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Fanmade of Arkain

Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
People of Arkain! Hear my words and share with me your knowledge! Provide me with lists of the family names of this world so that I may forge the family trees of Arkain!

Let us make this possible, in the name of the All-Father Shar!

Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
But Lady stephanie is only the mother of Vanessa, we don´t know Aedale, Orie and Cora´s mother. She is a noble from the empire and that´s it.
I forgot things quite often, so this didn't cross my mind at all. I guess another benefit of doing this is that I have a few more chances to refresh my knowledge of the lore.

Also you can upload that one with Van Durce´s family.
You mean I can edit the already-existed tree of VastanX? I can do that, but I would feel kinda bad if I slap my crude drawing on top of his.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
You mean I can edit the already-existed tree of VastanX? I can do that, but I would feel kinda bad if I slap my crude drawing on top of his.
I think he meant on top of yours.
That´s it.
Also you can add Blen with Zoia´s sister (i think we dont know the name)

If you are also including friendship an such, you can add Praxeus as former friend to gardon and Dorbric as mentor to Blen and Selior. Keera as mother of Renova (and mother of the twins), Zarin, his daughter and his brother Mordin, i think Redfist also have some sons, hortnog as "uncle" of vanessa... They really are a lot of familiar connections in arkain.
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
bestia 1.jpg

"In my first adventure, I encountered a creature that appeared to be a rat-man. We referred to them as Kobols, though to me, they will always be rat-men. They pose the greatest threat to my people, seeking nothing but our annihilation. Their motives lie not in our gold or weaponry, but in their insatiable desire to feast upon our flesh. For Kobols, anything that moves is food. Thus, when I stumbled upon one, I swiftly extinguished my light, shattered a flask of bear piss, and held myself still.

I was well aware of the Kobols' jobby vision, yet their sense of smell and hearing was keen. As the Kobol drew near, I was sick by the grotesque nature of its appearance. Its teeth, fur, and skin emitted a putrid odor of jobby and piss. I fought hard to suppress the urge to vomit, both due to the stench and the ghastly contents I discovered within the basket on its back. Resting within was the decomposing and severed head of a young human, his blonde hair still reflecting that he was just a wee lad.

The bear urine trick proved successful, diverting the ugly bass attention away from me. I cautiously trailed behind, keeping my eyes fixed upon the candle it held aloft. As it made its final turn, a growing sense of dread engulfed me, accompanied by the horrible chorus of chirps emanating from the cavernous depths behind it—accompanied by countless eerie, luminescent eyes."

- Greta Copperheart from the StoneLords clan. Adventurer and Bestiologist of the Dwarf Realms.
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
bestia 2.jpg

"The caves of Arkain are enormous and feel bottomless. With my lantern staff, I have ventured into many of them, but once I made a mistake... a big mistake. You see, there are always Kobols lurking, but they only attack when they're in a group... but as with all things, there are exceptions. There is a type of Kobol that, due to a mutation, is larger, more violent, and even more brutish, if that's even possible. Their brutality reaches the point where they cannibalize their own kind if they can't find something to eat. They are like bears in height and strength, but with the qualities of a Kobol. They are completely blind, but their sense of smell and hearing is impossible to deceive.
When I entered one of the tunnels, I made three mistakes. First, I didn't notice the silence. Second, I didn't notice the heat amidst all the humidity... and third... I didn't extinguish my lantern. Now I'm hiding after running for hours... they are searching for me... I'm afraid..."
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
bestia 3.jpg

"The mutant pursued me relentlessly until I could no longer run. Desperate, I tried to defend myself with all my strength, hitting it with my flashlight and throwing objects from my backpack, but they seemed to inflict no harm. In the midst of the chaos, I heard a final scream, and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the worst.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in the darkness: "Urza!" From the shadows of the cavern emerged the most majestic and terrifying bear I had ever seen in my life. It was deep black, with red tufts in its fur, twice the size of any regular bear, and possessed an immense strength. With a single roar, it stunned the monster that was pursuing me, and with a precise swipe, it tore off half of its face. Without hesitation, the bear pounced on it, mercilessly tearing it apart.

I stood petrified, unable to process what I was witnessing: the colossal bear was shredding the monster that had terrified me with its imposing jaws. Amidst a mix of astonishment and fear, I heard the voice calling me once again from the darkness.

"Child... come to me," whispered the mysterious being.

I looked towards the source of the sound, and a red dot appeared among the shadows. Despite my fear, I approached slowly, wiping away my tears to see clearly. Finally, I could discern the face of the one who had called me."
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
bestia 4.jpg

"A bright red dot appeared amidst the shadows, immediately capturing my attention. Without a second thought, I approached it, unaware that the dot was actually an eye. An eye that belonged to someone who would become my savior in the midst of chaos.Before me emerged High King Ragnar, the leader of the Bloodstone clan. Despite being marginalized and shunned by others, dwarves revere Ragnar as if he were the very King Zarin himself.

My surprise was immense to find him in this inhospitable place.With a trembling and nervous voice, I introduced myself as Greta Copperheart, a member of the Stonelords clan, explaining my mission to study the creatures of Arkain in order to aid our people. I had not yet recovered from the fear that had paralyzed me moments before, and it was evident in my voice.Silence reigned as the gigantic bear continued tearing apart the mutant that had been pursuing me. The sound of bones breaking echoed in my ears, fueling my fear and leaving me breathless.Ragnar broke the silence with direct questions. He inquired about my age, revealing that I had seen fifteen winters, and he questioned me about the presence of my parents. In that moment, I could only shake my head, unable to utter a word.It was then that Ragnar, with his authority and wisdom, ordered me to leave that deadly cave. He promised that his men would provide me with food, new clothes, equipment, and everything I needed to continue my travels. His generosity deeply moved me.Intrigued, I asked him why he was helping me in such a way.

His response shook me to the core. He feared that my life would be short-lived, but he was willing to do everything possible to prevent it. His words echoed in my mind: "I don't need two eyes to know that you have a big heart... one that doesn't belong to Arkain."Now I find myself here, recording every detail in my research journal. I still feel the tremor in my body from the closeness of death, but also a profound gratitude for the opportunity to keep on living. This experience has reaffirmed my passion for understanding the creatures of this world and protecting my people."
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
"Triple shades haunt the relics stilly & furbish'd well,
As gazes hoary wish thee unaliv'd & par'd of flesh;
Unlivin' smilet taketh visage grimy as flocks swell,
As each brow barren bear mark Watcher's blest wish."
-The former poet of Salria before his final moments as he was unaliv'd by Bonelords. After his undeath to naught but draught of bones, he recorded the echoes on papyrus gift'd by Rasi scribe as goodwill. His now fingers of bone trembl'd and clank'd as he summon'd now fallen muses to record yet bore newfound fascination with his new masters...
So creepy and amazing! 😍 I can feel chills just locking eyes with them. 🥶
Level 4
Jan 22, 2019
Greetings friends, It has been a while since I last posted here, and I haven't been able to do much work towards my art in general because of school, but now I have returned and I'm a little bit free and I've come to honor the promise that I made a few months back. I wouldn't want it to end on Renald only, and I intend to do more fan art for this campaign. But for now, I present her majesty, Queen Larine. All hail the new queen of the elves!
There are so many characters in Arkain, and to be honest I don't know who to draw next. I do have some vague plans on who the next piece will be, but I would also appreciate some suggestions if there are any.
P.S: I can't wait for the next chapter <3
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Now im fall in love aahahaha
Nice work dude!