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Fanmade of Arkain

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Well, I based his design on Warcraft 3, Cho'gall, and the Warhammer series. I also looking forward to playing him again in his respective chapter.
Indeed. It is always nice to know on what/whom the designs for characters are based on. And yes, I look forward to playing him again as well. I think that in the True Story he and the Ogre Legion may use models created by johnwar.

I wonder who will be the next Tribal Dominion character featured in this thread. We had Flammedus, Grella and now Brockta. My guess is that the following Dominion character might be either Borean or Pechan the Mechanic. Personally, I would like for Harpies to get a chance to shine. As for the Orcs, Oneeye could benefit from some attention and the same goes for Ishzog.

For non-Dominion characters, Largoth and/or Lisara need a spotlight here.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Alright I'm done with another well known member of the Dominion:
One Eye the Blade Master of the Death Breeze Clan. Also wonder what happened to VastanX? I miss looking at his works. How's your Version of the Dominion going on?

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Very good. As I've said before, Oneeye could benefit from some attention, and you have properly payed your respects to the Deathbreeze Veteran.

I like how he holds his hand to his chest and his facial expression. To me it looks vaguely contemplative, maybe even slightly melancholic. Makes since Oneeye saw the homeland of his kind burned to the ground, feeling that he failed Rangul, then learning that Rangul was killed. The Blademaster has seen many tragedies, yet he will endure, carrying the legendary Sword of Kraal with him.

I have failed Rangul, I saw my people being burned alive. Yet I must carry on, for I cannot fail the daughters of my chieftain. May the spirits of my brethren forgive me.

Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

Using Character Creator 2D program/website, I had made a design for Ishzog from the Blackrazor Clan.


Ishzog (Full).PNG

Though the face does not look appropriately orcish and maybe I could use more sophisticated software (I think there is 3D tool called Daz if I'm not mistaken), it was fun playing around and it did do its job. I wanted to portray Iszhog as a sort of monk/priest-like scholar with a dash of East Asian influence (some of the clothes and the staff was categorized under "Oriental" label). If I was able to make a Hero model for Iszhog or a 3D artwork of him, he would essentialy be an East Asian Thrall, only with a thinner face, with inspirations taken from China, Japan and Tibet.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
The King is back with another piece of artwork, and I have to say, you don't disappoint.

"The faded diadem the she adorned herself with was also decorated with a strange types of leaves that can only be found in Elven forests. Once, it served as a reminder of the ones she failed to protect, but now, it reminded her that even from beyond the grave, she can still redeem and perform her duties, so long as she keeps trying.

Her woeful expression shifted ever so slightly, a sparkle of hope glittering in those eyes. And ironically, she felt more alive in her undeath.

And most importantly, the diadem gives 100 bonus health and mana."
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
I talked to Shar Dundred and drew Keera as he sees her. I must say that I like the model that she has in the game and that gave me the idea to "break" her face. That she wears so much armor because her face is sensitive from her undead state. Even her crown is embedded in her skin because it is what keeps her head "in one piece" so to speak.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I saw you with the Christmas spirit... he wanted a better frost nova ability, isn't it?
That's a secret unit spoiler you are giving here, Vastan!

Well, if you thought you could share this personalized christmas avatar of me without me using it,
then you thought wrong!

Jokes aside, I really appreciate it a lot! Thanks a bunch!
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Menacing, badass, and of course, hot. I would let those guys butcher me anytime.

Jokes aside, I like the armor design, their poses, and the Ironbark-ish/shadowy imagery in the background. This goes without saying, but your artworks are always a treat to my eyes. (pls draw more than once a month)
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Ah the look of twilight and those vines... rlly a great aesthetic. Ngl Ferdal on the left looks total dilf to me 🥵😋... now I honestly wish he survives...
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
I present to you, Renald Van Durce! Some hate Renald for being an arrogant person, and some like him for their own reasons, but I'm one of the people that likes Renald Van Durce's character. Shar Dundred made him a really good story in Legends of Arkain, not to mention his own army the "Golden guard". So much coolness in my opinion. I hope ya'll like it. This piece took me a few days or I think even a week, but I think it turned out great. I'll post more characters here in the future.
View attachment 390400
P.S: The quality kinda got downgraded, but it still looks good.
Well, that was your opinion. Renald maybe great, but not that great, imo.

