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The Picture #4

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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007

This will be my second damned attemt at the fourth edition of The Picture, and I bloody hell hope some more attendants will apply this time. Now, dark and rude comments aside, this is a welcoming contest for all terrainers, new and old alike to take part in, it's supposed to be a fun contest where you use the map given to you in this post and edit it with some restrictions to make a lovely terrain with the pre-set camera angle, good luck everyone!


You can:

- Change the fog and sky to whatever your liking. -
- Import whatever public resourse you find, given that if it is not from Hive or Wc3Campaigns you will need to provide a link. -
- Add as many and whatever doodads you see fit. -
- Change, edit and add your completely own set of tiles, and edit the already existing tiles in the map. -

You Cannot:

- Use any other camer than "The Queen Camera" nor can you change any settings on the camera, or alter it's position. -
- Change anything physical already in the map: Doodads and terrain alike. -
- Edit the terrain in any other way with any kind of Photoshop programs in no other way than just to add a small signature to your terrain. -


The winner will be awarded 25 rep and a Award Icon for his great work, the second and third place wont get shit.
(unless the contestants feel like repping them in good sportsmanship. (Like they should!))


The judging will be done by the contest's host.

Deadline: the twenty 26th of October 2011.



  • The Picture 4.jpg
    The Picture 4.jpg
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  • The Picture 4.w3x
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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
I really like the terrain on this one far better then previous attempt so might try this.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Yep, this should be a treat.

Couldn't have timed it better, the contest results won't be posted for a while since M0rbid will be out of town for a good week. Should keep people from clawing their eyes out waiting for the judges to drop everything and dance to their whips. ---- And yes, to reply to the map, it looks damn nifty. Picking out interesting less conventional angles has become a forté of yours. Honestly do hope people give this a try, this is perfect for aspiring terrainers and veterans alike.

I'm definitely submitting an entry.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Next time can you offer a non UTM copy of the picture? Instead just have it blank with the terrain.

EDIT: I can't even delete doodads so tempted to kinda just say screw it.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Next time can you offer a non UTM copy of the picture? Instead just have it blank with the terrain.

EDIT: I can't even delete doodads so tempted to kinda just say screw it.

If it would be publicly preferd, I will.
- But somehow I get the feeling that not everyone wants to go through the work of importing every single doodad their going to use.

Gosh darn it, placed a bone wall on the map and my videocard crashed. Had to restart the computer to stop the evil cycle of crashing-rebooting-crashing-rebooting.

Now that is strange, never had any problems with the bone wall (guessing you mean the fence doodad) myself.
Level 17
Apr 24, 2005
One thing to remember there is, always remember to set a selection circle size for about
every model you are to use, as it is common that selection circle on model of size +10
will easily crash world editor. (and some models like to set it higher than it is by default)

Hmm really? So it's not the size of the cloudspheres crashing my editor, but the selection circle?
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Strange, never had that experience before. (having selection circles crashing my editor.)
- Come to think of it, I rarely have anything crashing my editor, ah well.. Guess it's the hazards of having a good PC...

Anyways, feeling some need to get challanged, OG? :p
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
This took forever.... Here is a fresh version of the map no imports or custom doodads.

EDIT: And a wip, I am thinking of going snowy dwarven place or a future city of some sorts.


  • The Picture 4.w3x
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  • WC3ScrnShot_100211_224225_01.png
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Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well my terrain will be more of an impressionist terrain... though Azurot's terrain makes me think I may not be entirely right with that desicion. Ill have to make a plan of how to combine impression and place something kewl on da hills.

Also, there is a little thing. You see, I have a model that would be just perfect for my terrain. However the thing with that model, is that it is in a pack of models which I have no idea how I got, which arent on any of the WCIII sites I know. I guess I cant use them?
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