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Book II: The Scourge of Lordaeron

Version 1.1 available! Please review the changelog for details!

  • Added a “Game Settings” mission where you can customize settings to the following:
    • Game Difficulty (Easy/Normal/Hard). This overrides the lobby settings.
      • Easy and Normal modes are no longer identical. In Easy mode, you have the same starting forces as in Normal mode, while enemy forces are reduced to approximately half of Normal mode.
    • Hero Revival Settings
      • If enabled, Heroes and special units will have a passive ability called Heroic Resolve (modified from Reincarnation ability). You can customize how many times each Hero may be revived per mission as well as the length of the ability’s cooldown.
  • Peasant - Updated the way building advanced structures works (thanks WaterKnight). When you build structures, you can toggle between basic and specialized structures. Also remapped the structures’ icons and hotkeys.
  • Fixed an issue causing tower upgrades to become unavailable.
  • Brought back the “Cancel” button.
  • Fixed tech tree bugs related to the Skyfury Mage.
  • Fixed availability of tech on certain missions when such tech is unattainable.
  • Some models have been updated.
  • Other minor bug fixes.


This is a heavily modified version of “The Scourge of Lordaeron” campaign by Blizzard. My goals for this campaign edit were to promote a completely different playstyle, to create a more immersive experience, and to capture the epic fantasy atmosphere of Warcraft. As such, this campaign features an altered playstyle like classic RTS games such as StarCraft: Broodwar, with an all-new tech tree, and reimagined units and abilities.
  • This was made on version 1.31. If you do not have v1.31 and would like to play this, you can get v1.31 by following the instructions here, Patch 1.31.1 Backup Files.
  • This is the second part of my ongoing project. If you are interested in playing the first part, you can find it here: Book I: Exodus of the Horde
The following is a brief overview of features and modifications. Please click the spoilers for more details.
  • Altered Playstyle
    • Much larger armies, more macro heavy, higher food cap and upkeep
    • Increased difficulty; no hero revivals (results in mission failure); 2 difficulty settings
      • Easy – Starting player forces are approximately 5x larger than what you would normally see in WC3, while enemy forces are approximately 2.5x larger than normal WC3.
      • Normal – Armies are approximately 5x larger than what you would normally see in WC3
      • Hard – Armies are approximately 10x larger than what you would normally see in WC3
    • Removed all hints
    • QWER-ASDF-ZXCV mapped hotkeys
  • Unit stats are more StarCraft-like, i.e. low HP and high DPS. Units die very quickly and there are a lot more of them. Playstyle is intended to be more macro heavy. Larger armies are intended to capture the epic fantasy atmosphere of Warcraft.
  • Food cap is 999. Low upkeep at 500 food. High upkeep at 800 food.
  • Two difficulty settings:
  • Easy – Food costs of starting player forces are approximately 5x larger than you would normally see in WC3, and food costs of enemy forces are approximately 2.5x larger than you would normally see in WC3.
  • Normal – Food costs of armies and unit groups are approximately 5x larger than you would normally see in WC3.
  • Hard – Food costs of armies and unit groups are approximately 10x larger than normal WC3. Not recommended if your device has lag or sputtering issues when lots of units are on the map.
  • Hotkeys have been mapped to QWER-ASDF-ZXCV based on button positions.
  • Removed all hints. This is your world to rediscover!
  • Altered Mechanics
    • Modified Armor system
    • Simplified and more intuitive armor and damage types
    • Forested areas no longer act as solid walls
  • Armor – Armor is a hybrid of StarCraft and WC3 systems. Every 1 point of armor reduces damage taken by 0.5 and has a reduction factor of 3%. This means that armor is more effective against small-damage attacks, but still has some scalability against high-damage attacks.
  • Armor and damage types are simplified and more intuitive. No bonus damage, only reduced damage depending on armor and damage types (like SC:BW).
    • Armor Types
      • Light Infantry (e.g. Peasants, Necromancers) – Reduced damage from Piercing attacks.
      • Heavy Infantry (e.g. Footmen, Grunts) – Significantly reduced damage from Piercing attacks.
      • Light Cavalry (e.g. Conjurers, Crypt Fiends) – Reduced damage from Normal attacks.
      • Heavy Cavalry (e.g. Knights, Raiders) – Significantly reduced damage from Normal attacks.
      • Large (e.g. Ballistae, Abominations) – Reduced damage from Normal and Piercing attacks.
      • Fortified (e.g. structures, Rock Golems) – Significantly reduced damage from Normal and Piercing attacks.
      • Ethereal (e.g. Shades, Banshees) – Immune to physical attacks. Can only be harmed by Magic attacks and Spells.
    • Damage Types
      • Normal (small arms, typically melee, e.g. swords, axes, fists, etc.) – Full damage to Infantry armor types.
      • Piercing (pointed weapons, often ranged, e.g. arrows, spears, darts, etc.) – Full damage to Cavalry armor types.
      • Heavy (large weapons, e.g. hammers, clubs, siege weapons) – Full damage to all armor types (except Ethereal).
      • Magic (magic users) – Can harm Ethereal units. Usually does full damage to all armor types.
  • Forested areas no longer act as solid walls. Trees have collision, but are more spaced out so units can walk through forests. Trees can provided some visual cover.
  • Altered Hero Mechanics
    • No hero revivals, be careful!
