• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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About the Contests

Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Trace: No idea what it's supposed to mean.
Life using: Pretty much Double-Edged Sword.
Certain Unit: Maybe..
Combination: Pretty nice
Slash: Maybe..
Modes: So basically a special metamorphosis?
Push Back: Kind've cliché, and 'movement' already covered it.
Luck: Maybe, I think there is already Chance though.
Size: Too restrictive
Team: Hmm..
Instant: Maybe too broad?
Temporary: Again, probably too broad
After Death: Not bad
Unit ability: No one said you couldn't already
Teleportation: Hmm.. Too broad, maybe? Or maybe not.
Devour: Too restrictive
Life based: Too specific
Sacrifice: Again, basically Double-Edged Sword
Long range: Rather too vague
Morph: Pretty much the same as Modes.
@ Herman, Whats MtG?

some more ideas XP

Speed - ability has to do with speed
Collision - The ability uses Collision
Steal - Instead of like Double-edge, its the opposite, it will do a positive effect to the spell caster
Video-Game - An ability from any Video-Game, including the name of it as well as a link of an example.
Explosion - i forgot, if we did this but explosion?
Healing effects - Does some type of healing
Creative - the most creative spell wins. (Kinda way too broad huh..)

For now.
Level 24
May 9, 2007
OK, I have a couple idea's for themes. . .

1) Blood -any spell which manipulates blood in any way this could be defensive or offensive.

2) Bolster -defensive spell which helps the caster or casters allies.

3) Transformation - turns some unit into another unit or the same unit with special abilities.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
I have perhaps 2 ideas:

-> Lightning - your spell has to be created (based on) with lightning effects.
-> Realistic - your spell should be coded in the way of physics (etc) trying to create a spell as realistic as possible.
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
I have perhaps 2 ideas:

-> Lightning - your spell has to be created (based on) with lightning effects.
-> Realistic - your spell should be coded in the way of physics (etc) trying to create a spell as realistic as possible.

Lightning effects are a WAY to create spells. They are not spells by themselves.
You guys are saying a lot of things that shouldn't be clasified as ideas for spells, but as ways to make them.

And I don't think that most of the people here can do real physics.

Global - the ability is Global

Eh ?
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Yeah, I actually really like ward

There is a great number of possibilities, although I would suggest taking a second classification when doing ward, as there can be a ridiculous number of possibilites (from poison serpents to stun traps that cast flying pandas)
Level 12
Apr 27, 2008
For me, "Idea" seems kind of an important marking factor. Not only originality should be considered, but also the proportions of the ability.
For instance, when someone makes a very very simple spell, no matter what his other scoring is, he should get reduced "Idea". And when someone creates something really massive and hard to make, he should get bonus for "Idea" (up to the maximum ofcourse) even if all his other scoring is bad(but it followed the idea - he has done some effort to make the ability, and not just putting empty triggers).
Coming up with a theme is kinda hard - recently, what I thought of were ability ideas, but I realized them, so putting them as a suggestion would be just cheating :D
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
About themes being hard to pick, that's why I comment when you whine about the theme :p

About idea... I'm not sure, simple spells are often far better than complicated ones... I guess it's mostly a matter of opinion. In many ways, simple spells are far nicer just because they don't confuse the user, which is an important factor in usability.
Level 24
May 9, 2007
Maybe you should explain it too?
Space and Alien should maybe both fit as Sci-Fi?

I suppose. . .

Phase - Not completley sure. Something involving, "phasing" in and out, like with Farie Dragons(?)

Space/Technology - Sci-Fi. Stuff. Eg: LAAZZZUUURRRSSS!!!

Alien - Any kind of alien life form. Spell should be ALIEN (different from standard human spells)

Trasport. Anything that's main goal is movment, wither of the Hero or other untis.
Two spells, one relating to the other - Chen.Dragon breath and drunken haze, something in this way.
GUI! - whatever, but all spells must be GUI! xD
Blood - something involving blood(in real meaning of word)
Nuke - mass AoE, with nice effects(lets just say thunder clap with AoE 1500:p)
Fun - spell is fun (not like "it deals 50 damage") spell can be used in many situations(some random stuff) I hope you all know what fun spell is :D
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
I think elemental is a good idea. But I also liked when it was Double.
Other suggestions, air or night (if moon (Elune) counts here)

Anyways, Ill probably join it no matter what, if nothing else comes in the way