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Bug Report

Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Update on the Crash on 1.30.1. After re-downloading the file and replacing the old one, I can clearly say the Crash that happened during the Reinforcements unhiding and Bone Lord's new Cutscene is 100% Gone. So in conclusion, Whatever Shar posted initially during the initial release of the latest must-have contained that bug I have been experiencing, and it was already fixed, to what Sir Kasrkin has stated...

In return on my end. I have gone crazy... trying to prove something that was already fixed a long time ago... I have shamed myself...

Still, some noticeable bugs or inconsistencies I've encountered:
1.) Flammedus isn't training Khans even though he has Khans on his starting defenses... (What is the point of giving him 3 Bestiaries even though Centaur Khan's are classified as Totem units?
2.) Ogre Legion is Training Maulers from the Beastiary even though I thought Maulers were classified as Totem Units.
3.) The Ogre Legion isn't training any dead Ogre Magis.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
In Siege of the Dead Mountain (Act 5 chapter 5), The demonlord behind trees doesn't seem to be reanimated if the player is at maximum food (Ornasion said his line, but nothing spawned out of the corpse) I don't know if that's intentional, but considering how hard the mission is without it and since reinforcements regularly make the player's supply spike, it can be very problematic.

Edit : Also Urshan (the doom guard hero) doesn't seem to have a hero glow
Edit 2 : Obsidian Statues have the ability to morph into destroyers greyed out despite the destroyer upgrade not being researchable.

Edit 3
In Rebellion (Act 6 Chapter 3), The Kajon Marauder Leader in Essix keeps being deleted by the game when I get her to low hp. I don't know why that happens, but her she disappears (no death animation), her items are put on the ground and the village then switches sides after a few seconds.
I reloaded 4 times and she kept disappearing at various amounts of hp lost. By the 5th attempt, it stopped doing it. I think she was in close proximity to the ark when this bug happened but I'm not 100% sure.

Edit 4 : End of an uprising (Act 6 chapter 6 I think ?)
In the ending cinematic, after being sent to be consumed by Cora, Scarlet Retka attempted a glorious escape while Gardon and Whitefield had moved on. (She followed Cora to be executed and then came back later)
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Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
There were no major bugs, but I encountered a crash during my initial play-through. This might be a 1.30 thing yet again, I need to confirm where and how it crashes. Will continue work... Comment will be updated when time allows to conduct further testing...

Overall, this mission is by far my most anticipated and my favorite in Act 9.

News Update:

And it's good news! No major Crashes happened during my 2nd play-through. So the crash I have mentioned is just another 1.30 scenario being dumbed... Congrats on a successful release free from bugs, at least for now...
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Level 3
Dec 14, 2014
Howdy lovely gentlemen;

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask, so if I'm in the wrong place, apologies in advance.

I just beat all three bonelords, also completely clearing their bases.
After nothing happened, I see there is supposed to be a second "main mission", still flagged as Undiscovered.
Also no "lore" section in the F9 screen.

I then used, "iseedeadpeople" to double-check the map and there's literally zero enemy units alive.
"allyourbasearebelongtous" also didn't do a thing, leaving me stuck in the chapter.

For the record, I killed NE-> NW -> SE -> SW and finally the Western Bonelord, as the last one.
I dealt with him BEFORE leveling his base (he met my heroes at the his base's north entrance).
I play version 1.29, by the way.

I something trigger-related I should've done in a different order?
Is there a known bug?
Am I even in the right place to ask such a question?

Thanks in advance, and may you all have a very nice rest of your week.

Problem solved. I donwloaded the latest version (with the next mission in the pack) and replayed the mission with "whosyourdaddy" on the whole time.
Made sure to follow the very same path.
At the very last bonelord base (west), I made sure to run circles and clear everything BUT the bonelord, leaving him for last.
It all worked properly from there.

