• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Texturing Contest #17 - Poll

Which texture from this contest is your favorite?

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Level 8
Jun 1, 2008
as much as i loved all the entries, based on what this competition is i cant believe anyone voted for anyone other that l0w_kwaliti's entry?? I mean i totally didn't recognise the crypt, in a good way. + i think the detail and how much it fits in is fantastic. Gets my vote. :)
Level 1
Jul 31, 2010
Red shift got my vote for usefulness and creativity.
And I couldn't help noticing the companion cube arcane vault. Love the companion cube but, not for this contest.
Level 10
Mar 6, 2010
i know it is, you... or someone else said it at page 2 or something, as we would say in my homecountry, just for fun, however "just for fun" means for something to actually to be funny in about every other country. back home , its just... "just for fun", which means about as much as "meh"
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
Holy crap, it's been over a month? damn.

anyways; here is my judgment on the skins:

Dan van Ohllus

Shading and Highlights:
the roofs are well done and offer a good level of dimension; and most of the other details have a good level of shading as well. The walls seem a little lacking though, and could have probably used just a little more shading around the windows and were they meet under the roof. Most of the problems with shading seem to steam from the model and the way the UV's wrap to it, though the skin gives the impression that a little more could have been done.

Originality and Creativity:
The overall design was relatively unique, though the most outstanding feature would be the weird chimneys, which makes this skin rather unique.

Texture Detail:
the walls are rather similar shades, and when the game is on lower rendering settings the colors tend to be displayed as blotches of about 4 different shades. The bricks stand out as needing a little more as well, the lines separating them are rather thin and come close to blurring into nothingness from the regular game view. It would be nice if their was a little more work in differentiating the bricks, such as different brick colors and varying mortar width. The windows and roofs are rather well-detailed, and overall the skin seems relatively consistent.

In-Game Dynamics:
the chimney's details seem to fade into a blur rather quickly, and the model has a few shading issues. Overall this skin works respectably well in game, and besides the above mentioned shortcomings there is not much to complain about here. As the portrait file for this is the entire structure, this category is essentially the same as your texture detail. In game this skin differs a bit from other warcraft skins, but is still close enough to blend in relatively well.



Shading and Highlights:
Largely the shading is pretty good and well-applied throughout this skin. The only part that could really use more work is the crystal-elements under the face.

Originality and Creativity:
Probably the single-best conversion skin of the group, this completely changes the temple of the damned into something completely unrelated, and this appears to be a hugely original idea as well.

Texture Detail:
Overall the texture detail is rather high quality and several elements among the sides mimic the warcraft style very well. However, the shifts in the texture types themselves don't quite match up as well as they should. The bones, crystal, stone, and magnataur face all appear at slightly different qualities a sort of give the impression of a conglomeration of unrelated elements placed together. It would be nice if their was more of a sense of a solid motif between all the elements with detail and color style.

In-Game Dynamics:
The ice looks pretty bad with in game lighting, and is pretty obvious from most views as well. The tonal range within the ice is so shallow that when the in-game lighting is applied on it it feels really flat and bland. If you changed the ice to bone to match the spires on the sides or changed the ice in general this skin should stand to benefit significantly from it, but the ice is sort of holding it back.



Shading and Highlights:
Decent enough but they could stand to be perhaps a little stronger. The flat team color is rather distracting and could stand to have some sort of detail and shading on it though.

Originality and Creativity:
Pretty good, if nothing else this was probably one of the most significant changes from the original texture.

Texture Detail:
I like the little touches such as the stained-glass windows. The doors seem a little plane and I'm not sure the circular windows really suit them. The brickwork is at a nice level of consistency.

In-Game Dynamics:
Looks pretty good in game, the detail level on this skin seems very close to that of other warcraft skins and this fits in pretty well with the alliance buildings.



