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Mini-Mapping Contests: The Drums in the Dungeon

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Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
I'll also join the contest but I will start my entry after few days. Need to create this new version first...

I'll do a boss fight!

Just make sure it can be destinguished as a dungeon rather than just a boss fight, which was the last contest.
Your task is to create a dungeon map. The map's genre has to reflect a role playing game and the objective should be anything related to the dungeon, such as killing a creature within, escaping the dungeon, etc. Machinate challenges, mythical creatures and the hero to be controlled by the player and guide us through the epic journey of your fantasy!

A hall with just a boss inside is definetely not a epic jorney. I am just saying. :ogre_hurrhurr:

@ Kingz Don't make it impossible tho. It would be harder and more time-consuming to judge it.
Level 3
Jun 17, 2012
Work in Progress 1

This is a screenshot of the layout, took forever to get it right! Obviously I'm going to throw traps and the like in there but this is the layout of the maze itself. Not nearly as cool as Hammerfist's screenshot, but murr...


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    WIP 1.png
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Level 5
Aug 11, 2010
Okay, I have two WIP images. The first one is of the outside of the dungeon so far (I took it a fair few hours ago and then took a break)

The second image is the dungeon so far, but without the updated graveyard area on screen (The blighted ground in the first picture)


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Level 2
Aug 1, 2012
Poor traumatized walrus, and I might end up putting some effort into this.

I think I'm going to pull a Dungeon Keeper and have the player defend his dungeon from invading heroes.

Are we going to be given the judging criteria, or is it more freeform than that now?
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Level 2
Aug 1, 2012
Certainly sounds like an interesting idea, but I think that falls more under the Tower Defense category? Not sure, but that's how it sounds.

It's in a dungeon, it'll be RPG-esque, I think it meets all the rules ;P

Seriously, why can't map be protected?

Presumably, part of the contest is how efficent your code is, and you can't judge that on a protected map.
It is a hell of a lot easier to judge a map with it being an open source to them. Also there really isn't any point in protecting maps anymore especially since they can be hacked easily with the right program(not that I know of any).
It would be alot more better to keep your map as an open source if someone would want to jerk around with it(which would prove how much the guy/girl likes your map). Anyone without enough skill or motivation to create a better and more popular version than your latest one that would bother with it would usually be able to edit your map.
Therefore once again saying how pointless protecting your map is as it's only going to annoy the judges especially if you code in GUI. If you want to 'optimize' your map you can attach an optimized and open source version to your final submission post.

Edit: Here is a Wip of some of my terrain so far. It would off been more completed but my computer went haywire and did the blue screen of death and deleted my latest progress!! :\


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Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Presenting a WIP of the starting area.
Now don't freak out because it isn't a dungeon, you won't be staying in the starting area more than 2-3 minutes, the rest of the map is a dungeon.

I talked about this in the discussion thread and it was okay so, enjoy.
Also it's sad that you won't be able to see all this terrain ingame =\


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Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Figured id post a WIP. Heres two. Focused on lighting, and PS, Warcraft does it badly.
Thats one entrance of the dungeon I call the "Blue Halls".

Gameplay is top down, so dont worry. Didnt bother for the sky since ITS A FRICKIN' DUNGEON!


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Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
Figured id post a WIP. Heres two. Focused on lighting, and PS, Warcraft does it badly.
Thats one entrance of the dungeon I call the "Blue Halls".

Gameplay is top down, so dont worry. Didnt bother for the sky since ITS A FRICKIN' DUNGEON!

Now that's a dungeon atmosphere. Looks great. I wonder how would it look with the 'set_daynight" script that disables most of the lights and darkens the terrain.

@edo494 Terrain is just a part of the creation of the map. Focus on innovative and fun gameplay instead.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Lordkoon is right. Im heavily focusing on how I would do the gameplay here. Thanks too.
Tried the daynight, and didnt turn out that well. Maybe lack of lighting.
Also, you would be fighting large hordes of enemies, so it wouldnt be that much good. Or so I think.

Yeah, Those tiles are irresistible. Im using Anarchons old D3 project as base though.
Level 2
Aug 1, 2012
Pictures are too mainstream; have my map. Terrain is done, time to start organizing the player units. I feel kind of iffy about the rocks, but I couldn't find any appropriate doodads in the resources section.


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Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Im using Anarchons old D3 project as base though.

I am using tiles from there also ^^
Tho i think CloudWolf made them originally as i recall, so be sure to credit him.

Here is a little teaser, the main sections of the dungeon:

* Hall of Bones
* The Forge
* Ruined Basement
* Forgotten Throne
* The Pass

A input on the names would be nice ^^, i like them.
I hope i will have time to pull off the stuff i got intended, atm only in planning mode but if i clear some exams it will be all good ;)

Also guys terraining isn't so hard, picture the terrain you want or like me make a sketch of it then try to transfer it.
Level 2
Aug 1, 2012
There we go; I replaced the fugly rocks with dungeon walls. Now on to the player units, then enemy waves.


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