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Twilight of the Gods (Edited)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
My edited version of the final Night Elf campaign map of Reign of Chaos. Another map with added and tinkered stuff around the map to make it more interesting, simplistic changes here and there to make it a mix of challenge and fun. I know i said i won't be editing another map anytime soon, but i considered this to be a good Happy New Year post before we transition into 2024 :)

All details regarding map changes, credits etc. are of course in Spoiler section.

Welcome to spoilers. Here's some details:

New units:

- The only units to be mentioned are those from the existing Night Elf roster. You can now train Chimaeras (because it sucked ass that we couldn't use them in final mission to begin with lol), and the Frozen Throne units like Mountain Giants and Faerie Dragons.

New Heroes:

- The motherfucking Illidan Stormrage! (Cinematic model by Zerox) Because fuck Furion and his banishment bullshit, the only thing he did is deprived us of Stormrage brothers kicking ass like they did during War of the Ancients. But he only appears when Jaina's base is destroyed, so you can't use him from the get go sadly.

- Cairne Bloodhoof (A Thrall base only hero with items gained during Orc campaign, same case with Thrall items)

- A new enemy hero Kaz'rogal (DoomLord model by Explobomb) enteres the ring, thus completing the Archimonde quartet, packed with standard Pit Lord abilities (Rain of Fire, Howl of Terror, Cleaving Attack and Doom), and are kinda fitting considering his abilities in WoW raid.

Changes to existing units:

- Wisps, Peasants and Peons (no food cost, so feel free to go crazy with them)

- A list of ALOT of used Johnwar models (Thrall, Cairne, Furion, Jaina, Orc Grunt, Orc Raider, Troll Headhunter, Troll Witch Doctor, Night Elf Archers, Dryads, Huntresses, Hippogryph and Hippogryph Riders, Druids of the Talon and Claw, Footman, Rifleman, Knights and Dark Troll Models)

- A list of used Ujimasa Hojo models (Demon versions of Undead buildings except for Graveyard and Boneyard (skins by AnyNameYouWish, and yes thats the actual name) and Acolyte unit)

- New Tyrande model by kangyun

- The Furbolg camp is renamed to Barkskin Hold (Druid Hut Model by Callahan) And Dark Troll camp is renamed to Dark Enclave (Model by Filip95) and instead of getting your unit to camp and buying units there you can also cap the buildings and train units normally, removing the need to have a unit near the building to get them.

- Furbolg Elder Shaman and Furbolg Ursa Warrior are added.

- Dark Troll Warlord's aura is changed from Trueshot Aura to Vampiric Aura. Due to Tyrande already having her own, superior Trueshot aura, it made the warlord completely pointless to use, so i changed the aura to make him more useful.

- The Green Dragon Roost has been added and received the same changes like Furbolg and Dark Troll camps, by capturing it and using it to normally train units.

- Anetheron has been given an additional ability Shadow Strike, making him more dangerous during attack waves.

- Each enemy hero has been given different aura items to boost their armies. Rage Winterchill has Brilliance Aura item, Kaz'rogal has Unholy Aura item, Azgalor has Command Aura item and Anetheron has Vampiric Aura item.

- Archimonde received a big boost to his stats (from 3k or so hp to 20k hp, his mana from 900 to near 4k and his dmg from 100-300) due to players now having having Chaos Damage units like Green Dragons, Elder Shamans etc, along with having Arcanite Shield for ranged damage reducion, making it less likely that you can snipe him for lols. I know he's not a main quest kill like Cenarius, but still :D

Neutral buildings added:

- Goblin Merchant (It contains Rexxar campaign items like Arcanite Shield, Killmaim etc. The only way you can reach him is cutting down the trees or using Furion's Treant ability)

Gameplay changes:

- The unit food limit for Archimonde, Thrall and Jaina's armies have been removed, thus the number of units in attack waves and defending base have dramatically increased. Jaina in particular also has her base heavily fortified, cause it's not even funny how fast her base goes down in vanilla map. Note that the units you get when their base goes down do have food, to prevent the obvious swarm of free units :D

- And with the food limit removal, Archimonde's attack waves have also received a major boost, not only in number of enemies, but unit composition as well, making it a true elite of his forces. Eredar Diabolists and Warlocks, Bloodfiends, Queens of suffering and Maidens of Pain.

- The first two attack waves have been removed (Ghoul and Crypt Fiend waves), so no more warmup waves.

