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Faction Statuses of Arkain [SPOILER]

Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
The final update to coincide with the v1.0 campaign release. Here are the factions and their current statuses at the end of the Second Void War in an effort post that is driven by what can only be described as mental illness. The goal here is to make this feel similar to how War Assets are described in Mass Effect 3.

Now that the True Story is complete, this list is effectively frozen in time as a snapshot of the end of the Second Void War. As we get more context around the 20 year interbellum, I can make a new one for the preamble of the new big conflict that is clearly incoming.


The Ironfist: Originally a smaller force, General Bloodclaw first absorbed a large portion of General Cleavehand's personal forces, followed by massive conscription and logistical support from the Kingdoms of Toran and Pyrru when he declared himself King of both Kingdoms. Substantial losses have been incurred across multiple fronts, specifically when attacking the traitor Genethas in the Pearl of Lor, taking the capital of Toran, and assaulting the Golden Guard fortress. This attrition is offset by extreme expansion of the faction, acquisition of several allies, and support from dark magics via Necromancers and Shadow Mages. A token force led by General Whitefield defends the two Kingdoms. A massive, pyrrhic victory over the Golden Guard's fortified position and the fall of the Redfist in Salria to the Tribal Dominion has left the Ironfist unchallenged as the largest remaining Human faction on the continent. Seizing control of the Purificator, the cannon was used to rout the Souleater and Darkblade Legions in Kerrel after a vicious defense of its position. Gardon zealously led his exhausted forces to Fort Ashrazyl and beyond, believing the Purificator could remove the Demon threat once and for all. Following the betrayal of the Undead, the Purificator was destroyed and the Ironfist were forced to retreat after suffering many losses. The Demon and Undead forces did not pursue past The Gate of Hell, allowing for a time of peace. Gardon and Vail have accepted the titles of Ca'lear and Ca'lea, officially reestablishing Zyainor out of the former Kingdoms of Toran, Pyrru, Lor, and Isalmur. Zyainor is now the prominent continental power on Arkain, seeking to annex Kerrel and fortify itself against the inevitable return of Imperial forces. The Ironfist has returned to being a smaller, elite group, while other forces have been reorganized into the regular armies of Zyainor Reborn. Gardon upholds a secret non-aggression pact with the Tribal Dominion.

Black Dragons: Zyaise remnants in hiding have joined the Ironfist, massively increasing this faction's power and contributing greatly to breaking the Golden Guard's final fortified position in Kerrel. The Black Dragons have been critical to the creation of Zyainor Reborn with Queen Kasraazs legitimizing the marriage of the new Ca'lear and Ca'lea in exchange for the reestablishment of Black Dragon cult worship and the Dragon Knight order. Thanok remains one of the closest allies of Ca'lear Gardon and symbolizes the alliance between the fledgling new nation and the Black Dragons.

Elven Kingdom: The Elves came under threat from the Demons early in the invasion and they sought help from both the Imperials and the Kingdoms. Capitalizing on these other factions' reluctance to provide aid, the Ironfist steadily brought the Elven Kingdom into its sphere of influence through Salana Woodhunter. General Woodhunter led a large Elven taskforce to support the Ironfist in the Pearl of Lor against Genethas. The Golden Guard's directive to evacuate the Elves from the continent sparked a civil war within the Kingdom, resulting in the death of Queen Renova along with all those in her Ruling Council. Larine the Exile was installed as Queen, effectively transforming the Elven Kingdom into a puppet state of King Gardon Bloodclaw. Queen Larine and Thanok have trained and equipped the Ironforged Elves to directly supplement the forces of the Ironfist and further militarize the Elven Kingdom. Mira Trueshot has reorganized and strengthened the portion of the Red Guard that supported Larine in her bid for Elven leadership, though she has doubts about the mysterious disappearance of General Woodhunter.

Ironbark: Summoned by Captain Herdon using dark druidic magic in the Elven Forest to support Salana Woodhunter when quelling a Demon Slave rebellion. Herdon accompanied Gardon to The Gate of Hell, summoning an army of Ironbark to be part of the invasion. The betrayal of the Undead forced the Human forces to fall back, while the Ironbark held the line and covered their retreat.

Knights of Kome: Originally a very powerful Knight Order of the Kingdoms that repelled the Orcs in their first invasion of the continent. The Order under Grandmaster Theoden suffered massive losses when the Orcs attacked Castle Kome in a costly siege. Many of the dead were raised as Fallen Knights within the ruined Castle Kome to serve Hesrathion in his final stand against Ornasion. Most survivors remained with Theoden, while some fractured off to join the Redfist. Grandmaster Theoden led the army of his remaining Knights to support the Ironfist in the Pearl of Lor against Genethas and then later at The Gate of Hell against the Demons. For their loyalty through this time of great loss and instability, Castle Kome and its Order have been rebuilt by the Ironfist back to some semblance of strength in a new location and exists as a close ally to Zyainor Reborn.

Merlon's Naval Forces: Admiral Seabright commanded a naval force that suffered massive losses to a sudden attack of the Undead in Lor. Naval ground forces supported the Ironfist in the Pearl of Lor against Genethas as well as in the Elven Forest against the Golden Guard and Elven loyalists. Merlon was the engineer of the Darksteel improvement to the War Golem and his fleet has been in the process of being rebuilt. Following his victory in the Elven Forest, Merlon was promoted to Grand Admiral and given control of the Pyrru and Toran fleets. Grand Admiral Seabright was killed in a forced duel with Krom the Immortal when the Undead betrayed their Human allies at The Gate of Hell. His loss takes a great toll on Zyainor's naval strategy and innovation. Following the end of the Second Void War, these formerly-Imperial naval forces that fought alongside the Ironfist have been reorganized into the regular navy of Zyainor Reborn.

Coastal Battalion: A Golden Guard battalion that has defected to the Ironfist. The Coastal Battalion was pivotal in the defense of Toran's capital during the final battle of Retka's Rebellion where Cora Redfist defected with her Battalion in the face of an arriving Golden Guard host. They joined the Ironfist in attacking the Golden Guard stronghold and subsequently defending the Purificator from the Demonic Legions alongside the Royal Army and Rohir Nexus. Elements of the Coastal Battalion accompanied Cora Redfist and the Undead when moving the Purificator to Fort Ashrazyl where they were betrayed and killed en route. Cora Redfist is presumed dead. Following the end of the Second Void War, the Coastal Battalion has been dissolved with members reincorporated into the regular armies of Zyainor Reborn.

Wolf Regiment: Substantial losses in Lor when the Orcs broke through the Dead Mountain defensive line. General Blackwolf led a decisive victory over the Darkmind Clan in Kerrel after they had broken a Golden Guard castle. A reduced regiment hunted Orcs in Salria where they suffered another defeat attempting to halt the Orc advance into the Kingdom. Wolf Regiment was then effectively destroyed in the three-way battle for the Kingdom, sandwiched between the Orc-led alliance, the Zirr Nexus, and the Ejara Nexus. Commander Darkfang was killed in action allowing General Blackwolf and a small number of Wolfguard to escape. She has successfully appealed to become a General of Zyainor Reborn, supplying her remaining Wolfguard knights and knowledge to create wolf soldiers for Zyainor's regular armies.

Order of the Tides: This order was absorbed into the Coastal Battalion under Cora Redfist after the Ironfist stormed its headquarters in Pyrru and executed its plutocratic Grandmaster. Following the end of the Second Void War, it exists within Zyainor Reborn.

Order of the Lightning: Substantial losses in Isalmur where its Grandmaster was killed in action. Remnants under Taray became mercenaries working with Zora's Pirates and suffered defeat off the coast of Gnoll Island. What now is left has joined the Ironfist under the new Grandmaster Taray with promises of a rebuilt and institutionalized order. Following the end of the Second Void War, it exists within Zyainor Reborn.

