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Heirs of Zyainor [SPOILER]

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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
This is something slightly different from other polls I have done so far.
This is about the short story "Heirs of Zyainor" you can find in the Tales of Arkain.
Those who have not read it yet be warned that it can be a massive spoiler for the Second Human Book and the Arkain timeline.

I am now asking you who your favorite heir of Zyainor is in this strawpoll!
Note that you can also choose multiple characters!
I would like you to post your votes and say why you chose them. :)
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I chose Parlea, the Student. Her sister was a close second.

I feel bad for her, because she is a victim of bullying and racism. I am truly glad that Gardon cares for her, even if she is his bastard child and Birram is such a Papa Wolf to her.

I only hope that she manages to overcome her lack of self-assurance, become one of the strongest mages in Arkain and make both her parents and sister proud.
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Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Definitely Garan. He shows the most potential out off all and will become even better as time goes on.
Zurae also comes close. Although what she did was impressive, killing bandits with a strong fire spell isn't as impressive as scoring a victory against the undead while outnumbered, at least in my opinion.
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
Had to re-read all the stories to refresh my mind.
Each of them are interesting individuals so i will try to explain the best why i picked whom i picked

The soldier Hotar - Onorable and skilled with a sword. A good ruler for a happy fairytale but in my opinion not very fitting for a realm like Zyainor (Hotar is a ruler loved by people ,while in Zyainor better to be feared and respected as a ruler)

The student Parlea - Determined , smart and caring person.Nice qualities but same as Hotar and also she is a bastard child.

The Archer Velina - Brave and mature. Unlike Parlea, Velina is a much stronger personality and i don't see her as a naive child, a very inquisitive one and likes to play by her rules.

The Magician Zurae - Powerfull. Zurae is my second choice purely because of here vast (raw) power. Having Gardon and Vail like models and with a proper training in the magic arts she can become the feared leader Zyainor requires. Few would dare to question her or to go that far to challenge her rule.

And now , the one I see as the true heir of Zyainor.

The Strategist Garan - Confident and rational. It's not about the fact he won the battle but how he did it.Garan was a step ahead of everything Captain Tornet just said that death may be innevitable and Garan let no emotion cloud his judgement, he made a plan not to see if it works, he was sure il will work.He doesn't take chances,he is willing to sacrifice his men for what he wants,he is the one giving orders!.
He resembles Gardon perfectly ,,The end justifies the means''
Now things shifting interestingly.

I'll say Garan is the most suitable for successor should one day Gardon ends his reign.

Zurae's destroying the house thing was a bit hilarious. Guess mage needs control.

Hotar in the order now? Grats!

Parlea seems to acquire madness from her experience. Scary.

Velina seems to begin understanding Gardon. Somewhat.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
My votes to go Garan for still being the most tactfully minded of the 5, Zurae for realizing her potential properly, and Hotar for being the most honorable and courageous.
Parlea is a bit too emotionally unstable and sadistic. Velina is just ok, I can't find anything really outstanding about her.

dethorned -> dethroned
officier -> officer

brigants -> brigands
neccessary -> necessary

Dragon Knights:
immediatly -> immediately

Students of Magic:
destinied -> destined
period ot time -> period of time

Grave Warders:
aristrocratic -> aristocratic
neccessary -> necessary
immediatly -> immediately
my way serving -> my way of serving

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Parlea is a bit too emotionally unstable and sadistic.
It's not like she wanted to become like that. ;)
Velina is just ok, I can't find anything really outstanding about her.
I think it is just your racism against elves showing again. Admit it! :p

Can you really blame her for turning out like this?

Also feel free to share your thoughts about the new stories (the characters, what happened etc),
this thread is about the Heirs of Zyainor in total, it is not neccessarily limited to deciding who of
them is the most fitting ruler. ;)
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
The Heirs of Zyainor Vol. II Like the first time i have to talk alot .

I can't say to much , for me her story brings more light to Vail and there entire family. Vail taking the role of protective mother is really a cute thing (not very often found in the Bloodclaw family ).

Becoming a dragon knight is a huge step for him. I see a brave soul that cherishes life and love.
He is respected,loved by his brothers in arms and acknowledged by his superiors.
He even made Thanok act like a sweet person and allow Laura to join him.
From all of them Hotar is the one i hope the most that he doesn't take on a dark path.
Hotar seems very sentimental and acts according to it ( his love for Laura can be his salvation or can be his undoing )
Who knows he may be the greatest champion of Zyainor or its biggest threat. Would Hotar close his eyes when his brothers are sacrificed , would a honorable soul accept that?, would he understand the sacrifice of ,,someone special'' for Zyainor? ,,Would the end justify his means?''

I kinda've expected her mind to be twisted by the dark arts and her past traumas.For now her future is uncertain maybe we will have a second Aedale.
About her guardian Tojaz he will play a big role in her evolution, maybe he can rescue the pure and innocent girl that lost herself in the seas of tears and pain.

Again she acts mature and seems to know her place, her little outburst was justified and normal but Gardons reaction left me WOW. I did not expected Gardon to talk like that, like apologizing for his absence , the scent of regret in his words.
Velina shows much promise, her training directly under Varan will more than sure show great results.
As for the Grave Wardens I would love to find more about there Order.

And now my personal favourite :D
I enjoyed his story in particular , he is the only one who seems to keep focus on tasks and missions rather then personal feelings.
The comparison between battleground and chess was nice and gave me alot of ideas and theories tho think of.
Garan seems very absorbed by the chess game,like a way of seeing life.Piece by piece he makes his move, waiting, anticipating.
He hates those who dare to challenge Zyainor and the KING , his devotion is almost fanatical.
While writing this a thought slipped my mind.Garan is the ChessMaster, Arkain his Chessboard, Zyainor his pieces , Hmm you only need ONE piece to win the game , I'm afraid is not the Queen!

Great stories !

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Re-opened, should not have been closed in the first place.

I had an idea while reading some posts in Parents of Arkain.
(if you have not been there yet, GO NOW! : p)

I was wondering:
I could write a Heirs of Zyainor. Vol. 3. I do not want to oversaturate that though, so I'm curious:
Would you be interested in that or prefer other short stories about other characters first?
Level 10
May 10, 2018
I'd say go with wherever inspiration is leading you. If the kids are the ones stirring up the muse, go for it. Forcing the writing never works, so goes with the one pushing it for now, be it them or other characters, everyone will (hopefully) get their turn in the end.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
For me, Garan had all ingredients to be the next leader of Zyainor.
Strategy, cunning, and loyalty. Him being a good tactician and strategist earned him high ranks. Cunning, him being patient when it comes to wars. Loyalty, he rather serve his dad, rather than being a scheming bad Prince most vile Prince stories have.

Hotar. Better suited to be a general than to be a Ca'laer. He has martial might, and that's it.

Zurae. The strong magical Princess of the family. Better suited studying magic more.

Velina. She will a great Grave Warden soon enough. She had both skills to do that.

Parlea. The Dany of this story. Just give her a bunch of dragons and voila, another Dany Targaryen clone will be made.
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