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300 Spartans v2.14 pro

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
well, this map is orriginaly made by Glaedra
and modiffiqued more than the 70% for me...
Glaedra do it alot of years away...

I have not to much time now, but i will do a better description, and put some more images...

Bassicaly, you need to go and kill XERXES, he have her mass army comming and you need to stop her supremasy in less than 30 mins, first choose a hero, after that, go whit your army and pass trought the map, killing all the bad mens, and bosses, you will gain new unics abilitys and items when you lvl up... you can get some items hiddeng in the map, and get the help of the ancestres for 1 min.
Also you can recruit mercenarys from some villagers who have their village in fire...

Here is Xerxes:

Here is Xerxes army

And here is your army:
i need to take another pick, because army is changed.

-.Added new Models!
-.Added a credit quest.
-.Fixed some bugs
-.made map more difficult

-.Added new icons,
-.Fixed Some bugs, like the bow update bug.
-.Added a little AI, when there are a PC controller, units move foward to attack (nothing more)
-.Change some hero descriptions.
-.made map more difficult.

Comming in next version:
-.Ai will have a hero (sorry, i cant do it for now, i dont know how xD but i will descover it for next version, i prommise.)
-.More bug fix...
-.You will can skip animations
-.when a player leave the game, the pc can controll it.

i am thinking in delete the first anymation. plz say Wath do you thing about that... ( the map will be seriusly more lighter

PD: 3 monts ago aprox, i put the map and a mod reject and delete it... because its not mine, now i have the rules OK, so plzzzzzzz dont delete it xD

PD 2: Sorry for bad english lol xD

300, spartans, 300 spartans, kamer, kamermanbr, new, v2.14, big,

300 Spartans v2.14 pro (Map)

03:57, 31st Jul 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 5
Oct 9, 2008
here are the images: i dont know how to put it in the map post...

Here is Xerxes:

Here is Xerxes army

And here is your army:



  • Xerxees army.JPG
    Xerxees army.JPG
    182.4 KB · Views: 891
  • Xerxes....JPG
    97.9 KB · Views: 951
  • Your army.JPG
    Your army.JPG
    78.1 KB · Views: 981
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Level 3
Jun 10, 2009
Nice map I can see just from description, though... Xerxes comes to sparta, sparta doesnt come to xerxes. I can see from the images, BAD TERRAIN. I can also see from the images, could use some better models. Keep working, I will test in single player later.

Ok, Posting as I play the game--
Dont remove the portraits, makes the models yuky.
Just because their a hero doesnt mean they need to be 15 ft tall
Fix the names of alot of the persain units(Spartan Soldier"s",Raider,Jailor Kassen, ext)
Tooltips for spartan heros
Leonidas can just spam spartans with his ancestrial staff
Super uber easy. I beat it without cheats, and yes the staff. Fix it, and if the music is having so much file size, I would remove it. it realy sucks in warcraft III anyway...
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 5
Oct 9, 2008
Please hide the screenshots ([ hidden="Title"][ /hidden])

OK sorry, i use " spoiler " and it dont work xDDD so i think i will use hidden :p
thanks for info

Nice map I can see just from description, though... Xerxes comes to sparta, sparta doesnt come to xerxes. I can see from the images, BAD TERRAIN. I can also see from the images, could use some better models. Keep working, I will test in single player later.

Ok, Posting as I play the game--
Dont remove the portraits, makes the models yuky.
Just because their a hero doesnt mean they need to be 15 ft tall
Fix the names of alot of the persain units(Spartan Soldier"s",Raider,Jailor Kassen, ext)
Tooltips for spartan heros
Leonidas can just spam spartans with his ancestrial staff
Super uber easy. I beat it without cheats, and yes the staff. Fix it, and if the music is having so much file size, I would remove it. it realy sucks in warcraft III anyway...

:eek: Thanks for the review, sorry i dont read your mensaje before,
Yes, the terrain need a lot of work i am not very good at that.
Yes i know you go to xerxes, ... i think in a future next version i will do that all the army you can se, he go to you...
The music, have only 1 teme, return of a king, and is for the start animation... i will se wath music already are in w3 can i put.
The units.. well i will see for nre inteligents names.
Tooltip in heros.. i will do, but dont too much improvised...
The staff well if you play whit more ppl you have less gold, anymode is 300 spartans.. xD
the game difficulity well... in the past is all easy and xerxes IMPOSIBLE... so i reduse her dificulity, now is really easy lol

i already do the soldiers more resistents, instant of that, i dont wanna a imposible map... but yes normal difficulity, not easy..
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Level 5
Oct 9, 2008
thanksh xD
anymode this version i implement big changes so it have a lot of leaks and bugs... i am in proces to fix all of that...

pd: if anyone have interest in help me, i need testers to play whit me on Eurobattle, and need some triggers helpers =/
and if anyone want to improve the terrain.. is cool to xD
Level 8
Apr 2, 2009
Give me the map, i can fix something for you. Don't worry, i won't steal it from you for i have not much online time !

-I can do terrain, create spells, look for awesome icons, just pm what you need in your map, i will try my best, i do this because i like 300 Spartan :)