Jadira's Contractors: Economic and logistical support is funneled to the Ironfist to fund aggressive expansion of military forces and massive rebuilding efforts for Kome, Toran, Pyrru, and Admiral Seabright's fleet. This investment was made in exchange for the formation of a banking system within Zyainor Reborn following the end of the Second Void War, giving Maronogin control over the capital needed for reconstruction efforts.


Royal Army: The armies of Kerrel and Rengar, which have folded in minor remnants from Lor and Islamur. At reasonable strength after coalescing into one fighting force and leaning on Imperials to fight the Demons and Orcs, the Royal Army then sided with the Ironfist against the Golden Guard in an effort to expel the Imperials from the continent. A formidable army supported the Ironfist in assaulting the Golden Guard position in Kerrel and defending the Purificator from the Souleater Legion. Elements following some Rengian nobles were defeated in Salria by the Tribal Dominion, while a larger force of Rengian knights joined Prince Toraes for the assault into the Demon lands beyond Fort Ashrazyl. In the aftermath of the Second Void War, the Royal Army was dissolved and the militaries of the Kingdoms of Kerrel and Rengar began operating separately once again.

Kingdom of Salria: Protected by the Golden Guard from a Demonic task force that opened Demon Gates, but was then cut off from reinforcing the Royal Army due to the Orc incursion. This Kingdom's forces have been constantly engaged with Centaur tribes in a protracted war. The extended royal family was killed at the start of the Scarec crusade and the remaining military of Salria was then effectively destroyed by the Orc-led alliance and the arriving Undead forces. This, coupled with the death of King Salran, has essentially ended the nation of Salria and turned the humans living there into refugees. The Orcs have negotiated with the Salrian peoples in an effort to show goodwill, using Vanessa and Hortnog as intermediaries.

Kingdom of Kerrel: Kerrel lost Prince Toraes and a large army of knights following the Undead betrayal, leaving them trapped beyond Fort Ashrazyl. Grandmaster Harmos urged King Dorten to act against Zyainor Reborn in this time of flux, but the King did not believe he had the strength necessary to topple the new Ca'lear. In the aftermath of the Second Void War, the Royal Army was dissolved and the militaries of the Kingdoms of Kerrel and Rengar began operating separately once again. A long cold war is ongoing between Zyainor and Kerrel as the latter struggles to maintain its independence.

Kingdom of Rengar: Rengar lost a large army of knights following the Undead betrayal, leaving them trapped beyond Fort Ashrazyl. In the aftermath of the Second Void War, the Royal Army was dissolved and the militaries of the Kingdoms of Kerrel and Rengar began operating separately once again. Rengar is the home of the powerful Order of the Flame, now has access to hire Daric's Mercenaries, and did not experience any major battles in the Second Void War to scar its territory. While it must reinforce from the losses incurred in Salria and at The Gate of Hell, it stands as a powerful independent Kingdom. A large border is shared with both the Tribal Dominion and Dwarven Territory that requires a vigilant defensive effort.

Daric's Mercenaries: Minor losses in the Pearl of Lor as most manpower lost was Sir Lerrig's directly. Daric avoided battling the Orcs at the Dead Mountain and, as such, his regiment remained solidly intact. Still at formidable strength in Salria, though with a major defeat where Cassius the Red was killed in action attempting to halt the Orc advance into the Kingdom. Looking to catch the Orc leadership out of position and plunder Gnoll Island, another defeat was suffered off the coast where a contingent of Daric's forces, Zoia's Pirates, and other mercenaries were repelled. Daric and his forces were waylaid by the main Moghtar host in Salria where Logan the Skirmisher was killed in action. After linking back up with Commander Fox, Daric's Mercenaries were defeated in a major engagement when the newly formed Tribal Dominion rallied and retaliated decisively. Surviving soldiers were disarmed and released in an unexpected act of mercy from the Orcs and their allies. General Elvir released Daric from his existing obligation prior to her execution, allowing him to start rebuilding his remaining company and take on new work. Lacking any means to return to the Empire in the aftermath of the Second Void War, Daric and his forces instead relocated to Rengar and appealed to its King for a new contract.

Order of the Flame: The strongest remaining elemental order by a substantial margin, this Order assisted the Imperials and Royals across many battlefields from the start of the war. After a conflict at their headquarters, Harmos took the mantle of Grandmaster and remobilized its forces. Fallen mages were resurrected as Fire Revenants with many joining Phoenix Regiment and then rejoining the Order at the conclusion of the Salrian conflict. In the aftermath of the Second Void War, Grandmaster Harmos and his Order of the Flame wield considerable influence in Rengar due to the power and stability they bring.

Order of the Air: This Order suffered a defeat to the Darkmind and Ironthunder Clans as they moved westward through Lor. This Order has relocated to Kerrel to join the Royal Army and the Army of Kerrel that succeeded it in the aftermath of the Second Void War. Its strength is minor compared to the Order of the Flame but King Dorten seeks to build this Order and turn it into a powerful supporter of his.

Order of the Arcane: Defeated in Salria where its Grandmaster and successor were killed in action by the Bonelords. With the destruction of the Salrian Army, what remains of this Order holds no official affiliation currently. There are rumors of it being rebuilt and integrated with the schools of magic within the Tribal Dominion.

Order of the Earth: Effectively destroyed by the Rohir Nexus in Lor where its Grandmaster was killed in action.


Hammerfall Dwarves: An army under High King Hammerfall assisted the Elves against a large Orc incursion and the Grey Guard against Genethas' forces, achieving victory in both cases. The Dwarves began withdrawing from major battles once Human infighting intensified and therefore did not engage the Demonic Legions. With the help of the Golden Guard, a joint Dwarven Army achieved a decisive victory against the Adherents of Flame. The subsequent fall of the Golden Guard fortress has effectively removed the Hammerfall Dwarves from the conflict in Kerrel. Following the end of the Second Void War, they have retreated to the strong defensive positions of their mountain bases and become isolationist. The united Dwarven Realm remains a powerful force to be reckoned with, but refuses to work with any neighboring nations.

Stonelord Dwarves: The Stonelords have traditionally been the main force dealing with the constant attacks from the Adherents of Flame spurred on by the Ejara Nexus. With the help of the Golden Guard, a joint Dwarven Army achieved a decisive victory against the Adherents of Flame. The subsequent fall of the Golden Guard fortress has effectively removed the Stonelord Dwarves from the conflict in Kerrel as they retreat to the strong defensive positions of their mountain bases and become isolationist. The united Dwarven Realm remains a powerful force to be reckoned with, but refuses to work with any neighboring nations.

Bloodstone Dwarves: Minor losses underground to the Rohir Nexus, but otherwise remained at strength and began assisting the Redfist. After assassinating Brokta the Stomper, the main Bloodstone host in Salria was pursued and destroyed by Orcs and Ogres. Orgen Bloodstone narrowly escaped and the remaining Bloodstones in the south rejoined the Redfist prior to their final engagements with the Orcs. Dwarven support in Salria was effectively destroyed in a major engagement when the newly formed Tribal Dominion rallied and retaliated decisively. Orgen Bloodstone was unable to escape his second confrontation with Amari and was killed in action. After the battle, surviving soldiers were disarmed and released to return home in an unexpected act of mercy from the Orcs and their allies. The Bloodstone Dwarves now join their Dwarven kin in becoming isolationist and have begun radically supplementing the joint mountain defenses with their explosive tools. The united Dwarven Realm remains a powerful force to be reckoned with, but refuses to work with any neighboring nations.


Golden Guard:
Claimed early victories against the Demons in particular, but also suffered several defeats to the Undead, Orcs, and Ironfist across the Kingdoms. Honor and Glory battalions were effectively destroyed in the eastern Elven Forest. Following the betrayal of King Dorten, outlying garrisons were betrayed and attacked as survivors fled to a central fortress. The Kerrel fortress was then broken by the Ironfist: Lord Inquisitor van Durce and his son Edward were killed in action, Flavius van Durce is presumed dead, and the remaining van Durce children are missing in action. Praxeus Braelon the Holy Bastion is presumed dead, but has discovered the fun of anagrams and embarks on a quest for the Holy Grail. The combined Paladin Orders have been defeated and scattered. Swamp Dragons have been defeated and are now being systematically exterminated. The Purificator is now in Ironfist possession and a captive Lord Marin traded knowledge of its use for his release. Golden Guard presence on the continent has been effectively destroyed.

