The Picture, take 6!

Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Welcome to the sixth edition of "The Picture", a (mostly) unofficial contest that's been hosted several times before and now it's back!

Reference: The Picture #5



The goal of this contest is to challenge terrainers to adapt to their situation, you are presented with a template that has certain aspects you cannot change and certain objects you cannot remove, you are locked to a specific camera angle and you have to work around these limitations to create something unique and wonderful of your own. So, without further ado, here's the rules:

The Rules:

  • Contestants must use the "The Picture" camera angle/asset for their submissions and cannot alter the camera object in any way.
  • Contestants cannot alter the elevation (topography) that has already been changed, although so long as the distinctive height variation stays the same, you may make small changes.
  • "Flat" surfaces can be changed.
  • Contestants cannot delete, resize or hide doodads that are already placed in any way, the final submission must contain these objects visibly.
  • Contestants can change tile-set, fog-setting, time of day, place and tint doodads in any way they want and otherwise add any details they want.
  • Contestants can use custom models and assets in their entries.
  • Contestants can submit HD and SD entries.

Otherwise the contest rules are more or less the same as official terraining contests, what I am especially referencing here is the use of "unofficial" assets: If you use "off-site" assets, please leave a link to them with your submission, and if you're using assets you made or procured yourself, then please make them available to the rest of the contestants. We're here to have fun, learn and grow together, so let's all play fair :)
Link: Arena - Rules And Guide


The judging will be performed by the host of each respective round, the winners will be included in a photo-showcase below and the latest winner will have their entry as part of the contest's banner.


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition./35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder./35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?/10

Deadline: NA

Round 1. PrinceYaser:
Sunbaked Shipyard.PNG


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Level 5
Sep 5, 2022
This is my final submission!
Skärmbild 2024-04-20 022306.png

-Eerie fog (Ultimate Terraining Map)
-Shrub Animated (Ultimate Terraining Map)
-Glow (Ultimate Terraining Map)
-Stormsphere (Ultimate Terraining Map)
-Retera's Modeling Studio (to remove / force animations for the units in the picture)

I just got started working on this and so here's my first WIP (My entire work process can be found below together with the actual map file)
First WIP.png
WIP 2.png
WIP 3.png
Skärmbild 2024-03-26 000025.png
Skärmbild 2024-03-30 225832.png


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Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
It makes me uncomfy that the last one was over a decade ago...

Some minor "annoyances after messing with the map for a bit. And I guess I can look at it as being part of the challenge, but the way the camera is currently set up makes any skybox look pretty bad and unruly. You generally are able to make them look better by zooming the camera in a lot and then manually moving it to a different position to get rid of the circular effect they all seem to have.

For instance, here is the camera angle in use followed by my own edit (with a little stylistic roll)...
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Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
I'm so happy to see such amazing activity and interest so quickly, you guys are making my heart cry!

What version of Warcraft do you need to open the map ? It seems I can't with 1.27 :sad:

I imagine the latest version:, which is the one I'm on anyway.

I'm sorry you can't open it, but is there a reason you're on such an old version?

If anyone knows a way I can make this possible for Armelior, please let me know.

No idea what I was doing. Take it as a joke if you will.

I, uh... Maybe at least consider cropping it properly for the final submission?

It makes me uncomfy that the last one was over a decade ago...

Yep, best to just not think about it.

For instance, here is the camera angle in use followed by my own edit (with a little stylistic roll)...
Hadn't really thought about that, sorry.

But yeah, if it helps you sleep at night: See it as part of the challenge. :p

Guess you'll just have to make a custom sky!
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Level 21
Dec 15, 2021
I'm sorry you can't open it, but is there a reason you're on such an old version?

I'm 100% sure it's not buggy for what I need when making maps (or at least "better the bugs I know than the ones I don't") + my maps are playable for almost everyone.

The second I use a later version of worldedit there is no going back without reinstalling the game so I'm not in a hurry to update.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
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Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
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I have used some resources that are unreleased (at least in Warcraft III).

  • Cattail - Ported from WoW by me.
  • Aspen trees - Ported from Skyrim by me.
  • Cobblestones - Ported from WoW by unknown, retextured by me.
  • Ravens - Ported from WoW by me.
  • Brazier - Ported from Skyrim by me.
  • Statues - Ported from Unity by me (original credit to "Manufactura K4").

Damn I'm too lazy to import so many models I usually use into this map. I wish you guys made the basic scene in UTM or something.
You can bulk import/export by saving the maps as folders, and then dragging the resources from one map to another.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Damn, that's a neat trick, FeelsGoodMan!

Damn I'm too lazy to import so many models I usually use into this map. I wish you guys made the basic scene in UTM or something.

Sad to hear it :(

Although the UTM is woefully outdated by now, I guess we could consider making this a staple going forward, if it is what people want.

Maybe you could try FeelsGoodMan's trick? :)
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
If only I knew what else to do xD Just wanted to spur some interest and keep the contest going. I'm a total loser when it comes to terraining.
I think a cool direction that you could take this submission is a sort of underwater city. Might be really difficult with the terrain/fog disconnect, but there's potential there. Maybe my old terrain here can give you a sense of the lighting possible to achieve that look. Start by pushing the fog back to 14000+ z end point so that you can make out some of the details of the city in the back. After that you can create a very large Underground Dome model and place it so that the fog will render on that model instead the very jarring sky.


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Level 7
Dec 13, 2015
I know this is an auto-disqualify for the competition itself, but I thought I'd share what I drew up last night. As a user of 1.26 (just assuming that's the problem), I wasn't able to use the given w3m file, but did my best to replicate what was shown in the image without wrecking my sanity.



What I came up with ended up being pretty similar to FatPanda's, at a glance. Just a fun observation.

