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*** Bug Report ***

Level 13
Mar 19, 2010
Welcome to the Forsaken Bastion's Fall Bug Report Section!

The purpose of this section is to instruct you on how to report a bug and communicate any bug fixes and updates to our players. We appreciate all of our players helping us find issues with Forsaken Bastion's Fall.

Please be advised that this is NOT a discussion thread, and official technical support is NOT available via this section. This is a direct line of communication to the Forsaken Bastion's Fall team to help report issues, and all critical information of a post should be contained in the subject and first post.

Invalid Posts
We are only interested in bug reports on this section; the following threads are likely to be deleted immediately:

1. Discussion posts
2. Invalid issue reports
3. Feedback / Suggestion posts
4. Posts requesting information on the game.
5. Posts made on other forums.
6. Posts requesting status updates on existing issues.

Deleting Posts
Posts that have been determined to be Not A Bug, Invalid Issue Reports, or other reasonable posts to make on this forum but that have been disproven will be kept for 24 hours before deletion. If the original poster acknowledges his post before that time, it will be deleted immediately. Posts that fall under the “Invalid Posts” as listed above will be deleted immediately.

Bug Reporting Guidelines
Provide as much information as possible and be as clear as possible. Please do not assume that the Forsaken Bastion's Fall staff will know what you are talking about. Please create a single post for each issue, and if you have multiple bug reports, please verify that there are not already posts on them.

Creating a Bug Post
Please take the time and search the forum to see if your issue has already been reported. If your search is unsuccessful, please follow these guidelines when posting:

1. Begin with [v0.x.x] in the headline, and be as descriptive as possible. Example: [v0.2.1][Hero] Behemot - Roar Ability does not work. or [v0.2.1][Item] Healing Potion - Negative Regeneration ...
2. Each issue/bug should get a post in this section.
3. Please only describe the steps taken to reproduce your problem, do not include any opinions.
4. Include a screenshot of the issue if you are able to.
Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
Unfortunately, I forgot to save the replay but there were a few bugs I have to point out somehow :/
We played last Saturday in a 3vs3 match.

Abomination Hero - Several times during the game all of my abilities and including the command buttons (move, stop) were gone without doing anything. They returned later but it was quite annoying.

Gameplay - At some point, the game decided to move the teleport points while no boss was killed.
Level 13
Mar 19, 2010
I forgot to save the replay

:cry::cry::cry: / Next time!!!

Abomination Hero - Several times during the game all of my abilities and including the command buttons (move, stop) were gone without doing anything. They returned later but it was quite annoying.

This is really strange... I can't say anything to that behaviour without seeing it with my own eyes.

Gameplay - At some point, the game decided to move the teleport points while no boss was killed.

That can be. The teleporter moves to annother point depending on the amount of the heroes level on both sides. It goes hand in hand with the spawn points of the forsaken defense units.
Level 13
Mar 19, 2010
AWESOME!!! THX A LOT!!! Videos are still the best for the moment to fix/balance...

I'll watch it the next days and next week i'll release a new version with some features you mentioned last week and some new things from this video.

Level 8
Dec 11, 2012
I tried to play this but the map freezes. It enters the map, displays couple of messages, then (Null) and nothing.

Is there some special player requirement to play it, or version. I'm playing on 1.26. :)
Level 13
Mar 19, 2010
It's a multi player map. You should play it with a minimum players of 3v3, better 4v4 up to 6v6.

You can't play it alone ( for the moment!!! ). We're working on an AI for FBF but this takes a lot of time. I think next year. Then you can play it alone but playing with AI is never the same like real players.