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Bug Report

Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
It appears Night Hunt is being rather stingy with its loading screen :eekani:
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
Once I Attacked Okri's Base, a dialoge popped up from a knight, saying they attack now the Orcs. The Road block behind Okri's base was went down, but no soldier was ever moved to attack the base. Okri's base was destroyed. The Path Behind Okri's Base was a valley, and there was several soldiers: they did nothing after the event. Just stayed there.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Once I Attacked Okri's Base, a dialoge popped up from a knight, saying they attack now the Orcs. The Road block behind Okri's base was went down, but no soldier was ever moved to attack the base. Okri's base was destroyed. The Path Behind Okri's Base was a valley, and there was several soldiers: they did nothing after the event. Just stayed there.
Is this before or after you downloaded the new version with the fixed Cliffhunter base?
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
Is this before or after you downloaded the new version with the fixed Cliffhunter base?
New version of the chapter. I also wanted to note, that only the road block behind Okri's base is lowered, the one from the player side, where the Salrian Knight are (The Fox or something his name, a hero) with a few troops. He is sending some waves time to time, where he stands. There is no dialoge with him. + The Knight dialoge mentioned in my previous post, was happened in the time, where this mentioned Salrian Hero was long dead. I don't know it's important or not, but the Zirr Nexus killed him and his troops, and there was no dialoge.
Found a way to both lose and win the following chapter at the same time.

Based on the behavior of the bug, the defeat trigger does not disable the observer triggers that determine the victory conditions of the map. I've filled out additional details within the video description itself.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Master Shar Dundred. I have a bug report for you.

In the Rise of the Clans Chapter. Enemy Orc heroes like Gorthog and Lokar can level up until level 10. Please look into the triggers fo this map please? Thanks looking forward to the next update!
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
So I've found a bug, once that's somehow, been hidden in plain sight for quite a long time.

While testing a few vanilla abilities, I've discovered that Item Attack Fire Bonus' splash damage is tied to the Damage Bonus on the ability itself, not a percentage of the Hero's attack like I initially thought.

So, with that knowledge, I checked van Durce's Retribution ability and discovered that, in fact, he deals 0 splash damage with it, and his splash damage instead comes from the Orb of Fire in his inventory.

I guess an easy fix would be shifting some of the damage bonus from the real Retribution to the Orb one, or maybe Hidden Spellbook + Cleaving Attack.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Another Bug Report for Last Stand of the Golden Guard:

Check your Game Save Cache, Master. Something is off with Brian's save Chace, cause I clearly remember Vail giving up her Cloak of Flames to Brain, but when I began the mission for the 2nd time Vail got the Cloak of Flames on her even though I gave it to Brain on my previous first try.
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
The last stand of the Golden Guard:

It's strange, when the player & allies reaching the entrance of the Golden Guard fortification, the cutscene coming (Gardon + Brian against Praxeus), and suddenly we are way behind from the wall, and fighting. If it's not a bug: I must say that I made the error, to play this chapter of the campaign under WCIII 1.31. So, if this is good and all, It's my bad then.
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
Can you show a screenshot of what you are refering to?
You asked for a screenshot, but it's not that simple. So here a gallery of what I talked about. The cutscene and the Praxeus Boss fight only happens, if we (Player + allies) reaching the main gate & walls of the GG. The Cutscene when it's triggered, beginning with Richard Van Durce's dialoge. During this fight, my army is on the gates, and boss fight is in the back. Strange to see this implementation

By the way, there is an empty patch of land in the map, where is no trees and stuff.

LoATS - The Last Stand of The Golden Guard - Empty patch of land.jpg


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    LoATS - The Last Stand of the GG - Cutscene END, and Fight.jpg
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    LoATS - The Last Stand of the GG - Cutscene 2.jpg
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  • LoATS - The Last Stand of the GG - Cutscene 2.jpg
    LoATS - The Last Stand of the GG - Cutscene 2.jpg
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Level 27
Aug 18, 2022

No it happens when the outer bases are destroyed.
The units are moved to prevent issues with the cutscene and boss battle.
This is happened after the outer bases was destroyed, far after. You can see on the screenshot with the right name on it. Since you updated once more the whole campaign, you probably fixed this.