I took some inspiration from hiking about the mountains of the Pacific Northwest in the United States. While others provided ideas and WIPs of more uniquely creative scenes -- and I think this came out to be a bit messier than I'd initially intended -- the thing that inspired me most was to mess around with the restricted perspective, and play with the tools available in the base editor to imply detail where it would otherwise be lacking from any other viewpoint in the virtual space. Painting a two-dimensional image using a three-dimensional palette, in a sense. Thanks Bob Ross...

Any thoughts & criticism are welcome!

Thank you for your time.
If people are interested for any reason in the map I used to replicate the template, I'd be happy to attach it here.

Thanks to Celaquil for hosting, and everyone else for sharing your Pictures! Good luck to y'all who are actually living in the current decade. :grin:
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Wow, that's some awesome dedication to making a terrain, I'm also very impressed at how close the final result got to the original.
I'm going to be honest and say I might not even have picked up on it not being my template, if you hadn't said anything.

If you want to give it another go, you could try deepstrasz's suggestion using the map adaptor. I tried having a look at it, but it's a bit too technical for me.

And while, as you say, I can't in good conscience accept your entry into the contest proper, I'll do you a solid and give you a proper review with the other entries when it comes to it :)
Level 21
Dec 15, 2021
If you want to give it another go, you could try deepstrasz's suggestion using the map adaptor. I tried having a look at it, but it's a bit too technical for me.

Unfortunately the map adaptator only works for playing, not opening in worldedit, from what I've read on the thread and I couldn't get the other adaptator linked to work either.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
After you convert the map, you can use Map Unlocker (same author) to make it openable in the world editor.
Attached is the map converted for old patches. Check it out to see if it works for you.

Fantastic, thank you a lot for the help!

I will add a link to your post in the main post if anyone else needs it as well ^^
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
No point trying to outdo Feelsgoodman & PrinceYaser in beautiful scenery

Never limit yourself with such a mindset, always work on your own stuff to the best of your ability and imagine you are the only participant!

Also, just a friendly reminder to everyone that "F" and "K" does the same as "V" with the added bonus of not having "Game View Settings" ruining your shot ;)
Level 7
Dec 13, 2015
Well, thanks to the fantastic labors of Elprede, I can properly obey the rules! WIPs & relevant info to be included in spoiler(s?) below.

~ ~ ~
I decided to take a very different direction - atleast, thematically - from my previous, non-applicable post. Hopefully the inspiration is obvious.
[ Who doesn't love a lil Halo in their Warcraft? ]


~ ~ ~
Not sure how drastically things will change, as it depends on how much time I have on my hands. :p Nonetheless, it's been lovely to redress this environment with everything I'd learned from my earlier attempt at replicating the contest template. I just can't help but trip and fall over my laces into the deepest love for using perspective techniques and doing everything I can to challenge myself to not be lazy. Part of the excitement is working around the given limitations, after all. Anyway, this was my endpoint for tonight - hopefully to be cleaned up & polished with some extra lil tricks sooner than later.


Felt a little stuck for a bit, but got some inspiration & helpful feedback from a friend that gave me perspective on how to improve the vision.


Still feels a bit bare, but I don't want to overstuff the space. In fact, I tried my best to clear out the clutter and make it a lil more obvious what's happening. Thanks to deepstrasz & Armelior_is_back for your feedback! To address Armelior's specific question, the Undead Zeppelin closest to the camera is meant to be deploying a gravity lift, as seen used by the Phantoms in the Halo games.

Went braindead for the last couple weeks, so no huge improvements & a fairly low-effort border. Nonetheless, hopefully it is a worthy entry for this contest, even just for the fun of its attendance!


Not many changes to share here from my last bit of progress, as my brain has moved on to an entirely different project - but I learned a lot from working on this map, and found that I have even more to learn just from browsing through the other submissions. This was my first time involving myself directly in the HWS community, and it was such a joy to do so, even after having merely lurked here for the past 10+ years. Thanks to whoever's taking the time to read this, and good luck to all these fantastic entries!

~ ~ ~

Thanks to everyone sharing their excellent creations! Always love to see this community's love and passion for the art of this game. It's what keeps me coming back every time, without fail. <3
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Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
This seems like a nice contest. I would love to participate. One question. Can I add water through terrain or do I need to use doodads? Would that break the topography rule?

Depends, I intentionally didn't add a waterplane to the default terrain to give everyone the freedom to raise and lower the terrain without having water "forced" on them. But if you know a way of adding the default waterplane without changing the height-map of the terrain, then by all means do so!

Otherwise I suggest using doodad water planes. For SD I can recommend the "waterplane" doodad from the UTM (thread stickied in this forum), place and align them on a flat surface, make sure you have "reset doodad height" unticked and move them over to where you need them after you've raised them a little. For HD I have no good suggestions, as far as I know there aren't any good waterplane doodads for HD yet :/

Also, @Azeroth's Most Wanted, did you change the foreground and/or camera angle?
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Depends, I intentionally didn't add a waterplane to the default terrain to give everyone the freedom to raise and lower the terrain without having water "forced" on them. But if you know a way of adding the default waterplane without changing the height-map of the terrain, then by all means do so!

Otherwise I suggest using doodad water planes. For SD I can recommend the "waterplane" doodad from the UTM (thread stickied in this forum), place and align them on a flat surface, make sure you have "reset doodad height" unticked and move them over to where you need them after you've raised them a little. For HD I have no good suggestions, as far as I know there aren't any good waterplane doodads for HD yet :/

Also, @Azeroth's Most Wanted, did you change the foreground and/or camera angle?
Yeah, my bad, uploaded a wrong screenshot:peasant-frightened: should be okay now.