Hi everyone, Im posting my 3rd project of the Myth Series: Into the Breach
Myth is a RTT that you control only units with special abilities in a full 3d scenario.
In this mission, your troops must recover the castle of Brayle. You will find the dark over the woods when going to the city of Brayle. When you reach the gates the enemy will close the drawbridge, but you must use an invisible dwarf to, in steath mode, enter the castle and destroy the lever to down the drawbridge. Than your troops must kill every unit inside the castle.
Realistic arrow: Using damage engine and projectile missile system your arrows is very realistic, it can collides with trees, walls, and units, and it can miss arrows. ( you can avoid enemy arrows behind a stone wall or a tree)
Bounty system: In original Myth, killed enemies gives bounty, in this game the units gain attack speed, damage, armor and the archer more acuratte.
IA: When you reach the village of brayle an enemy squad has IA to attack and back stance if needed, it will cast flame arrows too.
Item system: All your units can carry itens, like Flame arrows, Satchel Charges, and Bounty.
Bash system: Almost Every unit that takes damage get stunned for a few seconds.
Dificulty: You can choose three dificults (easy, normal, or legendary), more harder, more enemy units to kill.
Battle sounds: Light units in combat screams like: fire at will, into the battle, foward man!
The Light:
Warrior: Melee soldier that has an passive ability to block an non magical attack with the shield
Archer: Ranged unit, that shots arrows, and has the flame arrow ability, that burns the ground over few seconds.
Dwarf: Small ranged units with high destrucion area power, can place satchel charges (land mines) that explodes at enemy contact.
Dwarven Pathfinder: Same as Dwarf but with more life and attack range and damage.
Crowssbowman: This is my idea introducing to myth, it is a ranged unit like archer, but it bolts flies faster and high damage that archers.
The Dark:
Ghouls: These undead minions are weak vunerable to every attack, but they run faster than every other units. His speciality is surround dwarves and archers.
Thrall: Slow undead minions with slow attack speed, but resistent to every attack.
Dark Archer: These bandits serves the dark now, and has the same abilities of the Light Archer, but less acuratte
Brigand: Bandits that hold a axe and are similar to Warrior but more weak.
Stygian Knight: Dangerous unit, this without soul unit uses a resistent armor making then imune to arrows and bash, and takes low damage from swords, but very vulnerable to explosions.
Souless: These undead minions uses the bow to attack at distance, similar to Archers, but weaker.
Ghast: Slow undead unit, that has pus attack, it petrifies stricken units, for some seconds. 100% Chance (Stun + Cold Effect for 7 seconds) The warrior may block the Ghats attack.
I hope you enjoy
(I´ve been choosing for weeks, and I love every models I´ve used in the map

Shadow Warrior as Stygian Knight from
johnwar (Model),
67chrome (Texture)
Crossbowman from
Human Archer as Dark acher from
Drawbridge from
Fortification stairs from
Archer as MaleElfArcher from
Mc !
--- MERGE ---
Myth The Fallen Lords: 01. Crow´s Bridge
This is humble remake of the first mission of Myth: The Fallen Lords: 01 Crow´s Bridge
For those who don't know, Myth is an RTT in which you control only units, and each has some skills. (MICRO in this game is essential).
This map is based in Myth Series, the first mission consist in defend a small village and then cross the bridge. (10-15min gameplay)
Other features:
You can choose one of 3 dificults. I recomend you start at easy to see how the mechanical works, then increasing. The difference between levels is that by increasing, the number of enemy units increases, the gameplay remais the same.
The ranger units has missile splash damage, you can micro to avoid an enemy arrow, or your own arrow can damage your own troops.
Left and right key to rotate camera. Type "-cam" to restore camera game
Myth: The Fallen Lords soundtrack in briefing and victory screen (Thank you for bungie@R for create a so beatifull soundtrack that marked my youth a lot.
This map uses a custom model: Loarderon Archer. Idk who make it but Thank you so much, I´ve downloaded it from other map dont know who is the author.
Thank you for all comunity of hive to helped me make this map. Especially Uncle did the Flame arrow.
The units Warrior and bowman has sounds of other game : Knights and Merchants. They has a scream when attacking enemies like (fire at will, in to the battle, arm your bows etc) Thankyou for TopWare for building that sounds I like so much( marked me too).
Myth 2: Soulblighter 01.Willow Creek
(10-13min gameplay)
I´ve decide introduce Myth 2. The gameplay remains the same.
Short History:
After sixty years of Myth: The Fallen Lords , hear about the Great War, and the Fallen Lords were just tales of grandfathers for grandchildren. But that would change after certain strange events when finding open graves in various locations. Cruniac, the Captain believes it's wild dog service. But one day on a routine patrol, we spotted smoke in the village of Willow Creek, and went to investigate.
Staying away from Ghasts is the key. Use archers and the dwarf to eliminate them from a distance, use the warriors only when cornered.
Thanks to:
Kitabatake for make the villager I´ve used in the "fisherman"
MeteORA for making the wooden fishing rod, I´ve used in "fisherman"
olofmoleman for making the Araucaria tree. Araucaria is native from my homeland, I´ve introduced here.
eubz for making the tree variation, that model is very similar tree used in Myth Series.