I finally managed to complete the chapter, and the end cutscene is terrible: it's very laggy. Don't know why, performance problems are pretty rare with Legends of Arkain. This is my 3rd and sucessful try on 1.29.2. So the following Picture is made on the second release of the last chapter, under 1.29.2:
LoATS - The Last Stand of the GG 1292 - Praxeus disappeared somehow on the cinematic.jpg

Yeah, I know Praxeus disappear after the fight, but not in the middle of the cinematic! What an artist!
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Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
If you saw the Brockta scene, when did you crash?
The Scene were Brockta died didnt carshed on me. The game crashed on me after I encountered Selior the Headless Horseman.

I think my game has overloaded it self with the amount interaction and encouters I have been getting.

This claim im saying is present in End of Orc Kind in 2nd Orc Book when Vaneesa Encounter Pechan for the first time and the game immediatly crashes on me.
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Played the most recent chapter (Risen Resistance) and I encountered this cinematic bug:


A standing bull, General Berangar. He fought some stray Scarec Nexus troops, preventing SetUnitAnimation from working properly.

Also, trobuled -> troubled.


  • WC3ScrnShot_101123_195156_01.png
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I think my game has overloaded it self with the amount interaction and encouters I have been getting.

This claim im saying is present in End of Orc Kind in 2nd Orc Book when Vaneesa Encounter Pechan for the first time and the game immediatly crashes on me.
If this was the case though, then Last Stand of the Golden Guard would have crashed all the time for you since it has more events.

I am still not sure what causes the crashes but from both testing and the feedback so far it seems to be limited to 1.30.
I cannot reproduce it on 1.29.2 either.

A standing bull, General Berangar. He fought some stray Scarec Nexus troops, preventing SetUnitAnimation from working properly.
I pay these skeletons too much - and I don't even pay them.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
If this was the case though, then Last Stand of the Golden Guard would have crashed all the time for you since it has more events.
In a way yes, The Last Stand of the Golden has a 40% to 50% to crash on me during the initial gameplay. But it dose not happen frequently. It only happens once or twice during gameplay, but I only notice it once. Same goes for Risen Resistance.

The Crash can only happens to me if the map proves too be Large and then encounters and triggers starts to pile up.

In way the game and the map in 1.30 tries to multitask with the triggers to the point where it overloards itself and then crashes.
Added the main factor that Im playing your campaign on 1.30 not on 1.29... Even some of your 2nd Orc book maps have a tendancy to crash on me.

2 examples of maps that are likely to crash on 1.30:

A dish best serve cold (30% Happens during early gameplay)

End of Orc kind(80% because the crash happens when first meeting Pechan)
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
I'd also encountered 1.31 and its own problems. One of these problems is... Item going missing even if it's a Custom campaign. I used to play your campaign on 1.31 but grew tired of this bug and switched to 1.30. Sure the version crashes, occasionally but I grew to tolerate its effectiveness.

For the most part, 85%, from my perspective, is mostly fine. I usually make a save file in case a crash occurs, which is prevalent in some of the Legends of Arkain Series Maps.
Level 29
May 14, 2021
I'd also encountered 1.31 and its own problems. One of these problems is... Item going missing even if it's a Custom campaign. I used to play your campaign on 1.31 but grew tired of this bug and switched to 1.30. Sure the version crashes, occasionally but I grew to tolerate its effectiveness.

For the most part, 85%, from my perspective, is mostly fine. I usually make a save file in case a crash occurs, which is prevalent in some of the Legends of Arkain Series Maps.
Try playing on 1.29.2, as the author said. Higher versions of Warcraft 3, even Reforged, are prone for game crashing and unwanted bugs.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Update on the Crash testing on the latest release.

I've tested the map again and I've tried it in 2 different ways. Cheating through the map and doing it normally.

