Strife of the Elves V2.14

Choose one of 13 unique characters armed with an array of potent abilities and battle your way through a beautiful and stunning environment in a campaign to destroy your enemy's Demi-God. Upgrade your troops, buy items and recipies, customize your hero, learn and use skills with spectacular effects, complete quests, fight mobs with unique abilities, and combat enemy characters.


Author's Note
(5-30-2010) - V2.14 is here and includes some important bug fixes, several new items, and a new hero stat. Please report any problems you may have and enjoy <(^-^)^

(5-26-2010) - I am in the process of re-creating Strife of the Elves. When I first started this project I was much less skilled then I am now and therefore the base of this game is not made well while the rest is. The new version (that will come somewhere between this weekend and the next) will include all the same heroes and items (most likely I will even add a few) and have the same general set-up. It will, however, have completely re-done coding (in order to maximize efficiency and take away some of the problems people have been having) and terrain (in order to make the map more even and balanced between the two sides).

The following is a list of resources or general help needed for the project (rep and credit will be given):
- An icon for the Shadowmistress
- A more detailed icon for the Phoenix Marksman
- A more war3-looking icon for the Archangel
- Specific help balancing heroes
- Error and glitch reports
- Any cool screenshots or videos you may take

General FaQ

Q: Which of my spells can crit?

A: Any spell that deals damage or heal is capable of a critical strike

Q: One of my spells is a damage over time, can it crit?

A: Yes! The die are rolled for each time damage is dealt. Additionally, crit die are rolled for each unit affected by an AoE ability.

Q: How is spellpower added to my abilities and how do I get it?

A: Spellpower is simply added to direct-damage/heal spells (i.e. a spell that normally deals 40 damage is being used by a hero with 18 spellpower so the spell will actually deal 58 damage). If the spell is a DoT ability, then spellpower is divided by the number of times damage or healing will be dealt and added each time. Spellpower can be obtained through items or abilities.

Q: Are items effected by my spellpower and crit?

A: Yes! Any non-consumable item with a usable ability is modified by both the users spellpower and critical strike rating.

Q: How is magic defense calculated into abilities and how do I get it?

A: Magic defense operates pretty much the opposite of spellpower. The damage of any ability cast agaisn't you will be reduced by your magic defense. If it is a 12-second dot spell, then, just like spellpower, it will be reduced each tick but also divided by the number of ticks. You can get magic defense via items or abilities.

Q: I am playing the Death Guard, and I am curious if my Dark Empowerment ability will adapt to fit any health I obtain while it is active.

A: Negative, the 30% health increase obtained from Dark Empowerement is simply added and then subtracted after the time is up.

Q: I find this game boring and think it is alot like DotA and other generic AoS-type maps.

A: You're doing it wrong

Special Thanks
- Naro (for continued feedback and support)
- JetfangInferno (for the many effects of his that have been used in this project)

Your primary objective is to slay your enemy's Demi-God. The Demi-God is kept in a deep slumber in which they cannot attack and are invulnerable. In order to awaken the Demi-God you must slaughter each of the 4 warlocks surrounding him. The 4 warlocks can be attacked after all the towers have been destroyed on any of the 3 paths leading to your enemies base.

If you destroy your enemy's sanctuary on either the top or bottom path, a guardian will spawn on that path for the rest of the game. Guardians are powerful entish-warriors that deal chaos damage and cannot be upgraded. Most spells that refer to "creeps" exclude guardians from there respective effects

There are 2 magic wells located in each base. If the enemy team destroys both wells, your team will lose access to creep upgrades and the tranquility ability

Nodes are capturable buildings located in the center of the map. If captured, nodes will give stat bonuses to your team. Nodes are VITAL to winning a match and should not be ignored. There is a "no node" option for those who do not wish to play a node match.

Node bonuses are as follows:
Graveyard - 10% damage increase
Sacrificial Alter - 150% mana regeneration boost
Spirit Tree - 4 armor increase
Moonwell - Notable health regeneration and movement speed bonus

Ranging from slaughtering enemy creeps to venturing to the hostile murloc village, 7 quests are available in the Strife of the Elves.

Quests do not need to be picked up by a player, however they must be turned into their respective NPC. Walking near a quest NPC will trigger text that gives a quest description, requirement, and reward.

