open while in the scene the character is still up there near the throne. You can see the hero's death animation being triggered right when the scene starts.
  12. -eh, Rath dies anyway so basically I thought you'd get this hero and no help from humans in the vs Golden Guard mission. You get the mine though.

  1. -the tinker is exactly the Warcraft one.
  2. -spiritcallers are spirit walkers.

  1. -controlling three bases might get easy if you properly coordinate what units are to be trained from each but the enemy attacks fast that you barely can build/rebuild any towers. You are basically being attacked constantly like it's some sort of AoS.
  2. -verdict is that some levels like this one and the one with Rath's siege are unbalanced. On higher difficulties, I'm not even sure they are possible to complete (without cheats of course). Truth be told, I'm too good of a player. The crazy thing to do is to quickly destroy a base once you get a short seconds reprise since they don't rebuild.
  3. -well, the key is right in one of the nearby bases. Oh, it was not the right one?
  4. -heroes are present during transmissions even if dead :D
  5. -Arcane Book of Brilliance has no description when on the ground and it looks like a tome of strength.
  6. -compared to the other bases, the purple buildings all have to be razed. And then it shows that commander Thorn still has to be killed even though dead.

  1. -compared to previous other base building levels, this one is sane.
  2. -talking to each other, the enemy heroes in surrounded by mountains and the player's when only the dragons meet the enemy :D
  3. -red invulnerable but the gray aren't :D?
  4. -why do the orc boulder towers have two siege attacks?
  5. -no zeppelins when needed. Don't tell me danger of dragons and strong wind, yeah.
  6. -I will cut your tongue line is a very famous one I see. For some it's dogs/wolves, for others dragons or just the tongue.
  7. -the other red orc hero (purple) doesn't drop an item?
  8. -Brockta looks like an Overlord. Why not a different model?
  9. -since the newer patches allow multiple spell IDs, meaning more of the same buffs on one unit, why not have more Command Aura types that from Vanessa+Overlord for example?
  10. -the gatekeepers are not protected and can easily be killed during the neutral/allied dragon raid.
  11. -Harrash uses Bladestorm against dragons :rolleyes:
  12. -the Sand Dragon is a copy of the Red Dragon.
  13. -this E-frog is only thinking not actually doing any fighting?

  1. -tongue stuff again.
  2. -oh come on, the Warden is the Warcraft III Priest...
  3. -Lighting Bolt=Firebolt.
  4. -why didn't the humans engage the orcs when they landed? Were they that far that only the orcs could see the humans?
  5. -those merciless and conquerors are incredibly tough.
  6. -woe to the gnolls, praise the airfare.
  7. -some infernals can spawn between trees, destroying the forest from within and remaining stuck. Others between the cliffs and doodad walls of the fortress.
  8. -but, where has Redfist's army suddenly disappear and why was Vanessa alone and not with the ogre and the rest of the army he brought?

  1. -Warmech's air form does not say what type of units it attacks, air, land etc.
  2. -so, what are the gnolls actually doing than just being there? OK, so the lightning guardian attacked them with an airship which dropped the units almost between trees in the gnoll base. I take that back, they are sending 3 harpies.
  3. -an annoyance with the other two heroes appearing is that you can't use the next F keys for them because their icons don't appear right after the first two's but one in between and one last.
  4. -pirate ships even attack air (they don't have frigates right?) damn good cannon shooters.
  5. -the enemy shipyard zone in the east has to be destroyed quickly to ensure the heroes who come from the north don't die to enemy troop attacks.
  6. -well, they are talking from island to island, the player heroes :D
  7. -destroying Daric's base says you still have to destroy Zora's. After doing the latter it says you still have to destroy Daric's. Quest completes nevertheless.

  1. -I remember you've been already told about the Scroll of Healing requiring the Black Citadel.
  2. -so, Aridon lied? The undead actually interfered with the orcs' plot or was the deal with Brian only related to the canyon?
  3. -I feel that the undead don't have to mention to these mortals why they are anywhere; kills mystery and the undead shouldn't have egos since they're technically "dead". So, boasting is not necessary.
  4. -Finger of Death, maybe not on your own units?
  5. -all in all, I think you should run away from Warcraft III's techtrees as much as possible. I mean dragons are dragons but Frost Wyrms and Abominations for instance are Warcraft.
  6. -Zaynor doesn't care about the people of Salria? Even so, leaving the lands to the beasts might not be such a good idea. Luckily it's not directly in the way towards the demons. Interlude->oh... but I assume Gardon didn't know about Amari until later on from Brian. Does this mean Brian actually will go against Aridon's wishes, their agreement?
  7. -how did the undead get through Zaynor undetected and over the mountains without Zaynor even flinching? Do they just monitor them? Or did they come out of the mines meaning the dwarves are out? Or the Quarantine Area is where they were in the first place?
  8. -so if you choose to kill the humans, you don't get anything at all (in the last mission or anywhere).

