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Characters of Arkain [SPOILER]

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Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
I am trying not to involve myself too much in this thread, but I want to just throw this idea in
now because it just struck me after reading this since we already had Aridon:
How about making like a "themed" week for this topic? One day for each one of the Four & the
remaining days to talk about the entire group? Or just about the entire group for the entire week.

Well, i have some final exams so i´ll be joining the general discussion.

But that will most likely take a lot of time. And I am unsure if demons are immortal concerning aging. If she waits for too long, all those she wants to take revenge on will die.
We know almost nothing about the demons yet, just that they have a high reproductivity
Also some Dreadlords can live centuries, but we dont know about succubus.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Well, i´ve ended my exams and the Votation says we go with GENERAL DISCUSSION about the Four.

I´ll start with the Demon God (No real name) because is the one we know less, we have plenty of information about Aridon and Bryan, and also some about Dark one but we know next to nothing about the Demon God.

He was strong enough to Crush the Dark One with his bare hands, before the betrayal.
Also Demons is the most misterious race of Arkain, they have a high reproduction, the only way to access the kingdoms is through the Gate of Hell (maybe due to some artifact like the Sign of Life) and some of them want to conquer the Kingdoms and slave the Human race, while some other dont want to invade at all.

Also the Demons have built a great Altar honoring his Father and god, called the Seat of the Demon God, i hope we´ll get more info about all 4 AND the demons on SUB.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I´ll start with the Demon God (No real name) because is the one we know less, we have plenty of information about Aridon and Bryan, and also some about Dark one but we know next to nothing about the Demon God.

Sadly, the Demon God was less a character and more like a plot device to:
-Weaken the Dark One, which would force him to hide for thousands of years
-Grant Aridon the chance to end the reign of the Four and become the Watcher of Arkain

He was strong enough to Crush the Dark One with his bare hands, before the betrayal.

So I would guess that the Demon God was the "Muscles" of the Four

Also Demons is the most misterious race of Arkain, they have a high reproduction, the only way to access the kingdoms is through the Gate of Hell (maybe due to some artifact like the Sign of Life) and some of them want to conquer the Kingdoms and slave the Human race, while some other dont want to invade at all.

Well, the demons, despite their evil nature, have a very rough background. Their homeland is pretty much what was left after the Demon God blow up and their high reproduction rate makes their situation even worse. Perhaps they are driven by envy and hate towards other races...
Also the Demons have built a great Altar honoring his Father and god, called the Seat of the Demon God, i hope we´ll get more info about all 4 AND the demons on SUB.

I hope so too.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Well, the demons, despite their evil nature, have a very rough background. Their homeland is pretty much what was left after the Demon God blow up and their high reproduction rate makes their situation even worse. Perhaps they are driven by envy and hate towards other races...

Well, in the Birth of the World short story we know that the demons started fighting each other because they were leaderless once the Demon God was Killed.
So maybe the demons started breeding tons of demons in order to find a new leader, a demon that could unite all the Demon legions once and for all.
About conquering, they´ll probably want more lands, like any other factions.

So I would guess that the Demon God was the "Muscles" of the Four

100% sure that both Bryan and Aridon were not.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Well, in the Birth of the World short story we know that the demons started fighting each other because they were leaderless once the Demon God was Killed.
So maybe the demons started breeding tons of demons in order to find a new leader, a demon that could unite all the Demon legions once and for all.
About conquering, they´ll probably want more lands, like any other factions.

The Demons lost their creator/god, had their homeland reduced to ruins due to the actions of both the Dark One and Aridon...

Sure, this still doesn't justify their actions. They are still a race mostly consisted of bloodthirsty maniacs, scheming backstabbers and arrogant slavers, but their poor conditions didn't help one bit. They may have been born already as an evil race, but if fate had been kinder, they could have not become the genocidal legions they turned out to be.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
They may have been born already as an evil race, but if fate had been kinder, they could have not become the genocidal legions they turned out to be.

