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Characters of Arkain [SPOILER]

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Level 10
May 10, 2018
Pretty curious to see where she's going to land in that civil war in the making between the Imperials. I would have thought she could side with Gardon, but welp, given the fact she seems to have crafted an Orc Assassin from the ground up to kill Blen through an asset deniable enough to not net her on top of the potential culprits' list, I could imagine her going to Genethas just so she could excuse murdering Blen through 'I was killing what I thought were traitors to the Empire'.

Seriously, WTF happened between these two? Going By Baldgoth's glorious solo mission, I assume he married her sister and it went badly, but seriously, the hell is going on?
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Pretty curious to see where she's going to land in that civil war in the making between the Imperials. I would have thought she could side with Gardon, but welp, given the fact she seems to have crafted an Orc Assassin from the ground up to kill Blen through an asset deniable enough to not net her on top of the potential culprits' list, I could imagine her going to Genethas just so she could excuse murdering Blen through 'I was killing what I thought were traitors to the Empire'.

Seriously, WTF happened between these two? Going By Baldgoth's glorious solo mission, I assume he married her sister and it went badly, but seriously, the hell is going on?
It would be disappointing if she actually joined a traitor. Her only way to redeem herself is to join Gardon and lead his wolves into the battle.
Well, Blen should have married Redfist instead of Blackwolf. :ogre_hurrhurr: Papa Redfist would obviously find it favorable that his "beloved" daughter married the hero of Empire; Volarian wouldn't even say things to Aedale especially during her imprisonment.
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
Zoia Blackwolf

First she should take some Anger Management classes! :D
What we know so far, she seems a fearless leader and somewhat cruel, she shares alot of similar traits to Gardon (eager to experiment with diff types of magic , she s openly accepting the idea of using necromancers , she probs agrees with the all known term "The end justify the means" )
From the new Generals she s the most likely one to join sides with Gardon at a given time.
She and Blen for sure have a long story, 1 theory could be the presumed marriage between someone close to Zoia and Blen.Also Blen not being of royal blood might have somehow took advantage of marrying someone from a noble family (and things went downroad after).While Blen is more than a cappable general we know the Empire is full of corruption so pure skill might not always be enough to advance in ranks.
Definitely a character to look up for in the Second Books era, let s hope her personal grudges won t cloud her judgement.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Alright, Zoia Blackwolf.

First off. Was it a coincidence that her family name is Blackwolf and she ended up joining the Wolf Regiment?

I kind of like her attitude, though the reason for her more than obvious hatred for Blen is still not well-explained, as well as her bigotry towards the Kingdoms.
Her backstory doesn't help in explaining either, and I hope we do get to see more of her in the future arcs.

Thanks to "The Wolf" short-story, we know that she survives the first civil war, the one between Genethas and Gardon, and that she lives long enough for Van Durce to come. And her hatred for Blen increases tenfold after his betrayal.

While her character sheet says that she has great respect for Gardon, her attitude towards the Kingdoms and its people might cause some problem for him if she was to decide to stand by his side during the upcoming civil war. Unless, of course, she has some character development and starts to let go of her imperial sense of superiority. Maybe she realizes that both her and the Kingdoms are going to be abused by van Durce.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Well, about our favourite wolf lady there is much to say and even more to speculate.

She is one of the youngest generals, since Dorbric fought with her father before giving the leadership to Zoia.

She hates Blen for unknown reasons yet, but probably because he married one of her sisters and then divorced, or she was killed or something.

She respects Gardon because of Zed and his diferent ideas. About the rest of generals, she tolerates them.

I assume she'll die during the second books era, either fighting the dominion or Van Durce for killing Glen.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Aveen Elvir.

There isn´t much to say about the silent actual leader of the falcon regiment. She is quite a serious and cold character, always trying to focus the important matters instead of small talking. She seems to be a little bit closer to Gardon since the forest mission, also she called him "Thero". That´s a nickname that has to mean something, personally i think is "Theodor´s Brother".