  1. -Daric: I must congratulate you on or for not to your victories.
  2. -Orie seems quite naive, asking stuff then acting like she doesn't want to hear the answers, then not listening to what Ebira tells her about Aedale being possessed as if that would not matter or something.
  3. -why was it important for Lisara to kill Volarian? Was she afraid the duke would escape this battle and hunt her down if she decided to run?
  4. -what's with those cages everywhere?
  5. -why do those gryphon windriders have hero glow?
  6. -Pechan can't attack air and you can't give him an orb.
  7. -the map layout seems rather familiar from one of your campaigns.
  8. -meh, cliche event with the supercannon for yet another mission. Even so, the beasts would be tired and unwilling to go yesterday. Plus, Gardon failing is like... Zaynor is huge man, the beasts are some few poor creatures in comparison. Also, the cannon is supposed to be history of the Second Book. Demons and Undead were also attacking if I recall correctly. If this is about a new cannon, then it's even more meh.
  9. -eh, those visions of the past for Vanessa in that interlude for naught. I thought things would go down interestingly she becoming conflicted or something. But it seems, the only surprise was Aedale.

  1. -van Deuce thinks Gardon retreated not because of losing but because of wanting to use the orcs? If that is indeed true, then Brian is a big occult liar.
  2. -weren't the Golden Guard (also) occupied with the civil war? Or was that against Gardon?
  3. -since Pechan is max level, why let the player choose the last and only spell levels? Similarly with all other heroes.
  4. -even with the power transmitted from Brian to Amari, which doesn't get spread out to all beast people, the Tribal Dominion enjoys too much power and liberty at the point of fantasy.
  5. -it wasn't necessary for Brian to tell Amari that he told her so about friends when Okri was right nearby anyway.
  6. -poor Pechan only has one item, the orb I bought for him. Can't get any items sadly :\ no neutral shops.
  7. -for some reason the Golden Guard had a damaged tent in the soouth behind towers. They even had some towers damaged a bit to the north of the place I mentioned. I don't remember Graymore troops going there at all. Maybe, they've sent some Pegasi.
  8. -Robo-Goblin takes 5 food (either as bonus or as a real/melee hero should since Warcraft III campaign heroes don't take food slots).
  9. -the FX on Grella bugs after a while, loads, and it appears as lightning on the screen.
  10. -towers are a waste of resources against those flying machines.
  11. -Last Reserve and Aspect of Earth is pretty much the same thing.

  1. -I mean when does this end? 14 is already filler as it renders the SHB useless and that has one of your best story lines and mostly because we get to play the same map 4 times.
  2. -so, the demons just went through Zaynor (I'm including all allies; same colour of land on the map) and were somehow at the right time near Rengar-Kerrel. All this feels like gameplay for faction vs faction rather than an actual happening.
  3. -wow, thanks for the orb of lighting present
  4. -Logan does not resume initial position after a fight.
  5. -awesome... even the fountains went with the cannon.
  6. -lol, the huge demon overlord can be hexed/polymorphed
  7. -there was still one gate left in the northeast but the quest completed.
  8. -ah, so Lor and Isalmur were occupied? By demons or?
  9. -Aridon does what the Dark One was supposed to be (/was) doing in a way and now it is the ruler of the demons instead of the Demon God? So, all are actually "brothers", Brian/The Master of Shadows, Aridon/The Avatar of Death, the Demon God and the Dark One. It seems the gods that died afterwards at the "hands" of these four did not have the chance to fuse into powerful beings as well probably because the first (four) beings already mastered their newly attained skills and found a way to suppress any other attempt at doing the same they did. However, it's a mystery how the four came to be friends and not enemies early on. Understandable why the demons enslave which is what the Dark One does/did (to them too). The Master of Shadows somehow after the explosion possessed Brian and went covert from Aridon's plan, as he knew what the Avatar of Death planned, since it was the only one who had visions. Was the Master of Shadows slumbering as in a cocoon and Brian stumbled upon it? So, I don't remember how Aridon got that name and how from making elves (sealed? Didn't they die of hunger or something :D?) it started making undead.
  10. -why is the Dark One still there? I mean... didn't the Demon God destroy it and then Aridon backstab it resulting in that explosion which basically could've killed the Dark One yet again?
  11. -forgive your outbursts not you your outbursts. And there's something with the mine dwarfs that I didn't get from that sentence.
  12. -Brian just disappears without the green FX which was on the unit when it appeared.
  13. -almost can't believe Blen's gonna live again.