    • Level 20 cap
    • Modified hero attributes mechanics
    • New spells, no more auras, no more ultimates
  • No more hero revivals. Heroes are stronger than normal units, but will still die quickly if you are not careful. This is intended to make the game both more challenging and more immersive.
    • UPDATE - A reworked hero revival mechanic may be enabled in the new "Game Settings" mission. Here, you may limit the number of extra lives heroes have per mission, as well as revival cooldowns.
  • Level 20 cap.
  • Strength has been changed to Constitution, and Intelligence has been changed to Focus.
    • Primary attribute increases attack damage.
    • Constitution:
      • Increases HP
      • Increases health regeneration
      • Increases Armor
    • Agility:
      • Increases attack rate
      • Increases movement speed
      • Increases chance to evade attacks
    • Focus:
      • Increases Mana
      • Increases Mana regeneration
      • Increases potency of spells (higher damage, AoE, duration, etc.)
  • New and reworked spells. No more auras (auras are boring). No more ultimates (tend to be OP or underwhelming).
  • Altered Tech Tree
    • Completely reworked tech tree meant to emphasize racial traits and identity
    • Only Human units in the tech tree; Dwarves are included as a support race on some missions; High Elves do not appear in this campaign
    • Three separate tech paths; Martial path, Divine path, and Arcane path
    • New and reimagined units, spell, and abilities with a more thematic feel
    • Captain Falric is included in some missions as an expendable elite unit
  • Intended to emphasize racial traits and identity.
  • Humans, Orcs, and Undead tech trees and unit compositions have been significantly altered. Since Humans are the focus of this campaign, I will only go over specifics with them.
  • New units and familiar units with reimagined roles.
  • Humans:
    • Only Humans in the tech tree. This is the Humans’story, specifically the Lordaeron’s story.
      • Dwarves are included as a support race on some missions. However, they have a separate tech tree and are treated more like allies.
      • High Elves are not featured in this campaign. Lore-wise, they really have no place in this campaign. After the Second War, the High Elves left the Alliance and became increasingly aloof and isolationist.
    • Human race consists of 4 core units: Peasants, Footmen, Ballistae, and Knights.
    • Choose between 3 different tech paths for more specialized units. Each path has its strengths and weaknesses, but each should have all the tools necessary to handle any situation. These tech paths are not mutually exclusive. You can invest more time and resources to unlock the other paths.
      • Martial Path – Unlocks more advanced tech and specialized combat units. Also allows basic units to be periodically promoted to officers. Officers have special abilities that augment the army.
      • Divine Path – Unlocks units with Light-based spells and abilities with emphasis on healing, defense, and battling Undead forces.
      • Arcane Path – Unlocks magical units with powerful and diverse spells.
    • Captain Falric is included as an elite unit in some missions. However, he is expendable, meaning that if he dies early in the campaign he will not appear in later missions.
  • Aesthetic Changes
    • Custom models and icons
    • Lore descriptions for units and abilities
    • Rescaled units, structures, and doodads
    • Modified faction colors and names, generally more consistent with Warcraft 2
    • Cinematic reshoots with varying degrees of fidelity
    • Minor script changes for internal consistency
  • Custom models and icons.
  • Lore descriptions in the extended tooltips for geeks like me who enjoy reading through the game codex.
  • Rescaled units and structures for more realism and to accommodate more units on the map.
  • Modified faction colors and names. I personally feel that red, blue, and purple are overused. Faction colors more closely match what they were in Warcraft 2.
    • Lordaeron is Snow.
    • The Silver Hand is Light Blue.
    • Dalaran is Violet.
    • Khaz Modan is Gray.
    • Blackrock Clan is Red.
    • Undead Scourge is Purple.
    • Undead Elite Guard is Dark Green.
    • Undead Frost Guard is Light Blue.
  • Recut cinematics to work better with the rescaled units. This usually involves actors standing closer together, tighter camera shots, and lower camera angles. However, some scenes are further altered for dramatic effect.
  • Minor script changes for internal consistency. Examples include the omission of High Elves in Mission 3, minor rewrite in Mission 8 to make it clear that Captain Falric was not complicit in Arthas’s subterfuge, and minor rewrites if Captain Falric dies too early.

Notes and Disclaimers
  • Please let me know if you find any bugs and I will do my best to try to fix them.
  • This campaign contains placeholder models and icons, some more obvious than others. I greatly appreciate any help and suggestions for alternative models or icons.
  • I thoroughly tested this on the Easy/Normal mode only. I did not test the Hard mode beyond a quick visual inspection. Please let me know if you have any issues with the Hard mode.
  • Aesthetic modifications and interpretations of the lore generally reflect how I envision the Warcraft world. I am unlikely to acquiesce to requests to make changes to match “official canon” or a different interpretation of the lore. However, feel free to express your thoughts. You may change my mind!
  • I am submitting this unprotected. Feel free to make any modifications to this campaign. I honestly don’t care if you give me credit, but you should probably do it anyway (it’s just good practice).