Rewards vary and include:
- Gold
- Insignias
- Experience
- Items

Demi-Gods are the main focus of this game. In order to win, you must slay the enemy factions Demi-God. This is made difficult by the fact that Cenarius and Martok have high armor, health, and mana and furthermore have abilities that display unprecendented power.
Cenarius (NE)
Gift of Cenarius: Sanctifies an area with holy magic. After a short period, all friendly units within the area will receive a large heal

Demi-Cleave: Cenarius's attacks cleave enemy units, allowing him to deal damage to multiple creeps at once.

Starfall: Calls down a flurry of stars at a random point around the Demi-God, dealing high damage to enemy units nearby the barraged point.

Martok (DE)
Reign of Fire: Encases the area around Martok in fire, causing nearby units to be trapped with Martok and keeping units outside the circle out.

Demi-Cleave: Martok's attacks cleave enemy units, allowing him to deal damage to multiple creeps at once.

Wrath: Conjures a fiery eruption at a random point around the Demi-God, dealing high damage to enemy units nearby.

Upgrades are available at your circle of power (located within the Sanctuary). If you level an upgrade it will automatically level for all other players on your team. Upgrades are a vital part of game-play and should not be ignored. AI players will choose one of 3 random upgrades to purchase every few levels. Upgrades can be purchased 5-10 times depending on which.

Insignias are small trinkets that can be used to purchase special items/bonuses from the insignia vendor within the Sanctuary.

Insignias are obtained by:
- killing enemy heroes
- completing quests
- slaying creep bosses (only 1 currently)

Insignias can be used to purchase:
- Permanent state bonuses (str, int, agi, health, etc)
- Bonus experience
- Bonus levels
- An Ankh
- Or traded in for gold

Kola - Bulwark of Titans, Elven Warblade, Virtuous Haste
Anachron - Strength/Agility/Intelligence, Nemesis, Elemental Precision, Mana Tide
bigapple90 - Bonecrusher, Hero Attack. Maelstrom
Krysis - Weightless Boots
Gwen Stefani - Moonglow Lantern, Druidic Staff
KelThuzad - Mongoose Dagger, Riptide, Tidal Focus
X.e.r.e.X - Fleshgrinder, Zin'kalon, Shamanism
FrIkY - Ancient Glaive, Flimsy Pandaren Armor, Pandaren Armor, Reinforced Pandaren Armor, Barbarian, Counterattack, Presence of the Scourge
Paladon - Hero Armor, Voodoo
BananaHUNT - Attack, Move, Patrol, Hold, Stop
Army-of-Pandas - Flask of BLood, Flask of Earth, Flask of Mystic Waters
Palaslayer - Moonglaive, Archangel, Lava Burst
NFWar - Rogues Blade, Haunt
-BerZeker- - Mysterious Amulet, Axe Throw, Invoke,
Narandza - Lulu's Bear
CRAZYRUSSIAN - Healing Salve, Mana Draught, Goblin Flaming Tequila, Lash of Pain, Dark Plague, Drow Blade, Shadowfury, Dark Empowerment
Happycockroach - Elemental Split
Mr. Goblin - Combat Experience, Death Coil
LiOneSS - Phoenix Marksman
Skrik - Beast Within
Elenai - Full Moon
Dan Van Ohllus - Worgen
Kimberly - Ferocity
4eNNightmare - Curse of Agony
Cloudwolf - Death Guard
Stefanstan95 - Souledge
Blizzard Entertainment - Blood Craze, Succubus, Holy Nova, Guidance

Blizzard Entertainment - Loading Screen
Blizzard Entertainment - Map Preview

Unreal Tournament - Countdown, Killing Spree-related Sounds

Hexus: Elven bench/bed, Fountain Statue, Elven Bridge
Tiki: Maiden
General Frank - Orb of Light, Orb of Mana, Phoenix Marksman, Worgen
donut3.5 - Wicked Faerie
WILL THE ALMIGHTY - Ancient Turtle
Suselishe - Guardian
Wingednosering: Elven Ranger
GreyArchon - Warden Statue
Inico - Sacrificial Altar
Happytauren - Thick-leaf Plant
Tranquil - Mirror, Archangel
Expresso - Archangel
Lord_T - Throwing Axe
Dixunder - Succubus

Cloudwolf - Dark Ranger, Death Guard
Mr. Goblin - Barbarian
Red Shift - Shadow Priestess, DE Demigod