Shading and Highlights:
Decent enough to get by, though it would be nice if the windows themselves seemed to have more of a dynamic shadow associated with them, considering they all sit on the same band of shadow without it changing to light and dark makes the skin lack a bit in dimension. I like the gradual fade from light to dark from the top of the skin down though, it should fit in well when placed next to other buildings.

Originality and Creativity:
Considering no buildings in warcraft 3 fit a skyscraper particularly well and the model choice was somewhat obscure this was a rather creative choice. The placement of windows and structural components was unique as well.

Texture Detail:
This could have been better, the window panes seemed a little flat. The overall texture is made from repeating the same motif over and over as well.

In-Game Dynamics:
Looks good in game. The detail level seems a little lower than most warcraft skins and textures but otherwise this could fit into a wide array of modern and futuristic settings.


Red Shift

Shading and Highlights:
The rendering on this skin is very well done, even with lighting turned off this skin seem remarkably well-shaded, and each detail seems to pop out. I can't really imagine how the shading could be improved; excluding model edits for the portions of the model that no amount of work on the skin could solve.

Originality and Creativity:
Changing houses into a more realistic medieval/port city version isn't terribly creative; though it is original enough for the purposes of this contest. It would be a little more original if you tried a less obvious model, but for the purposes of the skin this was a wise model choice.

Texture Detail:
The detail is overall rather remarkable, though some sections are considerably more remarkable than others. The porthole window, cheese-grater texture, and to a lesser extent the larger doors could have been worked on a little more judging by the rest of the skin. That being said, the detail level on these is still pretty extensive.

In-Game Dynamics:
The portrait files for the models this skin effects appear to be rather sub-par, and even with the amount of detail in your skins make them seem a tad blurry; especially for the horizontal house (so I'll largely ignore them as they seem rather hastily created). However, from the game-view this skin looks rather nice; and if anyone desired to use this skin for a model I'd strongly recommend to chose one of the diagonal versions, as the portrait for said model is most closely related to most other building portrait files. In any case this skin seems to stand out a bit in comparison to other warcraft skins; though considering it can be used to create an entire atmosphere this is mostly a minor issue.


Stanakin Skywalker

Shading and Highlights:
Each piece does not seem to take into account the rest of the skin. There should be a distinct drop-shadow from the roof onto the walls. The wooden beams could use more shading as well, though given the wrapping job I'm not sure that was possible.

Originality and Creativity:
Turning an anogomous tent-hut into a solid hut isn't terribly creative, though the differance is building style is creative enough.

Texture Detail:
The walls are simple but work well. The thatched roofs seem a little blurry though, perhaps you should have used a larger skin size so this would not appear so fuzzy.

In-Game Dynamics:
The wooden elements seem rather bland from the default game view, perhaps their details could use more contrast. The skin itself fits in relatively well with other warcraft skins and textures, and bares a similar style.



Shading and Highlights:
This skin has absolutely no shading whatsoever.

Originality and Creativity:
I've seen the same concept done in the last texturing contest, so I'm not sure exactly how creative doing this cube is. If nothing else; because this skin is rather different from most on this site it was granted a decent score in this category.

Texture Detail:
Not much on here; though the shapes look at least well-made and with smooth edges.

In-Game Dynamics:
The lack of shading really sticks out, and the glowing runes and crystal sort of distract from the skin as well. As their is no shading on this skin at all it really stands out when placed next to warcraft units, allowing those with no knowledge of warcraft resources to quickly recognize that this seems out of place.


Last edited:
they must be re sized down to 512, preferable 256 on equal dimension textures when submitted.
The thatched roofs seem a little blurry though, perhaps you should have used a larger skin size so this would not appear so fuzzy.


Second to last.. I must admit I expected a little better than that. Oh well.
Sent an email to THE_END:

Pyritie said:
Emailing you because you seem to go AFK all the time.

How's the judging going? If you can't do it, tell me so I can find someone else.
THE_END said:
Sorry I've been super busy with school starting Pyr, I think I may retire soon
Pyritie said:
Should I find someone else then?
THE_END said:

So... anyone want to be the second judge? :D
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