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New Wc3 Team

Vote our leader!

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Prodigy Productions

This is a thread about people who wanna join a new Warcraft 3 Productions Team.We will make maps,models,skins,icons etc. and generally modify.

Positions available:

We are currently planning on making a Campaign Map.Theme not yet decided.We will decide soon though.

Entering is close for now sorry.Will open more later on.

UchihaSasuke.gr --- Map Maker
MadseN --- Terrainer
Modo --- Map Maker,Terrainer,Icon Maker,Idea Factory!
frostwhisper --- Voice Actor,Lore Maker
Sacrimo --- Map maker
skrab --- Model Maker
ragingspeedhorn --- Awesome All-around guy
Dr Super Good --- Ideas,Balance,Triggering
Bob27 --- Terrainer,Map Maker
Eleandor --- Triggering,Terraining,Idea Factory
seruk --- Idea Factory,Terraining.
Scyth-Master --- Map Maker,Voice Actor
Craka_J --- Terrainer,Writer,Artist,Game Designer
Gilles --- Story writer
THE_END --- Skinner
HINDYhat --- JASSer

------------------------------------ Entering is Closed--------------------------------------
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Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
I can terrain, I can map, I can icon (not very well though, not really in WC3 style)

I am a very good ideas man and I am able to write very good stories when I am in the mood, which is quite often. If my imaginative skills can be used, I would like that a lot. I can write in any style, but prefer my own unique style. I have a multi-faceted way of writing which produces multi-leveled stories.

So, do you want me, and if so, in what role?
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
I want to write. Lots of stories to write. I guess mapping will be my best bet out of you list.

I just remembered that I can also make systems using GUI, but cannot promise their perfection.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I am willing to help with ideas and ballence.

I also might be able to help you out with the odd trigger or 2.

But saddly I dought I will have enough time to be a full time helper person.
I strongly recommend you get some current project or ideas up asap, as currently I do not see anywhere this is going.
Level 9
Oct 15, 2006
I'm good with logistics.. basically realism - placement, size-relations, balancing, etc.

I recommend you start with an RPG.

I would not recommend getting a website for this group, rather just posting here.

And i don't know about the others who've signed-up but i would gladly speak of my ideas openly, and think that to be more beneficial if anyone and everyone could contribute - if they so happen to see something to which they could contribute.

I created a Starcraft map that was awesome. It was called The Gauntlet. However, the SC editor sucks and i never got to play it. Basically it was a maze on a spaceship and every which way you went there were enemy trying to kill you. You had to survive getting from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. The way to actually get there was a secret passage right next to the beginning! There were locks and portals and so forth. It's an idea.

I'm sure you could import SC skins if you had the mpqs.

Anyway, like i said, start with an RPG to see where everyone is at in their skill and creativity level.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
I would be willing to join as a Terrainer, Map Maker and then I can do cinematics if you need any. Also I know HTML and Flash, so I could easily create a website for you if you need one, which I could host on my sub domain if you couldn't find anywhere else.

And if you wanted a forum, you might be able to get it hosted here, or I might be able to try and get a separate forum set up somewhere, if I can get a database and all that other stuff I would need.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
lol yea AC/DC ftw!

Ok well as for a map we could make, we should try and make something small, that can be made quickly and is fun. That way we have our name (once we come up with one :p) on a map, which would advertise us and therefore we could get more members.
Level 9
Oct 15, 2006
i have an idea for a map that would be quite popular and was what i had been working on and off for awhile, but realized i couldn't do by myself.

I was going to try and re-create the game SubSpace aka Continuum. It would be a 2d map so the models would be 2D. No collision size. Doodads would be pictures of planets, asteroids, galaxies and the like. There is a center "safety" where you enter it and become invulnerable. The object of the game is points and you get points from killing an enemy ship, making a goal or by flagging.

A goal would be a rect where when the "ball", which is attached to the outside of the ship, enters the tileset, points are added. Since people can't enter the game anytime they want, an idea would have to be made as to what could possibly happen from the goal besides points, maybe "prizes".