That´s what fate does, maybe if Rangul didnt destroyed Duke´s Mansion and kidnapped his daugther, The empire would have a Strong general and 4 Strong mages at his disposal, instead of a evil girl, a undead servant, another mage with demon magic and a orc general.
Or not killing blen would have Van Durce going for the emperor while Gardon defeat the demons.

That´s what fate does, they have their conditions and worked to become genocidal and slavers legions.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I call upon the mighty Zyainor Squad (weeeeell, somewhat. I guess?) to bring life back to this thread


Despite the characters on this screen, I dare say that some True Story characters/char edits
could deserve some spotlight at some point - but I am completely leaving the maintenance
this thread to you guys, I am not going to force anything upon you - Shar out
Level 3
Apr 3, 2019
What do you guys think of Van Duce i think even tho he made aloy of mistakes he's still a good guy
Also am very interested to what the bastion will do
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
What do you guys think of Van Duce

He is not. He wanted to left the continents to their demise, didnt even help on most defense. He just wanted to evacuate the elves and then leave. He tortured greymore without proper reason.

Once the "emperor" sent a message leaving him on the dirt, he started to make things ti help the humanity.

Van durce has a tragic story but he is not a good person.
Level 10
May 10, 2018
Speaking of True Story Characters... How many people are willing to bet on the fact Zoia is Blen's step-sister based on their snark relationship, his mention of something private/important that happened in their past to set them at each other's throat like that?

If that's so, I'm genuinely curious about what kind of person the bride was.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
How many people are willing to bet on the fact Zoia is Blen's step-sister based on their snark relationship, his mention of something private/important that happened in their past to set them at each other's throat like that?

I don´t think they are family. They´re probably rivals, or maybe Zoia´s was a relative of Blen´s bride.

Also we know that Zoia and Gardon are in good terms, because Gardon´s direwolf Zed, maybe she helped him found the proper direwolf or something.
Level 10
May 10, 2018
I don´t think they are family. They´re probably rivals, or maybe Zoia´s was a relative of Blen´s bride.

Which is why I said she might be Blen's Step-sister, aka his bride's sister?

(On another note, I wonder if choices like cooperating more closely with Zoia could influence the fact Blen is ending up with Genethas or Gardon... Or if he get enough support from other Imperial figures to avoid Van Durce's tortures?)
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
(On another note, I wonder if choices like cooperating more closely with Zoia could influence the fact Blen is ending up with Genethas or Gardon... Or if he get enough support from other Imperial figures to avoid Van Durce's tortures?)
I doubt they will. If the player is given the choice to influence the most drastic events, then it ruins the point of the true story.
On topic, I think that we'll know the truth about their relation after Greymoore's death. She doesn't seem like the kind of person who would share something that important unless something very drastic happened to make her spew it out.

I hope not, i wouldnt like siding with Genethas and ugh... Lerrig.
How a person having war aura could be so incompetent will forever remain a mystery.

To begin a slightly new topic, I'm glad Aridon had his first major step in character development during the "Fall of Kerrel" short story. Seeing him rely more on convincing rather than manipulating someone to do the right thing was very refreshing.

Also, concerning a demon who hasn't been discussed that much - Erganoth. I think he may be the most evil demon of them all. Him ordering most of his Legion to withdraw before the Gate of Hell battle, thus helping a person who wanted to wipe out their entire race achieve his first step towards doing so felt very strange and undemon like, considering this was once said about every demon as a whole:
However, there is one goal, one ultimate goal, that all Demons, no matter the rank, no matter the alignment, no matter the personal interests, share: The survival of their race and their independence.
Multiple arguments can be presented to rebuke this, but the timing and the consequences that he surely knew about makes me think about him otherwise.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Him ordering most of his Legion to withdraw before the Gate of Hell battle, thus helping a person who wanted to wipe out their entire race achieve his first step towards doing so felt very strange and undemon like, considering this was once said about every demon as a whole:

In a short story (i think espionage) It says that the demon leaders were arguing about the invasion, but not because losing but starting It. Now we know it was Dark one manipulation.