Also she also has a closer relationship with Kenos, both are silent, serious and their regiments are less "human" than the rest, it makes sense.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Right, sorry. I got busy so I forgot to write my comment.

Well, her character sheet says that she is a distant relative of the Emperor. Maybe that is why she and Gardon seem to have a good working relationship. They might be second or third cousins.

She is distant of most people outside of her regiment. Maybe she is an introvert that finds talking with strangers very taxing (which I can relate). Or maybe she is naturally suspicious of others' possible ulterior motives. Who knows? She might know that there are some nasty people walking around while acting decent (Genethas, Volarian, Demonic spies, anyone Largoth pretends to be).

It would be nice to find out that she is aware of some parts of Gardon's plans and she either plays a part in them or she simply keeps it a secret and has no intention of standing in his way.
Level 10
May 10, 2018
I'll admit, I'm curious about where will she fall in that mess, but it is also a bit difficult to see an outcome to predict here. Unless her support allows for Zed's Rebellion at an earlier date than expected (you can never trust doggos, they're only thinking of eating you at first opportunity).

Unless she becomes a Dominion speedbump. Brian knows I learnt to hate Ranger heroes with them, now I need therapeutic murdering each time I see one.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
It would be nice to find out that she is aware of some parts of Gardon's plans and she either plays a part in them or she simply keeps it a secret and has no intention of standing in his way.
She´ll probably won´t do a thing about Gardon´s plans. She (maybe) is a distant relative of the Emperor, the emperor wants taxes and Gardon wants to defeat the demons and secure the kingdoms (as a vassals for Zyainor) so she doesn´t need to act right now.

Maybe after the betrayal of Genethas and the arrival of Van Durce, with Gardon´s change of plans to rebuild Zyainor she might do something, but for the first book era i think she won´t have that much importance.

Unless her support allows for Zed's Rebellion at an earlier date than expected (you can never trust doggos, they're only thinking of eating you at first opportunity).
Wouldn´t make more sense that Zoia was the one supporting Zed´s rebellion?
Level 5
May 10, 2018
It would be nice to find out that she is aware of some parts of Gardon's plans and she either plays a part in them or she simply keeps it a secret and has no intention of standing in his way.

I think she will help Gardon with the plan he has in mind. She doesn't look very close to another General except for Gardon himself because both of them are a distant relatives of the emperor himself. Who knows? maybe she will have an important role later in executing most of Gardon's plan when Zyainor Reborn.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
Aridon is a character I have mixed feelings about.
On one side, I liked the fact that he was so powerful and influenced the story ( to a point ). He is also the only character who has justified stubbornness. He is the second oldest undead in Arkain after all ( Krom is the first for those wondering ). Despite the fact that we still have many things to learn about him, he's been given a lot of development.
My problem with him is that he's both a character the story needs, but also one it doesn't. To elaborate further, it's undeniable that he has shaped the story. The story could not possibly progress the same way it did without him. But now that his job of doing it has been completed, he has been completely removed from it until he isn't needed to influence it again. He's literally only there to drive the plot forward in an artificial way instead of allowing it to have a more natural progression. He's the most important character in the entire series, but also one that you can instantly throw away once his usefulness has run out ( his entire existence is an enormous irony if you look at it that way )
I'm not a fan of that. I hope him coming back after his seclusion makes his character go in a completely different direction.
But ultimately, as a wise man once told me, he's still my favourite watcher since he's the only one. :p
Actually, Aridon is much older than the oldest pile of bones in all of Undead Nexus.

I'll admit, I'm curious about where will she fall in that mess, but it is also a bit difficult to see an outcome to predict here. Unless her support allows for Zed's Rebellion at an earlier date than expected (you can never trust doggos, they're only thinking of eating you at first opportunity).

Unless she becomes a Dominion speedbump. Brian knows I learnt to hate Ranger heroes with them, now I need therapeutic murdering each time I see one.
As all we know, Zed is more loyal to his master, than to a certain animal lover slash ranger slash archer.