JetFangInferno - Virtuous Haste (NE), Virtuous Haste (DE), Environment Particles, Music Notes, Redemption, Holy Nova, Succubus Summon, Haunt, Maelstrom
Pyritie - Starfall
WILL THE ALMIGHTY - Ancient (death animation)
Inico - Bestial Wrath
SpY - Souledge
Shamanyouranus - Dark Corruption
EdwardSwolenToe - Bulwark of Titans Effect

Situ - Energy Ramp, Magic Ground, Tree Effects

BETA V1.2 Update (4-8-2010)

- New Hero is available: Dark Knight (melee, offensive)
- New A.I. Hero is available: Dark Knight (melee, offensive)
- New Item is available: Talisman of the Wayward Rogue (+6% evasion, +12 agility, +8 stats, +5 damage)
- New Item is available: Rusty Mining Pick (+16 strength, +10 stamina, +2 armor, Use - summons 3 miners to fight for you for 15 seconds (90 sec. CD)
- New Item is available: Royal Glaive of the Naga Lord (+30 strength, +30 damage, +250 health, 15% chance to stun for 2 seconds and deal 30 bonus dmg)
- New Item is available: Chocobo (has 6-slot inventory and the sprint ability)
- New Boss Creep is available: Naga Lord
- New Quest is available: Lord of the Tides (Objective: slay the Naga Lord, Reward: 2000 xp and the legendary Royal Glaive of the Naga Lord)
- New Award is available: Tidal Lord (awarded for slaying the Lord of the Tides)
- New Jass-Based Charge System is available (will combine charged items with more ease and without glitches)
- New PvP Awards are available: Double/Triple kills (with sounds)
- New Runic Portal function is available: Revive Hero Instantly (pay a fee to revive your hero before the timer is up)
- New In-game MUltiboard system is implemented which will only add players to the multiboard if their slot is active
- New Tree-Regrowth system is implemented: will regrow trees 30 seconds after their death
- New A.I. Combat Checker System is implemented. It is designed to keep the A.I. heroes in combat and prevent them from getting "stuck"

- Creep Pathing calculations have been optimized and should work well to reduce lag
- Several effect and unit group leaks have been patched up and should help to alleviate end-game lag
- Heroes will no longer recieve xp while dead (this should also prevent items from being dropped on the ground when a dead A.I. hero levels)
- The Orb of Healing has a new effect
- Moonwell now gives +attack speed in place of +health regen (movement speed bonus remains the same)
- Quad DMG rune now gives +150% bonus damage (down from +400%)
- Loading Screen has undergone minor changes
- The Gladiators Net ensare ability is now properly castable on heroes
- The Battle Priest Holy Nova effect is now properly linear
- A glitch involving the Guardian's Holy Light effect has been fixed (I think)

BETA V1.21 Update (4-9-2010)

- Major glitch fixed which disabled Player 1's able to rezzurect his hero
- Chocobo will now properly become invuln while in the Sanctuary
- The Guardians Holy Light ability now has the proper effect

BETA V1.25 Update (4-10-2010)

- Fixed multiboard issue which incorrectly displayed each player's battle stats
- Patched over 96 point and effect leaks (will continue to patch for future updates)
- Demigods can no longer be kited to friendly towers
- The Ancient of Lore's tranquility special has a new special effect
- The area of effect of the Demigod's respective flamestrike and starfall abilities is now 1200 (down from 1500)
- Minor environmental update

BETA V1.26 Update (4-10-2010)

- More leaks have been patched
- Minor environmental update
- Several glitches fixed

BETA V2.0 Update (5-1-2010)

Hero Changes
- Deleted all old heroes and implemented 10 brand-new heroes with 50 new shiny abilities
- Heroes now start with a base ability that cannot be leveled in addition to their normal abilities
- All heroes are now built on the V2.0 standard which ensures that each ability has obvious and evident synergy with other abilities in order to both improve gameplay and better facilitate player customization
- Critical Strike chance has been expanded to effect ANY spell that deals damage or heals
- A new stat called spellpower has been implemented which allows players to buff the damage or healing power of their spells
- Abilities that deal damage or heal now do it in varying amounts (i.e. 50-110 damage instead of just 80 damage)
- Strength now gives 8 hit points per point (down from 15)
- Primary attribute points now give 1 damage per point (up from .8)