He didnt want to support the invasion (He sent Urshan and many others to die because the politic games) but he wants his race to survive. So he withdraw those forces for them to survive but also to finish the legions that started the invasion. Now they wont die fighting Gardon's huge armies.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
He didnt want to support the invasion (He sent Urshan and many others to die because the politic games) but he wants his race to survive. So he withdraw those forces for them to survive but also to finish the legions that started the invasion. Now they wont die fighting Gardon's huge armies.
Technically he did save plenty of lives, but it ended up that way only because Aridon decided to screw over Gardon. (something Erganoth could not have know about at the moment he decided to withdraw his troops) Had Aridon not done that, Erganoth would most likely be remembered as a person who betrayed his race when it needed him and his soldiers the most.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Technically he did save plenty of lives, but it ended up that way only because Aridon decided to screw over Gardon. (something Erganoth could not have know about at the moment he decided to withdraw his troops) Had Aridon not done that, Erganoth would most likely be remembered as a person who betrayed his race when it needed him and his soldiers the most.

Ebira said that no matter how many soldiers and dragons Gardon bring with him, there is no way they could defeat and destroy the demon race for good. Erganoth probably is on the same side as Ebira so its most likely he knew the amount of forces Gardon had (Ebira was spying him).

Then he saved the lives of those Demons, and if Gardon really entered the demon realm they would have died, so the Demons could retake their precious Gate of hell.

What about sir holy bastion where will his quest lead him

We dont know how much time passed since the end of the War and the Orc short story, but the holy bastion went to Salria and have something to do there, probably killing Amari or destroying her communications with Bryan.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Ebira said that no matter how many soldiers and dragons Gardon bring with him, there is no way they could defeat and destroy the demon race for good.
I remember her saying that he couldn't enter their lands.

Then he saved the lives of those Demons, and if Gardon really entered the demon realm they would have died, so the Demons could retake their precious Gate of hell.
I think they could've caused considerable damage (we're talking about a timeline where the undead don't betray them so soon) and leave once Aridon screws them over or the demons chase them out with an overwhelming force. Gardon dying is a possibility, but Aridon (and Brian) would find a way to protect him.

What about sir holy bastion where will his quest lead him
I ultimately see him joining Gardon for at least 1 battle later down the line. (unlikely as that may sound)
Despite Praxeus' hate for evil magic, he does have a soft spot for Gardon and may assist him in the third books for a bit. Especially with the Human Empire launching their invasion sooner or later.
He'll probably also meet up with Marin at some point too.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
I think they could've caused considerable damage (we're talking about a timeline where the undead don't betray them so soon) and leave once Aridon screws them over or the demons chase them out with an overwhelming force. Gardon dying is a possibility, but Aridon (and Brian) would find a way to protect him.

Aridon didnt wanted to let Gardon enter the demonic realms. Stopping Gardon there reduced his armies and increase the undead ones, in order to maintain the balance.

Especially with the Human Empire launching their invasion sooner or later.

Renald's Daughter is coming to Arkain. Both Sir Praxeus and Marín would join her almost sure. Unless the Demons start a new invasión and the undead step out of the shadows at the same time, they wont join forces.
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Aridon didnt wanted to let Gardon enter the demonic realms. Stopping Gardon there reduced his armies and increase the undead ones, in order to maintain the balance.

