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Warcraft IV, what story?

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Level 7
Nov 13, 2006
If you check wowwiki for some characters that are now in wow you can see that there could be countless story lines
(part 3 of my map project has a combination of all the storylines of warcraft combined into one campaign and believe me i read a lot of lore before starting it ... and its a lot)
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
Your spammer won't stop destiny.WOW will meat its doom.
There is no place for WoW in Warcraft universe.

- WoW already has some deaths on his name (Mainly in China.)
- It had to use subliminal messages to make the game popular. (Just youtube it.)
- It has very poor graphics.
- It made blizzard some money addict game like EA games (even though EA games isn't half as bad since they never really were good to start with.)

So yeh.. it's pretty much wtf.

Subliminal messages makes people play a game that sucks, and some people that are weak of mind can't handle to have some minor sit backs at that game so they kill themselves.

Makes me laugh how fucked up it actually is. :xxd:
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
This thread truly has started discussions about things totally unrelated to the subject this thread was intended to bring up in the first place. Back on-topic now, perhaps? Remember, this thread is for discussions and speculations about what storyline a possible sequel to the warcraft strategy games trilogy would have.
Level 5
Nov 28, 2008
Arthas = Lich king = Not Dead
his mission = rule the world with his undead.. warcraft IV i guess lol
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
This thread truly has started discussions about things totally unrelated to the subject this thread was intended to bring up in the first place. Back on-topic now, perhaps? Remember, this thread is for discussions and speculations about what storyline a possible sequel to the warcraft strategy games trilogy would have.

Lol, don't act like you're a moderator. :p
Besides it's not that off-topic as you might think.

To make a short story even shorter.
Wc4 should not use WoW lore because the game and it's lore are bad.
And I just explained why the game was bad. xD
Aka, this is still on topic.

So in the future read the posts that were older as well before making false statements. =)


Anyhow, like I said before: Wc4 should not use WoW lore come to think of it, it should not use Wc3 lore either.
It would be best if they made it stand alone game like the FF series.
Level 5
Nov 2, 2008
So they should make a totally new game?
It might work but what would they do? Center it in a new planet? Or a new universe with different races in it?

It might drive the warcraft fanboys out of control though

or it maybe just is the war of the ancients
Level 5
Nov 28, 2008
Or maybe they will do what they said.Make story from the point
when Arthas merged with Ner'zhul.
Remember they said that they won't consider WoW story.
if they start from where they left of when Arthas merged with Ner'zhul it'll be great
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
I hope that Warcraft IV will go back to humans and orcs.I am sick of all the elves.Night Elves,High Eves, Blood Elves, Naga ,Forsaken ,Satyr(well they are some kind of dark elves).
I hope that warcraft 4 will start with humans in Lordearon,Stormwind and Dwarves in Khaz Modan how they will try to save as many as they can from war of undead vs forsaken.Then next campaign will how Lich King starts invasion of Kalimdor but before that he takes control over Forsaken again (who are part of the Scoruge no mather what they or anybody says).

But Naga and whats left of the blood Elves try to stop him.But Bloods divide in two groups one who goes back to Dreanor to feed on fel magic and those who realise that Keal has lost his mind and go to Kalimdor to find Night elves but find Theramor Humans who don't know what hapend in Lordearon because Humans and Orcs have lost connections with Lordearon (who would they know it's not like have phones it is far from them and they have other problems with each other)...But Kil'jaden will take control over Ilidans forces that are left on Dreanor (in this story Ilidan is dead as Muradin ,Balnazar,Mal Ganis...).Then good forces will divise a plan to stop Arthas with attack on Frozen Throne.
So United forces of all living of Azeroth(including creeps) will fight in epic battle and when arthas is nearly defeted Kilj'aden comes with his armies and starts to attack good who are all vounded then suddenly Ner"zhul and arthas jump on back of Kil'jaden because of combine hatred and destroy them selves.Then undead are again lifeless and all living rejoice.And at the end there will be clip of forgeten one who says that know is time to take back what is rightfully theirs so Warcraft V will have some place to start off.Then we will talk whow will warcraft Iv will die......
And ultimately I shut up.Happy
Level 7
Nov 4, 2008
@ VeljkoM: Wow you thought all of that through :D

But I wouldn't want Arthas to die :| He's my favorite :p
Oh and Ilidan isn't dead, blizzard guys said so, they even planned the final cinematic for Frozen Throne to include Illidan watching Arthas merge with Lich King but they couldn't due to time constraints. And didn't Arthas and Anub kill forgotten ones back in Azjol?
Level 3
Oct 19, 2008
I just hope they don't use the World of Warcraft Story for Warcraft 4.Something about it doesn't sit right with me.Mostly the PvP adaptations.
Level 8
Jul 10, 2007
but how can the wow lore be explained... are they just going to ignore it? huh... wouldn't make a lot of sense... perhaps they should go back to the early warcraft lore, found in some wc books and in your wc3 booklet.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
You really don't understand do you.Everything on Wow is made to be RPG.
Blizzard did some thing that would never happened.Like Horde vs Aliance thing.
They have worked for years know to get peace and not bloody war again.
And races in factions:Forsaken and Blood Elf with HORDE.Blood elves maybe hate aliance know but horde has caused them more pain.Forsaken are undeads so horde would never go near to them.And how did forsaken ones discovered were Horde is.It is not like there is trafic Kalimdor-Lordearon every day.I can go on days but i hope you see my point.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
i dont see the problem with the uber cool hax0r character like illidan dying becouse of 25 people, becouse when you come to think about it, they are theoretically heroes. A character in WoW would "lore-wise" be as powerfull as a Hero in Wc3. Is it that impossible for 25 level 10 heroes to defeat a super level 10 hero in wc3?

One more option would be to renew the story from the bottom. Completely new characters and relations between races and just forget about the Wc3 lore and the WoW lore
Level 3
Oct 19, 2008
I kinda like that whole creeps idea.Think about it, how many trolls, ogres, gnolls, murlocks, kobolds, and other intelligent species have you killed in the campaign or in melee games?If all those creeps banded together they'd be invincible!They could form their own nation, they'd call it the UCA.United Creatures of Azeroth.I'm making a campiang based on that actually.By the way, am I the only one who wondering why the goblins haven't kicked everyones asses?I mean come on, they have giant robots!Shouldn't giant robots be tougher?
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
While goblins have great technology they are in great position right now.
It would be bad for their work if they kill their clients.And their tech is not that advanced.
Warcraft is middle age.
The creeps idea is from the campaign "Creeps Let Loose"(not found on this site).
The bad thing is that campaign was never finished because author quit War3 so I have 7 chapters only.And no I won't upload them.
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