The Redfist: This well equipped (and stylish!) faction, originally under the command of Duke Volarian Redfist the Tyrant, is empowered by calculating vengeance and barely controlled rage, making them seemingly immune to the efforts of outside forces to manipulate them. New recruits across the Kingdoms that had suffered losses to the Orcs, such as some Fallen Knights of Kome, found reason to join them. The Redfist fleet detoured to thoroughly raze the Orc Islands, which delayed them from joining major battles until a forward army under Grand Pyromancer Zelech was defeated by Amari and King Gorehowl at Gnoll Island. Another smaller forward element under Orie Redfist accompanied by Fallen Knights of Kome attempted to halt the Orc advance into Salria, but were overwhelmed due to a flanking distraction of Murlocs. This faction was too late to participate in the climactic three-way battle for Salria, which left them as the strongest Human (or otherwise) faction to challenge the Orcs in the south. Joined by what remained of Falcon and Phoenix Regiments, this combined host forced a full retreat of the Orcs, determined to fully exterminate their enemies. Duke Redfist was killed by his daughter Aedale who in turn is now hunted by her sister Orie. Lacking the leadership of its namesake, Commander Fox assumed command over the Redfist who remained steadfast and honed in on the Orcs. The Redfist forces were defeated in a major, final engagement when the newly formed Tribal Dominion rallied and retaliated decisively. Surviving soldiers were disarmed and released to return home in an unexpected act of mercy from the Orcs and their allies. Grand Pyromancer Zelech left the battlefield early when Aedale's murder of the Duke was made known. While a taskforce exists to track down Aedale, the Redfist as a faction that could challenge any major continental power has been effectively destroyed.

Bull Regiment: Substantial losses in Lor when the Orcs broke through the Dead Mountain defensive line. A reduced regiment hunted Orcs in Salria where Dorbric took a task force to ambush and kill Gorthog the Beastlord. Bull Regiment was then effectively destroyed in the three-way battle for the Kingdom, sandwiched between the Orc-led alliance and the Scarec Nexus, suffering the crushing brunt of the Bonelords' assault. General Beringar was killed in a duel with Brokta the Stomper.

Falcon Regiment: Substantial losses in Lor when the Orcs broke through the Dead Mountain defensive line. A reduced regiment hunted Orcs in Salria and were forced to retreat again, but with only minor losses as General Elvir chose to withdraw early and not waste manpower. Falcon Regiment was too late to participate in the climactic three-way battle for Salria, though a token force assisted the Ironfist in their rout of the Souleater Legion in Kerrel. This force then joined with the Redfist and what remained of Phoenix Regiment for their final confrontation with the Orcs. Falcon Regiment was effectively destroyed in a major engagement when the newly formed Tribal Dominion rallied and retaliated decisively. Surviving soldiers were disarmed and released to return to the Empire in an unexpected act of mercy from the Orcs and their allies. In the aftermath, General Elvir was executed by Amari as ordered by her master, Brian the Fallen.

Phoenix Regiment: Substantial losses in Lor when the Orcs broke through the Dead Mountain defensive line. A reduced regiment hunted Orcs in Salria where they suffered another defeat attempting to halt the Orc advance into the Kingdom. General Harron then supplemented his regiment with resurrected Fire Revenants from the Order of the Flame. Phoenix Regiment was too late to participate in the climactic three-way battle for Salria and instead joined forces with the Redfist and what remained of Falcon Regiment for their final confrontation with the Orcs. Phoenix Regiment was effectively destroyed in a major engagement when the newly formed Tribal Dominion rallied and retaliated decisively. Surviving soldiers were disarmed and released to return to the Empire in an unexpected act of mercy from the Orcs and their allies. General Harron was killed and (presumably) denied resurrection in a duel with Chieftan Zairmak.

Dragon Regiment: Substantial losses in Lor when the Orcs broke through the Dead Mountain defensive line. General Prideblade was killed in action on the frontlines. What remained of this faction joined others attempting to stop the Deathbreeze and Ravaging Fire clans from escaping Lor in the midst of a major Demon offensive. Occupying the main exit route, Dragon Regiment was effectively destroyed as the Orcs made a concerted push out of the blockade and into the Pearl of Lor.

Bear Regiment: Bear Regiment was the primary faction in charge of the defensive line in Lor. Hindered by the poor positioning dictated by General Cleavehand, this force was steadily whittled away by persistent Demon attacks. Already quite weakened, Bear Regiment was effectively destroyed when the Orcs broke through the Dead Mountain defensive line. General Chevar was killed in action by a surprise attack of the Skullblade Clan.

Boar Regiment: Functioning partly as an arm of Imperial intelligence, Boar Regiment tended to work closer with the Kingdoms and prioritized hindering the Orcs, such as at the siege of Castle Kome and throughout the outskirts of Salria. When the the main Orcish host was surrounded, this force properly mobilized and attempted to link up with other Imperial and Salrian forces. En route, Boar Regiment was effectively destroyed and General Luthran was killed in action when set upon by the Bonelords' crusade and absorbed into the Scarec Nexus.

Grey Guard: Substantial losses in the Pearl of Lor acting as the spearhead against Genethas' loyalists. For their actions betraying Wolf Regiment, General Greymoore and high ranking members were then placed in prison by edict of Lord Inquisitor van Durce where they were mortally wounded due to torture by the Royal Army against orders. What remained of the Grey Guard was conscripted into the Golden Guard as the Grey Battalion, which was then effectively destroyed by the Ironfist in Kerrel.


Cliffhunter Clan: While not involved in the massive battle around the Dead Mountain, this clan is smaller relative to the other clans due to it being composed of only exiles. Under Chieftess Amari, this clan spearheaded the successful incursion into Salria. The arrival of the Undead to challenge the Orcs devastated a rear camp where a Cliffhunter base was destroyed. The Cliffhunter Clan led its allies to a massive victory over the Kingdom of Salria, two Imperial Regiments, and the pursuing forces of the Scarec, Zirr, and Ejara Nexus. Many warriors were lost in the explosion of the boobytrapped Bloodstone base, though this clan remains in a strong leadership role as it has rallied the other clans to major victories throughout Salria and continues to successfully spread New Age propaganda via Ishzog and the Blackrazor Clan. Forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses to the Redfist onslaught. Amari's earned victories and the Shadocracy's spread have allowed Amari to restructure the Orc Clans and their allies into the Tribal Dominion with her at its head. The creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Following the end of the Second Void War, Okri has been raised to the new Chieftess of the Cliffhunter Clan. Amari has been bestowed the divine mantle of Supreme Shadessia and upholds a secret non-aggression pact with Zyainor. The Tribal Dominion provides peace for its denizens - many of whom are long desperate for it - though it maintains a powerful military. There is no shortage of enthusiastic joiners from all races, whether spurred on by Shadocratic nationalism or the urge of bloodlust from old Orc tradition.

Blackrazor Clan: The Blackrazor was on the cusp of asserting itself as a major clan until Ishzog sparked an internal uprising by preaching of a New Age. Most of the Blackrazor Clan was then dissolved to supplement the Darkmind and Bloodhand Clans at the start of the initial invasion. Not truly a Clan anymore, the Blackrazor has become a growing cultish group that functions as the elite guard of Amari and Tribal Dominion leadership. Members proselytize New Age propaganda originating from Ishzog's sermons, now known as the Shadocracy. The Shadocracy's influence continues to pave the way for Amari's reforms as it has spread powerfully through the Orcs and their allies by preying on their vulnerability as hunted refugees. Following the end of the Second Void War, the members of the Blackrazor have become much more numerous and visible throughout the Dominion. Ishzog has crowned Amari as Supreme Shadessia, uniting the Shadowcracy with Dominion leadership and prescribing her a divine mandate. As one in unity my brothers and sisters.