If I did not give proper credit for a resource that I used, please let me know so I can give credit to the appropriate person. Thanks!
  • Overall
    • Blizzard Entertainment
  • Models/Skins
    • assasin_lord, Asssssvi, Azsure, bakr, chr2, Cuore, Dionesiist, Direfury, Edge45, Em!, epsilon, Freddyk, General Frank, -Grendel, grunt, Hayate, HerrDave, Himperion, Illidan(Evil)X, imforfun, InfernalTater, JetFangInferno, johnwar, kellym0, Ket, Kitabatake, loktar, MassiveMaster, Mike, Mister_Haudrauf, MN Lahmar, Mr. Bob, MrHoon, pWn3d, Pyritie, Stefan.K, stein123, Tamplier, Tenebrae, Thrikodius, Tillinghast, Tranquil, Ujimasa Hojo, Vexorian, Villagerino, Vinz, Wandering Soul, WhiteDeath, Yours Truly, Zephyrius2412
  • Icons
    • 34hrap, 67chrome, AbstractCreativity, APproject, Archangel_Tidusx, Asssssvi, bakr, BETA, Bright Lord, Chen, Crabby_Spider, Darkfang, Darth_Malak, DEFACKTwalker, Dionesiist, Eagle XI, Edge45, Hellx-Magnus, jhon wilber, JollyD, Kael Theron, KelThuzad, Kimbo, LordGandulfo88, Marcos DAB, Marenko, maxor_gan, mikeisman2, Mobilize, Mr.Goblin, Muoteck, Murlocologist, Narandza, NFWar, ~Nightmare, Novart, Paladon, Peekay, Praytic, Public Resource Provider, Pyraeus, Reborn_Angel, Scias, Sin’dorei300, Static, stein123, Tamplier, The Panda, The_Silent, TheKaldorei, Ujimasa Hojo, Villagerino, Windrunner29, Zaljinzoo
  • Tools/Spells
    • Anitarf, Anonymous, Bannar, Bribe, Elphis, G00dG4m3, KaTTaNa, loktar, Magos, Magtheridon96, Marcelo Hossomi, Nedio95, Nestharus, Pipedream, PitzerMike, Retera, SFilip, Shadow Daemon, Spellbound, Tasyen, Vexorian, WaterKnight, Zanekok

Book II: The Scourge of Lordaeron (Campaign)

There's no cancel button for the Build abilities/commands. You have to select another unit or deselect the current worker first to escape the build menus. Crusaders and Exemplars use hero models. They have glow and do not have decay animations. Holy...
Level 6
Jul 5, 2017
See, making the heroes non-revivable is the exact reason why I never bothered to use any of the SC 1 hero units aside from the Raynor (Pretty sure it was him) Cruiser (And even then, it was just to use his nuke skill). I don't remember how different this was in SC 2 aside from Kerrigan herself being revivable, which was an absolute plus and actually made her useable in battle.

In the clusterfuck that a battle is in a game like SC, it's hilariously easy to lose the hero unit, so it's simply better to leave them in the base and not use them at all.

It's not even much of a loss really, given the massive armies that you can make.

The same's gonna apply for this map. It also doesn't make much sense from a lore perspective in any way, given that resurrection is very much a thing in Warcraft.

Otherwise, not much other critique to give.
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Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
I was not able to recreate the bug. Did you have Arthas approach and come close enough to the house? Only Arthas can recruit villagers, and he has to be almost knocking at the door of that particular house.
Looks interesting, did you recreate each mission from scratch based over your system or were you altering the missions instead?
These missions have been altered using my system.
See, making the heroes non-revivable is the exact reason why I never bothered to use any of the SC 1 hero units aside from the Raynor (Pretty sure it was him) Cruiser (And even then, it was just to use his nuke skill). I'm don't remember how different this was in SC 2 aside from Kerrigan herself being revivable, which was an absolute plus and actually made her useable in battle.
I appreciate the feedback, JackBlaze. I modeled this edit after StarCraft. StarCraft is very challenging, and the large scale and fast-paced nature of the game can be overwhelming and excruciatingly difficult, and I understand that StarCraft may not be enjoyable for many people. However, I enjoyed the game immensely, despite (or perhaps because of) its difficulty, which is why I took the time to make this mod. I made it for myself and knew full well that it would not be for everybody. I'm just happy to be able to share it :wink:
It also doesn't make much sense from a lore perspective in any way, given that resurrection is very much a thing in Warcraft.
I cannot agree with this statement, however. Hero resurrections in WC3 were never treated as anything more than a gameplay mechanic (which admittedly works for the game, even if I don't personally like it). Heroes got killed off in cut scenes several times and their deaths were treated as permanent. WC2 didn't even have hero resurrections; it was like SC1 in this regard. From a lore perspective, the only possible exception I can think of is Medivh, who is heavily implied to be a special case.

If you're going to bring up WoW, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to bow out. I never followed WoW lore since I rejected WoW by its very premise, and I have no interest in tying the threads between WC3 and WoW, or introducing any of the retcons that ensued.
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Level 6
Jul 5, 2017
I appreciate the feedback, JackBlaze. I modeled this edit after StarCraft. StarCraft is very challenging, and the large scale and fast-pasted nature of the game can be overwhelming and excruciatingly difficult, and I understand that StarCraft may not be enjoyable for many people. However, I enjoyed the game immensely, despite (or perhaps because of) its difficulty, which is why I took the time to make this mod. I made it for myself and knew full well that it would not be for everybody. I'm just happy to be able to share it :wink:
It's not really SC 1's difficulty, you can get used to that after enough retries

It's just the fact that the heroes not being revivable just made em an annoyance to actually attempt to use effectively instead of just focusing on the rest of army. Thus, they usually ended up left at the base

I cannot agree with this statement, however. Hero resurrections in WC3 were never treated as anything more than a gameplay mechanic (which admittedly works for the game, even if I don't personally like it). Heroes got killed off in cut scenes several times and their deaths were treated as permanent. WC2 didn't even have hero resurrections; it was like SC1 in this regard. From a lore perspective, the only possible exception I can think of is Medivh, who is heavily implied to be a special case.

