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New Content Discussion [SPOILER]




Moved & Created a new thread

Have you ever played with her since she got her spell update?
If not, then that caused the bug.
I think I did. But I will replay them later to make sure of it.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Currently playing 11 and i must say, it's amazing how you make us chose who to play with in the closing moments of the civil war. Both did their atrocities, and both aren't purely good even though they think so, but we have to chose our allegiance. This right here is a hard lesson in the saying ''war has no good sides''. Now i only need to finish it to see what happens in the end.
Of course i chose Gardon, but after i'm done playing with him, i have to check out what happens if we play with van Durce.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
The choice is killing me. Why do we have to choose between the two, WHY?? After all we've been through, playing Gardon's side for so long, now we receive a glimmer of doubt that Gardon could be the bad guy? urgh, just kill me....
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
The choice is killing me. Why do we have to choose between the two, WHY?? After all we've been through, playing Gardon's side for so long, now we receive a glimmer of doubt that Gardon could be the bad guy? urgh, just kill me....
There are no good sides in war.
History is written by the victors.
Only the losers commited atrocities.
Only the losers pay for their crimes.
This choice is like a hard learned lesson on war.
At least that's my point of view on it.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
No need for spoiler tags in this thread.
Everyone who comes in here gotta expect them. :)

Currently playing 11 and i must say, it's amazing how you make us chose who to play with in the closing moments of the civil war. Both did their atrocities, and both aren't purely good even though they think so, but we have to chose our allegiance. This right here is a hard lesson in the saying ''war has no good sides''. Now i only need to finish it to see what happens in the end.
A lesson hard-learned is a lesson never forgotten.




Hoorah, finished everything. This might be a spoiler-heavy question but still. Do we just choose the finale of the campaign with our very choice in that interlude? No bugs, luckily, except for that one with Scarlett. The dragons have one level of upgrades to their attack, guess that is intended. Also liked the role Lerrig played in both missions, shows how much of a trustworthy guy he is. Other than that, those were 4 hours i spent on normal difficulty. I wonder what does hard look like...
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
I really want to get my paws on that siege tank stuff. And those shieldbreaker bear riders. How come we cant make them if we play van Durce? :D
Okey, I really gotta ask. Will there be a way to unenslave Salana when goin down the Gardon storyline?
Dont know who to pick, if you go with Gardon she remains a slave, if you go with van Durce she ends up dead.
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Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
This might be a spoiler-heavy question but still. Do we just choose the finale of the campaign with our very choice in that interlude?
I at least think we do.
With us chosing Gardon we play the mission of eliminating the demonic threat.
With us chosing van Durce we play the mission of eliminating the emperor.
That in my opinion is the way the last chapter(s) will play out.
Now to a question i have, Shar, is the next interlude going to be released together with chapter 13 or separately?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
well done in making such a chaos. Too many enemies with so little allies in van Durce end
Here's your reward for fighting the GG all the time. :p

Do we just choose the finale of the campaign with our very choice in that interlude?

The dragons have one level of upgrades to their attack, guess that is intended.
It is. I felt like it was still a nice lil indicator to showcase the upgrade - especially since they have no other ugprades.

No bugs, luckily, except for that one with Scarlett.
We've been testing it VERY thoroughly. Poor @Kasrkin had to spend many hours with it.
Please let me know if you were able to get Scarlett back to working 100% once you have tested.

I really want to get my paws on that siege tank stuff. And those shieldbreaker bear riders. How come we cant make them if we play van Durce? :D
I don't want to make your lives too easy. ;)

Okey, I really gotta ask. Will there be a way to unenslave Salana when goin down the Gardon storyline?
Who knows, who knows...

Now to a question i have, Shar, is the next interlude going to be released together with chapter 13 or separately?
Still undecided.

I think Justice and Resurrection needs different icons. Keep mistaking them.
Will do that with the next update.
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
So the next few chapters will be developing stories of Aedale and Larine? Or is Larine out of the game permanent now?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Maybe you need to ask someone to fix Destructor's lighting. It turns night into bright day when selected.
It is the portrait of the model, that is what I could find out so far.
I will make a thread in the request section.