Rangers, Snipers, Archers, Marksmen..... All hard to beat and hard to corner.
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
A little late to the party but here we are, General Aveen Evir

As a first note: I believe she and her regiment are the intelligence bureau, some kinda spies/spymaster.
Following this idea it is possible that Aveen spies told her about Gardons whereabouts ( we know Gardon already made a shady alliance with the blackdrakes and the Knights of Kome)and being close Aveen decides to talk with Gardon instead of probably informing the HQ about this things.I doubt she knows Gardons entire plan.

She has a very close( maybe intimate) relantion with Cleavehand , while this is hinted in the short story ( Kenos: "Is this a lost for the Falcon aswsell" when talking about Cleavehands death) her behaviour also shows it , when Prideblade and Lerig dismiss Selior s strategy Aveen goes defensive and mocks Prideblade.Also her bitterness towards Greymoore can be due to Selior simply telling her about his struggles with Greymoore.
Her position in the Second Books era is hard to tell, at least for me , guess I ll just wait

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Mikasa seems to have gone hibernating again. :p

I said I wouldn't get involved too much with this but I would like to see some character discussions go without
me being the driving force behind it.
Does anyone mind if I just use a random number generator to pick one of the True Story characters or would you
rather have a vote?
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
Mikasa seems to have gone hibernating again. :p

I said I wouldn't get involved too much with this but I would like to see some character discussions go without
me being the driving force behind it.
Does anyone mind if I just use a random number generator to pick one of the True Story characters or would you
rather have a vote?
Go for those numbers Shar
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Yall killing me with imperial wins, in the future I am adding two orcs and a undead or something like that, even I am getting bored of imperials wining. Sorry for my sudden disappearance, but third shifts tend to make you hibernate.

Alright sweeties the poll is here : Yall better make Gorthog win
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
I feel like the poll might be buggy, Mikasa. I actually voted this time to make you happy and it doesn't show.

Considering the characters you put on there, you could as well just declare Gorthog the winner though. XD
Oh it does seem to be buggy, I'll replace it with a new one.

Shhhhh now Shar we gotta make the green skins win somehow.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Since the poll is being difficult (Mikasa sent me a VM), I suggest just choosing Gorthog the Beastlord
and to skip this totally-not-rigged poll that totally-did-not-favor-the-Orcs. :p
Idk. Ever since the crack went (I'm sure Krom could never recover from that loss), it would only be right to discuss the other character that now takes it - Quiraness. :p
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Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Since, the poll wont work no matter how much I try (I guess strawpoll caught wind that Albania is going back to a communist regime so realized we wont be needing to vote on things anymore), id say we go with a joint discussion today, we go with everyone's favorite Pokemon Trainer and the crackhead known as Quiraness
Since @Championfighter25 would love to talk about her.

I am pretty sure no one will miss Lerrig (apart from me I had high hopes he'd win this, at least that would be a W in his record)

Now since both characters have a rather "unique" clans where they come from I'd like to shift the discussion on that aspect too, let us not forget Gorthog's clan appart from the Goldenaxe (which are mercenaries) is the only Clan who does not rely on raiding alone to survive they seem to have develop a early form of animal husbandry so id like to focus not only on gorthog but his rather oddball of a clan among the orcs.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
I think Gorthog's clan and him as a character is a nice prototype of what the Tribal Dominion will become.
They don't focus on raiding, they are relatively more accepting and peaceful than others, they see the advantages in recruiting and raising certain non-orcs into their ranks. In that department, he is something like Amari and it would be interesting to see how their characters would interact once they meet.

Quiraness is an interesting case. Unlike Sasrogarn who remains the same, Lerrig who slightly gets better, Quiraness started from the bottom and sank even deeper. :p
Anyway, jokes aside, she can be considered more on the sympathetic side.
She didn't have an easy time and fought a lot for everything she tried to achieve. It was eventually taken from her and not even being granted death; instead turned into a slave made me feel sorry for her.
I can see her in a future book leading another rebellion or breaking free and founding her own renegade faction/clan again.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Since Gorthog and the Skullblade clan "won" (that poll was rigged) lets Talk about them.