Not when you full yourself with ego, your group were full of crap, arrogance were the description of you and your group, being loyal lapdogs, garnered too much not only nuclear, but white star level heat, and last and the least, indecisive schmuck named Renald van Durce and the group named Golden Guard.
Level 6
Jan 12, 2020
Greetings friends, It has been a while since I last posted here, and I haven't been able to do much work towards my art in general because of school, but now I have returned and I'm a little bit free and I've come to honor the promise that I made a few months back. I wouldn't want it to end on Renald only, and I intend to do more fan art for this campaign. But for now, I present her majesty, Queen Larine. All hail the new queen of the elves!
There are so many characters in Arkain, and to be honest I don't know who to draw next. I do have some vague plans on who the next piece will be, but I would also appreciate some suggestions if there are any.
P.S: I can't wait for the next chapter <3
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
Greetings friends, It has been a while since I last posted here, and I haven't been able to do much work towards my art in general because of school, but now I have returned and I'm a little bit free and I've come to honor the promise that I made a few months back. I wouldn't want it to end on Renald only, and I intend to do more fan art for this campaign. But for now, I present her majesty, Queen Larine. All hail the new queen of the elves!
There are so many characters in Arkain, and to be honest I don't know who to draw next. I do have some vague plans on who the next piece will be, but I would also appreciate some suggestions if there are any.
P.S: I can't wait for the next chapter <3
View attachment 421411
Thats talent ma dude!

The hearts in the eyes are very cute ❤❤❤
Level 1
Feb 16, 2023
Inara-Xnalara Concept.png

Legends of Arkain: Inara the Viper (A rough XPS/XNALARA concept) by Wolffus1996

A dark and gritty orcish anti-hero.

Hello everyone,

I decided to pass by this Arkain thread and share my efforts to make something that would resemble Inara, my favorite Legends of Arkain character. It is a 3D rendition of her, created using XPS/XNALARA Posing Studio 11.8 and various models that are usable with this program. It's a very rough concept and there are many details that would have needed to be refined (ears, for instance, are far above eyes, while the face veil also looks somewhat off). It took me quite some time to make this picture and I think that the final result is somewhat passable, though quite flawed. I also prefer Inara to have a thinner, a more triangular/V-shape face, though I was working with what I have and the face that I used for Inara was the best one that I could find. All in all, I was experimenting to see if I could make a fitting 3D version of Inara and I did want to create a legitimate and respectable fanart of Arkain. I doubt that I succeeded and it probably holds up only as a one-off experiment at best, but I wanted to share my work nonetheless.


Tera AmanFemaleHeads (03) by Tiffli


Sindel (Hair) by Sticklove


TERA CastanicFemale Heads (Ears) by Tiffli


MKD Mileena primary (Veil) by UndeadMentor


Maiev Shadowsong (General Body) by Maxdemon6:

Thrall (Shoulder Armor/Pads) by Maxdemon6:


MKD Jade Primary (Arms) by UndeadMentor:


Poseable night sky with poseable moon by jc-starstorm


Parts of models were recolored either with XNALARA program functions or with GIMP

