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Fanmade of Arkain

Level 24
Jul 10, 2017

Sister Pentis

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Wow! What a sexy and dangerous boss! I usually have neutral opinion on the Dark Elves, though I quite like Quiraness, but both this drawing of Sister Pentiss and the one by Am. F makes me appreciate her more. Alluring, yet cunning, one should not dare to cross the path of a dark elven woman, unless you want to be caught in her web and spend the rest of your eternity under boundless torture and suffering.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Not necessarily a bad thing, if you come to think of it 😏
I would disagree, but I will say that, to me at least, Dark Elves (whether Pentiss, Quiraness or anyone else) and Lady Meya are infinitely more likeable than arrogant, stand-offish, snobbish, self-important Aveen Elvir (can't forgive her for being an aloof jerk to Blen) and Zoia (she and the entire Wolf Regiment can get massacred by Inara for all I care). Honestly, the entire undead cast, even Ardoz and Scarec Nexus, are more pleasant than majority of humans, elves (except for Larantos and perhaps Salana), dwarves (except for Mordin, he's cool) and some of the demons (Souleater Legion and Erganoth come to mind).
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Poor Aveen got roasted to oblivion. Maybe she just wanted to play her birds, and that's why she dgaf to anything else. (Except Gardon probably, still can't figure out that Thero thing.)

Have to admit that Undead cast are nice though, because they have variety. For example, comic reliefs like Galareth and Tremalon, the apologetic attacker Mordin, the misanthrope Rahandir...but Humans aren't bad, either. Some like Gardon, Merlon, van Durce, while not likable to many people, are still very well-written character.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Poor Aveen got roasted to oblivion. Maybe she just wanted to play her birds, and that's why she dgaf to anything else. (Except Gardon probably, still can't figure out that Thero thing.)

Have to admit that Undead cast are nice though, because they have variety. For example, comic reliefs like Galareth and Tremalon, the apologetic attacker Mordin, the misanthrope Rahandir...but Humans aren't bad, either. Some like Gardon, Merlon, van Durce, while not likable to many people, are still very well-written character.
Elvir deserves it. She can get killed by Lokar the Crusher or Sasrogarn. Pentiss, for all her flaws, is more approachable and personable. Her smiling and crossed legs in the VastanX's drawing makes her look so confident, so attractive, so enticing. As bad as Pentiss may be, her presence and company is a lot more enjoyable than Elvir's and Zoia's.

Regarding humans, I don't really like Gardon (he is a good ally to Blen, I''ll give him that, but beyond that he is not one of my favorites) and the Ironfist, I very much prefer Cora, Aedale, Logan, Daric, Praxeus, Lerrig, Selior, Whitefield and Tarm Luthran (he would be a very despicable individual if my theory that he is Okri's biological father is correct, not to mention the Bearmen and Cyclops being presumably hunted by him and his Boar Regiment, but even then he is a lot more enjoyable than the Ironfist and most of the Imperial Regiments).
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
That art is amazing! While I don't personally like most of Pentiss's antics (srsly so much flattery when it comes to unliving Einherjar and lich Odin "a.k.a Watcher of Dyatlov Pass; cough Dead Mountain) and her personality, that exactly makes her suitable champion of Brian xD (The vibe of art rlly connects her to Master of Shadows... is that actually a foreshadowing?) Yet, at the same time, Pentiss would be my sibling in spirit; tho I would make camaraderie with doves and snakes instead of spiders.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Another great work of yours, this time featuring an orc character. Must admit that I think Orcs/Tribal Dominion don't get enough spotlight and are somewhat underrepresented, while the Humans, especially Ironfist, get slightly too much attention and, in my opinion at least, sometimes take the spotlight away from characters and factions of other races. This may be just be my bias, as while I do like humans in general, I don't necessarily want them to be "the main" race in fantasy works and the ones to save the day (or the world for that matter). It's one of the reasons why I prefer Warcraft III over World of Warcraft (I don't like that the Humans of Stormind take the precedence over the Night Elves, who in my point of view, should not have been in the Alliance in the first place). Warcraft III Alternate campaign series by Xetanth87 was the only time in recent memory that I enjoyed playing as Humans/the Alliance. It's great that people enjoy characters like Gardon, Merlon, Van Durce, Redfist, but I do think that the humans (dwarves and elves to an extent as well) should not be that prevalent as I think they are now. Now onto the character of this picture.