-Zarin's main reason not to join Gardon is because he allied with Black Dragons? Really?
The Black Dragons were a "bonus". The main reason was the entire Salana thing.
Also, the Black Dragons have terrorized the Dwarves before and during the reign of Zyainor and the
Dwarves have become dragon hunters after the fall of Zyainor, wanting to eradicate the race.
Their hatred grows deep.
Still, Gardon enslaving Salana and controlling the elven race through her is pretty much the
main reason why he'd never ever join Gardon.

-Why is Sapphira allied with Gardon? Wasn't their agreement that the undead would leave the human lands for good after Queen Renova was killed?
Once the demonic threat was also removed, yes.

And for some reason on the minimap, the centaurs stationed on the entrance of the base are orange, like the Darkblade Legion.

-So Aridon wanted to imprison Ornassion so that he could raise him as an undead dreadlord?
There are many other reasons which will be elaborated in the Second Undead Book.
Keep in mind that Ornasion is the first undead Dreadlord EVER (in Arkain, neither know nor care about WarCraft).

-The Darkblade and Souleater Legions joined forces?
Erganoth, the leader of the Darkblade Legion, had sent forces to support Ornasion when the invasion had begun.
Then, when Kerisdar took over, Erganoth did not care about it, he simply let the Demons that he sent to support Ornasion
support Kersidar instead. He found this a good way to "expose" of his enemies within the Darkblade Legion.

-In hindsight, Gardon's plan is way better than van Durce's. Gardon wants to push the demons away and eliminate their threat once and for all, while the Golden Guard are content in holding their line for eternity apparently... Idiotic.
The Golden Guard simply does not believe that they can utterly destroy all Demons on Arkain, especially
in their now cut-off status. And they are not mistaken.
They choose to die with at least having a chance to win against the Emperor instead of dying with no
chances of success. They left the paladins behind to protect the Purificator and the Kingdoms
from the demonic threat.

So the next few chapters will be developing stories of Aedale and Larine? Or is Larine out of the game permanent now?
Chapter Thirteen will be completely about our old friend Aedale.
Larine won't appear in any of the remaining chapters.
I will change her role a bit in the final release, though.
No info about that except that the Salana-Gardon choice will get some more impact...
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
The Black Dragons were a "bonus". The main reason was the entire Salana thing.
Also, the Black Dragons have terrorized the Dwarves before and during the reign of Zyainor and the
Dwarves have become dragon hunters after the fall of Zyainor, wanting to eradicate the race.
Their hatred grows deep.
Still, Gardon enslaving Salana and controlling the elven race through her is pretty much the
main reason why he'd never ever join Gardon.

The Dragon Queen and Thanok seem quite friendly, for dragons standards I mean.
Most likely they hate dwarves because they started building cities close to their territory...

So, he decided to join van Durce, who was going to abandon both Kingdoms and Dwarves to die while fleeing to the other continent?

On the minimap they appear as orange points.

The Golden Guard simply does not believe that they can utterly destroy all Demons on Arkain, especially
in their now cut-off status. And they are not mistaken.
They choose to die with at least having a chance to win against the Emperor instead of dying with no
chances of success. They left the paladins behind to protect the Purificator and the Kingdoms
from the demonic threat.

Rather than finding a permanent solution, their solution is to simply keep fighting for the rest of eternity... thousands will keep dying for a war that will never end...

And the demons in the meantime will come up with a plan to deal with the cannon...

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
So, he decided to join van Durce, who was going to abandon both Kingdoms and Dwarves to die while fleeing to the other continent?
Pretty much. The Holy Bastion told Zarin literally everything, so Zarin had to choose between
the Ironfist who enslaved his ally and friend Salana and the Golden Guard which first were to
abandon them all and changed their mind when they were betrayed as well.
In his opinion, he chose the lesser evil, despite having to fight many former allies because of it.
The result of this depends, as you can see, on the player choice.
Edit: @Championfighter25 was faster than me. :D

Rather than finding a permanent solution, their solution is to simply keep fighting for the rest of eternity... thousands will keep dying for a war that will never end...

And the demons in the meantime will come up with a plan to deal with the cannon...
If you want to try putting an end to the Demons, permanently, you gotta choose the Gardon way of life over the Golden way of life.




Scarlett bug fixed, no worries. How many chapters do we have left? Two, right? Quite a surprise we moved this fast. Like 3 chapters in 3 months. And speaking of undead dreadlords, I cant recall if they ever were undead in warcraft. They sided with undead, true, but they werent undead themselves, so the concept is original at this point.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Rather than finding a permanent solution, their solution is to simply keep fighting for the rest of eternity... thousands will keep dying for a war that will never end...
Kind of ironic since the same can happen to Gardon. I'm sure someone, maybe Aridon, who i doubt is dead, or a loyal follower of his, won't let Gardon genocide the demons untill they are extinct. Demons are a important part of Arkain. Consider them like a shark, we don't like them and they can kill us on sight, but they are an important part of the eco system. Same with the demons. Gardon will push them to their border, but after that huge offensive, the entire war will become one of attrition. The demons will simply regroup and launch attacks or invasions, with the humans pushing them back, thus we get a never ending conflict.
AKA demons are a necessary evil in the full meaning of the word.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Pretty sure Gardon's gonna put the final battle at the Void, while Golden Guard do one last clash with their Emperor as the ending.

And Gardon enters the Void for the final battle and faces... Amon!

If we count Aridon's dead as valid, I put my guess at Rahandir, though with some doubts due to the fact we clash with him on the 12th chapter.

Sapphira managed to hold his forces and the Three Bonelords were destroyed. Rahandir has very little to attack with...
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Here is the info we currently know about them:
The Three Bonelords are said to be as old as Krom. When Aridon fought against powerful enemies of the past, they were slain while he lost much of his power when he won. However, as Aridon regains his power, he starts to bring his old servants back, to haunt his enemies once again and to make his plan proceed the way they have so far now - just as planned.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Here is the info we currently know about them:

Now that I see that text again, I might have written it not perfectly understandable.
The "powerful enemies of the past" are not the Bonelords - the Bonelords were slain by them after a fierce battle.
That fierce battle also weakened Aridon back then, looooong ago.
Aridon has brought them back once again.

Ok, I misunderstood...

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Their text will be different when they appear on the Character Sheet anyway.

Team Gardon or Team van Durce?
I know I could create a new thread but I like strawpoll and I don't want to spam my own forum with poll threads like that!

I already voted!
Team Gardon for the win!

I just noticed something. Is the Domination's commander riding a Felhound?!!!
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Level 11
Mar 9, 2017
Whoever was whining about not being able to control bloodfists just got his wish, the "Trained by Thanok" bonus gives an extra 200hp to elites, making them even more stronger (health wise I mean) than Bloodfists

Thanks Shar!
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Team Gardon of course.
We saw him appear a lot earlier, we played as him longer and we got a lot more character development from him, mainly due to the 2 reasons i stated above.
If i had a lot more time playing from van Durce's POV maybe then it wouldn't be such a narrow choice, but Team Gardon it is.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2012
There are many other reasons which will be elaborated in the Second Undead Book.
Keep in mind that Ornasion is the first undead Dreadlord EVER (in Arkain, neither know nor care about WarCraft).

To my knowledge, no. There isn't a Dreadlord who died and was revived to serve the Lich King. The closest I can think of is Varimatharis, who was tortured since his failure in Undercity. Take that as you will.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
I don't quite get it.. Is Gardon the emperor's brother? and the emperor married Van Durce's sister which makes him brother-in-law of the emperor, and that is why he called Gardon "brother" in the interlude?
This is too much to understand lol

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Is Gardon the emperor's brother?
Bastard brother/half-brother.
nd the emperor married Van Durce's sister which makes him brother-in-law of the emperor
Van Durce is the brother of Gardon's and the Emperor's father.
and that is why he called Gardon "brother" in the interlude?
He spoke about Gardon's brother, Gardon is not van Durce's brother, but his nephew.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
Whoever was whining about not being able to control bloodfists just got his wish, the "Trained by Thanok" bonus gives an extra 200hp to elites, making them even more stronger (health wise I mean) than Bloodfists

Thanks Shar!

I was the that whining guy who was asking for bloodfists. :p