Legends of Arkain-Lisara (XNALARA).png

Legends of Arkain: Lisara (XPS/XNALARA version) by Wolffus1996

A deadly renegade Succubus

Hope you're all doing well everyone. Though my previous XNALARA image with Inara should have been more of a one-off experiment, I was attempting to make a 3D version of Lisara. While my 3D version of Inara was made to be a more straightforward and accurate representation of how she looks in the game, whilst also taking a drawing created by merlockqueen (Fanmade of Arkain) into account, I did not think that I could recreate Lisara's outfit in the model used for her (Overqueen), thus I took some creative liberties for making 3D rendition of her (primarily the outfit, though another difference is that she has wings instead of horns on her head). While there are some details that would need more polish/refinement, I am overall satisfied with the result, particularly the face and hair (it slightly reminds me off Succubus from World of Warcraft). One thing that was not to my liking in regards to my previous image with Inara is that her face was too rough and bulky. While it does accurately depict Inara as being of an orcish race (orcs, women included, should have a more gruff, brutish face), I prefer Inara to have a more V-shape/triangular face and the face that Lisara has in this picture is the face I want Inara to have. In general, it's my preference for Inara and Lisara to look similar, both in facial features and overall physiques (tall/statuesque, lean and athletic; both Inara and Lisara would also be of the same height).

I must admit that I'm rather nervous and hesitant about posting my 3D/XNALARA fanart for Arkain here. Still, I hope that my work is at least semi-passable, flawed but semi-adequate for what it is.


Tera-Aman Female Head 05 by Tiffli


Parts of the upper head/forehead were colored pitch black with GIMP in order to give Lisara the hairstyle she has in this picture.

Ears: Tera-Castanic Female Head 04 by Tiffli


Hair: Sindel by Sticklove:


Body: Morrigan Aensland (Long boots) by RyuAenlsnad


Shoulder Armor: Maiev Shadowsong (by Maxdemon6:
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Just got back to replaying the entire series. For the first 10 missions, everything sailed smoothly. Then, the dreaded missions Rise of the Clans began. Even with the second gold mine, I couldn't comfortably finish the mission without feeling like I could use up all of my resources in a second. Hence, I retrieved an older (moddable) version of the true story which I had in store and added a mechanic (Deathbreeze only) that would change the alliance state between a defeated minor clan and Rangul whenever I finish constructing a Great Hall in their starting location and grant a steady supply of resources over a given interval of 90 seconds (60 seconds for major clans).

Unlike before, this mechanic now applies to major clans as well, so I could theoretically beat the game without having to destroy every building (that's not an orc burrow) of each major clan. So, without further ado, the fanart:


Formalities aside, I actually wanted to present this, but I wanted to keep it as closely related to the posts above as possible, so here goes the clip:

Level 4
Aug 2, 2019
Hello everyone,
I may not be the most active member in this lovely community but today I wanted to share some of my appreciation to Arkain series.
For me personally it gave me some more inspiration to my own story that I am trying to work on, giving me idea of plot characters and even units (But seriously Black Legion models made by johnwar are absolutely pinnacle of design, best models on this site in my opinion and I am glad they exist, they provided base for my own units, and they exist because of Arkian.)

Ok enough, I'm not really good and describing my feelings and thoughts so here:

The Best General
Gardon Bloodclaw
Gardon Bloodclaw screenshot.png

I wanted to show of his face, but other helmets were showing TOO MUCH of glorius Gardon face, and I dont want you to die from this beautiful shight; Who then gonna praise Gardon?

And The best unit (In my opinion)
Ironfist Fighter
Ironfist Fighter screenshot(1).png

(All models that are base on basic footman models are dope)
All models were made in Hero Forge
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Level 1
Feb 16, 2023
Inara the Viper.png

Legends of Arkain: Inara the Viper by Wolffus1996

A dark and gritty orcish anti-hero.