New Age Orcs: Upon the creation of the Tribal Dominion, several Orc Clans that lost their chieftans were reorganized together along with some individual Ogres and placed under Inara's leadership. This group combines the former Darkmind, Ironthunder, Bloodhand, and Skullblade Clans, which also includes the minor clans absorbed by the Darkmind and Bloodhand previously. The Shadocracy's influence allowed for a relatively smooth transition as these clans suffered heavy losses up until this point, though how Inara suppresses dissent among those that come under her command remains a mystery. The creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Following the end of the Second Void War, the old clan structure continues to be purposefully deteriorated, discouraging clan affiliation and instead emphasizing a Tribal Dominion identity with each other and the other races.

Deathbreeze Clan: The Deathbreeze was the largest clan in terms of strength and numbers at the start of the invasion. After the Orcs successfully broke through the Imperial lines in Lor, the Souleater Legion arrived and began inflicting heavy losses on the clans, forcing a forward retreat. Half of the Deathbreeze remained with Rangul while the rest fled deeper into Lor with Grofzag and held out until rescue by the Ravaging Fire Clan. A task force sent to secure an Ogre alliance was caught in a trap laid by Duke Redfist resulting in the death of Rangul and leaving this clan a shadow of what it once was. What remained of the Deathbreeze continued to participate in several victories in Salria such as the three-way battle for the Kingdom and the rout of the main Bloodstone army. Sasrogarn, Rangul's son and heir apparent, was assassinated by Inara, betraying Amari's explicit request to spare him but fulfilling her implicit wish of having him removed from the succession crisis. This clan still remains in a strong leadership role within the Tribal Dominion from the momentum created by the late Rangul. Forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses to the Redfist onslaught that killed many of its finest warriors, the creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Grofzag was made the new Chieftan of the Deathbreeze Clan, which still remains separate from the New Age Orcs due to its size and status. Following the end of the Second Void War, the old clan structure continues to be purposefully deteriorated, discouraging clan affiliation and instead emphasizing a Tribal Dominion identity with each other and the other races.

Ravaging Fire Clan: After the Orcs successfully broke through the Imperial lines in Lor, the Souleater Legion arrived and began inflicting heavy losses on the clans, forcing a forward retreat. Cheiftan Zairmak led the Ravaging Fire to successfully rescue a portion of the Deathbreeze Clan trapped in Lor, recruiting the Koydoss Tribe and winning a decisive victory over Dragon Regiment in the process. This clan was part of the initial incursion into Salria, working with the other clans and new allies. Zairmak is now the only remaining chieftan from the original invasion in Lor and may very well be the oldest known living Orc. His leadership has kept the Ravaging Fire independent from the clan reorganization that occurred during the formation of the Tribal Dominion. Forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses to the Redfist onslaught, the creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Following the end of the Second Void War, the old clan structure continues to be purposefully deteriorated, discouraging clan affiliation and instead emphasizing a Tribal Dominion identity with each other and the other races.

Goldaxe Clan: These mercenaries shake down villages of any faction and will fight for the highest bidder. Rangul paid them a large sum to partake in his invasion and their chieftan was 'bought' into the idea proper. Three minor clans were pulled into the Goldaxe forces after their chieftans "went missing". After the Orcs successfully broke through the Imperial lines in Lor, the Souleater Legion arrived and began inflicting heavy losses on the clans, but nothing enough gold can't fix! The Goldaxe was part of the initial incursion into Salria, working with the other clans and new allies. The arrival of the Undead to challenge the Orcs devastated a rear camp where a Goldaxe base was destroyed and clan champion Dogran was killed in action. Only Hortnog and Chieftess Amari among the Orcs know of Maronogin's true identity as a Dreadlord, who remains indirectly involved. Maronogin fully supports Amari insofar as her goals for the Orcs in Salria can profit him the most. As such, the Goldaxe Clan remained independent after the clan reorganization that occurred during the formation of the Tribal Dominion. Forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses to the Redfist onslaught, the creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Following the end of the Second Void War, Hortnog and Maronogin aim to rebrand the Goldaxe Clan to avoid homogenization with the other Orcs and remain as mercenaries. While not officially affiliated with the Dominion, this new organization is semi-sanctioned by the state as it provides a useful outlet for members of the Dominion looking for battle that otherwise might cause civil unrest.

Darkmind Clan: Regained much of its strength by absorbing large portions of the minor clans on the Orc Islands. They spearheaded the assault on the Imperial lines in Lor and escaped heavy losses to the Demons due to their position deep within the human camp. Separated from Rangul, they pushed westwards and suffered heavy casualties sieging a Golden Guard castle housing Blen Greymoore where attackers were then entrapped and massacred by Wolf Regiment. Chieftan Rath was killed in action within the castle while clan remnants retreated under Inara's new leadership. Originally next only to the Deathbreeze Clan, the Darkmind was massively diminished, teetering on annihilation now for a second time. This Clan recoalesced as a faction by both absorbing the Ironthunder Clan under mysterious circumstances and taming/breeding large numbers of giant Spiders. They then reunited with the rest of the Orc-led alliance where Amari and Inara reached a tepid agreement of cooperation. Supported by the Koydoss Tribe, the Darkmind Clan contributed greatly to the victory over the Kingdom of Salria, two Imperial Regiments, and the pursuing forces of the Scarec, Zirr, and Ejara Nexus. They also participated in the successful rout of the main Bloodstone army. Upon the reorganization of the Orc Clans and creation of the Tribal Dominion, the Darkmind Clan ceased to exist as an organizational structure; its members became part of a New Age Orc amalgam under Inara.

Bloodhand Clan: Large numbers after absorbing what remained of the minor clans when they attempted to abandon the invasion. After the Orcs successfully broke through the Imperial lines in Lor, the Souleater Legion arrived and began inflicting heavy losses on the clans, forcing a forward retreat. The Destroyer led some members to stay behind resulting in further casualties, but this allowed many others to escape. The Bloodhand was part of the initial incursion into Salria, working with the other clans and new allies. The arrival of the Undead to challenge the Orcs devastated a rear camp where a Bloodhand base was destroyed and The Destroyer was killed in action 😢. Leaderless, many within this clan began to drift towards the Cliffhunter and Blackrazor idealogy. Upon the reorganization of the Orc Clans and creation of the Tribal Dominion, the Bloodhand Clan ceased to exist as an organizational structure; its members became part of a New Age Orc amalgam under Inara.

Skullblade Clan: This clan won a decisive victory over Bear Regiment when assaulting the Imperial defensive line in Lor. The arrival of the Souleater Legion began inflicting heavy losses on the clans and forced a forward retreat, though the Skullblade suffered fewer compared to others due to aerial mounts and a safer forward position. This clan was part of the initial incursion into Salria, working with the other clans and new allies. Chieftan Gorthog was ambushed and killed by Bull Regiment when seeking to establish relations with the Pigmen. Leaderless, many within this clan began to be drift towards the Cliffhunter and Blackrazor idealogy. Upon the reorganization of the Orc Clans and creation of the Tribal Dominion, the Skullblade Clan ceased to exist as an organizational structure; its members became part of a New Age Orc amalgam under Inara.

Ironthunder Clan: After the Orcs successfully broke through the Imperial lines in Lor, the Souleater Legion arrived and began inflicting heavy losses on the clans, forcing a forward retreat. The Ironthunder Clan was separated from Rangul and escaped with the Darkmind Clan. Kept in reserve during the attack on the Golden Guard castle, this clan remained largely intact as it did not engage Wolf Regiment. Chieftan Lokar was betrayed and killed by Inara when he expressed his intention to return to the Orc Islands. The Ironthunder Clan effectively ceased to exist as an organizational structure upon being absorbed into the Darkmind Clan though it remains unclear how Inara persuaded the Ironthunder shamans to allow this. Upon the reorganization of the Orc Clans and creation of the Tribal Dominion, former members of the Ironthunder Clan became part of a New Age Orc amalgam under Inara.