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Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
@Shar Dundred and Team. I would like to pay attention to Risent Resistance again. It's about Sasrogarn... It's just a minor request that's all. Since this... Cowardly of an Orc is considered not to be dead by Master Shar Dundred's hand, I still have the option to kill him during gameplay... Which I did and things got awkward during the Reinforcements dialogue...

Amarii is talking to a dead orc... Which is kinda not lore accurate...

So I propose 2 solutions to this minor problem, to make the game a bit... Lore Accurate.

Solution 1: Make Sasrogarn Invincible until one of the Allied Base's main Great Halls is destroyed, thus making it vulnerable.

Solution 2: Or make him Sas as a main objective to keep him alive. So if the player has any intentions to kill him, like me, will lose the campaign.

This will keep things Lore accurate, while the changes are just suttle for the chapter...
Level 16
Apr 20, 2014
I had a sudden crash, which happened during an assault of Urchan against Fallen Knights of Kome.

Hopefully I saved before.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Amarii is talking to a dead orc... Which is kinda not lore accurate...

There could be a third way, a more asshole-ish way.

The game checks every second if 1) Sas is dead and 2) You have an Altar of Storm. Then, the altar just switch control to his to revive him and cancel the rest of your Heroes in its training queue. You can only get the Altar back if he finishes revival.
Level 1
Oct 25, 2023
Once i dowloaded new version of true story arkain. My previous progress and saved items just gone... im using current version of reforged
Level 4
May 30, 2019
There is a massive bug for me on Last Stand of the Golden Guard. I don't know if this is known or not yet. What is happening is that sometimes when my heroes die, they just get kinda revived on the spot but they are uncontrollable and they cannot be revived. I can't select them or do anything to them and they just attack nearby enemies and can't be attacked. I frankly don't know what could cause this but I will attach a photo here, as it can be seen in the photo, on the left side you can see Vail, Cora and Merlon dead but I cannot revive them. You can also see Cora attacking there and being ignored with Merlon being at the gate. I have chosen the health bonus as my mission buff if it helps but I personally believe it might be something related to an ability of an enemy hero, perticularly those that are around the photo since that's when 2 of my heroes got bugged. Vail got bugged early on.

Edit: I lost Gardon as well seems like, I have no clue anymore what could cause this bug sadly.



Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
My Warcraft 3 version is 1.29.1 and the latest version for the campaign
You sure it's .1 and not .2?
Anyways the recommended version is at least 1.29.2.

The site says 1.29 but it's not precise.
So better always check the description first in case the author mentions something important like this.
Level 4
May 30, 2019
You sure it's .1 and not .2?
Anyways the recommended version is at least 1.29.2.
View attachment 452384

The site says 1.29 but it's not precise.
So better always check the description first in case the author mentions something important like this.
I will try to change my version to 1.29.2 and see if it works. Been using 1.29.1 for the last 5 years and I haven't had any issue in any of the books so I am truly surprised by this.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Did some research, tt appears to be a 1.31 bug.
It definitely works on 1.29.2 and 1.30.

I will take a closer look at it tomorrow and see if I can maybe find and fix whatever causes that bug for 1.31.

As stated in the past, I highly recommend using 1.29.2 for the True Story of Arkain since that is the version I use
to create its maps.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Major Bug report and it's about the latest release. Even at 1.30 I've been facing the same issues the victory trigger ain't working, @Shardundred.

The interesting thing about this bug is that. In my initial playtest on this map, I cheated. The results that I've completed the quest and the cutscene played out. And now during my 2nd run, it seems the game doesn't even want to finish it. Why is that??

Also about the A.I. for Darkmind Clan during the late game. They are not rebuilding lost buildings or vital troops like Spitting Spider or High Shamans.

I have several suspicions the bug that is causing this problem is when Orgen blows up the Goldmines. During my initial play, I didn't trigger the 2nd trolling move, thus allowing me to proceed with the quest.

Or it could be the Falcon Regiment Spawn attack waves interfering with the Victory trigger during my 2nd play-through.