Rath Wolfscar is the chieftain of the Darkmind Clan and one of the main characters in the First Orc Book, known for his intense hatred towards humans, in particular, Blen Greymoore. In the Second Orc Book I made a choice to let Rath kill Blen since I root for orcs and because there is an indication that Blen's forces killed orc women and children. Sure, Blen may not have killed children personally or explicitly ordered his men to do so, but his soldier did tell him about killing every single orc (if I remember correctly) and Blen must have been aware that it would include women and children. If Blen and his forces only killed warriors of the Darkmind Clan, while leaving the non-combatants alive, it would be one thing, but because of the deaths of numerous orc women and children, Rath's quest for vengeance is understandable and even slightly justified in my point of view and I think Rath deserved to get his victory, even if it felt hollow afterwards. It's even more justified in the True Story, given what happened with Inara, though Rath's should be targeting Zoia, Wolf Regiment, Bull Regiment, Phoenix Regiment and Lerrig's forces rather than Blen (Greymoore was an accomplice, yes, but he is not the main perpetrator in the True Story).

While I would not mind if Rath still dies in the True Story (I am more concerned that Inara remains alive and gets her justice on that nasty, despicable piece of garbage Zoia and those worthless Wolf Regiment mongrels), it would be interesting if he actually stays alive (at least for a slightly longer period of time). Perhaps he could become a gladiator in Tribal Dominion or join the Blackthorn organization. While Rath did accept Inara, a female orc, as a warrior in his ranks, making him not entirely traditionalist, at his heart he is an orc of the old ways and he would not be able to entirely adapt to the time of peace in the Dominion. Him being a gladiator or joining the Blackthorn, something that could perhaps allow him to pillage, would satisfy his need for blood and battle, while not causing problems for the Dominion.

Regarding this drawing, Rath looks suitably strong and mighty, while his wolf companion, large and dark, is vicious and intimidating. One thing that I would say is that Rath is somewhat different in this picture than how he is portrayed in the story proper. Rather than being raging and raving lunatic, who tends to yell and scream, while some of his lines are written in all capital letters, here Rath is somewhat more "composed". When confronting an enemy, Rath, as shown in this drawing, would not talk or shout, but instead be silent, while letting his wolf companion tear his enemies in the most cruel, painful and sadistic way possible. In other words, Rath in this picture looks like less of a berserker, but instead is in a state of Tranquil Fury (term taken from TV Tropes). I can also imagine Rath in this image being somewhat similar to Batman from the Dark Knight Returns graphic novel, or at least its sequence in TNBA episode Legends of the Dark Knight (not sure if Michael Ironside's voice would fit Rath, but a fun comparison nonetheless).
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Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
I think this is Rath before the Grael-did-an-oopsie era, being a badass strongman Orcish raider. If we are to draw Rath in his current state, I think more yelling, slicing and killing is due, and of course, with Selior's head strapped to his belt (and give him 12 damage bonus for whatever reason). And make him carry a Darkmind standard made from the bloody spine of his fallen enemies, because why not.

Also, regarding Selior, I guess we can call him... Selior Cleavedhead. (funny pun pls laugh)

As for the Furry Regiment, while it's just Zoia and Darkfang speedrunning warcrime% these days, I would like to see more backstory of Derongar (or sth. I forgot the name), the guy mentioned on Zoia's shield.

As for why the Ironfist takes so much spotlight, I think mostly bc they are cool in both artworks and gameplay, they help move the plot in an interesting way, and they manage to be a threat despite having lots of odds stacked against them.
Also, I like edgy man and funny sea man, so Gardon and Merlon fits those bill.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

I think this is Rath before the Grael-did-an-oopsie era, being a badass strongman Orcish raider. If we are to draw Rath in his current state, I think more yelling, slicing and killing is due, and of course, with Selior's head strapped to his belt (and give him 12 damage bonus for whatever reason). And make him carry a Darkmind standard made from the bloody spine of his fallen enemies, because why not.

Also, regarding Selior, I guess we can call him... Selior Cleavedhead. (funny pun pls laugh)

As for the Furry Regiment, while it's just Zoia and Darkfang speedrunning warcrime% these days, I would like to see more backstory of Derongar (or sth. I forgot the name), the guy mentioned on Zoia's shield.