Orc Islands: Effectively destroyed by the Redfist's razing of the Islands, removing both reserves and logistical support. A remnant escaped with Oneeye to fall in with the Deathbreeze and Cliffhunter clans.

Minor Clans: As Rangul united the major clans, the Darkmind Clan absorbed approximately half of the minor clans' strength to rebuild itself. Once the invasion began, the Goldaxe Clan pulled three minor clans into it's periphery while the rest had their chieftans assassinated by Krom the Immortal. These clans then contemplated leaving until subjugated by The Destroyer. Between absorptions to the Darkmind, Goldaxe, and Bloodhand Clans, the minor clans have effectively ceased to exist. One notable exception appears to be a small group of the Blackrazor Clan.

Blackaxe Clan: Led by Grella the Bonesplitter, this faction suffered greater losses than the others during the initial incursion into Salria before accepting their bloodlust. The arrival of the Undead to challenge the Orcs devastated a rear camp where a Dark Troll base was destroyed. The Blackaxe is the closest ally of the Cliffhunter Clan and shares in each of its victories, but finds itself distinctly transformed compared to its previously peaceful way of life. Forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses to the Redfist onslaught, the creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Grella is the first major faction leader to become a Shadessia to spread the good word of the Shadocracy. As one in unity my brothers and sisters. Following the end of the Second Void War, the Dark Trolls have been able to return to their peaceful way of life, seeking to usher the Humans remaining in Salria into Tribal Dominion society via the Shadocracy.

Goblin Federation: Led by Master Tinker Pechan, this faction is utility and defense focused with technology to make up for a lack of numbers and physical prowess. The Goblins were part of the initial incursion into Salria, working with the other clans and new allies. The arrival of the Undead to challenge the Orcs devastated a rear camp where a Goblin base was destroyed. The Goblins contributed greatly to the victory over the Kingdom of Salria, two Imperial Regiments, and the pursuing forces of the Scarec, Zirr, and Ejara Nexus. Forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses to the Redfist onslaught, the creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Following the end of the Second Void War, the Goblins work closely with the Gnolls to lead technologically innovative reconstruction efforts across Salria.

Koydoss Tribe: Originally led by Chieftan Borean, this faction suffered massive losses due to corruption of their native home, the Pearl of Lor. Now small in number but powerful, remnants were rescued by the Ravaging Fire clan. The Bearmen were part of the initial incursion into Salria, working with the other clans and new allies. The Koydoss supported the Darkmind Clan and contributed greatly to the victory over the Kingdom of Salria, two Imperial Regiments, and the pursuing forces of the Scarec, Zirr, and Ejara Nexus. Forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses to the Redfist onslaught. Chieftan Borean was killed by Commander Fox in order to selflessly buy time for his allies to fall back from the assault. You dropped this king 👑. Upon the creation of the Dominion, Amari removed the Bearmen from Orcish combat regiments and allowed them to begin resettling, acknowledging both their great contributions and great loss.

Centaur Tribes: The Centaur tribes have known very little peace due to prolonged war instigated by the nobles of Salria. Typically nomadic, the tribes have coalesced under Flammedus and joined the Orcs. The Centaurs effectively ended the Salrian war against them with the assistance of the Orcs and their other allies as part of their incursion into the Kingdom. The arrival of the Undead to challenge the Orcs devastated a rear camp where a Centaur base was destroyed. The Centaurs contributed greatly to the victory over the Kingdom of Salria, two Imperial Regiments, and the pursuing forces of the Scarec, Zirr, and Ejara Nexus. Forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses to the Redfist onslaught, the creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Following the end of the Second Void War, the Centaurs are able to begin acclimating to a peace none of them have known before.

Ogre Legion: Losses to internal strife led to unification of this powerful faction under Brokta the Stomper. As the Ogre Legion reached the peak of its power and attempted to challenge the Demons, a massive Undead ambush took them by surprise leading to substantial losses. The Ogres then allied with the Deathbreeze Clan to successfully retake their home from the Moghtar and free the Red Dragons. Sand Dragons in small numbers have also joined the Legion. The Ogre Legion contributed greatly to the victory over the Kingdom of Salria, two Imperial Regiments, and the pursuing forces of the Scarec, Zirr, and Ejara Nexus. Brokta the Stomper killed General Beringar of Bull Regiment in a duel, but was then assassinated by Orgen Bloodstone. The Ogres led the successful rout of the main Bloodstone army as vengeance, but lost warriors in the explosion of the boobytrapped Bloodstone base. Upon the reorganization of the Orc Clans and creation of the Tribal Dominion, several Ogres are now integrated into the Cliffhunter, Deathbreeze, and New Age Orc Clans. The creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Following the end of the Second Void War, the Ogres remain a fulcrum within the Tribal Dominion's military, while many are able to return to their home in the mountains.

Red Dragons: Freed from the Moghtar, Red Dragons have chosen to join the Orcs, massively increasing the Orc-led alliance's power. Following the end of the Second Void War, the Red Dragons remain a foundational piece to the Tribal Dominion's military, while many are able to build new roosts and roam freely throughout Salria in peace.

Cyclops: A small elite group that assisted the Darkmind Clan in attacking the Golden Guard castle holding Blen Greymoore. The Cyclops retreated into Salria with the Ironthunder and Darkmind clans to then rejoin the rest of the Orc-led Alliance where they contributed to the victory in the three-way battle for the Kingdom. Following the end of the Second Void War, the Cyclops are accepted by their Ogre kin into the Ogre Legion. The Legion remains a fulcrum within the Tribal Dominion's military, while many Cyclops are able to now build new homes in the mountains with other Ogres.

Gnoll Kingdom: Woof! Led by King Gran Gorehowl, this Kingdom brings both a numerical boon and a wealth of experience to the Tribal Dominion. With the help of the Orcs, the Gnolls freed their King, released the Harpys, and repulsed both the Redfist and various mercenaries from Gnoll Island. King Gorehowl remains skeptical of his new ally's methods and intentions due to Amari's unlikely and unnatural statesmanship. Despite these doubts, the Gnolls assisted with the successful rout of the main Bloodstone army where they shrewdly avoided the blast of the boobytrapped Bloodstone base and rescued the injured Amari. The Gnoll Kingdom agreed to join the Tribal Dominion on the condition of certain sovereignty assurances. The creation of the Dominion rallied its armies and led to a decisive victory over all remaining opposition in Salria. Following the end of the Second Void War, the Gnolls work closely with the Goblins to lead architecturally innovative reconstruction efforts across Salria. Inara's close orbit to Amari remains a point of secret contention and suspicion for King Gorehowl due to a warning from Gorthog. As such, the Gnolls emphasize their independence and choose to keep an arm's length away from the rest of Tribal Dominion leadership.

Humans of Salria: Some Humans in Salria have begun accepting the Tribal Dominion's rule upon the promise that a portion of the Royal Treasury will be redistributed to rebuild their lands. Sensing the arriving Human factions as imperialistic vultures, Count Belas led a detachment of the remaining Knights of Salria to collaborate with the Dominion in defeating its remaining enemies. Following the end of the Second Void War, Humans not wishing to stay in Tribal Dominion territory were escorted to the border peacefully. Integrating the native Salrian population at large remains a slow, purposeful project. Spearheading this effort, Grella has directed the Dark Trolls to cordially establish relations with Humans where they can and invite them into the Shadocracy. Human leaders retain some level of managed autonomy and communicate to Dominion leadership through Vanessa.