- Kaz'rogal is added to Azgalor's looped demon attack wave. I thought about adding Anetheron to Lich's undead wave, but i thought Lich is enough cause i considered the undead wave as a little break from the action before demon wave shows up.

- Now at 30 minute mark and 15 min mark (more or less), Archimonde himself will charge towards Jaina's and Thrall's base respectively, so be ready to pull back once he comes smashing. The last 15 minutes is all you till the end of the timer.

- When Jaina's base or Thrall's gets destroyed, they will each leave you a Tiny Castle and Tiny Fortress respectively at the Ancient of Wonder, allowing you to use units from three factions in total, Night Elves, Orc and Humans, in true all mortals vs Archimonde fashion. In addition, due to the limited time you have, the Orc and Human techtree is mostly upgraded, so you can jump straight to training units to max out your army combo.

- The upkeep taxes has been removed, so you can max out your army and match the crazy amount of units during attack waves.

New Dialogues:

Additional dialogues have been added around the new stuff i've added, just for some immersion.

Map Changes:

- The unbuildable terrain around the main base has been smoothed a bit, allowing you more room to stack towers.

- The road towards the west gold mine is removed, preventing the enemy waves from dividing and attacking it along with your main base (if we dont include flyer units like Frost Wyrms and Gargoyles), but you can use a waygate east of Furbolg camp to reach it to and from.

- The terrain at the west and east gold mines are widened, giving you more room to build both Human and Orc bases in whichever location you prefer out of the two.

- The Fountain of Health has been replaced with Fountain of Power, meaning you can regen health and mana from it. Be warned, the enemy can also regen from the

- A solid boost to the main base Gold Mine's total gold income from 24000 to 35000, because you will be spending alot of money on this map now, both for building your army, spamming towers and buying items from Goblin Merchant.

And that's it for Spoilers, Enjoy the Map :)


A small update to hero items

- Shield of the Deathlord 3000 - 2500 gold

- Serathil 2000 - 1500 gold

- Celestial Orb of Souls 3000 - 2500 gold

- Killmaim 2500 - 1500 gold

- Replaced Gloves of Spell Mastery to Pendant of Mana at Goblin Merchant

- Replaced Essence of Azhune with Book of Nature, where you can cast Forked Lightning, Roar and Rejuvenation

- Added Helm of Battlethirst at Goblin Merchant

- Added Grimoire of Souls at Goblin merchant (doubled the price, but also double the charges from 10 to 20)

- Changed Orb of Fire to Orb of Frost in Arcane Vault.

- Changed Orb of Lightning to Orb of Fire in voodoo lounge.

Added Goblin Laboratory near the merchant, allowing you to buy zeppelins to speed up transport from and to your base.

The notable update is that the timer is increased from 45 minutes to 1 hour, and the timer for Archimonde was also increased from 15 min mark to 20 minutes for each base assault.


- You can no longer train and doomstack Green Dragons, but the Green Dragon that you interact with will remain rescuable. In addition, you will get a second Green Dragon when Jaina's base is destroyed, and a 1 more Green Dragon when Thrall's base is destroyed.

- As soon as you interact with Green Dragons, 4 Bronze Drakes and 1 Bronze Dragon will defend Jaina's base, while 2 Red Dragons and 3 Red Drakes will defend Thrall's base (well aware of that irony lol)


Mainly an Archimonde buff update:

- Dark Portal spell Fel stalker unit is changed to Fel Ravager, and number of summoned units increased from 5 to 7

- The number of summoned infernals increased from 4 to 6

- The Finger of Death damage is increased from 500 to 800, so now both Archimonde and Lich are almost doubly lethal.

- His armor increased from 5 to 20

- HP increased from 20000 to 30000

- The damage bonus of Bash is increased from 25 to 1000, but chance reduced from 40% to 10% and duration to 1 second. (credit to Banaconaconut for this idea)

- The Ankh of Reincarnation's hp restoration is increased from 500 to 30000, and number of charges increased to 10, just in case Archimonde dies again per chance.

Archimonde will now cast his usual spells when he attacks Thrall's base and yours. One notable thing though is that he will patiently wait for his army at the steps of Thrall's base before he goes nuclear on them, cause apparently Attack-Move To trigger is kinda borked everytime i play-tested Archimonde. Also, there's a chance that he will stop at the victory cinematic instead of rushing to kill the gate, but the cinematic itself will still proceed as usual. Much like with Grom's drinking blood animation, don't have a clue how to fix that immersion break.

- Some of the warm up waves have been removed for Jaina and Thrall, so the big army loop will come sooner now.