A second attempt at trying to create a 3D version of the lethal Darkmind Assassin, Inara the Viper with XNALARA Posing Studio 11.8 and its models that are available for use, in a similar vein where people use various parts of different models to create meshmods (like this: https://www.deviantart.com/kenmurikumo/art/XNA-OC-Eve-323063625) This time I prefer the finished result a lot more, primarily due to Inara's face being less bulky, gruff and rough, which was my main issue with my previous image for Inara. I felt that I needed to do Inara one more time, while my version of Lisara, which can be seen in the same post as my early rough concept for Inara (Fanmade of Arkain) solidified it further (it was a seperate post before being merged, so it may not have been seen by some, so I suggest to check it out again). Because I wanted to showcase the face that I prefer Inara to have, I did not give her any face coverings (mask or veil), though it's still an essential part of her design in my opinion. It bears repeating that I prefer for Inara and Lisara to look similar, both in facial features and overall physiques: both Inara and Lisara would be of the same exact height and both would have tall/statesque, lean and athletic physiques. It's rather fitting in a sense, as in the game itself both Inara's and Lisara's models are based on/derived from the standard Succubus model. That being said, if you compare Inara in this picture with how Lisara looks in hers, Inara looks somewhat slimmer than Lisara, though I am fine with that and I don't want for Inara to be more bulky, heavy and buff when being next Lisara (that was another reason why I wanted to redo my version of Inara). While Inara's daggers of rage and her bow of fury are great, for this picture I had decided to give Inara two ninjato swords and I had also briefly considered giving Inara a shuriken, though it was not added here.

While I am satisfied with both this picture and the image that I made for Lisara and I am glad that I tried to make my own fanart of Arkain, even if it's semi-adequate, I will say that I feel rather uncomfortable with posting my work here (in general, online forums tend to make me apprehensive and nervous; Hive is better in this regard, but it's not quite my place) and I don't think that I will be making more pictures like this. Still, I did create this picture, so I might as well publish it here, for better or worse.

I'll be away and won't be here now, but needless to say, good luck to you all and I hope you are having a great day!


Tera-Aman Female Head 04 by Tiffli


Ears: Tera-Castanic Female Head 05 by Tiffli


Hair: Sindel by Sticklove:


General Body: Maiev Shadowsong (General Body) by Maxdemon6:


Shoulder Armor: Thrall by Maxdemon6


Neck and Arms: Morrigan Aensland (Night Club outfit) by RyuAensland


Ninjato (Blue, Bloody): Ninjato Pack for XNALara/XPS by XPS-Fanatic


'Batman: Arkham Knight' Batman (Burton) XPS ONLY!! By lezisell


Background: Poseable night sky with poseable moon by jc-starstorm


Parts of models were recolored either with XNALARA program functions or with GIMP
Level 4
Aug 28, 2021
It's the first time we've posted art online before, and we only recently started doing digital art. However, Arkain has been a longstanding favorite story, and something we've come back to year after year. The chance to contribute to the fandom in general is very exciting! We still need to add a background, colour it, and a couple other touches, but please enjoy this interpretation of Flammedus, leader of the centaur!
Flammedus Picture.png
Level 24
Jul 10, 2017
It's the first time we've posted art online before, and we only recently started doing digital art. However, Arkain has been a longstanding favorite story, and something we've come back to year after year. The chance to contribute to the fandom in general is very exciting! We still need to add a background, colour it, and a couple other touches, but please enjoy this interpretation of Flammedus, leader of the centaur!View attachment 427763
Level 4
Aug 28, 2021
Apologies for the long wait between posts. We tried shading, failed, tried again, gave up. Then tried using shadow, failed, tried again, and failed again, however it looks ok enough. Personally we prefer the solid color version, but we're posting both in the hopes that people might have advice on shading. Now we just have the background and special effects to go! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Flammedus Shadow.png
Flammedus Solid.png
Level 1
Feb 16, 2023
Apologies for the long wait between posts. We tried shading, failed, tried again, gave up. Then tried using shadow, failed, tried again, and failed again, however it looks ok enough. Personally we prefer the solid color version, but we're posting both in the hopes that people might have advice on shading. Now we just have the background and special effects to go! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!View attachment 428623View attachment 428624
Good! Very good! Keep up the great work!
Level 12
Jul 4, 2019
Apologies for the long wait between posts. We tried shading, failed, tried again, gave up. Then tried using shadow, failed, tried again, and failed again, however it looks ok enough. Personally we prefer the solid color version, but we're posting both in the hopes that people might have advice on shading. Now we just have the background and special effects to go! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!View attachment 428623View attachment 428624
Holy moly, good job:jd: