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Arkain Timeline discussion [SPOILER]

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Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Learning how to be sarcastic bastards by Rahandir maybe?
Also, quite strange how Merlon's illegitimate daughter declines the offer. Either she dislikes what Zyainor is doing, can't forgive Gardon he let her father die, or knows something about Gardon's "gifts" gives to people.

Edit: Possibly ending the timeline (at least for now) at 15 Z. R. won't be fitting in my opinion.
You should add at least 1 more event that happens either in 19 or 20 Z. R.
The event that will soon after that be the cause for a massive war.
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Learning how to be sarcastic bastards by Rahandir maybe?
Also, quite strange how Merlon's illegitimate daughter declines the offer. Either she dislikes what Zyainor is doing, can't forgive Gardon he let her father die, or knows something about Gardon's "gifts" gives to people.

Maybe she is a woman that values her freedom above all else and doesn't wish to become a lady owner of armies and lands.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Learning how to be sarcastic bastards by Rahandir maybe?
Maybe, among other things.
Also, quite strange how Merlon's illegitimate daughter declines the offer. Either she dislikes what Zyainor is doing, can't forgive Gardon he let her father die, or knows something about Gardon's "gifts" gives to people.
Maybe she is a woman that values her freedom above all else and doesn't wish to become a lady owner of armies and lands.
Maybe all of the above, maybe something else. ;) :p

Edit: Possibly ending the timeline (at least for now) at 15 Z. R. won't be fitting in my opinion.
You should add at least 1 more event that happens either in 19 or 20 Z. R.
The event that will soon after that be the cause for a massive war.
I am not saying that nothing else happens during that time, I just don't think I should publish everything at this point.
Also, doing what you suggested, having the catalyst of a possible conflict just spoiled like that would destroy some tension.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
You teaser, it's not funny. :thumbs_down:

I am not saying that nothing else happens during that time, I just don't think I should publish everything at this point.
Also, doing what you suggested, having the catalyst of a possible conflict just spoiled like that would destroy some tension.
I guess those fiery, pointy, cold, dead and plagued twists will be saved for another time.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Yeah, we all know they're everywhere. In the dead mountain, dead forest, watching what's happening in every human, tribal dominion, elven or dwarf garrison.
While at the same time dealing with their other enemies, whoever they are.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
To see Aridon finally begin questioning why he's even doing what he's doing re: some phony balance is a great step that adds a lot of complexity and enjoyment.

Rahandir seemed sarcastic and cynical in the first books, but he was still grounded and likable because it was not overboard. He and Krom turned into unendearing edgelords in the 2nd Human Book by constantly prognosticating how cool they are though. It would be extreme schadenfreude for me if anything can show them that they are not as smart as they think they are, though I get the impression many people still like these characters based on the forums and my videos.

I particularly enjoy the Dominion outlook in the timeline!
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I will just say that in canon she absorbed the power of Scarlett Retka. ;)

So the canon AI accepted 'Whispers in the Dark' boni leadership.
Which means she became obsessed with power, absorbed Scarlett's power but she was not satisfied and joined Aridon.

Looks like greed and lust for power runs in the Redfist family after all. I wonder from who did they inherit it from? Tough call.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Which means she became obsessed with power, absorbed Scarlett's power but she was not satisfied and joined Aridon.
I wouldn't say that she got "obsessed with power", that is more Aedale's thing. If anything, it is knowledge (yes, knowledge is power, but you get what I Mean).
Cora already had a great interest in gaining more knowledge - not just to use it, but also to spread it so that all would benefit from it. The whispers promised her to help her heal her sister.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I wouldn't say that she got "obsessed with power", that is more Aedale's thing. If anything, it is knowledge (yes, knowledge is power, but you get what I Mean).
Cora already had a great interest in gaining more knowledge - not just to use it, but also to spread it so that all would benefit from it. The whispers promised her to help her heal her sister.

Many individuals perfomed evil for knowledge's sake. It is quite easy for someone to lose himself while following a path they believe to be right.

And I think Aedale might be long beyond-salvation. In worst case scenario, Lisara has erased her personality from existence.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Many individuals perfomed evil for knowledge's sake. It is quite easy for someone to lose himself while following a path they believe to be right.
And I think Aedale might be long beyond-salvation. In worst case scenario, Lisara has erased her personality from existence.
Well, when Cora made her choice, she had no way of knowing that.
And who knows, maybe she will find new reasons to stick with Aridon - or not.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
Just read it

- The Dwarves occupy several important mining areas of Kerrel, Zyainor and Rengar, claiming that they had been borrowed by their race to the Humans and would now be back under their control
The Dwarves are greedy bastards, that is what they are.

"The Undead, approaching the capital city of the Tribal Dominion, are suddenly faced with surprisingly well-disciplined Dominion forces who wear extremely heavy metal armors and weapons"
When I read this, I can only think the Dominion throwing one-hell of a Heavy metal rock party so loud that the undead couldn't approach!:D

- During the long battle between the heavily armored Dominion forces, who present strong opponents but are still slowly getting overwhelmed by the sheer endless amounts of the Undead led by the Three Bonelords, the orcish warlord Grofzag, with the help of the warlock Zairmak, causes a massive avalanche, burying the leaders of the Undead forces under it, throwing the mindless armies into disarray
Please tell me that Rahandir, Sapphira and Krom survived or weren't there! PLEASE!!!!

- All forces of the Undead within Salria are defeated, the remains of the Three Bonelords are torn apart by the Dominion and spread all over the former Kingdom of Salria, to never be put together again
Sure... because that always works «cough» Dark One «cough» Sorry, I had something in my throat.

- Following the events of the Second Void War and the defeat of the Three Bonelords, Aridon begins to wonder if he was wrong about the Orcs not being part of the balance and also begins to think about the actual meaning of the balance which, so far, had been focused around keeping all different races alive, but still excluded the Orcs due to them not hailing from Arkain and being immune to Aridon's manipulations, ignoring the fact that them moving to Arkain may have been a move by balance itself
What? Aridon never considered the Orcs as part of the balance? What a xenophobe!

- Aridon decides to go into seclusion to decide what the purpose of his continued existence is other than fighting against the machinations of the Dark One and keeping races alive. He decides to move into the deepest depths of the Dead Mountain, into the Great Temple that his creations, the Dark Elves, have built in his name, allowing his servants to do as they please in his absence as long as they do not endanger the balance - despite neither him nor them fully understanding what this balance is supposed to be from now on aside from preventing genocide
I, as both a cynic and a nihilist, say balance can only come in this case by asserting dominance over all races, by either direct or indirect means.
Aridon needs to have a recovery in the Quarry of Creation or God Quarry, where he threw the vanquished gods and goddesses to rot, and absorb the powers needed to recover his strength.

Just look at Thanos, now we know where he got the Infinity Stones.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
I wonder, how much enemies Empire of Gardon will have in the future.
Well, he had enemies all around him.
Demons, despite beaten and infighting among themselves, they were still strong.
The remaining Kingdoms of Rengar and Kerrel. These two were just waiting for casus bellie to strike.
Empire of Rodan. Those buffoons launches yet another expedition to destroy all of Arkain.
Dwarves. Remember, they quit the deals, and hated Ironfist for allying with the Black Dragons.
Undead Nexus. Despite laying low, they earned Gardon's ire.

Maybe, the Tribal Dominion will hesitate to attack him.
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