Splecir Nexus: The central Nexus directly under Aridon that houses many of his most trusted lieutenants. Each undead Nexus has little problem reinforcing their losses in a general sense. Rahandir Drakeskull is not bound to Aridon, but he and his servants follow Aridon willingly and exist within the Splecir and other Nexus. Some unrest began to brew within Rahandir and Kazardius, who each are connected to powerful subfactions within this Nexus, as Aridon outwardly began to destabilize. Following the end of the Second Void War, Aridon departed and left his minions with only loose guidelines to follow. Kazardius remains alone atop the Dead Mountain to watch Zyainor thrive from afar, while Rahandir leads his minions down an independent path. Krom the Immortal aimlessly set out to seek a worthy challenge.

Zirr Nexus: A knowledge and magic focused Nexus. Each undead Nexus has little problem reinforcing their losses in a general sense. Notable defeat in Salria to the Orc-led alliance where the head Ras scholar Tremalon and an undead Selior Cleavehand were entirely destroyed. Following the end of the Second Void War, Aridon departed and left his minions with only loose guidelines to follow. Cora Redfist has been granted access to the archives of the Zirr Nexus, becoming the only living member of it.

Rohir Nexus: A subversion and possession focused Nexus. Each undead Nexus has little problem reinforcing their losses in a general sense. The Rohir, joined by elements of the Splecir, "allied" with the Ironfist and suffered heavy losses in Gardon's battles of attrition. These Undead betrayed their Human counterparts at Fort Ashrazyl following orders from the Watcher as interpreted by, and amended through, Rahandir Drakeskull. Following the end of the Second Void War, Aridon departed and left his minions with only loose guidelines to follow. Lady Meya, no longer obligated to hunt burgeoning Necromancers, sets out with her Maidens to discover their own path of earthly pleasures.

Ejara Nexus: This Nexus is primarily comprised of undead Nerubians. Previously, undead Orcs of the Icewind Clan were used as well until Aridon commanded they be disposed of. Each undead Nexus has little problem reinforcing their losses in a general sense. Notable defeat in Salria to the Orc-led alliance where Haran'tel-kazor was barely recovered. A rejuvenated Haran'tel joined Sir Edoarus in destroying the Purificator and later accepted Cora Redfist's defection. Following the end of the Second Void War, Aridon departed and left his minions with only loose guidelines to follow.

Ardoz Nexus: Galareth's torturous experiments populate this Nexus with a variety of monstrosities, some hybridized with machines. Each undead Nexus has little problem reinforcing their losses in a general sense. Following the end of the Second Void War, Aridon departed and left his minions with only loose guidelines to follow. Galareth the Great delights in his freedom to experiment with Orcs again and seems to hold no interest in contact with the outside world.

Scarec Nexus: Aridon awakening the Bonelords galvanized this Nexus into a crusade through Salria against the Orcs and creating tension with the other Nexus. The Purificator in Kerrel was fired dealing massive damage to the Scarec crusade before the remainder was routed by Orcish forces. The Bonelords have been merged into Rogthil by Amari's shadow magic and disconnected from Aridon, leading to him abdicating his role as the head of the Scarec. There are separate remaining Scarec Nexus forces still operating and serving Aridon, led again by Arnos and Dornos. Following the end of the Second Void War, Aridon departed and left his minions with only loose guidelines to follow. The Scarec Nexus is still constrained from embarking on a new crusade due to its diminished power and Aridon's sole directive to not topple the Kingdoms.

Kezzar Nexus: A Nexus created from the remains of the Blooddrinker Legion and overseen by an undead Ornasion the Destroyer. The Kezzar was on the forefront of several large battles: the siege of Dead Mountain, the Dark Elven civil war, the battle in the eastern Elven Forest, and the attack on Hesrathion's forces within the ruined Castle Kome. But there was currently no shortage of dead Demons to raise during these conflicts, which reinforced this Nexus through its losses. Following the end of the Second Void War, Aridon departed and left his minions with only loose guidelines to follow. Ornasion the Destroyer seeks both revenge on Ebira and the means to free his past lover, Lisara.

Lenira Nexus: Formed after the Dark Elven civil war in which Sister Pentiss seized control, the Dark Elves are not bound to Aridon directly as the other Nexus are. Due to the preceding conflict and devastating usage of Black Lotus as a weapon which effectively destroyed the Aldera Family, this Nexus was created with fewer numbers than it otherwise could have been. Regardless, the Lenira seeks to grow and establish itself to serve the Divine One accordingly as both his original and only truly living followers. Following the end of the Second Void War, Aridon departed and left his minions with only loose guidelines to follow. Sister Pentiss has taken it upon herself to declare the Dark Elves as the guardians of the Watcher while he is secluded deep under the Dead Mountain.

Daviliad Nexus: A newly created Nexus comprised of Undead Elves under former Queen Keera. Upon formation, this nexus suffered heavy losses in the massive battle within the eastern Elven Forest that were quickly offset by raising Elves and Elven Demon Slaves that fell in the same battle. Following the end of the Second Void War, Aridon departed and left his minions with only loose guidelines to follow. The Undead Elves remain secretive within their area of the Elven Forest and have not been seen outside of it.

Fallen Order of the Frost: Effectively destroyed in Toran by the Ironfist, who also killed its undead Grandmaster.


Blooddrinker Legion: Led the Demonic invasion in its successful conquering of the Kingdoms of Lor and Isalmur. The Blooddrinker Legion was then effectively destroyed in Lor when the Souleater Legion betrayed them by not assisting against the combined Undead Nexus assault. Ornasion the Destroyer was killed and subsequently raised as an undead Dreadlord to lead the newly formed Kezzar Nexus.

Souleater Legion: A surprise attack led to a crushing victory over remnants of the Imperial, Kingdom, Orc Clan, and Undead Nexus factions in the aftermath of their battles in Lor. Internal strife between Ebira and Hesrathion hindered a cohesive invasion leading to the failed siege of the Dead Mountain and other defeats in Kerrel, Salria, and the Elven Forest. Still a powerful and numerous force, the Souleater Legion ravaged its way through much of Kerrel. Defeats began to take a heavier toll when Hesrathion was killed by the Kezzar and Rohir Nexus in the ruins of Castle Kome. The bulk of this invading force was then broken when unsuccessfully attempting to stop the Purificator from destroying a large number of critical Demon Gates. This Legion retreated back through The Void and fought to defend Fort Ashrazyl from the forces of Zyainor Reborn and their allies. The remaining defenders fled when Kersidar was killed, leaving this Legion leaderless.

Darkblade Legion: Lesser invasion contribution due to minimal Legion commitment compared to the Blooddrinker and Souleater Legions. The Darkblade Legion suffered a notable defeat to the Kezzar Nexus as it pierced the blockade of the Dead Mountain. The bulk of this invading force was then broken when unsuccessfully attempting to stop the Purificator from destroying a large number of critical Demon Gates. This Legion retreated back through The Void and were subsequently recalled by Erganoth, abandoning Kersidar at Fort Ashrazyl.

Dreamhunter Legion: Minor invasion contribution due to minimal Legion strength, but an important ally of Kersidar. Their primary Demon Gates behind Kingdom lines were destroyed in Kerrel by the Royal Army and Ironfist. This Legion retreated back through The Void and fought to defend Fort Ashrazyl from the forces of Zyainor Reborn and their allies. The remaining defenders fled when Kersidar was killed.


Moghtar: Substantial losses in Salria to an Orc/Ogre alliance and splinter factions being subjugated by Gorthog. The Red Dragons have been freed from Moghtar control. Krogar took the bulk of this military force to join with Lisara's irregulars where the main host was delayed engaging Daric's Mercenaries. Krogar the Conqueror was killed in a duel with Gorthog the Beastlord, allowing Gorthog to lay claim to Moghtar leadership and remove this force from Tregakh's indirect control.

Darkborn: The only known warriors that report directly to the Dark One, this secretive faction maintained Tregakh's control over the Moghtar by proxy. Following the end of the Second Void War, Darkborn stormed a guarded temple on Gnoll Island and retrieved a piece of their master's essence. Darkborn military strength and prowess is mostly unknown.