If you're going to bring up WoW, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to bow out. I never followed WoW lore since I rejected WoW by its very premise, and I have no interest in tying the threads between WC3 and WoW, or introducing any of the retcons that ensued.
Well, given the Paladin's "Revive" skill, I'm really not sure just where the lore at the point of WC3 stood in regards to in-universe rezzing

I'm pretty sure neither of us is really getting a concrete answer anymore on that one.

I never really followed WoW lore much either, so I don't really use it much in regards to talking about lore

And I also wanna point out that WC3 more or less wanted to be WoW but I'm assuming Blizz didn't have the need tech (or whatever) to really pull it off at the time. That's shown pretty clearly in the Rexxar campaign

I'm a fan of RTS games and I enjoyed the regular campaigns of both RoC and TFT. But the simple fact of the matter was that the Rexxar campaign is simply where the game really shined and has continued doing so in the varyingly similar kinds of maps ever since
Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
It's not really SC 1's difficulty, you can get used to that after enough retries

It's just the fact that the heroes not being revivable just made em an annoyance to actually attempt to use effectively instead of just focusing on the rest of army. Thus, they usually ended up left at the base
I can see your point. That said, while I haven't been able to play my submissions much outside of debugging things, I feel like the heroes actually have really powerful abilities that make them very useful on the battlefield. They can even become capable fighters once they reach the mid levels. At high levels they seem godly.

However, others have mentioned that the heroes may be too frail, including our resident map reviewer, deepstrasz, on my previous submission. I am a people-pleaser by nature, something I never realized about myself until recently. What if I distinguish the Easy and Normal difficulty settings by giving the heroes a passive reincarnate ability on Easy mode that will revive them after, let's say... 30-60 seconds?

I already found a bug that I have to fix anyway. I want to wait at least a few days for more feedback to roll in, though.
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
I have only played the first two missions, I have tried it on normal and hard and I have a few things to say.

First of all, I do not understand why you have reduced the size of the models so much, they look a bit ridiculous. I imagine that you have wanted to give a more "realistic" aspect to the size of the units with respect to the structures, but from my point of view it does not look very good. There are some cool inclusions, like the soldier's weapon swap and the hero's modified damage. That maybe can be polished a bit more, but I liked it.

Regarding the difficulty, it seems to me that the gameplay becomes tremendously rough and bored from start, you have to be backing down every second and a melee hero with just 145 impact points is a useless unit. For me this is the most deficient point at the moment. It is nothing entertaining and more than difficulty it is tremendously tiring.

Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
First of all, I do not understand why you have reduced the size of the models so much, they look a bit ridiculous. I imagine that you have wanted to give a more "realistic" aspect to the size of the units with respect to the structures, but from my point of view it does not look very good.
Thank you for the feedback, Resyak. Some things are going to come down to preferences, which I completely understand. The downsizing of the models serves two purposes:
  1. Yes, I personally think it looks a lot better. I always found the original unit scales to be ridiculous, both in relation to structures and with other units.
  2. It allows more units to be on the map without collision getting in the way too much, which is one of the main points of this edit.
I am sorry you don't agree, but I respect your opinion.
There are some cool inclusions, like the soldier's weapon swap and the hero's modified damage. That maybe can be polished a bit more, but I liked it.
Can you be more specific? I worked very hard to make this as polished as possible and I'm honestly not sure how much more polishing I can do.
Regarding the difficulty, it seems to me that the gameplay becomes tremendously rough and bored from start, you have to be backing down every second and a melee hero with just 145 impact points is a useless unit. For me this is the most deficient point at the moment. It is nothing entertaining and more than difficulty it is tremendously tiring.

I like the feeling of vulnerability to the heroes, but I do understand the frustration. I used SC1 and WC2 as influences to guide how strong heroes should be in relation to normal units. Heroes are quite frail in those games as well, so perhaps this is an indictment on old-style RTS in general. I am looking into making hero revivals optional with a future edit if that helps.

One thing I feel I need to say, though, and I don't know if I made this clear, but this isn't meant to be hero-centric. I was going for more macro-oriented gameplay vs hero-centric, where army composition, army size, positioning, etc. play bigger roles vs having a super strong hero. I know that may seem strange, given the dissonance between my preferred gameplay style, a hero-centric story, and a community whose vast majority enjoy WC3 for its hero mechanics. But still, this is the version of WC3 I have always wanted to play; I'm just happy to be able to share it :wink:.

Thank you once again for the feedback!