Item Changes
- Additional items now give critical strike rating
- Many old items have been deleted and a multitude of new ones have been introduced
- Items are now more balanced (both in terms of cost and potency)
- Item recipies now display their total cost and the cost and location of their ingrediants
- Items now have 4 "quality levels" which are determined by their potency and displayed next to their name
- Mageweave bag and its associated items have been removed

Automated Intelligence Changes
- The AI calc has been improved and optimized
- AI Heroes will now retreat under less stressful conditions than before

Code Changes
- Triggering has been optimized and no longer contains any un-polled waits
- An issue involving network desyncs has been solved
- The last of the notable leaks have been mopped up and beaten to a pulp

Gameplay Changes
- Players may now make use of the (-emote) command to play special hero animations
- The research time of upgrades is now 5 seconds (down from 10)
- A new loading screen and map preview are in use

- Nodes no longer deal damage and instead have two invulnerable towers that protect them
- Nodes and their protective towers now start the game in a much weaker state but upgrade over time

- The level of each hero will now be shown in the multiboard
- If a hero is dead, the amount of time left until his ressurection will be shown in the multiboard

- Tons of purty effects have been added
- Pathing blockers have been added in many key areas where units were travelling through trees or being covered by them
- "Mystic mirrors" are now in each faction base and depict the enemy Demigod

BETA Patch 2.01 (5-4-2010)

- Decreased size of multiboard
- Nerfed the health and damage of titans
- Nerfed the health and damage of Demigods
- Buffed the cleave of Demigods
- Nerfed the health of basic faction creeps
- Each hero now starts out with +20 base damage
- Changed Archangel's soundset and icon
- Fixed Worgen's Beast Within glitch
- Heroes now start out with 200 additional health
- Heroes now recieve 10 health from strength (up from 8)
- Rajooki's Quest and Rajooki's Burden will now properly display in the quest log
- A few minor environmental changes have occured
- Creeps travelling along the northern path should no longer be hidden by trees
- Heroes will now start out with two healing salves, a mana draught, a goblin flame tequila, and a scroll of portals
- The Blacksmith is now a unit and sells trade-ins for insignias
- Subsequently, the insignia vendor is now recipe vendor 1 and recipe vendor 1 has been removed
- Archers now cast an ability that deals 40 damage in a cone shape and has a 20 sec. CD
- New special buildings have been added to improve gameplay
- The damage dealt or amount healed by abilities is now shown above effected units
- A few minor glitches and errors have been fixed

Patch 2.12
- Re-did item area
- Added several items
- Re-did some of the environment
- Fixed several spells which were not calculating spellpower/crit correctly
- Fixed several tooltips, etc.
- Changed name
- Updated AI

Patch 2.13
- Added 3 new heroes
- Added 14+ new items
- Fixed some serious hero problems with the Shaman and Worgen
- Tweaked AI
- Took away unit abilities
- Reduced lag by taking away some effects

Patch 2.14 (5-30-2010)
- Added 5 new items
- Implemented new hero stat - magic defense, which reduces spell damage done to your hero
- Q's Sphere now gives 25 magic defense instead of 20% spell reduction
- The Bulwark of the Titan's usable ability now has a new buff model
- The Maiden's "natures gift" ability now heals for 15 (down from 30)
- Rangers now have 280 health (down from 32)
- Rangers now deal 26 damage (down from 28)
- Base melee creeps now have 330 health (down from 380)
- Base melee creeps now deal 20 damage (down from 25)
- Special caster creeps now have 230 health (down from 250)
- Special caster creeps now deal 30 damage (down from 32)
- Tower regeneration has been removed and is now an available game mode
- Towers now regenerate (if activated) based on a percent of their max health instead of a base real
- Minor environmental changes (specifically to the shops area)

strife of the elves, aos, strife, elves, n1ghthawk, warcraft, epic, arena, dota, warcraft, hero, insane, pvp

Strife of the Elves V2.14 (Map)

11:08, 27th Mar 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Well I tried it out and I can't say much cause I played it only once... First thing I noticed was the terrain - seriously epic. The concept is original not another dota-like map or not completely. Theres this thing I noticed in the Upkeep area it says - Kingdom of dreams beta you might want to fix that. Will update my comment when I play it a few more times.
Last edited:
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
Theres this thing I noticed in the Upkeep area it says - Kingdom of dreams beta you might want to fix that.


Well I tried it out can't say cause I played it only once... First thing I noticed was the terrain - seriously epic. The concept is original not another dota-like map or not completely.