Since the new information. Gorthog and his clan became one of my top five factions. However, i thought that a clan that breeds cattle and war animals, would be less upset about Rangul adopting Vanessa.
Gorthog personally doesnt Trust Rangul entirelly because of that.

His story about being the best tamer with an strong companion that even sea giants, hydras and Fishmen join his ranks is really interesting for Arkain standars.

If Gorthog survives until the second books era, two things could happen:
-Either accepts the other races as allies.
-Or either (like sasrogarn) clings to the old traditions and try to enslave most of them.

I'm really looking forward to get more information about this.
Many things said about Gorthog also applies to the clan. But i'm not sure how that clan can survive if they have to pay for food for cattle too.

It is the only clan that could be "spared" by redfist, but not much since they war animals.

I am pretty sure no one will miss Lerrig
Your damn right.
he is something like Amari and it would be interesting to see how their characters would interact once they meet.
As i said, it depends if he clings to the traditions or not. But It would be interesting nonetheless.

About Quiraness... I feel pity for her. She fought all her Life to get to that position, then lost all because Pentiss got to the emissaries first.

She should have imprisoned the lenira family and take a regiment with the undead creatures but fate is a bitch.

His model was 10/10. Dunno about the kit. And his story post second books was terrible, she became a braindead slave, i doubt she'll have any more development.

I wont talk about the dark elves thought, both the White, undead and dark elves are the same.

It was eventually taken from her and not even being granted death; instead turned into a slave made me feel sorry for her
Undead Quiraness would be 100% more useful yep.
Level 10
May 10, 2018
Since the new information. Gorthog and his clan became one of my top five factions. However, i thought that a clan that breeds cattle and war animals, would be less upset about Rangul adopting Vanessa.
Gorthog personally doesnt Trust Rangul entirelly because of that.

I think him being a beast tamer is literally why he is distrusting. Animals, war beasts, and species at the bottom of the totem pole like Murlocs he can tame into submission. Vanessa isn't one of these tamed beasts, and that's why he's nervous.

And welp, that taming is also enslaving. So beyond the superficial resemblance of using non-Orc firepower to bolster the troops, I actually have my own doubts about him being favorable to Amari's Dominion. Amari goes for partners, not warbeasts to break into submission. And the more she includes inside her Dominion, the less Gorthog would have to 'play with' if he chose her...
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Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Amari goes for partners, not warbeasts to break into submission. And the more she includes inside her Dominion, the less Gorthog would have to 'play with' if he chose her...
I thought so too. Probably the centaurs, goblins and Gnolls wont amuse him unless something change. He wont try with ogres or bearman because of the size and the rest could be aceptable allies.

Redfist? Sparing Orcs?
Thats why i said "spare". He wont do It but this clan dont raid the human lands, however they raise war beast and sell them to the other Clans. Therefore helping indirectly to the raids.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
My thoughts regarding the two characters

When he returned, the old Groreth abdicated and made his grandson Gorthog the new chieftain of the clan.
Is this some kind of ritual? Because his grandfather retiring right after he tamed a hydra sounds like it was.

Like his grandfather before him, Gorthog was the chieftain of the only clan that did not depend on raiding (or mercenary work) to feed its people. Instead, they were selling their food to other clans – in exchange for their loot and gold.
And soon all the orc clans, or at least those that will survive, will become like this after the Dominion is born. I only hope that both Gorthog and the Skullblade Clan survives.

Given her status as a "lowborn" - a priestess born outside the Sisterhood who were considered "unclean" by some - and her family record, she had to fight for every bit of acknowledgement and appreciation, much more than most others did.
I am getting some Roodaka (from Bionicle) and Phasma (from Star Wars) vibes from both this and her personality. Especially the part where she is a high-ranking member of an organization without sharing its ideology.