Renald's Daughter is coming to Arkain. Both Sir Praxeus and Marín would join her almost sure. Unless the Demons start a new invasión and the undead step out of the shadows at the same time, they wont join forces.
Destroying all Demons would be near impossible. It's very possible there is Tregakh's essence that can be used as superweapon in demon lands. So, Gardon can be unexpectedly screwed. We also didn't see Mindslayer legion, which might be even behind Gate of Hell. Aridon might've also foreseen these.
I wonder what class would Renald's daughter be? Priestess of Golden Guard or something else? There is expected to be a heavy showdown between Empire and Zyainor & Tribal Dominion.
Level 7
Nov 17, 2020
I've been reading all about the characters in Arkain, but I admit that I want to know more about notable personalities in the Empire of Rodan, aside from the Emperor himself, of course. Like are there any villains to watch out for, any allies (likely or unlikely) that may help put an end to Tregakh's schemes? :peasant-confused:
Level 7
Nov 17, 2020
There will be more to come, do not worry. ;)
Until then, if you have not read them already, the short stories "Return", "Report" and the recently added "A thorough analysis of the Imperial Defeat during the Second Voidwar" may be interesting for you.
Thanks man, will be doing so. :vw_love:
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
Yes, but Salior is soo background character that gardon is the close thing we have as a "leader" (like the council of generals interlude)

Too background to make Rath return his head.

Just a little fyi:
Rahandir bringing himself back to life also means that he is not bound to Aridon's will in the way
the other Undead are - he is still just as loyal as he believes in Aridon doing the right thing.

We all know that Rahandir reanimated himself.

Krom's greatest ability is the fact he can make you laugh, and then immediately make you cry. His jolly nature combined with his snarky attitude ( though he doesn't exibit it too often ) make him my favourite undead character.
It would be interesting to showcase his past, while he was still an arkainian. It could make him a lot more relatable.
While it's never mentioned, I feel like his jolly nature may have a dark undertone. He's existed for so long that he accepts most things, including his own existence, as the jokes that they are.
I'm also curious how much free will he has, in comparison to Rahandir mostly. Being one of his first servants and even older than him, Aridon should technically allow him to have as much free will as he wants to. There's a possibility of a pretty interesting story if it turns out that he only has a limited amount of it.

Well, Krom is the oldest Undead raised by Aridon. Dating from the time of the first creatures, the Arkainians.

I am pretty sure he woulden't want or even be able to return to fight Gardon...Civil wars are costly and bring a great deal of unrest as showcased by the two civil wars that happened during the first and second human books,so you might as well scrap that as a possibility and considering the Thrashing Golden guard took,I'd wager they wouldent be so eager to return there.

I dunno to many Van Durce is hard to like considering what an annoying character he was in the beginning but i kinda felt bad he had to go,He gave the book a certain flair that made me enjoy it much much more...

Still hate that douchebag anyways, despite his good background, skills and story.

Goes to show how skilled she truly is...Sadly Brian's lapdog snached her spotlight during the second orc book...Also dont you all think its funny that out of all the Characters in every book Redfist shares the most of similarities with Rath a orc XD.

The main difference is, besides the race, Rath has no friends, while the Best Daddy has his friends behind his bum.

By the way i actualy wonder if he gona kill Kersidar himself or he will leave it to Ardion

Well, Ornasion is going to do that as we speak. He killed Hesrathion himself, then warned Ebira that he will destroy them one by one.

Well, if people still wanna talk about characters we can still use it.

I mean, We could talk about Vail, Zarin, Merlon or Marin, even Thanok or Harmos on the side of human characters
Amari, Okri, Zairmak, Brockta or Flameduus on orc character
Still not sure about undead (Because we already had Krom, Rahandir and Ornasion)

Vail is just a Female Human Paladin/Blademaster cross. Zarin, that indecisive midget can contend with the vermin. Merlon, he is a mariner, so a corsir look is much suited to him. Marin, well, that monkey is quite plain. Thanok is not a Human. Harmos is a mage, so no design for him.

Amari is quite excellent. Okri being a Fel Rider is great. Zairmak is old, so that was enough. Brockta was talking about him with a stupid is good. Flammedus is a good horsey.

You want to be kissed by Lady Meya? Or hugged by the Fleshtearer?[/QUOTE]

but what happends with Salomar in Second Orc Book if he survives the slaughter from first book? As choice it done nothing

He reduced Sir Praxeus' pawns in the battle the Dominion. By declining his influence inside the Paladin Orders.