A prize is what you get from "greening", and a "green" looks like a little ball which is static in the space. You run over the green, or in our case get within a very short range and you get a prize. Could be extra health, upgraded bombs or guns, X-radar, a portal to set statically for quick warping, faster movement, bouncing bombs, cloak which makes you invisible to anyone who doesn't have "X", "stealth" which doesn't allow you to be seen on the radar (minimap) until you are within your enemy's screen, burst which sends out a circular wave of bouncing bullets, or a "thor" which is a goes-through walls one-shot kill, a repel which, if a bomb or bullets or thor or enemy ship is too close or you are about to be killed by anything it's all repelled away very quickly, upgraded mines, and upgraded shrapnel from exploding mines and bombs (which in our case would mean using Wihtin Range, and set a circular perimeter for that), anti-warp which, if "Anti" is on than enemy within a range cannot warp, and "super" which allows you to do anything which would normally cost you energy (HP) for free. Maybe others i have left out.

When you shoot a bomb or bullets or warp or lay a mine you lose a specific amount of energy, but it quickly returns.

There is also "attach" and turrets. You can warp ONTO a friendly ship if you have full energy, no matter where they are (unless you are within range of anti-warp, which is generally not allowed near the spawning point). If you do not detach then you are a turret. As a turret you do not have to fly but rather aim and shoot. Whomever you are attached to does the flying and has no limitations. You become one super ship with all of the fire-power.

If you make a goal, the ball is rnadomly set anywhere in the map and it's location is viewable to all people in their maps.

Flags are like balls except when you carry them they give you increased bullet/mine/bomb power plus extra defense from enemy hits. When you collect them you could fly around and kill people or you could find a base and drop them. If you don't kill an enemy within a certain time limit than the flags drop in your team's control, and therefore cannot move them. They are naturally neutral. An enemy can pick them up and if you kill them than you are carrying the flags again. Every kill and every goal adds points to a jackpot system. If you collect all of the flags and defend your base long enough for the last flag timer to run out and thus "drop", then you win the jackpot.

There's not too much more to the game.

It would be a great fun game to experience and shouldn't be too hard at all to create, especially the models and graphics. I imagine that to make an easy wall system to create maze-like bases would be, instead of going into great detail, simply rotoscoping "light-saber" affected walls. So basically they would look like they are glowing red or blue or green, etc. On a black background it would look great. And since it's 2D we could just mod the skin for Cityscape-city wall.

It's not possible to do it 3D, and wouldn't be very good if it were possible.


The numbers by their name are their bounty, single points from greens and/or killing enemy. When you kill someone with a large bounty, or any number of bounty, a percentage of their bounty adds to an increasing number of points you will get from your NEXT kill, and so on.
http://www.gameogre.com/reviewdirectory/upload/Subspace Continuum.gif
The purple thing is a blackhole which sucks you in (physics engine) and can put you anywhere or center (whatever). That's not needed.
The shield by the guys name means he has most points in the arena.
The green circle is the turrent's sights which helps to show where you are aiming. The turrent is that small yellowish thing ontop of the ship.
The three blue blocks is 1/X of a normal-sized brick. If it's one color it's an enemy's and you can't pass through it, good for when you are ebing chased. If it's another color it belong to your team and you can pass through it.
The yellow ball on the left is an owned-and-dropped flag. The orange ball up top is a ball which go into the 8 yellow-balled area. (in the real game they pulsate from one color to another, back and forth, as with some other graphics)
The dark ball with the red squarey looking thing on it is an example of a mine.
The purple ball above it is a thor.
The blue and yellow balls in the middle-right are bombs, the blue is an upgraded bomb (color-difference)
The green is a green
The white ball with the red center is a portal.
The multi-colored circle around the ship on the right is a "burst". Those bullets would repel outward (without repeling ships) and bounce all over. They are good for in bases/tunnels
The three pronged wall is a gate. It's there and then gone and then there at random, relatively short intervals. If you are caught in it's path when it turns on than you are warped immeditaely to center safety.

The other icons i could explain to anyone who might be interested.



You can download Continuum for free from
for example.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
If applying for jobs is still open, I'd like to join too.
I'm good at GUI triggering (In case there's too much to be jassed), Terraining (Although Madsen already is lead-terrainer for sure) and I'm good with idea manipulation too.

What exactly do you understand under "map making"? Isn't it a combination of terraining, triggering and object editing?

Ragingspeedhorn would make a good project leader IMO.


Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
Well, I realize you probably wouldn't like my idea very much but here it is:
WoW Raids/Dungeons. Yeah, there are many attempts to re-create MC and AQ, but:
1. They are full of WoW models
2. They are extremely large and hard
3. They are too arduous to complete

So my suggestion is that we re-create some of the most famous instances in WoW and make them as fun as possible (and not so hard that one person leaving means the end of the raid).


Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
'Tis a "New wc3 team", so I vote for wc3 Lore.

A key point in the lore; lets say... the shaping of the worlds. We will need:
- A good terrainer like Madsen
- A deep narrator voice (me)
- Modeler (titans, Sargeras)
- Skinners (space tilesets and so on and so forth)
- Good triggerers (to make the cinematic awesome)

Thus the cinematic can include all our talents so that we can... erm... advertise our ability to create stuff.

As for the team's name, since the cinematic is about the Creation, we could name ourselves after its main characters: "The Titans"
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Make a mini-game map. Perhaps something like Uther Party or a racing map like Azeroth Grand Prix.

I'm working on a mini-game kind of map called Marvel Nemesis which is inspired by arcade fighting games. Go to the hyperlink for details on how it will be played.

If any of you wish to team up with me on it, that's fine with me. No need for any professional terrainers since I am filling that spot, but there is a big need for JASS/vJASS programmers and people whom are good with making cool custom spells, like Vexorian spells maybe.

Three stages are complete enough for testing, but I currently have no JASS programmers to make them function. Please contact me if you're interested.
The name of the WC3 Mapping/Modding Team I'm in was started by me and Ragingspeedhorn, and it is called "Condemned Entertainment". It is also the mapping team working on Apocalypse and soon to be Wc3:WoW as well, once either this or Apocalypse is completed.

I know this post may seem like spam or something, but I thought it was necessary since this thread seems to be full of people looking for a mapping/modding team.

Condemned Entertainment focusses strongly on fun factors, cool never before seen features, and what makes players happy in their maps/mods. Join us now, while the team is still in need of people!
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
Concept (story, unit, map, everything else) is the same as ideas genereation, which is one of my strongest points (not that more than 1 conceptionist wouldn't be good. I think 3 concepters would be best, especially if we all have different thinking styles). Interestingly, I cannot do background story, which I think is what is referred to as Lore, but I can do current and future easily.

As for our first project, lets not make a cinematic. Not as many people can participate. Mini-games are good but they often get overcomplicated. Why don't we create a new idea. I'm thinking Star Wars Battlefront style.

Each team has (example) 500 people, but only 16 units are on each side at a time. The player chooses a type of unit (melee, range, caster, healer) and goes out to battle. Each unit spawned decreases from the 500 limit and once all units on one side are dead, or their spawn points are all taken, that side loses.

I think this will be a good first project as it will need our combined skills and it is not too complicated (well it doesn't have to be). It will need AI though. I would like more maps that are playable 1 player because I cannot use B.Net

BTW, I think we shouldn't call our selves the titans. IMO it is a little lame. I guess we could call ourselves the Titans if we have a cinematic introducing us breaking out from under Mt. Olympus. My idea isn't much better. I think we should call ourselves the "Anti-disillusionment Technicians" :grin:

designated team leader, I hope you are a good project leader. I have had some bad experiences with team leaders that ignore the members and do what they want. If you are fair and just I will vote for you.

EDIT: I was bored so I made a logo in GIMP for an "Anti-Disillusionment Technicians" Team. I could modify this to say "The Titans" but it would be hard.
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Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
I'm pretty sure there is a place for a skinner.

I just remebered something else, NO WOW maps. World of Warcraft is pure evil, and the maps based on it are done to death. WoW inspired is one thing but a WoW map is just...:slp:(closest emoticon I could find). Anyway, there is a hosted WoW map(isn't there).

Please do not flame this post, it is only my opinion. If you like WoW, then you should have fun playing it. I just don't think that it should be brought into WC3 anymore than it is. I have played the *supposedly* best WoW map, and it was not very fun at all.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
This team seems to be pretty much what me and Ragingspeedhorn started. So I guess I'm in too.

I like the Starwars battlefront idea. My favorite map in SWBF was the Tatooine level because you could fight as a jedi against other jedi's in that and thats the best part of the game. Making a map like that would pwn!

If I join, I'd join as:
  • Terrainer.
  • Storyline Writer.
  • Concept Artist.
  • Game Design.
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