EDIT: I had an idea. What if I enabled a "handicap" system? For example, if the player wanted to increase HP around the board by 200%, they could type "handicap 200", and every player would have a 200% HP boost for all of their units. This system could the player more time to micro their units, and stronger heroes to boot. Thoughts?
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Level 6
Jul 5, 2017
However, others have mentioned that the heroes may be too frail, including our resident map reviewer, deepstrasz, on my previous submission. I am a people-pleaser by nature, something I never realized about myself until recently. What if I distinguish the Easy and Normal difficulty settings by giving the heroes a passive reincarnate ability on Easy mode that will revive them after, let's say... 30-60 seconds?
That would be perfect.

It's how things usually go anyways.

Normal mode for peeps who don't wanna go too ham.

And Hardcore mode for those who wanna feel the rage.
Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
That would be perfect.

It's how things usually go anyways.

Normal mode for peeps who don't wanna go too ham.

And Hardcore mode for those who wanna feel the rage.
I think that is what I will do, then. Easy mode will have unkillable heroes, Normal and Hard can remain as is (I will try to come up with a workaround for the known difficulty bug that causes custom campaign difficulty to match the difficulty setting to Blizzard's campaign). I have to work so I won't be able to get to it until later this week at least.

If anyone doesn't want to deal with unrevivable heroes, they should wait until the next update.

In the meantime, now would be a great time to report any bugs if anyone finds them. Thanks!
Level 6
Jul 5, 2017
I think that is what I will do, then. Easy mode will have unkillable heroes, Normal and Hard can remain as is (I will try to come up with a workaround for the known difficulty bug that causes custom campaign difficulty to match the difficulty setting to Blizzard's campaign). I have to work so I won't be able to get to it until later this week at least.

If anyone doesn't want to deal with unrevivable heroes, they should wait until the next update.

In the meantime, now would be a great time to report any bugs if anyone finds them. Thanks!
Er, I'd suggest having revivable heroes in Normal mode too

Maybe have them revive after a minute in Easy

While for Normal you could either make it after 2-3 minutes (Or 5 if you want it to be real punishing) or keep the 1 minute revive time and instead limit how many times your heroes can be revived before they're gone for good (Say, something like 6 revive times, so that you could lose the two heroes a full 3 times. You could have it as only 3 revive times on the maps where there's only 1 hero)

Hard mode is where all the bets should be off and if the heroes die once they're gone for good for the rest of the map.
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
I like the feeling of vulnerability to the heroes, but I do understand the frustration. I used SC1 and WC2 as influences to guide how strong heroes should be in relation to normal units. Heroes are quite frail in those games as well, so perhaps this is an indictment on old-style RTS in general. I am looking into making hero revivals optional with a future edit if that helps.

One thing I feel I need to say, though, and I don't know if I made this clear, but this isn't meant to be hero-centric. I was going for more macro-oriented gameplay vs hero-centric, where army composition, army size, positioning, etc. play bigger roles vs having a super strong hero. I know that may seem strange, given the dissonance between my preferred gameplay style, a hero-centric story, and a community whose vast majority enjoy WC3 for its hero mechanics. But still, this is the version of WC3 I have always wanted to play; I'm just happy to be able to share it :wink:.
It's not a criticism of the classic games like wc2, for example, in warcraft 1, everything was positioning of units, they moved very slowly was the only applicable mechanic. In other pure RTS games like Ages of Empires, which are based on movement and positioning of armies, something similar happens but obviously improved. In this case the problem is not trying to imitate those mechanics, the problem is that I have a unit that must survive yes or yes, that hits melee and dies of a sneeze, solution? keep it behind, that is, as if it did not exist. The most that it influences is with the use of any of its abilities, nothing more, and that would be fine if it were a hero in rank. And this does not translate into a greater difficulty or a feeling of real vulnerability, it translates into a extremely slow and tedious gameplay. Believe me, I have struggled a lot in the effort to increase the difficulty of the game and adapt different mechanics, but it is something extremely complex to achieve...

But make no mistake, my comment is not intended to discourage you or tell you that it is a bad idea, on the contrary, I encourage you to continue improving and polishing your project. Even though it's not my preferred content type, I still always value work.

Level 6
Jul 5, 2017
It's not a criticism of the classic games like wc2, for example, in warcraft 1, everything was positioning of units, they moved very slowly was the only applicable mechanic. In other pure RTS games like Ages of Empires, which are based on movement and positioning of armies, something similar happens but obviously improved. In this case the problem is not trying to imitate those mechanics, the problem is that I have a unit that must survive yes or yes, that hits melee and dies of a sneeze, solution? keep it behind, that is, as if it did not exist. The most that it influences is with the use of any of its abilities, nothing more, and that would be fine if it were a hero in rank. And this does not translate into a greater difficulty or a feeling of real vulnerability, it translates into a extremely slow and tedious gameplay. Believe me, I have struggled a lot in the effort to increase the difficulty of the game and adapt different mechanics, but it is something extremely complex to achieve...
Exactly this.

Whenever I had them, I always made sure to not involve any units that must survive the mission in any of the actual fights unless they were ranged or had an ability that had a noticeable effect on how a fight went. And I still always left the latter type of unit behind after using their abillity.
Level 3
Feb 21, 2018
Well despite some other critics i quite like the gameplay, and i like it fast, it kinda helped me to be better at not killing my hero anyway so it was a win or win for me. The way the stats and skills work its really freaking cool and at least for me, way better than the original Warcraft 3.