- The Corrosive Breath upgrade has been removed, to prevent the undead building snipe with Chimaeras

- Removed the trees near Thrall's base and the fountain, making more room for the demon attack wave rally point on Night Elf base.


- Black Citadel damage increased from 48 to 1200, and range increased from 800 to 1200
- Spirit Tower damage increased from 26 to 1000, and range increased from 700 to 1200

To prevent anyone from destroying the undead base and sit out the rest of the timer.

- Acolytes now have invulnerability in case they all die (should work for all Acolytes)

- A glitch where Tiny Castle and Tiny Fotress are revealed after a Quicksave load has been fixed, they now spawn only if respective buildings are destroyed.

- Orc base has been fortified quite a bit, so it is not as easily overwhelmed during defense.

- Tyrande's Owl Scout ability is changed to Moon Bolt, a single target stun damage ability to make her have use for more than just Starfall spam. (Icon by Darkfang)

- Archimonde triggers when he attacks Jaina's and Thrall's base should work properly now.


Twilight of the Gods (Map)

While some addons like the Chimaera are nice and might not break the balance with edits on the enemy's side, it's just an edit of original work. Simple. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
While some addons like the Chimaera are nice and might not break the balance with edits on the enemy's side, it's just an edit of original work.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
While some addons like the Chimaera are nice and might not break the balance with edits on the enemy's side, it's just an edit of original work.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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Guilty as charged :grin:
Level 5
Jul 7, 2021
either remove the Green Dragons (I mean the Green Dragon Green Dragon, you can keep the drakes and whelps). their problem is;
1. I killed Archimonde with it...... sure you can buff Archi more but that'd be counter productive.
2. Having Green Dragon Dragons would make building other units... useless.

one I can suggest so you can keep the Green Dragon Dragon for your lore, just give them to the Ai. or just give the player 1 dragon.
point is, too much dragons on the map would wreck the demons.
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
either remove the Green Dragons (I mean the Green Dragon Green Dragon, you can keep the drakes and whelps). their problem is;
1. I killed Archimonde with it...... sure you can buff Archi more but that'd be counter productive.
2. Having Green Dragon Dragons would make building other units... useless.

one I can suggest so you can keep the Green Dragon Dragon for your lore, just give them to the Ai. or just give the player 1 dragon.
point is, too much dragons on the map would wreck the demons.
Yeah, good point, guess i didn't count on Green Dragon doomstack that makes other units irrelevant.

Ill figure out a workaround for them and then ill update here, thanks for the suggestion.
Level 8
Dec 1, 2021
Did you do that with Green Dragon doomstack? Or you managed to kill him after the update?
Actually at first i could do it even without the Green Dragon, using the chaos damage on Illidan attack, with Archimonde base could be destroyed and he didn't even using summon at Orc base, he is killable.

I haven't tried the updated one yet. i will try it again later.
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
Actually at first i could do it even without the Green Dragon, using the chaos damage on Illidan attack, with Archimonde base could be destroyed and he didn't even using summon at Orc base, he is killable.

I haven't tried the updated one yet. i will try it again later.
Hmm, guess ill have to script Archimonde better, cause my goal was to make him an unstoppable force that will power through anything, but apparently he can be bullied with Illidan and Green Dragons :D

Did you use Chimaera's corrosive breath to snipe the buildings in Archimonde's base?
Level 5
Jul 7, 2021
Hmm, guess ill have to script Archimonde better, cause my goal was to make him an unstoppable force that will power through anything, but apparently he can be bullied with Illidan and Green Dragons :D

Did you use Chimaera's corrosive breath to snipe the buildings in Archimonde's base?
If your gonna make Archimonde stronger, I recommend buffing him up in his spells(don't make the spell damage to large that'll it would oneshot even bears, just enough to make it very scary) and make him even more tanky if you don't want him to die..
It'll give a sense of actually "fighting him" to hold him off, than just "oh no, he touched me, I'm dead." because just increasing his Basic Attack damage is lame and boring to fight with (even if fighting is unwinnable).

As for dealing with magic immune units, I suggest, just give him something like a 10% mini bash(like 1 sec) that deals huge damage. It'll still make fighting possible without your Main Combat Hero easily killed by spells or stuns, but not for long (cause I doubt anything can survive long being hit by a 1k dmg bash, even if its proc chances are low).
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
If your gonna make Archimonde stronger, I recommend buffing him up in his spells(don't make the spell damage to large that'll it would oneshot even bears, just enough to make it very scary) and make him even more tanky if you don't want him to die..
It'll give a sense of actually "fighting him" to hold him off, than just "oh no, he touched me, I'm dead." because just increasing his Basic Attack damage is lame and boring to fight with (even if fighting is unwinnable).