Nonetheless, her ambition and determination were admirable. Too bad this goes all into waste after Aridon's agents appear and she decides to oppose them.

As the decades passed, Quiraness increased her power and influence within the Sisterhood. Her desire for power and her ambition drove her, made her want to become the new leader of her people. When the mistress was assassinated, Quiraness had managed to gain enough influence to take her place.
My guess is that Quiraness played a role in it and probably got rid of her accomplices after they became loose ends.

She knows that if the prophecy was fulfilled and the goddess would return to the Sisterhood, then she would lose the power, the wealth, the independence and the full control over her people she had been fighting for so long.
implies a possiblity. The goddess, or rather Aridon returning was an inevitability (no Thanos memes please XD). If she actually learnt to believe in his existence, she could have kept all she fought so hard to obtain.

In the Second Undead Book she served much less of an antagonist and more like an obstacle for Pentiss to overcome in order to unite the Sisterhood under her banner. She played her role well though. It would be nice if in The True Story of Arkain she was either given a bigger role or a different fate.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
-Or either (like sasrogarn) clings to the old traditions and try to enslave most of them.
If he's trying to cling to the old traditions, has a lot of patience and is as smart as his current actions imply, he may formally accept other races as allies, mostly due to the circumstances of the orcs' situation post FOB. Then he could start doing some shady stuff to try and begin enslaving them. Whether he may achieve something or if he'll even do that in the first place, time will tell.

Is this some kind of ritual? Because his grandfather retiring right after he tamed a hydra sounds like it was.
His grandfather may have been so impressed and proud by his accomplishment, he decided it would be better if he leads the clan.

And his story post second books was terrible, she became a braindead slave, i doubt she'll have any more development.
I think she will. Otherwise, she would've just been killed off by now.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Aight aight have no fear Third shift mikasa is here!

Okay first thing first I for one like Gorthog (I know, wow Mikasa likes an orc what are the chances of that happening). Well from his attitude he seems both brash and actually smart (rare for a greenskin), when the clans assembled, He along with The Destroyer made it clear of their ambitions to rule, now while we had to beat The Destroyer to submission Gorthog had the aptitude to understand where the winds were blowing and actually allied with the Deathbreez, secondly Gorthog and to an extent i'd assume his clan seem to be a touch more human, like they have develop a form of animal/beast husbandry. It is mentioned that unlike most orc clans that know how to be seafarers and pillagers and survive off that, Gorthog and his clan have developed what I would call a primitive form of agrarian economy revolving around hunting or fishing to be more precise. They also are shown to show affection, rather than use the beast that they tame purely for war they seem to bond with them for life. ALSO they can "tame" other sentient beings, dont forget the murlocks being part of their faction when we siege Kome (Now i know Murlocks are rather primitive but still). I'd say if it weren't for Goldenaxe, Gorthog and his boys would make for nice diplomats when dealing with humans, I mean if you are capable of taming sea monsters dealing with humans who can actually speak can't be that hard (Unless you are dealing with the boys in red then you better run!)

Since with his addition the orc story line will shift towards a more diverse faction character wise I cant wait to see how he and his clan will shape the Dominion.

If Gorthog survives until the second books era, two things could happen:
-Either accepts the other races as allies.
-Or either (like sasrogarn) clings to the old traditions and try to enslave most of them.
Hmm if I had to place all the major Orc clans on two camps those being Orc purists and Those who accept other no orcs into their clans I think Gorthog would firmly be placed into the latter. By the time we reach them they are shown to be more than open and accepting towards other non-orcs whenever they are sea giants (which i would assume are sentient to a certain degree @Shar Dundred confirm please) murlocs or simply beasts of burden warfare or livestock. He might not like humans and would be distrusting towards them since they have been to war with them but i am pretty sure after the Kome events gorthog would see that not all humans and dwarves are bad.

I think him being a beast tamer is literally why he is distrusting. Animals, war beasts, and species at the bottom of the totem pole like Murlocs he can tame into submission. Vanessa isn't one of these tamed beasts, and that's why he's nervous.