As for why the Ironfist takes so much spotlight, I think mostly bc they are cool in both artworks and gameplay, they help move the plot in an interesting way, and they manage to be a threat despite having lots of odds stacked against them.
Also, I like edgy man and funny sea man, so Gardon and Merlon fits those bill.
1. That would be a gruesome, but cool sight. And yes, this image of Rath would be suitable for his characterization before Grael's death rather than afterwards, where he grows more and more unhinged. Since I mentioned Batman from Dark Knight Returns, Rath's current personality could be compared to Batman from the infamous All-Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder comic book series, where he is a lot more psychotic and violent.

2. Funny pun, that's for sure. Speaking of puns and funny names, Rath could be Rathman and if he were to survive and join the Dominion, the Goblins could build a Rathmobile for him. Brockta could be "Brockstar", though I imagine Brockta to be more of an opera singer, while rock and heavy metal music would be more fitting for the Destroyer.

3. Derondar Darkfang would be his name. Honestly, I am more interested in seeing backstory and tales related to the original Orc continent, Mog'thar or Krall (the orc whose sword was taken by Oneeye).

4. Fair point in regards to the Ironfist, though I am just to biased against them and prefer other races to get the spotlight. It's just that are some characters that I inherently don't like as the others. If Gardon or Thanok were to defeat Haran'tel Kazor, I would not like it at all and would consider it propping the humans up at the expense of characters from other races, while if Logan were to defeat Haran, I would not have that much problem with it. Maybe I am a bit too harsh on the Ironfist, but it's what I think.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

It's sad that I can't draw and don't have skills to do so, yet is is fun for me to contribute to Arkain in some way, such as the hero concepts in Warcraft III melee map (for Vermon, Brak Stormteacher and Future Sasrogarn/Sasrogarn the Wanderer). Maybe there could be good 3D character maker programs that would be free and easy to use. There is a program called Character Creator 2D, but the web version is a demo that lacks save feature and you have to buy the program in order to enjoy it fully. It's not really that good, but I did play around with it for a bit and made two characters for the Ironthunder Clan. One would be Lokar the Crusher, the other would be a female orc, who resembles a samurai and uses powers of nature to empower herself (either enchancing her physical strength, her speed and agility or her armor). The Ironthunder Samurai (though it would not be the actual name for that unit) are elite warriors of their clan and Lokar's personal guard, who can go toe-to-toe with the Redfist.
Lokar the Crusher.PNG

Ironthunder Samurai.PNG

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Another great drawing of yours, properly respecting and representing one of the coolest and most popular characters in Arkain, both in general and in regards to the Undead. I really like green lights/energy/effects and his torso/waist that vaguely resembles a creature with four eyes and a mouth. Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to new pictures!
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
The details on his hand and his face are exquisite, and I like how he remains so calm while blowing out such an artistic puff of smoke, portraying him as this kind of a playful badass, if that makes any sense.

This is definitely one of your finest pieces imo. So keep it up.

Merlon is a fun side character to follow. He has good relations besides Gardon and the Iron fist, but I fear he will die officially in the end, somewhere in the Gates of Hell Chapter. If only he's Ultimate ability was like Kunka from Dota 2.
Unlike the "Seabright" tale is retconned, his fate won't be changed anytime soon.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
This captures the spirit of Meya specifically, and the Rohir Nexus as a whole, perfectly. She looks human, but there's also a part that's uncanny and twisted enough for our brains to not accept it as such.

With that being said, 10/10 would bang.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

All I am loyal too is my own Suffering "Inara" (fake qoute)
View attachment 409182
Yes! I am so happy to see a drawing created for Inara. Her vicious red eyes, her cool outfit, her face veil, her badass pose with one leg over the other, her blade weapon, her bow and especially the flames behind her. She definitely looks like a dangerous assassin that she is. And I love the quote that you had given her. Definitely makes her a grim and gritty anti-heroine/anti-villainess and "bad girl" (in my opinion, she is the character of Arkain that comes closest to matching this type of character). Excellent job! :ogre_love:

