I have played 5 RO maps so far and every map has its pros and contras.Well heres some things i want to say about this map:
-First Map with all job classes
-Nice Balancing
-no dungeons
-not really much RO items
-No base/job lvl system
-No skills to choose and skill requirements
-No Job/Skill Quests
-Poor number of Monsters
-Places were a bit messed up(amatsu for example is a city on a different continent-u shouldn't be able to walk there)
-Energy Coat from mage/wiz should give armor instead of mana shield
-No stat points to give which messes up the purpose of the job classes
-Much too less MVP's
-Where the hell did glastheim go?
-U left out the most important monsters in Ro-Angelring and Baphomet
-Lutie is also missing
Well thats all for now.It's not that i want to tell everyone how bad ur map is i just wanted to motivate u on keep working on this map cause all other map-makers who worked on RO maps gave up as i know and i really want to see a finished RO map.
I would be proud to support u with all my RO knowledge as much as i can
PS:If ur going to quit working on this map ill find out where u live and i cant promise ull get away save