Thanks for the review mate, hope you enjoy future games :wink:
Level 3
Mar 25, 2009
is it based in the Demigod Game? or not? it doesn't appears to be...
But please,answer this.
Also:Downloading and testing.
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
Lol you have stolen the Logo and name from the accual "Demigod" game :p

Well the logo was a result of the name which was a result of the objective of the game. So really I just took their logo. Regardless, however, I didn't "steal" anything.

lol i thought this map based on the real game
the terrain,units and gameplay..and i see this model odin looks like the demigod rook in real game...^^

You know its funny, when pregomal said he thought it was the RTS Demigod game I actually thought that the Odin model looks similar to the rook as well. :0
Level 7
Aug 20, 2008
Well the logo was a result of the name which was a result of the objective of the game. So really I just took their logo. Regardless, however, I didn't "steal" anything.

You know its funny, when pregomal said he thought it was the RTS Demigod game I actually thought that the Odin model looks similar to the rook as well. :0

XD:xxd: i like to see Odin in your map lol...hopefully people in garena like your map i host it and they like it...but im still learning the map its hard at first because some model looks similar to dota like traxex she was just a creep and im like confused at first..i like the gameplay at some point it has + fun when it comes to defending demigod..
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
XD i like to see Odin in your map lol...hopefully people in garena like your map i host it and they like it...but im still learning the map its hard at first because some model looks similar to dota like traxex she was just a creep and im like confused at first..i like the gameplay at some point it has + fun when it comes to defending demigod..

I know it took me a while to get used to the archer looking like traxex too :). Also i'm thinking about adding more abilities to the Demi-Gods so the fights are more diverse.

Thanks for the comment mate!
Level 2
Feb 22, 2010
Does it have AI? I don't have and Garena players commonly play DoTA and some other stuff, they stick on old maps and never advance -_-
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
This has alot of features etc, and I don't feel like writing something big - sorry.
But it's a nice map overall, but the problem with the AoS genre is people need to add difficult things to make it original which makes the maps very complicated for new players. OKAY! enough with the obviousness

Thats alright mate, just glad to get a review. I'll add a set of objectives and directions in the description so people know what to do to win the game. I'll also explain the quest/item/node systems.

Thanks for the feedback :thumbs_up:
Level 4
Oct 24, 2008
for an aos this is quite good :p, maybe make more race types? that would make this awesome :p like the team has to vote for the race they want :p?
Level 4
Oct 24, 2008
yea, with differnt demigods and differnt units which have differnt advantages/disadvantages like some races might have a really good melee attacker or a tank unit and other might have units which are better at killing towers etc o_O

oh yea reading what was said earlier the ver i played i think you have released a new one since then, i was just playing it on my own but it took me ages to actually start since i was trying to find out how to make all the good item combos xD
Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
Here's a review P:

Well I was recently saw this map and as it looked good, so I decided to give it a review.

So here is the review, Hope you enjoy and use my ideas and criticism to help improve your map.

*NOTE I played Night Elves - normal mode - normal mode - normal pick With Hero Shadow*

  • Epic loading screen
  • Nice number of custom heroes
  • Awesome custom spells/icons/items
  • Epic terrain
  • Nice number of game modes
  • Nice number of item recipes
  • like how you can Upgrade units creeps and buildings.
  • Like the side quests for those that want to do them
  • Match Statistics
  • How the enemy hero that we have to kill comes onto the field when freed

  • No Bugs
  • No Glitches
  • All of the game worked

  • Hard to get to the shops/quest area

  • Could add an upcoming updates log so we know what you are working on fixing/adding

  • You need to add more teleporters to get to shops/quest area (Read Suggestions Teleporters)

Okay I was recently playing you map and got really annoyed how I had to walk a mile just to get back to the shop/quest area of the map.

I was thinking maybe you could add a few more teleporters spread throughout the map so it isn't as hard to get back to base. (Although don't put too many in plane sight or enemy heroes will just use them to avoid being killed)

Overall, the map is a fun and enjoyable map which requires lots of strategy to win. The map also has many different game modes which makes for hours of fun and enjoyable play. Also as there are no glitches/bugs/errors in the stuff that I tested I would suggest this map to friends and people who like dota styled maps with a twist. I would also suggest this map to people who have an interest in custom icons/models/spells game-play and that map is also worth playing just for the scoreboard at the very end of the game.