What do you guys think of Van Duce i think even tho he made aloy of mistakes he's still a good guy
Also am very interested to what the bastion will do

Still a good guy?????? If killing an innocent and great general, demoting the Emperor's bro, imprisoning those poor Kasrkin, using brute force to conscript poor farmers and folks to do his HOLY bidding, sending Imperator to kill Gardon, being hated by both Empire and Kingdoms made him a good guy, you equally said that Cersei Lannister did a PERFECT job of screwing Dany.

And the Bastion is just Van Durce's lapdog.
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Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Vail is just a Female Human Paladin/Blademaster cross
Vail is the last heir of Zyainor, being alone in the forest made her the strongest woman in single combat on the entire continent, also she had a relation with Prince Toraes since she save his life. A lot could be said about her.

Zarin, that indecisive midget can contend with the vermin.
Well, as many others, Zarin made mistakes but he was right. If he had allied with Gardont the dwarves would be just another vassal to zyainor, just like the elves.

Merlon, he is a mariner, so a corsir look is much suited to him.
Also he had a daughter and who knows what´s more, we didnt get that much time with Merlon´s history

Marin, well, that monkey is quite plain.
The brightest engineer in the empire who even the dwarves were impressed, he sided with Van durce because of Logic and Friendship, that doesnt make him plain.

I could think more about Thanok or Harmos but the true story will give us more information about them.

Zairmak is old, so that was enough.
Yeah, he is old but HOW old? Probably the wisest orc in leading his own clan during the first books. He sent shamans to clean the pearl of Lor and also agreed with Rangul´s decision to unite all the orc clans to build a new kingdom. Even if he failed to do so.

Brockta was talking about him with a stupid is good.
A strong and cunning leader for a minor race, you normally expect the ogres to be dumb and just do war. But he unite all of them and lead them against the demons, that could have been better nevertheless.
Also Flammedus seems to be a wise leader for his race since he is the flamecaller. Born to lead them.

Or hugged by the Fleshtearer?
Yes, he is really cute.

That´s about a sentence or two about those characters, but there is a lot more about most of them. So they are not that plain.
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Ornasion killing Kersidar would be the canon and perhaps most meaningful ending for SB era. Maybe, just maybe, Kersidar could even be reanimated as Aridon have "no reservations of raising undead dreadlords". Ebira might also die at The Gate of Hell mission of True Story, thus fulfilling the Ornasion's death threats and we would get the first prominent undead succubus. Let's hope she will be as "beautiful" as Lady Meya if undeath is her fate. On the other hand, since Ebira has "plans that will likely exceed Souleater Legion", she might escape in time or be killed but not before fulfilling this goal.
Wonder what would be Aedale's fate, and, by extension, Lisara. The encounter between Lisara and undead Ornasion is something really interesting to see in-game: How would they react to each other? Would Lisara feel sympathy for her former (or still) lover? Ornasion may be a brute, but such an encounter would at least... cause turmoil in him. Demon romance all the way haha.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Our new ogre buddy is one of the best introductions in the new story so far. Before his introduction i thought the Ardoz Nexus leader was the Fleshtearer.

He is one of the most talkative undead, and while he takes care of his duties (except watching over Baldgoth), he really enjoys them. Most of the characters (both alive and undead) are always thinking in the war, tactics, armies and how to stop the demons while the ogre is like: I wanna that orc imprisoned, then i´ll pop up his eyes, cut off his limbs and change it into something better, like a chair, an undead chair. Or i wanna torture those forgotten and transform them into machines.

About his set, well he is the master of AOE and healing with unholy aura, that´s pretty decent.

His story is a tragic one, being both a human schoolar and a ogre, having to fight over the control, then becoming something stronger and smarter (and exhausting with his allies).