And welp, that taming is also enslaving. So beyond the superficial resemblance of using non-Orc firepower to bolster the troops, I actually have my own doubts about him being favorable to Amari's Dominion. Amari goes for partners, not warbeasts to break into submission. And the more she includes inside her Dominion, the less Gorthog would have to 'play with' if he chose her...
That's an interesting outlook but if the second human book were to have a tiny shred of cannon info in it, the orcs are shown to have been allied with the Murlocs, I would assume since Murlocs are sentient but primitive a Clan that deals with beats would have a much easier time to establish communication with them. I'd say the reason why Gorthog seems distrusting of Vanessa its the same why Zarimak or any other orc leader would. They have been in a state of warfare with the humans since they landed on arkain. Not to mention it were the humans that shattered the Orc unity once and threw them into decades of disunity, civil war and whatnot. Zarimak one of the wisest Orc leaders still did not support Vanessa's plan of sparing the dwarves so they could learn metallurgy from them despite how smart that plan was. It took Grofzag's sharp intellect for him to comply. So i'd argue Gorthog's distrust towards Vanessa its a product of the history of the two races not his inability to subdue/enslave her.

Like his grandfather before him, Gorthog was the chieftain of the only clan that did not depend on raiding (or mercenary work) to feed its people. Instead, they were selling their food to other clans – in exchange for their loot and gold.
And soon all the orc clans, or at least those that will survive, will become like this after the Dominion is born. I only hope that both Gorthog and the Skullblade Clan survives.
If they were to survive, they could probably transition to more of the "merchant class" of the dominion, not to mention access to humans and their knowledge would help them with that.

Note: Don't worry i haven't forgotten about the Crackhead pale lady, i'll add my thoughts on here later on!
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
I would assume since Murlocs are sentient but primitive a Clan that deals with beats would have a much easier time to establish communication with them.
Well. The murlocs we meet during the sea mission ACTUALLY talks in a way the orcs understand, so that's your easy communication.

By the time we reach them they are shown to be more than open and accepting towards other non-orcs whenever they are sea giants (which i would assume are sentient to a certain degree @Shar Dundred confirm please) murlocs or simply beasts of burden warfare or livestock.
The murloc mammoth that helps you during the siege of Kome are address as Slave Murloc Mammoth. I think that any non-orc race use by the Skullblade clan (at least for the moment) is just a tool for war.
However, you are right with the division of Clans, they could be more human friendly than the most since they didnt joined the darkmind raid.
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Pretty late on this one, but here it goes:
-Gorthog: Whether he remains a traditionalist or not, he would still remain important to the Orcs due to the very nature of his clan. Orcs lost the bulk of their forces in all wars, and, just like high elves of Quel'thalas (wow reference xD), probably lost 80-90% of their total population by the end of SB if it is tallied (burning of orc islands, war in Salria, siege of Imperial border etc thinned a good number of them and even before that they lost the whole first war). Unlike high elves, however, there was no major betrayal only pure rashness and, of course, disfavor from our kingly/matronly Lich on their part. The beasts of Gorthog are the only way to preserve their numbers. And, yeah, he would probably respect most if not all races of dominion by the end of SB. If they speak a coherent language and have the basic intelligence, he would probably accept them (except for Murlocs and sea giants who speak only gibberings and is less "sentient" than others). He would never attempt to tame ogres especially after witnessing Brockta's leadership and honor; he would probably see them as "kin" to the Orcs.
-Quiraness: A pity that she had to lose all she fought for. Only if she trusted the intuition and instead accepted, she would still be a mistress, and the artifact and dark elves would be brought to the surface in a matter of a day. She avoided Black lotus for all her life, but it is ironic that the wonderful flora didn't elude her. She would've even created Aldera nexus instead of Lenira had she seen through Pentiss's plan. Yet Pentiss is crafty and she even promised to make good use of her after defeating her... so, maybe, Pentiss would install Quiraness as puppet mistress cuz there would be still many dark elves secretly pledging their lives to the former mistress while taking advantage of her "fractured" consciousness. After the end of SB, Pentiss would probably dump Quiraness into the slave pit after no longer finding a use according to the short story. From there, Quiraness slowly founding a rebel faction would be interesting: it could start by manipulating male slaves into exciting against their slavemasters and quell the weakened rebellion by stopping the slaves by well-concealed black lotus. So, that would steal the impressions of many dark elves and the news would reach through the kingdom. So then her second rise could commence like that (just the flight of fancy). And yeah she would probably plot to assassinate Pentiss and serve Aridon. She could also not serve Goddess cuz the latter is the "reason" why she lost her all. O' Brain, hearken: The Watcher murdered thy children, aight? What about abducting some of his own sucklings?:ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
To be fairly honest, the Skullblade Clan can fit with Amari's Dominion project.... If the tamers will not piss off the other races. Especially Gnolls and Harpies, they are numerous.