Its a different take, its cool. It can be adjusted to be better of course, but nothing really bothered me to have a sugestion on that.
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Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
Well despite some other critics i quite like the gameplay, and i like it fast, it kinda helped me to be better at not killing my hero anyway so it was a win or win for me. The way the stats and skills work its really freaking cool and at least for me, way better than the original Warcraft 3.

Its a different take, its cool. It can be adjusted to be better of course, but nothing really bothered me to have a sugestion on that.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you don't mind me asking, what difficulty did you play it on? And how far have you made it through the campaign? I'm brainstorming solutions to my difficulty and hero-revival conundrum. On the one hand, I want to give more people an option they will enjoy, but on the other hand I don't want to abandon my fellow masochists.
Level 3
Feb 21, 2018
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you don't mind me asking, what difficulty did you play it on? And how far have you made it through the campaign? I'm brainstorming solutions to my difficulty and hero-revival conundrum. On the one hand, I want to give more people an option they will enjoy, but on the other hand I don't want to abandon my fellow masochists.
Played on normal since my micro management is kinda trash and i abused the retry button until chapter 3.

I'm not really good at sugesting things, but i will mention one thing that i had to deal with and just remembered now.

Lots of units die way to fast for me to do something, i was thinking that giving then a bit more hp was a good idea, or lower damage a bit, some units do so much damage that scared me, and they do it really fast.

I don't really know what could be better in this case.

Also, lots of units lacks a cancel button like peasants for structures or heroes when i try to look at spells, i have to select any other thing to get back to the normal commands
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Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
Also, lots of units lacks a cancel button like peasants for structures or heroes when i try to look at spells, i have to select any other thing to get back to the normal commands
This was an unfortunate side effect to having the "advanced build" menu for the peasants. I removed the "cancel" button to work around some of the bugginess involved. I don't like it either, and in retrospect, I think it's too weird to not have the "cancel" button. I think I may have found a better solution anyway. I will fix this.

Thank you for your feedback!

With some these updates I want to make, I think I want to change the status of this campaign to "Awaiting Update." It will take some of the pressure off of me to get the next patch uploaded right away. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Edit: Just so everyone knows, I am working to implement the following changes for the next update:
  1. Allowing the player to customize the hero revival settings. I plan to have a "Mission Zero", where the player will quickly choose their hero settings before starting the campaign. This will be separate from the game difficulty settings. Therefore, someone playing on Hard can choose to enable hero revivals, and someone playing on Easy can choose to disable hero revivals if they wish.
  2. I want to differentiate the Easy and Normal difficulties. Normal will remain the same with about 5x more units than in normal WC3. For Easy, I plan to have the player start off with 5x more units than normal WC3, but have enemy forces start off and attack in waves with 2.5x more units than normal WC3. I hope that made sense. This part will likely take up the bulk of my time.
  3. Updating the "Advanced Build" works and reinstating the "Cancel Button". I have already tested this and I believe it will run a lot more smoothly than it does now.
  4. Fixing various small bugs that I notice along the way.
You all are welcome to continue playing on the current version, but please be aware that I do intend to update it. I appreciate all of the feedback so far. It has been very helpful. Please feel free to continue to report bugs and provide feedback. Thanks!
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
There's no cancel button for the Build abilities/commands. You have to select another unit or deselect the current worker first to escape the build menus.
Crusaders and Exemplars use hero models. They have glow and do not have decay animations.
Holy Ministry's last three researches should not be available if they cannot be enabled in a specific chapter. All features that would not be possible to be used anymore due to choosing of the other techtree branch should not be visible anymore.

A nice edit that could use more custom spells rather than original game ones.


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Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
Thank you for the review, deepstrasz! Thank you for reporting some bugs. I do have to set the record straight on a few of your comments though.
There's no cancel button for the Build abilities/commands. You have to select another unit or deselect the current worker first to escape the build menus.
Thank you! I am in the process of fixing and updating the way "advanced build" works. The update will bring back the cancel button and "advanced build" will run more smoothly.
Crusaders and Exemplars use hero models. They have glow and do not have decay animations.
Crusaders and Exemplars do not use hero models, and their corpses do have decay animations. I felt that I needed to distinguish the Crusader model from the Footman a bit more by adding a hero glow. Since I thought it would be odd if only Crusaders had the hero glow, I added hero glows to Exemplars, Justicars, and Avengers as well to round out the theme of their holiness.
Holy Ministry's last three researches should not be available if they cannot be enabled in a specific chapter.
Indeed, I did overlook this. Thank you!
All features that would not be possible to be used anymore due to choosing of the other techtree branch should not be visible anymore.
Choosing a tech tree branch does not disable other tech branches. One can build another Town Hall and upgrade it to invest in other tech branches.
A nice edit that could use more custom spells rather than original game ones.
I am... kind of confused by this comment. I feel like my edit features a slew of custom spells. For example, all of Arthas's spells are customized to one degree or another, and I'm not even talking about the hero Focus attribute mechanic that I implemented. None of Arthas's spells could function the way they do now without the use of trigger customizations:

Holy Light - now is an AoE using a target unit as a focal point, similar to Frost Nova, but still has to function like the original;
Halo - knocks back enemy forces that get too close to Arthas;
Zeal - An active AoE attack rate and movement speed boost (shockingly not available in the original game, at least that I could see);
Redemption - on the surface may seem like the Avatar's Spirit of Vengeance of the Night Elf Warden, but is not auto-castable, and can raise multiple corpses at once (actually uses Animate Dead as a base).