Empire of Rodan: At some unknown point during the Second Void War, Tregakh replaced the current Emperor of Rodan, Theodor II. Elements of the Imperial Army perform his bidding indirectly via his deception, but do not openly know his identity or motives.


Gorthog's Clan: Gorthog's newly created faction of three subjugated Moghtar clans of small size, elements of Murloc support, and a variety of tamed beasts. Upon killing Krogar the Conqueror, Gorthog also claimed leadership over the main Moghtar clans. Despite sharing common ancestry, Gorthog and his Moghtar cannot easily rejoin the Orcs due to a historic blood feud upheld between the two.

Murlocs: These fishmen appear to operate in separate groups and have not coalesced into a military power to join the Tribal Dominion. One group assisted in the successful incursion into Salria by flanking a Redfist base. Another group has joined Gorthog the Beastlord's Moghtar splinter group. Gorthog's absence from the Orc Clans puts their allegiance with the Tribal Dominion into question and it is reasonable to conclude they have fully joined Gorthog.

Gerezzar Order: Aedale controls Sir Cheveran and elements of this murky Paladin Order through him. Facing distress after killing her father, Aedale was able to wrestle control from Lisara within their joint mind; Cheveran's forces serve Aedale, therefore they have been removed from Tregakh's indirect control. These Gerezzar Order members followed Aedale and Zoia to Kerrel but became separated. Following the end of the Second Void War, Sir Cheveran looks to rejoin his mistress, who has set off on her own.

Zora's Pirates: Unknown army/naval strength off the coast of Salria. Suffered a defeat to the Orcs, Gnolls, and Harpys, forcing a retreat.

Army of Bones: Being assembled in an unknown location after Rogthil's separation from Aridon.

Order of the Bleeding: Effectively destroyed in Lor. The last minor remnant in hiding was killed in Salria by the Bonelords.

Icewind Clan: Effectively destroyed on the Dead Mountain when Aridon awakened the Nexus. Their corpses were used to supplement the Ejara Nexus until Aridon's directive to dispose of them.

Cave Orcs: Effectively destroyed under the Dead Mountain by the Splecir and Kezzar Nexus.

Pigmen of Salria: An Orcish attempt at an alliance was disrupted by Moghtar and Bull Regiment. The Pigmen settlements were destroyed and their current whereabouts are unknown.
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Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
I think we can mention the ironbarks for the Ironfist since they have surprised even the undead and they seem numerically significant.

Daric's mercenaries are unlikely to be attacked by the kingdoms since they are currently without employer and they are probably mostly composed of people from the kingdoms.

Also I think the Redfist recruitment has dried up by this point since all orcs are engaged in Salria and target mostly military settlements (also since the Redfist went around burning centaur-friendly villages, I doubt the locals view them positively)

Also no mention of the boar regiment. They have suffered minimum casualties since they have only participated as scouts/guerillas until now but we don't really know their numbers anyways.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
I think we can mention the ironbarks for the Ironfist since they have surprised even the undead and they seem numerically significant.

Daric's mercenaries are unlikely to be attacked by the kingdoms since they are currently without employer and they are probably mostly composed of people from the kingdoms.

Also I think the Redfist recruitment has dried up by this point since all orcs are engaged in Salria and target mostly military settlements (also since the Redfist went around burning centaur-friendly villages, I doubt the locals view them positively)

Also no mention of the boar regiment. They have suffered minimum casualties since they have only participated as scouts/guerillas until now but we don't really know their numbers anyways.
Added/changed some stuff from your input.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
The Orcs can be interesting to talk about because of the recent events, so to speak, but I'm not so sure about the Undead.

Recently, we've seen the Scarec being deployed with minimal losses, the same can be said to the Kezzar, Rohir, Daviliad and even Rohir.

Ejara and Ardoz are rarely deployed and only suffered real losses, alongside the Splecir, if we consider the B-canon, during which Ornasion destroyed Aridon's force in Bloodbath. Same case with Lenira if Merlon destroys their bases.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
  • Added skeleton for Dwarven Realms, Orcs/Allies, Undead Nexus, Tregakh's Forces, and Miscellaneous
  • Populated Boar Regiment, Ironbark, Daviliad Nexus, Order of the Frost, Gerezzar Order, Zora's Pirates, Order of the Lightning, Order of the Bleeding, Splinter Moghtar, and Pigmen of Salria
  • Split Merlon, Black Dragons into own groups
  • Updated Redfist, Kingdom of Salria

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I really like the idea of this thread.
Golden Guard: Concentrated strength at fortress in Kerrel. Outlying/isolated garrisons are being betrayed/destroyed as survivors flee to central fortress. Made up of the Celestial, Holy, Glory, and Skyguard Battalions, the combined Paladin Order under Praxeus, and the traditional main bulk of the Golden Guard host. These core sub-factions have not been substantially depleted regardless of defeats across the Kingdoms.
The Swamp Dragons are also bolstering the ranks of the Golden Guard now. The Celestial and Holy Battalions are
the "biggest" remaining of the battalions. Skyguard has lost a substantial amount of its forces in the Elven Kingdom.
Honor and Glory were completely wiped out.
Redfist: Grew with new recruits, such as the Fallen Knights of Kome, prior to entering Salria as victims of the Orcs found reason to join. Avoided much fighting as their detour to raze the Orc Islands delayed them to major battles until recently at Gnoll Island. Defeats have not majorly reduced combat capabilities beyond the loss of Fire Golems. Kingdoms will be hostile to them now except maybe Salria, or maybe none of them?? Relationship with the Kingdoms likely won't matter as the True Story wraps up. Alliances with other human factions exist only as it furthers their goals to eradicate Orcs.
Yes, the Redfist has a vast amount of volunteers from all over the Kingdoms.
Despite being an Imperial faction through its leadership, the fact that they stand apart from other Imperial
factions and don't bother with any of the other conflicts, only focusing completely on the Orcs and their allies,
gave them a lot of sympathy throughout the Kingdoms who have suffered from Orc raids for so long.
In the Empire VS Kingdoms theatre, they are considered a neutral faction as they don't care for such politics.
They only want to see Orcs burn.
Boar Regiment: Who knows. Actual assholes.
Looking forward to their next appearance I see!
Stonelord Dwarves: Minor losses underground to Rohir Nexus, otherwise not depleted by Demons or Orcs. Unclear contribution to a war effort.
There is no way to really know this since I have not mentioned it directly anywhere yet but the Stonelord Dwarves
are the ones who are mainly constantly attacked by the critters stirred up by the Ejara Nexus & their slaves.
While all Dwarves face those stirred up underground critters from time to time, the Stonelords have to deal with
the main bulk of it due to being the ones in closest proximity to the tunnels used by the Undead - and to the Ejara
breeding chambers.
They have no idea that the Undead are behind it though since the Ejara are doing their best to remain as sneaky as
possible. It is one of those "behind the scenes" things.
Ironbark: Unclear if they can be deployed outside of the Elven Forest, but otherwise a good numeric addition to the Ironfist and Elves.
Theoretically they could be deployed anywhere, yes, but they are created by Herdon and he is currently staying there.
He also spends some time researching some rather... sinister things however.
Ogres/Sand Dragons (faction name?): Losses to internal strife led to unification under Brokta. Substantial losses due to an Undead ambush. Allied with the Deathbreeze clan to retake their home from Moghtar with minor losses.
I would say you can add the Sand Dragon to the Ogre Legion faction at this point.
Goblins (faction name?):
The good old Goblin Federation. :)
Darkmind Clan: Partial losses in the attack on the Imperial line at the Dead Mountain. Escaped losses to the Demons due to their position deep within the Imperial lines. Substantial losses in the trek to and subsequent attack on the Golden Guard castle followed by entrapment by Wolf Regiment. Rath killed deep within the Castle while the clan remnants retreated under Inara's new leadership.
Also previously a very large clan (second after Deathbreeze) due to absorbing many warriors of the
minor clans when Rangul united the clans. Just like Deathbreeze now a shadow of their former selves.
Order of the Lightning: Substantial losses in Isalmur, became mercenaries working with Zora's Pirates. Grandmaster alive?
Grandmaster dead as Taray has not taken the mantle of "grandmaster" despite leading the remnants of the order.
Level 8
Jan 2, 2017
Grey Guard: General Greymoore and high ranking members killed in prison. Unclear where the bulk of this regiment went as they never suffered a military defeat.