Cheating Method:
In the previous incarnation of this map, before this map was even released. In Orc Book 2, I managed to take a look at the triggers of this Chapter in my world editor and found the early reinforcement trigger in the King Salran base, so I utilized this to my advantage.

Do note that I can't access the True story to maps on my World Editor, for some memory reason that the software claims to be too heavy to open. I can only take a look at the Old book series From One to Two. Thus allowing me to change balances to my liking Heh heh...

Anyways Activating Whosyourdaddy, then rushing my heroes onto the southern base, triggering the early reinforcements which activate the countdown on the bone lords' arrival. This part of the gameplay, during my first playthrough on this map, was going smoothly, until I met Selior Headless Horseman. The Hero placed his dialogues and then the game proceeded to Crash on me. After rebooting my Warcraft 3 and entering my save file, the game continued to go as smoothly but I just rushed it. Clearing everything in my way, killing the BoneLords, getting the items for the heroes, and the rest is done. Then witnessing Brockta's death.

Sad but that's how it is...

Normal Method:
Recently Today, I have tested normally where I didn't cheat nor trigger the Early reinforcement trigger. I wanted to prepare my base for the Undead Air attacks that I knew would come at 4 vulnerable angles. This took a while to set up and then the Reinforcement trigger happened and I know it proceeded to countdown on the Time when the BoneLords come. By the time it was the BoneLords' time to be revealed the game crashed on me.

The Normal gameplay of mine Struggled to Load the Cutscene where BoneLords arrived and then they got fucked by Brian and Gardon while testing on the Machine. I've tried it multiple times with my saved file and the same results keep happening.

In conclusion to my experience to this:

Playing the map with cheats clears it quickly but has no satisfaction, what hinders me from playing it normally is the known crash I have mentioned in the Normal Method comment. I keep repeating this, but not all maps in my Warcraft 3 Version 1.30 isn't compatible unless Shar or Kasrkin finds the problem by some miracle.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
1.30 is a giant mess and a half.
I really recommend using 1.29.2 or 1.31
I test most pre-1.31.1 stuff on 1.30.4 without problems. 1.31.1 might be a bit more stable, maybe, debatable, however it has the trigger event breaking load game bug which renders the patch null if triggers in maps aren't made around the issue.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
As promised here's the video I have mentioned on my end:

Also some bugs I have noticed Shar:

Flammedus isn't training Any Khans and Brockta's Ogres isn't training any Magi.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
As promised here's the video I have mentioned on my end:
I'm sorry. Are you editing or resaving any of the campaign maps with the editor? That might have a lot to do with breaking stuff.
I waited for everything to come out, enemies, reinforcements. Only finished the enemy after nothing new came (dialogues etc.).
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
I'm sorry. Are you editing or resaving any of the campaign maps with the editor? That might have a lot to do with breaking stuff.
I waited for everything to come out, enemies, reinforcements. Only finished the enemy after nothing new came (dialogues etc.).
Oh No, the map I showed in the video was in the 2nd Orc book, but the gameplay was in the True Story campaign. So I have not been editing any changes with the True Story campaign file. I only showed the World Editor Map to prove my point about where is the problem coming from and I can only bring changes to the 2nd Orc Book map. As I said in the previous comment.

I can't properly access the True Story campaigns in my editor cause it crashes due to the campaign file being too heavy to open.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
@Zergy-RockNSotne You lost me the moment I saw you in the editor.
I will not look into fixing this "bug" that you caused by tampering with the files this any longer.
No no, Sir. Listen, You got it all wrong. I can't access this map, in the main True Story Campaign, so I only used the 2nd Orc book version to point out the problem I was facing.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
It happens with all that happens after choosing a faction and then if you don't trigger the early reinforcements. So far What i have experienced.

Skull Blade - Crashes when it tries to load in the Bone Lord Cutscene

Dark Mind - Immediatly crahes when trying to unhide the Amarri reinforcements,

I haven't experience Blood hand and Gold Axe, yet. For I haven't tried them so far.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Strange, Question though. What version did you use for the tests?
This is my version when testing the map: 1.30.1