As i said, is one of the best new characters.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
View attachment 384994

It's what I think of when I think of Galareth.
He probably thinks the same - about your eyes.
Our new ogre buddy is one of the best introductions in the new story so far. Before his introduction i thought the Ardoz Nexus leader was the Fleshtearer.

He is one of the most talkative undead, and while he takes care of his duties (except watching over Baldgoth), he really enjoys them. Most of the characters (both alive and undead) are always thinking in the war, tactics, armies and how to stop the demons while the ogre is like: I wanna that orc imprisoned, then i´ll pop up his eyes, cut off his limbs and change it into something better, like a chair, an undead chair. Or i wanna torture those forgotten and transform them into machines.

About his set, well he is the master of AOE and healing with unholy aura, that´s pretty decent.

His story is a tragic one, being both a human schoolar and a ogre, having to fight over the control, then becoming something stronger and smarter (and exhausting with his allies).

As i said, is one of the best new characters.
He's pretty happy with his new hobby.

Lookie lookie what the master of Arakin decided to revive from the dead.
Feel free to help keeping it alive, Mikasa. :p
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Alright everyone, with the blessing of Shar, and thankfully with more time on my hand, ill start to maintain this thread once again, the rules are pretty much the same we'll hold a poll each week to decided on which character you guys want to talk about, polls we'll be held every saturday, usually I'll put a character from each faction in the poll and you guys will do the rest, dont worry the loser will be recycled especially if we had a close race in the polls.

Next poll will be held this saturday, you'll find it on my user feed and on here!
Level 5
May 10, 2018
I think that it will be nice if Galareth has a dual personality. In life, he was a human scholar and an ogre who fight for control over the body. It will completely annoy Largoth for have to see a body with dual personality talking to each other.
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
I wonder how Galareth reacts to his ogre kin... Does he see them as just experiments or have some major soft spot; special treatment experimentation? His human part soul probably loathes the beasts since it was human while his ogre part was probably quite patriotic; since he joined Brockta's legion (very probable) to defeat Demons but got defeated and captured (he was probably the only one the most unfortunate to be left alive) as a result. The result of those souls fusing would incur... complicated personality. I wonder how Brockta himself would see Galareth/Gart as now. Since his title was 'Gart the Great', he probably was very favored by the ogre leader and even part of his elite band; for whom half was killed by Edoarus. :peasant-thinking:
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
I wonder how Galareth reacts to his ogre kin... Does he see them as just experiments or have some major soft spot; special treatment experimentation? His human part soul probably loathes the beasts since it was human while his ogre part was probably quite patriotic; since he joined Brockta's legion (very probable) to defeat Demons but got defeated and captured (he was probably the only one the most unfortunate to be left alive) as a result. The result of those souls fusing would incur... complicated personality. I wonder how Brockta himself would see Galareth/Gart as now. Since his title was 'Gart the Great', he probably was very favored by the ogre leader and even part of his elite band; for whom half was killed by Edoarus. :peasant-thinking:
It would be great in the future to see an interaction between Brokta and Galareth
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Since his title was 'Gart the Great', he probably was very favored by the ogre leader and even part of his elite band
Maybe Galareth was his right hand.

Also Galareth Will probably help the bonelords before the formation of the dominion. Fighting Brockta and maybe dying for good (since he doesnt have a short story)
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Maybe Galareth was his right hand.

Also Galareth Will probably help the bonelords before the formation of the dominion. Fighting Brockta and maybe dying for good (since he doesnt have a short story)
If Galareth dies... well, Ardoz is gonna cease to exist; or, maybe ogre body will perish but Galareth's soul would find a new host of the body instead of being fused with Gart. Kazardius and Arnos and Dornos didn't have short stories as well. Not sure if they will survive, but if Kazardius were to die, it would be symbolic for him to die fighting new Ca'laer and new Ca'rach; Gardon and Thanok. Arnos and Dornos would probably survive, and join the crusade of Edoarus in Rengar. Also, in Salrian mountain mission, we would probably play as Krom and Arnos and Dornos in lieu of Krom and Meya.
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