Additionally, even some simple abilities work completely differently. Defend for example, reduces damage from all attacks (not just Piercing) by 10, not percentage based, meaning it's great against low-damage attacks like Ghouls, but not so effective against high-damage attacks like the Abomination's cleaver. Not only that, but Defend only works if the Footman is being attacked head-on; he will take full damage if attacked from behind!

And even in the cases where I used spells that didn't require triggers to customize, like Heal, Raise Dead, and the like... these are good spells! I don't think one should throw out the baby with the bath water. Vanilla WC3 had a lot of great, no-brainer spells that do exactly what they need to and really do not need further customization.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I am... kind of confused by this comment. I feel like my edit features a slew of custom spells.
I was referring to units. Heroes mostly have custom ones.
Choosing a tech tree branch does not disable other tech branches. One can build another Town Hall and upgrade it to invest in other tech branches.
That's great! I didn't realize I could do that.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

It was so bad I did not like it at all, the size was very unusual
Hello there ! :D Instead of " it was so bad ", I believe that some constructive criticism could replace it. Try explaining what is wrong in your opinion and what the author should improve. :D
Level 3
Dec 16, 2021
For example
1) the trees scale was very big so the units moved between them easily.
2) food limits 999 are not good I don't know how did you set food limits more than 300?
3) the units was very small and have low Hit points so they were died very easily.
Level 5
Sep 6, 2019
Come on man i played arthas story thousund time on war 3 and Custom campaings and even i played arthas story after reforged came ic :/😂😂😂 why you guys making same story campaings we have alot other warcraft story no body made Custom campaing about that
Level 6
Sep 15, 2020
I'm up to Chapter 4 in Andorhal, and I'm finding a bug where after you build your first Storehouse (Seeing as you can't train any more Peasants until you have around 7 of them) the Scout Tower upgrades become permanently unavailable. The fact you can go through trees now is a bit of a curse since the pathing AI for the computer tends to go through forests to attack your base directly while avoiding your units altogether, so sticking towers through the trees as a barrier is the only way to "funnel" the AI toward your actual defenses. Sticking units in the trees just gets them mobbed as they try to path around the trees.

I really want to like this campaign's ideas, but I suck at micro-heavy gameplay.

Edit: I tried to look through the code in World Editor in attempt to see what might be causing Tower Upgrades to become unavailable after a Storehouse is built. It might be the attached trigger firing

But this trigger is supposed to re-allow them, and I don't think it is firing. I don't know what the script means.
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Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
I apologize for the radio silence of late. I have finished updating the way "Advanced Build" works and I mostly finished implementing an Easy difficulty setting. I originally planned to add in a customizable hero revival feature based on the Reincarnate spell, but in order to get it to work the way I planned I would have to debug all of the cinematics. This development has honestly left me feeling discouraged and I had to take a hiatus. I'm honestly not sure how much effort I want to put into a feature that I definitely will not use when I eventually (hopefully?) get around to playing this myself. In any case, if I do add an (optional) hero revival feature, it's likely just going to be the Reincarnate spell.
I'm up to Chapter 4 in Andorhal, and I'm finding a bug where after you build your first Storehouse (Seeing as you can't train any more Peasants until you have around 7 of them) the Scout Tower upgrades become permanently unavailable. The fact you can go through trees now is a bit of a curse since the pathing AI for the computer tends to go through forests to attack your base directly while avoiding your units altogether, so sticking towers through the trees as a barrier is the only way to "funnel" the AI toward your actual defenses. Sticking units in the trees just gets them mobbed as they try to path around the trees.

I really want to like this campaign's ideas, but I suck at micro-heavy gameplay.

Edit: I tried to look through the code in World Editor in attempt to see what might be causing Tower Upgrades to become unavailable after a Storehouse is built. It might be the attached trigger firingView attachment 393084

But this trigger is supposed to re-allow them, and I don't think it is firing. I don't know what the script means.View attachment 393085
Thank you for reporting this bug; I really appreciate feedback like this. I looked into it, and I believe I figured out the issue. When I loaded a Peasant into the Scout Tower, tower upgrades were disabled for all Scout Towers, and availability was restored when I unloaded the Peasant. This is intended to prevent the player from accidentally upgrading a Scout Tower while a unit was still inside, thereby losing the unit. However, I only intended for upgrades to be disabled for Scout Towers that were currently holding units, not for all Scout Towers. I believe you may have had a unit garrisoned in a Scout Tower and that disabled the upgrades, and the Storehouse construction was just a coincidence (I was not able to replicate any bugs related to the Storehouse).