So anyway, I liked the second human book's story more, it was more down on earth. This one changed part of it going downhill after chapter thirteen. As far as the gameplay goes, it's good on most missions.
Some levels need proper difficulty balance and the campaigns overall should have less to no Warcraft III material in them.
You also should sort out your story lines. If choices make a difference, it's either that or the other when it comes to the actual story. I mean whether you choose Gardon or Renald in the Second Human Book, it does not matter at all for the overall story because the second orc book deletes most of that.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
First of, thank you for the reivew. Now I would like to adress a few things - don't be mad because
I am not going to adress EVERYTHING, I assure you I have read it all before posting. :)

The Second Orc Book does not "follow" the story of the Second Human Book, it is a completely
alternate timeline.
Yes, several events overlap for the different timelines, such as the Purificator
and all, but the Zyainor you are refering to does not exist yet. And in the Human book Gardon won,
in the Orc Book he retreated so neither the Golden Guard ending nor the Ironfist ending of the SHB
have occured in this timeline as both end with one major character dying.
This is the current worldmap,
even if it is pretty... simple and missing several places. You only have to imagine Lor and Isalmur
being conquered by Demons. There also is no Quarantine Zone yet.
The Orc Book does not "revive" characters or anything, it is an alternate storyline. It is like that
for ALL different races, so neither choice of one race's campaign has any effect for the others.
Not even the same events occur, i. e. mind you that Merlon dies in the FOB and CAN die in the FUB
while in the SHB, following the FHB, he is still kicking that Thunderstorm.

By the way, if you want something crazy, I suggest changing the choices to a way that makes the
Orcs pretty much kill everything and then watch the Interlude following Chapter Ten again.
You will see why. ;)[(spoiler]


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
The Second Orc Book does not "follow" the story of the Second Human Book, it is a completely
alternate timeline.
Oh. Then how are they supposed to be linked? I mean, what's the real story? Confusing to say the least.
The Orc Book does not "revive" characters or anything, it is an alternate storyline. It is like that
for ALL different races, so neither choice of one race's campaign has any effect for the others.
Ah, so the humans story goes the way it should and so on for all? Basically, you want all races to be the winners in their books. Alright.
By the way, if you want something crazy, I suggest changing the choices to a way that makes the
Orcs pretty much kill everything and then watch the Interlude following Chapter Ten again.
You will see why.
Those two right? There aren't any other?


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Forgot to say that in the chapter where you attack the red orcs for the dragons, the first two bases in the mountains should be using more catapults.

About the news link. There are two lines for the SOB where it says chapter 4.
So Blen doesn't matter in this context?

Ah, so only on Easy, the enemies don't rebuild?
Heroes should remain dead on the ground like Blen not dissipate like Rangul and Ephrog.

Vanessa changed character too much after siding with Volarian. I mean, sure, the orcs are the enemy but from there to calling the gnolls dogs and basically becoming full racist, is a long way since the time with the beasts was not that bad.
Neat thing is you can draw out few by few in the search for Aedale quest.
Firebomb is instant, I don't think there's any projectile going there/to the target.
Just shut up and die is the line that should be used on Volarian for he is one to talk and spout a lot.
Vanessa was still useful to the duke. He could have also gotten emotional seeing that she actually came back to him following his vision.

I don't get it how Aedale was in Blen's fortress when she was supposed to be locked. Or did she escape long before that and no one checked on her?
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Level 5
Jul 13, 2015
HII!! i never played your other campaigns, can i play this without playing the others ? and what must i play first human or orc campaigns thnx :)
Level 1
Jan 13, 2019
So I finished the game and found the game has some bugs.

Some bugs have been said my other, but the bug I have found is glitching my game.

So it's like this: On the chapter twelve where you and your allies have to fight all the humans and undead your allies won't stop training clockwork goblins (except for Pechan Best Gobs) and they block the path to the enemy bases.

I hope you fixes this bug and thank you for working hard to create this game.