I Vote for Approval and would give it a 4.5/5 It doesn't get 5 as there is still 1 con that I found and I didn't have a month to test all the different game-modes/items/heroes.

All in all hope you liked my review as much as I enjoyed playing your map,
Lag_Reviews P:

PS: I'd love to here your feedback on my review and can't wait to see what you can bring to this map and many others!
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
Well I was recently saw this map and as it looked good, so I decided to give it a review.

Serious review man. Critiques like your allow me to fix glitches, adapt the map to popular demand, and improve overall gameplay. Ty and +rep

I'll take the portal thing into consideration. One of the aspects of the game is that you have to weigh the pros and cons of going back for items (new items vs. time wasted and experience lost). However I do understand the frustration that may arise from this and I may decide to implement additional portals later on (maybe have portals on each path but have a 5-min. CD to use them).
Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
Love the idea

Serious review man. Critiques like your allow me to fix glitches, adapt the map to popular demand, and improve overall gameplay. Ty and +rep

I'll take the portal thing into consideration. One of the aspects of the game is that you have to weigh the pros and cons of going back for items (new items vs. time wasted and experience lost). However I do understand the frustration that may arise from this and I may decide to implement additional portals later on (maybe have portals on each path but have a 5-min. CD to use them).

Glad you liked my review P: Hope it helped. Thank-you for taking item to read through it and I am much appreciative. Also glad to hear you liked the portal suggestion P:

I like the idea of having a portal on each path that has a 5-min Cooldown although you still need to make sure heroes can't easily use them otherwise when you go to kill an enemy hero they would just run through the portals and avoid death.

Although to fix the avoid death issue you could some how make it that heroes have to be on full health to use the portals on the paths.

Thanks for reading my review, liking it and giving me rep,

PS: Can't wait to see what you come up with, with the portals and the future of the game. Keep up the good work!
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
Although to fix the avoid death issue you could some how make it that heroes have to be on full health to use the portals on the paths.

Good idea, must have 75%+ health or some such (or I could implement a system which detects when they attack/are attacked and say they can't use the portal within 15 seconds of combat or some such.
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
Well obviously the details of the system need to worked out, but I think between a health catch and well-placed portals it could work.

Btw update coming that will include new heroes, quests, and items, a revamped in-game multiboard, a new creep boss, and several spells will have leak-fixes.
Level 2
Aug 10, 2009
everytime i try to host this on my bot it seems to disconnect people for no reason as the load screen finishes sometimes the whole game sometimes just a few people
Level 9
May 30, 2008
I haven't played your map because i stop playing warcraft but about the teleport thing. You can make it so if the player target the teleport with right click the game to check if the hero is in 100 or less range of the teleport and pause the unit for 10 seconds (teleportation time) before the unit is teleported to the base. Some effects u can make the unit transparent each 1 second by 10% and reset it's properties when it's teleported. I have find 2 maps (this and one more) that i wanna test maybe i will download warcraft to test them next week :wink:
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
I haven't played your map because i stop playing warcraft but about the teleport thing. You can make it so if the player target the teleport with right click the game to check if the hero is in 100 or less range of the teleport and pause the unit for 10 seconds (teleportation time) before the unit is teleported to the base. Some effects u can make the unit transparent each 1 second by 10% and reset it's properties when it's teleported. I have find 2 maps (this and one more) that i wanna test maybe i will download warcraft to test them next week

Nice idea, I think i'll be implementing a portal system in 1.3

everytime i try to host this on my bot it seems to disconnect people for no reason as the load screen finishes sometimes the whole game sometimes just a few people

Thanks for the report, i'll look into it and see if I can't find the problem

Also, update to V1.2 which will fix a few minor glitches
Level 2
Aug 10, 2009
cool let me know if you find something only actually been able to get into the game once but it looked so awesome
Right, heres a review (requested by author)

Areas of review

Terrain - total of 5 marks
Triggering - total of 6 marks
Origionallity - total of 10 marks
Difficulty - total of 10 marks
inventivity - total of 5 marks
Replayability - total of 10 marks
Object data - total of 5 marks
Total Marks possible - 51

1-10 unacceptable - vote for rejection (1/5)
11-20 lacking - vote for rejection (2/5)
21-30 average - no vote (3/5)
31-40 good - vote for approval (4/5)
41-50 excellent - vote for approval (5/5) (+Rep)
51 Epic/Godlike - vote for approval (6/5) (+Rep)

For a high Terrain mark the map must look beautiful/amazing, the terrain needs to make the game more enjoyable for the player as well as suit the game type.