Fortunately, I seem to have worked around the whole mess without having to use my original failsafe attempt that didn't seem to work anyway. My workaround will be in the next update.
Level 6
Sep 15, 2020
I believe you may have had a unit garrisoned in a Scout Tower and that disabled the upgrades, and the Storehouse construction was just a coincidence (I was not able to replicate any bugs related to the Storehouse).
I'm not sure how/if the Storehouse was related. I could build as many Scout Towers as I wanted, but the second the first Storehouse was built, towers became un-upgradable. I never loaded any Peasant into any towers until ~after~ towers became unavailable.
Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
I'm not sure how/if the Storehouse was related. I could build as many Scout Towers as I wanted, but the second the first Storehouse was built, towers became un-upgradable. I never loaded any Peasant into any towers until ~after~ towers became unavailable.
Either way, my new trigger will fix the issue since it solves the problem by preserving loaded units without having to resort to disabling tower upgrades. There is no other reason for tower upgrades to be disabled, and my new trigger makes that function obsolete. Once again, thank you for reporting this bug.
Level 7
Oct 9, 2020
Hey guys. Sorry for the belated update. I've had a hard time feeling motivated in this hobby lately (or in general for that matter), so progress has been slow. But I have not given up, and I have a significant update available.

I added some features and fixed some bugs. Most notably, I added a "Game Settings" mission where you can set the campaign difficulty and customize the newly implemented hero revival mechanic. I added the Easy difficulty setting, where enemy forces are about half the size of the Normal difficulty setting. The hero revival mechanic is basically a modified and customizable passive Reincarnation ability for the heroes. That is probably the most I am willing to do as far as that goes, since hero revivals is a feature I do not intend to ever use.

Additionally, notable fixes include a reworked advanced build mechanic, reinstated "Cancel" button, and fixes to some tech tree bugs.
Level 3
Feb 21, 2018
Hey guys. Sorry for the belated update. I've had a hard time feeling motivated in this hobby lately (or in general for that matter), so progress has been slow. But I have not given up, and I have a significant update available.

I added some features and fixed some bugs. Most notably, I added a "Game Settings" mission where you can set the campaign difficulty and customize the newly implemented hero revival mechanic. I added the Easy difficulty setting, where enemy forces are about half the size of the Normal difficulty setting. The hero revival mechanic is basically a modified and customizable passive Reincarnation ability for the heroes. That is probably the most I am willing to do as far as that goes, since hero revivals is a feature I do not intend to ever use.

Additionally, notable fixes include a reworked advanced build mechanic, reinstated "Cancel" button, and fixes to some tech tree bugs.
No problem its hard not feel like this sometimes. Anyway, good work, i have played some fun campaigns, and these altered are definetly amongs the most fun i ever played.
Level 4
Mar 21, 2022
How to build advanced structures? that icon requires something (some Techtree element) called "Blinding Mist"

looks, like it is not the case with the 1.31 client (that techtree issue was with the 1.35 client)
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Level 1
Sep 19, 2022
I apologize for the radio silence of late. I have finished updating the way "Advanced Build" works and I mostly finished implementing an Easy difficulty setting. I originally planned to add in a customizable hero revival feature based on the Reincarnate spell, but in order to get it to work the way I planned I would have to debug all of the cinematics. This development has honestly left me feeling discouraged and I had to take a hiatus. I'm honestly not sure how much effort I want to put into a feature that I definitely will not use when I eventually (hopefully?) get around to playing this myself. In any case, if I do add an (optional) hero revival feature, it's likely just going to be the Reincarnate spell.

Thank you for reporting this bug; I really appreciate feedback like this. I looked into it, and I believe I figured out the issue. When I loaded a Peasant into the Scout Tower, tower upgrades were disabled for all Scout Towers, and availability was restored when I unloaded the Peasant. This is intended to prevent the player from accidentally upgrading a Scout Tower while a unit was still inside, thereby losing the unit. However, I only intended for upgrades to be disabled for Scout Towers that were currently holding units, not for all Scout Towers. I believe you may have had a unit garrisoned in a Scout Tower and that disabled the upgrades, and the Storehouse construction was just a coincidence (I was not able to replicate any bugs related to the Storehouse).

Fortunately, I seem to have worked around the whole mess without having to use my original failsafe attempt that didn't seem to work anyway. My workaround will be in the next update.
I love it when I come across this book. I immediately want to play this game
Level 1
Oct 18, 2022
See, making the heroes non-revivable is the exact reason why I never bothered to use any of the SC 1 hero units aside from the Raynor (Pretty sure it was him) Cruiser (And even then, it was just to use his nuke skill). I don't remember how different this was in SC 2 aside from Kerrigan herself being revivable, which was an absolute plus and actually made her useable in battle.

In the clusterfuck that a battle is in a game like SC, it's hilariously easy to lose the hero unit, so it's simply better to leave them in the base and not use them at all.

It's not even much of a loss really, given the massive armies that you can make.

The same's gonna apply for this map. It also doesn't make much sense from a lore perspective in any way, given that resurrection is very much a thing in Warcraft.

Otherwise, not much other critique to give. But having a critique has positive aspects too. It helps improve weaknesses. For example, assignmentbro.com/ca/homework-help has helped me improve my writing skills. Since I received some criticism from my teachers earlier.

I have the same issue
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Level 1
Aug 31, 2024
Interesting concept, epic battle with large armies, but god damn the Undead is a nightmare to deal with when such a large number of squishy units are involved. Heroes die so quickly I didn't even bother using them in large scale battle beside having Arthas at the back casting spells.

The Keep build is almost a no brainer over the other 2 builds because you get access to the OP Trebuchet. Another reason is there are a lot of units involved and the Church and Arcane builds are just too micro heavy.

Also the Gryphon Rider, they are absolutely broken with 999 food cap. No point training other units, you can just mass spam them and watch them swarm enemy base and destroy everything.