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WarCraft in a NUTSHELL 4.0

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
WarCraft in a NUTSHELL!

Short Description:

The map itself is a bit reworked standart map called Secret Valley. All four standart races were changed in order to make your melee experience insane! The only rule for the map due to in-game mechanics: only one elf bouallowed to play at once. As I am ukrainian, 95% of the map is in ukrainian. However, the information about alliance units and their capabilities will be described below(as without this it would be impossible to play on them).All the other races will be described shortly, as this is insane work for one evening(I will add more description if anyone would need it:grin:). The map has working AI(The Best - Elves). The map was made on WarCraft WorldEditor for 1.27 and was tested on 1.26 version.
Everything works fine.

Map changes:
  • Added 2 starting point for 2 more players in order to make possible playing all four races at once. These starting points replaced fountains of life.
  • Tavern in the middle of the map was replaced by mini-boss spot. This will be key spot to clear out as it gives you 7 Tomes of Power.
  • Standart gold mines, that are available each player at the start have "unlimited" gold.
Global in-game mechanic changes:
  • Every player has only one main building(townhall) and can't build another.
  • All the grades you can make are located in your townhall.
  • Each race has its special townhall upgrade that summons their game changing unit and destroys townhall after the summoning is complete.
  • All the races have special buildings that can be build on expands to obtain gold and wood there.
  • Elves can't obtain gold from expands.
  • Marketplace building replaces standart shop of every race. This allows you to trade your gold for wood and vice versa. Also there are some base consumables and standart random marketplace items.
  • All races are allowed to summon all 3 heroes without upgrading townhall.
  • Orcs, Alliance and Undead have 3 heroes now.
  • Elves have only 1 hero, that scales to infinity.
  • Maximum level that hero can obtain is 25 due to bigger stats scale. However all the abilities are maxed at level 10.

This race posseses most innovative and effective tech units. Their heroes are great casters and supports. Nevertheless this is the most tech-based race, holy magic is still used to fight their main enemy - Undeads.



That's new alliance worker. His stats have changed as well as his model. As always he builds everything worker of the race can possibly build.
Stats of this strong man:

  • Gold cost: 25
  • Food cost: 0
  • Attack dmg(before dices):44
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Build time: 15 seconds
Uther(not a hero anymore)

The most effective anti-undead unit and the only tank unit of alliance. As all other high dps units has damage reduction while attacking heroes. Personally palading unit deals only 10% dmg to heroes, but deals 20% damage to undead heroes and 250% dmg to other undeads. That happens due to his holy hammer that applies holy light effect to undeads.

  • Gold cost: 450
  • Lumber cost: 60
  • Food cost: 3
  • Attack dmg(before dices):170
  • Attack dmg type: Magic
  • Attack speed: 1.5
  • Hitpoints: 3200
  • Build time: 40 seconds
  • Defense type: Medium
  • Base defense: 15
  • Base Speed: 280
  • Range: melee
Machine Gunner:

Universal alliance unit. Does 20% dmg to heroes. This heavy machine gunner is able to use abilities: "On the horses" and "Come into position". First of his abilities changes him to melee attacker but grants him a horse. Every 0.5 seconds after getting on a horse unit gets 50 movement speed until it reaches its limit of 420. Of course there is an ability to get off the horse. "Come into position" makes machine gunner immovable but grants him additional 300 range of attack. Also after using this ability unit can get upgrade his position to reinforced one for a listed further gold and lumber cost and a build time of 90 seconds. On horse and reinforced states of unit will be described further.
  • Gold cost: 205
  • Lumber cost: 30
  • Food cost: 2
  • Attack dmg(before dices):15
  • Attack dmg type: Chaos
  • Attack speed: 0.2
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Build time: 26 seconds
  • Defense type: Medium
  • Base defense: 2
  • Base Speed: 160
  • Range: 500
Machine Gunner(reinforced):
Does 40% dmg to heroes.
  • Gold cost: 100
  • Lumber cost: 150
  • Food cost: 0
  • Attack dmg(before dices):50
  • Attack dmg type: Chaos
  • Attack speed: 0.1
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Build time: 90 seconds
  • Defense type: Fortified
  • Base defense: 30
  • Base Speed: Immovable
  • Range: 1000
Cossack(machine gunner):
Another machine gunner state. Able to build towers,to repair, to gain gold and wood from dmg dealt to buildings and to become back a machine gunner.
  • Gold cost: 0
  • Lumber cost: 0
  • Food cost: 2
  • Attack dmg(before dices):30
  • Attack dmg type: Normal
  • Attack speed: 0.5
  • Hitpoints: 650
  • Build time: 0 seconds
  • Defense type: Medium
  • Base defense: 6
  • Base Speed: 420
  • Range: Melee
That's cheapest and most effective raid unit of alliance. Really mobile horseman with siege attack that gains gold and wood from damaged buildings. Can build towers, repair buildings, transform into a spirit wolf(invisible scout unit) and is produced by towers and farms.
  • Gold cost: 75
  • Lumber cost: 0
  • Food cost: 0
  • Attack dmg(before dices):15
  • Attack dmg type: Siege
  • Attack speed: 0.5
  • Hitpoints: 500
  • Build time: 15 seconds
  • Defense type: Unarmored
  • Base defense: 0
  • Base Speed: 420
  • Range: Melee
Must-have unit of alliance. His healing and buff abilities were upgraded from prists' ones. Depends a lot on Archmage's passive mana regeneration.
  • Gold cost: 70
  • Lumber cost: 0
  • Food cost: 1
  • Attack dmg(before dices):7
  • Attack dmg type: Magic
  • Attack speed: 2
  • Hitpoints: 600
  • Build time: 28 seconds
  • Defense type: Unarmored
  • Base defense: 2
  • Base Speed: 270
  • Range: 600
That's the most insane alliance unit available. It has 4 abilities, that are unlocked after researching specific upgrade in townhall(the upgrade has 3 levels and the ability itself too). 3 abilities are different artillery strikes that cost 1/25/625(levels 1/2/3) mana per shot. This unit has no mana regeneration and can't restore it in any default way. For restoring mana it has to use it's fourth ability. Depending on the level of the ability it restores 1/25/625 mana for gold and lumber(10/10, 100/200 and 500/1000 gold/lumber).
  • Gold cost: 220
  • Lumber cost: 60
  • Food cost: 3
  • Attack dmg(before dices): 365
  • Attack dmg type: Siege
  • Attack speed: 15
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Build time: 26 seconds
  • Defense type: Unarmored
  • Base defense: 2
  • Base Speed: 100
  • Range: 1250
Holy dwarf-gunner:
This dwarf gunner is anti-hero unit of alliance. Does 30% dmg to heroes by his own attacks, but has Holy Shot ability. This ability costs 200 mana per shot and deals additional 150 damage to enemy. This unit effectivity a lot depends on Archmage's passive ability.
  • Gold cost: 250
  • Lumber cost: 0
  • Food cost: 0
  • Attack dmg(before dices):105
  • Attack dmg type: Pierce
  • Attack speed: 1.9
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Build time: 26 seconds
  • Defense type: Medium
  • Base defense: 0
  • Base Speed: 270
  • Range: 600
  • Mana amount: 1500
Tirion Fordring:
Remember upgrades, that townhall does to summon someone? Alliance townhall is able to summon HIM. TIRRIIIION FOOOORDRIING. This Mega-Unit is great addition to your army. Not to mention his incredible stats, he also has two incredibly strong abilities. First one is "Mega-Holy light" that heals target 5000 hp with 100 seconds couldown. The second "Archangels Power" is passive. While Tirion Fordring strikes enemy with his sword, his holy light also damages for 100% dmg everyone in area of 300.
  • Gold cost: 3000
  • Lumber cost: 0
  • Food cost: 0
  • Attack dmg(before dices):615
  • Attack dmg type: Chaos
  • Attack speed: 3.5
  • Hitpoints: 20000
  • Hitpoints regeneration: 50
  • Build time: 200 seconds
  • Defense type: Hero
  • Base defense: 30
  • Base Speed: 150
  • Range: 150
  • Mana amount: 1000
That's all for now about Alliance(Heroes and buildings section will be added in future).

This race has the lowest units amount among all. All the units, except builder, hero and siege unit, are ents of different sizes and capabilities. Their small and mid-size units can't be affected by most of the spells in-game. In addition, they are tanky and can be healed fast by builders(400 hp a second for a mass unit). The only hero available for them is demon hunter,. After learning his mana break ability, he gains 1 strength for killing any non-elf unit.

Orc-work. Each enslaved builder of great horde is great itself. They are faster and cheaper than the others and of course everyone works well. But secretly all of them dream to destroy everything brick by brick. That's why they work faster in demolishing enemy buildings than building your ones. And of course they collect every piece of wood and gold, that was spent on it. Orcs have pretty solid army, with heavy tanky units and great snipers and mages. In addition, their heroes are great in figting even without any army.

Undeads are real undeads here. Acolytes acquired themselves guns and shoot desease clouds that deal 50 dmg per second and can kill infected ones. Zombies are main free undead units. For summoning they need only 1 food and some time for preparation. Nevertheless you can build lots of graveyards where you can summon 3 of them immediately. Each one of zombies has desease cloud and leaves a skelleton after death. I think you see where this goes. Of course there are Necromancers that can make these skeletons alive. All the other you will see in-game yourself.
PS. Beware of paladins.


Models: Kuhneghetz, Daelin, Gluma, HerrDave, Zess, FerSZ, Murlocologist, Vinz, Power, General Frank, Kitabatake, Stefan.K, Syczewski, HerrDave, Grey Knight, Mechanical Man, Edge45.
Icons: KelThuzad, San, kola, The Panda, Sin'dorei300, PrinceYaser, mikeisman2, bu3ny, BLazeKraze, Zess, handclaw, Darkfang, Chaosy, Artork312, Stefan.K, Null.
Skills and systems:Laserdude(rewritten one of the strikes, added sounds), KILLCIDE, MAKER, SKYFLASH, BRIBE, jakeZinc, Ofel, Stanley, Hemske.

WarCraft in a NUTSHELL 4.0 (Map)

Workers have no visible name. Both their and the unit next to them in the Town Hall's descriptions are broken. Actually most things have a broken description. Please check every custom unit/building/ability etc. descriptions. Even the Scout Tower's is...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Workers have no visible name. Both their and the unit next to them in the Town Hall's descriptions are broken. Actually most things have a broken description. Please check every custom unit/building/ability etc. descriptions. Even the Scout Tower's is broken. Paladin's too. Abilities as well.
Note that the map has to be in English. Bilingual ones are allowed.
The Marketplace can be built on doodads and other buildings. Set pathing in the unit editor.

Awaiting Update.

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  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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