Factions of Arkain discussion thread when?

Redfist? Sparing Orcs? :p
That will be like somebody cucked you face to face, and you acquired a videocam or your phone, instead of a knife or gun.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Eyo its Mikasa here, time for another poll, even though I was thinking, since another two chapters were released today and the human one had some major changes in my eyes (yeah no wonder humans beat orcs in this universe in about everything) why dont we try and focus on the protagonists of this chpater?

That would be Aedale and Lisara (and maybe baldgoth)

It would seem fitting.

If ya like the idea let me know, if ya don't I'll make a new poll quickly.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
And here I thought you would be overjoyed about Gorthog and Dogran not being utterly slaughtered by Aridon... Oh well.
I might be happy that the shallow character pool of orcs is expanding that is true but that wont stop me from saying the truth, humans do beat orcs in about everything.
Gorthog is cool though ngl!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I mean, that is completely up to you all.
I am still kinda absent this week & leave this thread - including its maintenance and use - up to you all, as in the userbase. It is not "bound" to a single user from where I see it.
I would like it to stay alive since I like reading these things but I will not "force" it.
Level 8
Jul 28, 2019
Actually in this community there is not really someone who is the head of the community (Apart from obviously your Shar), here we are just a "constant" group of people, some very recurrent and known (Like DD Mikasa, for example), and others not so well known, but just by seeing the name or profile picture one recognizes that it is recurrent in this forum. But apparently almost all of us have like a mental connection or something like that, to be absent all at once XD... Seriously, sometimes when some people are not here, the activity of the discussions drops considerably, making others not to join you (It's easier to continue a topic already open than to start a new topic yourself), actually in my case it's because of laziness of legendary level with translating what I'm going to write (Woah writing and then copy and paste is too much work for the young man?).
I don't know how to make polls, I don't know how to organize people and I'm almost unknown to 100% of Hive ("Almost", because I'm also part of the forum :p), but I'll try to break the ice here.

It is true that we have talked about many characters here, but it is also true that we are missing many characters that we have to talk about, but how about if we analyze them in a specific context, how were their actions, how they developed, what was their importance in that event and how did they develop that event.
Let's start basically by the beginning of all (Playable): The massive attack of the Darkmind clan towards the kingdoms (You know... Darkmind before being turned into firewood for the fire).

We all already know here that when talking about this moment, we would all start talking about Blen, but here I will do it differently, I will start talking about Lerrig.