My last word: Logan best gurl! Change my mind!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Version 1.10 released!
- Fixed Zarok
- Pechan no longer costs food in his Robo Goblin form
- Fixed Air Form ability tooltip of Warmechs

Chapter One:
- Fixed Korjaha's dialogue

Chapter Nine:
- Fixed tooltip for Red Drakes and Red Dragons

Chapter Ten:
- Fixed New Units message

Chapter Thirteen:
- Fixed description typo

Chapter Fourteen:
- Fixed description of the main quest

- Fixed a special effect not appearing at the end of the cinematic

I don't get it how Aedale was in Blen's fortress when she was supposed to be locked. Or did she escape long before that and no one checked on her?
Well, in the Second Orc Book, Blen and co did not retreat to the capital of Kerrel, they instead
moved to the castle you have sieged.
HII!! i never played your other campaigns, can i play this without playing the others ? and what must i play first human or orc campaigns thnx :)
I mean, in theory you can, yes, but I highly suggest at least playing the First Orc Book first for story reasons.
So it's like this: On the chapter twelve where you and your allies have to fight all the humans and undead your allies won't stop training clockwork goblins (except for Pechan Best Gobs) and they block the path to the enemy bases.
Can I have a screenshot about this? I am unable to reproduce that bug.
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Level 3
Jan 3, 2017
Ah how can i play it, the last bnet updates do not let play custom games isnt?..., please someone could tell me?
Level 3
Dec 25, 2017
Who pass ch8?Try block the entranCe of forest with lumber mill?Then enemy only can come through one way

And the watch tower don't have fortication to improve the durability
Level 10
May 10, 2018
Well, I'd recommend something similar to the Ironfist mission of SHB, namely using one faction to safeguard the bases with toers, while using the two others to wreck havoc on enemy bases, one after another, first destroying first line bases, then dig your way to Cassius to stop Destructor waves which can be quite taxing to deal with, especially when Bloodstone fliers are already there.
I'll recommend attacking the Redfist base from behind too, after crushing the Salrian army base guarding that way in, also, since them and purple don't have heroes for the offense, I think you can see them as low priority.
Last thing, although maybe only really usuable in easy mode: Try rushing the destruction of one of the two frontline bases at the beginning for more beathing room. I'd recomend the lower one of the Wolf Regient, both because it's a less deeper one that the north one, so easier to destroy quickly, and its heroes are a nuisance you'e better off eliminating quickly.

Edit: I was answering to badest's latest complain about the campaign... Except I did it on the campaigns' forum. Don't know why my post was transfered here.
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Level 1
Sep 24, 2017
You Made a Terrible Campaign!. Nah im just joking the Campaign Storyline was Very Good i literally almost cried specially Logan's Line on the Last mission where he is in the Orc's Front line Very good campaign keep it up!. Nah im not Crying you are!
Level 3
Dec 25, 2017
Damn passed ch8 and 9 too

May be something useful for hard mode:
Damn fucked 3vs 8.(Dwarves of bloodstone,untouchable base on south east,spam of birds and helicopter)
Dangerous and op attack waves.
You have 3 entrance to defend and come out.
The north one is a trap.the northern enemies is full of 200 army with cavalry,destruct or,birds,and the base defense are concave lens shape that hard to attack,also many enemies will be driven to there.even you break its base,you no hope to defend the gold mine
The south is too narrow for deploy a large armies.
So the remaining option is dispatch most army in the middle base.
You need to use the technique to block the north and south base with lumber Miller and the watcher tower.you will build a non enter area ,that even infantry can't slide in,and behind is the base of tower spam .With that,ai computers will retreat and find another way to break in .At least you don't need 3 line battles,and the ai use longer time to beat you,so it is essentially strategy to do so .The ai may send destruct-or ,birds,helicopter to destroy your towers and spam,so you need to reserve around 20 units for 5 warmech,you will scout for the air harassment ,lure the helicoptert and bird to get shot by towers,while your war mech is priority to break the destruct-or.

For offense the enemies,the middle way is suggested,the ranger base is weak and less op units there.
You will form your force mostly shield breaker,impaler,watch doctor,and shaman ,with the 30 towers provide covering the fire to enemies knights.
You may accumulate around 10000 gold,and your allies with 7000 gold.attack the ranger base ,but don't build base there .Continued to attack the red fist and can get the arcane book with free lighting chain ,and attack the middle one with archmage hero.after that,you can build expansion there.also build 20 towers there to prevent airstrike.and use there to attack the salria army and the mercenary base.

Then the main crisis will be solved,finish the surrounded north base from attack of its behind.and time to deal with purple to finish the mission.purple is weak,but the red fist is strong of many merciless and commander thorn.use around 150unit and also pull them out from their bases is much safe.


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