But the point is that some bug is interfering with the main quest trigger.

Also, I minor dialogue fix (This happens when Amarii meets with Fenrik Bloodstone):
Bug 1.jpg
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Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Here you go, Sir. Video Evidence of this Bug:

Time Stamps on the Video to be Detailed:

Save File Time Stamps:
Loading in Save File: 0:24
Lasting Building Destroyed (Bug Occurs):2:10
Chat Log: 2:45

New File (With Cheats = Working)
Loading a new File: 3.17
Mission Completes itself: 6:18
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
In the latest chapter, Krogar anihilated Gorthog in single combat and then went back to have a piece of Redfist. Considering how the cinematic went, I suppose that's not how it was supposed to go.
Also, if Aedale is in demon form when she killed Redfist, she'll be in demon form when the cinematic begins. It makes it a bit difficult to differentiate when Aedale and Lisara are talking and it makes Orie recognizing Aedale weird.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
I cannot proceed as much as I wanted to in 1.30.1. The game crashes every time. This map still haunts its issues even after it reformed from the 2nd Orc book. Please look into this. I dunno what is causing the crashes, but I had to cheat my victory for this one @Shar Dundred.

Update issues notice: Every time I try to fight Pechen his interaction triggers dialogue and forces my game to crash.

Update 2: The game Runs smoothly now after taking out Pechan's base with Whosyourdaddy. Disabling the Cheat after taking out the Goblin base seems to make it run smoothly.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
One thing I have been able to deduce with the help of @Jayborino and @Kasrkin is that the game does seem to guarantee a crash when using the Restart button - not instantly but eventually, even if you save and load after restarting.
This definitely has not always been the case, it is possible that the amount of maps is starting to cause more and more issues.
Level 19
Aug 1, 2022
Huh, well what ya know? Your words do speak the truth. Tested it out myself. No crash happens.

I will keep this in mind then... Thank you.

Um, I have some... Question though, its about Aedal and she is stuck in her Demon form, even though I clearly remembered she was suppose to be at her human form at this stage of the mission

Also do take note of this Sirs.

I do not remember Aedal having doom. This must be the Game Cache, @Shar Dundred.


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Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
I had a random crash on Death's Approach (yes, in Act 3) last night on 1.30.4. No restart, saving, or loading, it was as I pushed into Purple's base. Played again on 1.31 and no problems, though I was safety saving that time.
Level 5
Jul 21, 2017
Had a crash on Blood and Soul, with version 1.29.2.
Crashes during the Fallen Knights of Kome's first attack and while an wave from Urshan is striking out. Not sure if anything else of note was happening.

Happened three times so far, going to try again and see if starting anew helps.

Edit: Restarted mission via mission select.
Was able to get further but it crashed when attacking the former Dwarf base. Even if I reloaded and didn't attack the base, kept crashing.

I save a lot, in case that effects anything.
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Had a crash on Blood and Soul, with version 1.29.2.
Crashes during the Fallen Knights of Kome's first attack and while an wave from Urshan is striking out. Not sure if anything else of note was happening.

Happened three times so far, going to try again and see if starting anew helps.

Edit: Restarted mission via mission select.
Was able to get further but it crashed when attacking the former Dwarf base. Even if I reloaded and didn't attack the base, kept crashing.

I save a lot, in case that effects anything.
According to a recent discovery from the latest mission, it is recommended to NOT RESTART the map and use the map selection, if I recall correctly.

Hope that helps!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Had a crash on Blood and Soul, with version 1.29.2.
Crashes during the Fallen Knights of Kome's first attack and while an wave from Urshan is striking out. Not sure if anything else of note was happening.

Happened three times so far, going to try again and see if starting anew helps.

Edit: Restarted mission via mission select.
Was able to get further but it crashed when attacking the former Dwarf base. Even if I reloaded and didn't attack the base, kept crashing.

I save a lot, in case that effects anything.
Can you check if Urshan is stuck at the bridge to his base again?