Coastal Battalion: Golden Guard battalion that has defected to the Ironfist. Minor losses when successfully quelling Retka's rebellion. There have been no major defeats under Cora Redfist.

Order of the Air: Minor defeat in Lor to the Darkmind and Ironthunder clans, still at near full strength.

Order of the Arcane: Partial losses in Salria, Grandmaster and successor killed by the Bonelords. Unclear relationship with the Royal Army and, by extension, the Ironfist alliance.

Darkborn: SpoOoOoOoOoky!


Zora's Pirates: Unknown army/naval strength off the coast of Salria.

Order of the Lightning: Substantial losses in Isalmur, became mercenaries working with Zora's Pirates. Grandmaster killed.

Splinter Moghtar: Gorthog's newly created faction of three subjugated Moghtar clans of small size.

Order of the Bleeding: Effectively destroyed in Lor. Minor remnant in hiding killed in Salria by the Bonelords.

Night Elves of Arkain: Waiting for the right moment to show their strength over everyone else.
Grey Guard: Not sure if they went to Ironfist to fight demons or to Golden Guard to redeem themselves. Though, I remember a comment saying they did go to the Golden Guard.

Coastal Battalion: Hoping to see some recruits use Critical Strike with Endless War and Defend. (But will most likely cause issues)

Order of the Air: Good that they're still strong, but they allied with Kerrel in the stories.

Order of the Arcane: Hoping they split in joining both Golden Guard and Ironfist. (But most likely Golden Guard since we see them in the SHB, fighting for them)

Darkborn: If these were former humans, then Tregakh is one crazy lunatic to turn humans into those aberrations.

Zora's Pirates: Curious how strong the Pirate Queen's navy is. I'd laugh if its actually stronger than Merlon's.

Splinter Moghtar: Curious if Amari will accept the Moghtar. (Probably, but will be separated from the rest to avoid conflict)

Order of the Bleeding: A shame we didn't have a map where we play as the Veterans of the Voidwar to kill the Order.

Night Elves of Arkain: lmao Shar would remove Arkain from the web.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Bull Regiment: Substantial losses in Lor to the Orcs, General Berengar alive. Reduced regiment hunting Orcs in Salria where losses have been only minor as Dorbric has taken a large task force to ambush Gorthog. Kingdoms will be hostile to them following Dorten's betrayal, though relationship with the Kingdom of Salria is unclear.

Wolf Regiment: Substantial losses in Lor to the Orcs, General Blackwolf alive. Decisive victory over the Darkmind Clan in Kerrel. Reduced regiment hunting Orcs in Salria where they suffered another defeat with partial losses. Kingdoms will be hostile to them following Dorten's betrayal, though relationship with the Kingdom of Salria is unclear.

Falcon Regiment: Substantial losses in Lor to the Orcs, General Elvir alive. Remnants hunting Orcs in Salria where they retreated with only minor losses. Kingdoms will be hostile to them following Dorten's betrayal, though relationship with the Kingdom of Salria is unclear.

Phoenix Regiment: Substantial losses in Lor to the Orcs, General Harron alive... again. Reduced regiment hunting Orcs in Salria where they suffered another minor defeat with partial losses. Kingdoms will be hostile to them following Dorten's betrayal, though relationship with the Kingdom of Salria is unclear. Forces supplemented with resurrected Fire Revenants from the Order of the Flame.
The regiments and the Salrians will definitely keep working together as long as the Orcs and their allies
remain a serious threat - while the Salrians were very much in favor of independence from the Empire,
King Salran wants to remove the threat from his lands before having them leave.
Also the Redfist would get kinda mad if anyone sabotaged the war against the Orcs by fighting amongst
themselves and probably burn a lot of things down again.
Dorbric and his Bulls are focused solely on taking down the Orcs and Zoia doesn't care one bit for van Durce.

Royal Army: Armies of Kerrel and Rengar + remnants from Lor and Islamur commanded by Prince Toraes. Some elements may exist from Salria, Toran, and Pyrru, but these Kingdoms are no longer in a position to reinforce the Royal Army with additional forces. Reasonable strength after coalescing into one fighting force, especially after leaning on Imperials to fight the Demons and Orcs. A formidable force but not powerful enough to directly challenge the consolidated Golden Guard position in Kerrel alone.
Toranite and Pyrrean parts of the army have been integrated into Gardon's army at this point. Salrian involvement
(already low due to the conflict with the Centaurs) in the northern conflict has reached almost zero since the Orcs
entered Salria, with many Salrian troops on their way back home, meaning that it mostly comprises of the armies of Kerrel
and Rengar at this point.
Order of the Air: Minor defeat in Lor to the Darkmind and Ironthunder clans, still at near full strength.
Suffered some losses in skirmishes against the Demons (just like the Royal Army did, i. e. Dark Blades chapter).
While still at high strength, definitely falls short compared to say the Order of the Flame.
The Destroyer killed 😢.
The smiley really gets me. XD
Cheiftan Borean alive.
and rolling!
Gerezzar Order: Aedale/Lisara now control Sir Cheveran and his small, murky Paladin Order.
Sir Cheveran is actually not the "leader" of the Gerrazar Order, he does command a decent amount of its
"regular" soldiers however and did rise the ranks quite a bit.
The rest of the Order remains free of Aedale/Lisara.

Night Elves of Arkain: Waiting for the right moment to show their strength.
They hide behind the Demons that hide behind trees - also IN the trees!
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
  • Redfist, Falcon, Phoenix, Daric from the new mission
  • Uncrossed out Bloodstone with a small update
  • nearly every Orc Clan and ally, flavor text modified because some seemed like all they do is lose
  • overhauled Imperial regiments
  • entire Servants of the Dark One section
  • Splinter Moghtar
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Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Who knows when the next chapter is coming, so I've updated the Regiments, fleshed out the Ironfist section, beefed up the Elven Kingdom, done more work on the Orc Clans, and added the Minor Clans as a 'removed' faction. Sort of a general overhaul that made the whole thing more dense.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
New Interlude dropped so here is the last update for awhile it sounds like. Moved Gerezzar Order and Murlocs to the Miscellaneous section with some updates. Naturally, all the Orc Clans got updated and their section was renamed to Tribal Dominion. Added New Age Orcs and Blackrazor Clan to the Tribal Dominion. Crossed out all the applicable reorganized Orc Clans. Mr. Dundred or other players: please feel free to suggest corrections and/or additions.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Changes from up through Blood and Water. Not to be confused with the semi-recent Blood and Soul, this one is LIQUIDS ONLY.

  • Redfist, Falcon Regiment, Phoenix Regiment, Daric's Mercenaries, Bloodstone Dwarnes, Ironfist, Royal Army, Nearly every Tribal Dominion faction re: victory over Redfist
  • Crossed out Redfist, Falcon, Phoenix, Bloodstone (Were Falcon, Phoenix, and Bloodstone survivors sent home too? Is Commander Fox dead?)
  • Koydoss gets their happy ending after the big loss
  • Added Humans of Salria to Tribal Dominion
I marked Logan as KIA but Shar coyly does not respond to any comments about him getting offscreened.
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Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Final update for the v1.0 full release. A bunch of changes across the board. I would consider making Gorthog’s faction its own section now but I also think it’s fine the way it is in Miscellaneous.

Otherwise, no more updates but maybe one day a new one can be born for a new conflict.