Although it may not seem so at first glance this "poor soul" had his moment in this part of the story, but after the middle of the real conflict. Let's start by saying that he was not the most suitable to control an army, but as the saying goes "Blood is thicker than water" (I know, the message of the saying was different, but here it also applies perfectly), we have a "gentleman" who is not very seasoned and who would be much more useful as an administrator or diplomat than as a general, He ended up demonstrating it in the escape of the Darkmind clan, he brought the anti-chivalry troop par excellence (I know orcs ride wolves, but I think these pikemen also served very well) and I do not think that the nobles of Salria would send support to Lerrig just for being an important noble, so I think that Lerrig knows how to talk to people. .. And having as a wife someone very close to the emperor, always has its economic benefits, things that add a lot as a strategic ally, but in battles .... Let's say that the military experience gained only makes the great ones greater and not the mediocre ones less mediocre. Even with everything necessary to create and maintain a professional army quickly, he was a terrible ally in important and unimportant battles, his lack of military experience was noticeable for miles, he noticed that quickly, making a decision although correct for someone without military experience, that would end up hurting him in the future.... He started to join with those who knew how to command, it is not really bad to try to learn from someone who knows more than you, the small problem was who he met first, Daric is not really a problem, but he ends up giving a very bad image of himself to the other generals and ending up showing that he is not made for war, but the real problem was Genethas, we all know why, in fact from that moment the traitor surely took advantage to transform this moldable mind to what he wanted it to be, making that in the future Lerrig loses quite a few men and prestige by the bad advice of Genethas, worsening more his position as a rookie, making this a turning point for the character, not by the evolution of Lerrig's thinking or attitude, but by the infamy and poor relationships he ended up having in the future, bad relationships that may end with his death. As he himself says in his own short story (that one I didn't see coming Shar), he would be more comfortable in a castle, talking to all the nobles of Arkain to get support from the generals, and also invest his treasure well in military orders or other armies of the generals, to help form more strong warriors to fight against demons, but... Imagine the face that his father-in-law would put on if he saw that, probably he would come to put on armor, ride him on a horse and throw him to command a battle, but not before giving the beating of his life to this "coward".

P.s: I do not seek with this to change the previous format, I am just giving an idea, really I managing this thread would be another Lerrig more :p, if you do not like the idea just ignore it and that's it.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
I mean, I can also just throw in a random name every now and then if that somehow helps "activate" your mental connection but then it is not community driven.
You may as well do it, i´ve trying to create a Strawpoll for 4 days and it won´t work.

Actually in this community there is not really someone who is the head of the community (Apart from obviously your Shar), here we are just a "constant" group of people, some very recurrent and known (Like DD Mikasa, for example), and others not so well known, but just by seeing the name or profile picture one recognizes that it is recurrent in this forum. But apparently almost all of us have like a mental connection or something like that, to be absent all at once XD... Seriously, sometimes when some people are not here, the activity of the discussions drops considerably, making others not to join you (It's easier to continue a topic already open than to start a new topic yourself), actually in my case it's because of laziness of legendary level with translating what I'm going to write (Woah writing and then copy and paste is too much work for the young man?).
That is absolutely right.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Throwing in the Destroyer for no particular reason then. :p
No particular reason eh. So he'll be gone by the act three finale. A pity.

About the destroyer, a very cool name by the way. He is the strongest orc (at least by brute force standars) and wanted to become even stronger.
It is unlikely he use any type of Magic to increase his strength. So he and his clan is the Direct counterpart of the bull regiment.

I would like the see him fighting Dorbric but that wont be the case i suppose.

He raised to the power by killing his old chieftain (and his family along the way) so we know IS brutal and merciless (luckily duke redfist wont be bother with him)

However (and this IS something I speculate) he wont fight Rangul with the minor Clans reinforces.
I think he subjugated all of them to use them as vanguard against the imperials.
He wanted to fight in the first line so he wont wasted this chance.

He dont have a character sheet so i suppose he wont be that important. However neither the chieftain of the bear has and he is "really" important.
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Okri as the future chieftain of Bloodhand would be nice. Destroyer has to survive till SB era though. Like Inara, natheless, he can become a hero rather than just simple orc unit: it would mark him important.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
I think okri is the future leader of the cliffhunter clan but that would be ironic.

The leader of the strongest, manliest, merciless clan is a woman Who is also half human and half orc.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
Just waiting for the conclusion of the act 3.

Waiting for either JayBorino or Cassandra aka Nation of Amelia to finish it.
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