For a high Triggering mark there must be no leaks and be efficiant.

For a high Origionallity mark, there needs to be as few of the same game type/genre as well as game style along with unique systems and suchlike.

For a high Difficulty mark the game very simply must be as balanced as possible.

For a high Inventivity mark the game should get around problems that other games may have faced before and achieved it well.

For a high Replayability mark the game should be able to be played many many times and still give something new to the player as well for them to enjoy it over and over again.

For a high Object data mark the map should have used custom resources/standard resources well, such as fitting icons, good descriptions and tooltips.

This map - Island Genesis v6.3

Terrain: 5/5 - beautiful and magnificent, really great work

Triggering: 1/6 - I hate having to do this, but this map is full of leaks, also check out this bug that you'll need to iron out:

Origionality: 3/10 - there are way way way too many Aos maps out there, give this one something to spicen it up a bit more than all those otehrs

Difficulty: 10/10 - pvp basis, It's a AOS everybody already knows how to play.

Inventivity: 4/5 - I do like that little safe heaven as it were in the bottom left.

Replayablity: 9/10 - AOS, they are all 'replayble' like some find dota replayable, but ofc you have the haters who might not like it.

Object data: 5/5 - excellent use of object data, a great map.

Final mark

Mark - 37/51 (4/5)
Rating - good
Vote - approval (doesn't matter as it is already approved)
+rep - no, with more work yes.
Beta Notice
As this is a beta, The mark shall not be counted as a rating, however all +reps if a 5/5 or higher achieved by a beta will not be given again if the mark is improved once the map has come out of beta. If they get a 5/5 higher in a beta the creator will still recieve +rep.
Please inform me when the map has come out of beta so that this review will be updated to match the map out of beta, if however you are proud of this review with this mark achieved in beta you can request another copy in either just below this one, just above this one, or in another post later on in the comments.
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
Ty for the review mate, very well done.

I've now made it so if Demi-gods are attacked by an enemy tower they will instantly be teleported back to their base.

Also i'll get right to work on going through my triggers one by one patching up leaks.

Thanks again mate :)
Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
ok, haven't played it yet, but from what i read, it seems incredibly complicated. I like having a not-everyday concept, but i think this would be just too much

edit : Ok, even more complicated than i thought.
I have no doubt at all that the gameplay is going to be awesome, and that the spells and triggering are awesome too, but after i started the game, i chose a hero, and it summoned my hero in a big area with a huge amount of items and some units and some quests and this and that... just too many things. In theory, the map should be awesome. But you should have started small, and then progress the map over some time. I mean, that's what happened to dota - it started small with dumb heroes, and then over the course of time, they added heroes and crap and now it's popular.
I'm not saying you need dumb heroes to have a good map, but if you force people to start learning all of those items and heroes at once, they are gonna give up.

still, gets a 5/5 for the awesomeness that i could see from the few, rather short, times i played.
Last edited:
Level 17
Jul 15, 2009
But you should have started small, and then progress the map over some time. I mean, that's what happened to dota - it started small with dumb heroes, and then over the course of time, they added heroes and crap and now it's popular.
I'm not saying you need dumb heroes to have a good map, but if you force people to start learning all of those items and heroes at once, they are gonna give up.

That is actually a pretty nice tip to all aos map makers :O
Level 10
Oct 31, 2009
ok, haven't played it yet, but from what i read, it seems incredibly complicated. I like having a not-everyday concept, but i think this would be just too much

edit : Ok, even more complicated than i thought.
I have no doubt at all that the gameplay is going to be awesome, and that the spells and triggering are awesome too, but after i started the game, i chose a hero, and it summoned my hero in a big area with a huge amount of items and some units and some quests and this and that... just too many things. In theory, the map should be awesome. But you should have started small, and then progress the map over some time. I mean, that's what happened to dota - it started small with dumb heroes, and then over the course of time, they added heroes and crap and now it's popular.
I'm not saying you need dumb heroes to have a good map, but if you force people to start learning all of those items and heroes at once, they are gonna give up.

still, gets a 5/5 for the awesomeness that i could see from the few, rather short, times i played.

Thanks for your input mate, I am actually in the progress of creating a tutorial video for this game where i will explain each aspect of the map for new players. It's approximately 20% complete or so.