Once an innocent orc woman, now a hard-hearted killer, Inara walks the line between a hero and a villain, being neither good, nor bad, just herself.
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Level 3
Oct 5, 2020
Very cool interpritation of Rahandir - he has more humanlike appearence then ingame model. Would make more sense this way, so people of Kingdoms could easely recognise the Man, the Myth, the Legend. It reminded me of the model i saw on Hive earlier:

At firtst I thought it would fit Drakeskull very well and distinguish him from Aridon. And now it fits your art

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
View attachment 409462
Commander Thorne forming a Salrian phalanx.
I love the greek/roman asthetics you used for this one.
Also Thorne standing on a rock while being the literal rock against the green wave is incredibly fitting.
And the phalanx behind him is just great.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Oh, that's slightly unexpected. A pleasant surprise to see Grella the Bonesplitter being drawn by you. Great work. I like her pose, lines/tattoos/patterns over her body (it seems to be your stylistic choice and a great one by the way) and her somewhat concerned look, referring to her reluctance to study that evil amulet and Amari's wish to examine it, privately and in secret.

I wonder who will be the next Tribal Dominion character that you will draw.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

It's officially colored. One of my favorite races in Arkain, The Ogres, and their Leader "BROKTA THE STOMPER!"
View attachment 411907
Ah, Brockta the Stomper. The great leader of the Ogres. The legendary founder of the Ogre Legion. The Kingpin of Arkain. The Toni Soprano of Salria. The Grandgousier, Gargantua and Pantagruel of our times. One of the most fitting leaders for the Tribal Dominion (the others being Amari, Grofzag and Flammedus). A mighty erudite. A cultured brawn with a British accent. One of my favorite characters. And, if I may say so, one of the cutest ones as well, alongside the Fleshtearer, Tremalon and Dorbric Berangar. Now if someone were to make plush doll and/or chibi versions of all four of them…

I figured that Brockta would be the next character to be featured in this thread and I was proven right. He looks as expected, though facial hair is a new design choice for him. I did not think of Brockta looking like that, but it does make sense. Facial hair might denote masculinity and maturity, and Brockta is the leader of all Ogres, thus giving him facial hair would signify his status of power and dominance. Interestingly, while his first, one-eyed head looks serious, his second, two-eyed head has a more gleeful facial expression, with wide eyes and gritted teeth smile, something I consider unusual for him (not that the picture portrays him incorrectly or anything, nothing like that at all). Though I guess that's how he would feel when smashing Moghtar and/or anyone who dared to hurt Vanessa, whom he is very much protective of.


A great drawing. 10 stars of out 10. Now, I will be off to Salria, meeting with Brockta, with whom I will be taking some walks while the Sopranos theme song plays in the background.:ogre_haosis:😎:ogre_haosis:
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Ah, Brockta the Stomper. The great leader of the Ogres. The legendary founder of the Ogre Legion. The Kingpin of Arkain. The Toni Soprano of Salria. The Grandgousier, Gargantua and Pantagruel of our times. One of the most fitting leaders for the Tribal Dominion (the others being Amari, Grofzag and Flammedus). A mighty erudite. A cultured brawn with a British accent. One of my favorite characters. And, if I may say so, one of the cutest ones as well, alongside the Fleshtearer, Tremalon and Dorbric Berangar. Now if someone were to make plush doll and/or chibi versions of all four of them…

I figured that Brockta would be the next character to be featured in this thread and I was proven right. He looks as expected, though facial hair is a new design choice for him. I did not think of Brockta looking like that, but it does make sense. Facial hair might denote masculinity and maturity, and Brockta is the leader of all Ogres, thus giving him facial hair would signify his status of power and dominance. Interestingly, while his first, one-eyed head looks serious, his second, two-eyed head has a more gleeful facial expression, with wide eyes and gritted teeth smile, something I consider unusual for him (not that the picture portrays him incorrectly or anything, nothing like that at all). Though I guess that's how he would feel when smashing Moghtar and/or anyone who dared to hurt Vanessa, whom he is very much protective of.


A great drawing. 10 stars of out 10. Now, I will be off to Salria, meeting with Brockta, with whom I will be taking some walks while the Sopranos theme song plays in the background.:ogre_haosis:😎:ogre_haosis:
Well, I based his design on Warcraft 3, Cho'gall, and the Warhammer series. I also looking forward to playing him again in his respective chapter.
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