As for dealing with magic immune units, I suggest, just give him something like a 10% mini bash(like 1 sec) that deals huge damage. It'll still make fighting possible without your Main Combat Hero easily killed by spells or stuns, but not for long (cause I doubt anything can survive long being hit by a 1k dmg bash, even if its proc chances are low).
Yeah, that's kinda the idea that i had to buff him up, its much more dramatic that he is an unrbeakable wall than One punch man basically. I plan to keep him as a summoner unit that he is, but ill see that i tweak Finger of Death and maybe add another damage spell to his name.

That's actually a great idea for mini bash, low chance to stun, but does big dmg. Thanks for the suggestions :smile:
Level 8
Dec 1, 2021
And this is exactly why we don't have Chimaeras in the final mission to begin with lol

Oh well, guess ill have to remove the Corrosive Breath upgrade too. Thanks for being honest tho :smile:
Some other version remake that ever work, is giving the Black Citadel with Invulnerability armor. This way player sure hardly to rush into Archimonde's base. Even i didn't think this is should be done to this chapter.
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
Some other version remake that ever work, is giving the Black Citadel with Invulnerability armor. This way player sure hardly to rush into Archimonde's base. Even i didn't think this is should be done to this chapter.
The problem with that is that Black Citadel is immune to Acolyte's Unsummon ability too when invulnerable, so that's not really an option. I think i might go with the alternative of adding Divine Armor to every undead building, so that way only Acolytes with Unsummon can get rid of them.
Level 8
Dec 1, 2021
Well, Dragon strategy off, but as people says, "There is a way if human use their brain", or maybe it's just another problem to be solved.

I still manage to delay Archimonde even still at Jaina Base. And again, he is lonely as sad demon.

Some maybe makes bug that he not even march toward by reacting to owl scout, i barely knew this after a few try.

Chimaera still takes big role for some attempt, though i don't think could kill Archimonde with total HP bar more than 300k with Divine Armor and no Chaos Damage.

Orc base feels need more buff, their base easily overwhelm even with no Archimonde march. Adding more Beastiary maybe could be better since they train Wind Rider.

The item on Goblin Merchant quite expensive, the main item only Grimoire of Soul and Celestial Orb which important for durability.

Certainly feel the buff on Archimonde, more impactful when he march toward, but maybe still holdable if he only alone.

Overall still do able to hold Archimonde by some tricks, maybe it as you say need building with Divine Armor to prevent Archimonde to be lonely.

I assume he will idling until the timer runs out.

Last edited:
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
Well, Dragon strategy off, but as people says, "There is a way if human use their brain", or maybe it's just another problem to be solved.

I still manage to delay Archimonde even still at Jaina Base. And again, he is lonely as sad demon.

Some maybe makes bug that he not even march toward by reacting to owl scout, i barely knew this after a few try.

Chimaera still takes big role for some attempt, though i don't think could kill Archimonde with total HP bar more than 300k with Divine Armor and no Chaos Damage.

Orc base feels need more buff, their base easily overwhelm even with no Archimonde march. Adding more Beastiary maybe could be better since they train Wind Rider.

The item on Goblin Merchant quite expensive, the main item only Grimoire of Soul and Celestial Orb which important for durability.

Certainly feel the buff on Archimonde, more impactful when he march toward, but maybe still holdable if he only alone.

Overall still do able to hold Archimonde by some tricks, maybe it as you say need building with Divine Armor to prevent Archimonde to be lonely.

I assume he will idling until the timer runs out.
That quote means i have another map problem to solve, that's for sure. And my brain is certainly not developed enough to properly use the trigger editor :D

I can see that from the picture lol

The owl bug is kinda weird, ill play test again and check it out myself. If it's causing bugs to Archimonde, ill just switch her Owl ability to something else to make her more useful, literally the only use Tyrande has anyway is Starfall spam.

I should hope so, the major oversight from my part was that you could kill him with Green Dragon doomstack with chaos damage. Besides, chimaeras are useless against Archimonde cause they have magic damage and Archi is magic immune.

Yeah, might as well, i buffed Jaina's base so might as well do Thrall's base too.

It should be, the items aren't exactly standard items like Claws of Attack, so they need to have an adequate price.

Glad i made Archimonde as intended, and thanks for letting me know, ill fix these issues and update the map again when i can :grin: