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Mini Mapping Contest #17 - Boss Fight (Any Patch)

Which patch should be required?

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Second wip.

Been mega-slacking and have not even started on the bossfight itself yet. I am 90% done with the (optional) intro cinematic though.

Might add more unit variation into the mix, but we'll see.



Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Final wip most likely.

Will be the "lobby" where you buy items, test abilities and so on.
There is some amount of logic to the madness but its 'random' on purpose.



World of Warcraft Chronicle volume II said:
When he (Arthas) reached the northern coasts of Quel'Thalas, he dipped the runeblade into the foaming sea.
The water around the weapon froze, and the ice gradually spread across the ocean until a makeshift bridge formed.

As Arthas and the scourge marched toward Quel'Danas, King Anasterian steeled himself for battle. If the elves had any chance of surviving, it lay with him.
Anasterian was elderly be he was wise and crafty. And like Arthas, he wielded a great weapon; an ancient sword known as Felo'melorn.

The king dueled Arthas on the frozen shores of Quel'danas.
The keening of their two blades shook the sky like thunder.


Although I originally intended to make the setting as close to the official lore as possible, I realized that a battle on the frozen sea would be extremely dull in terms of terrain and as this is a contest I felt obliged to make something more advanced for a higher terrain score.

Thanks to this, some minor edits/retcons were needed in the intro cinematic to justify setup.

I did my best to put the pieces where they should end up so even if the battle takes place a bit earlier it would fit in relatively well.

Dynamic Difficulty

Instead of choosing a set difficulty on map start, this map will become easier each time you lose. So the 'hardmode' of this boss is simply to kill the boss on the first attempt.

After each battle loss each player will gain <yet to be determined currency> which can be used to buy one item of choice from a shop. These items are not damage stat-sticks for the most part and focus on utility or ability empowerment.

Item Examples
(not nececarily ACTUAL examples, but more to showcase what kind of things I had in mind when designing it)
  • Item with blink on active
  • Item which grants a one-time reincarnate
  • Kel'thuzad's Frost Nova now stuns for 1 second
  • Death Coil can be used on self
  • Item which gives the wearer 25% damage reduction below 25% hp

Playable Characers

(icons are not the actual ones ingame)
Arthas Menethil

Death CoilDeals damage an enemy living unit or heal a friendly undead unit.

ShockwaveSends out wave of force that ripples out from the Hero, causing damage to land units in a line

AsphyxiateSilences the target for X seconds

Blood AuraEvery time an ability is cast by a friendly unit near Arthas he gains x% of his max hp

ShackleFreezes the target, dealing damage, slowing and reducing their attack speed.

NecromancySummons two skeletons to fight for you

Unholy ArtsKel'thuzad's attacks do not deal damage, they do however refund 5 mana

Mana ShieldChannel mana to a friendly unit, reducing the target's damage taken by x%

The boss

Anasterian Sunstrider, the sun king, last lord of the high elves


Silvermoon part 1 - Giorgos Lorantakis - Fire, Ash And Dust - link (might have to change this to something Blizzard owned)
Silvermoon part 2 - Blizzard Entertainment - Anduin's theme - link
Lobby - Blizzard Entertainment(Ramin Djawadi) - Lothar - link
Boss Battle - Blizzard Entertainment - Why do we fight? - link
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Is there a way to select player 2 in single player instead of player 1? I want to test as player 2 to confirm the abilities are functioning (I’m not seeing what I would expect to from the AI, which suggests either the art isn’t working or they aren’t using all of the abilities). I don’t have a second playtester though.
Is there a way to select player 2 in single player instead of player 1? I want to test as player 2 to confirm the abilities are functioning (I’m not seeing what I would expect to from the AI, which suggests either the art isn’t working or they aren’t using all of the abilities). I don’t have a second playtester though.
Not sure if it works in Reforged, but you can normally open two simultaneous Warcraft III games and play with yourself through LAN.
Actually never mind. I will make a test map. I wasn’t thinking clearly when I posted earlier.

Not sure if it works in Reforged, but you can normally open two simultaneous Warcraft III games and play with yourself through LAN.

Oh that’s really cool!
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Nice to see some finals coming in.

You can paste the URL here:
View attachment 366088


View attachment 366092
Is there a tutorial on how to get a url for images I have on my computer? Do I need to use pastebin or Github or something similar to host the images before importing? Sorry for the noob questions. I am interested in learning, though.
If it's for a bundle, you can upload the pics as screenshots, get their links after editing the bundle, and paste the URL.

If it's for a post, you can drag the pics to the text box:


and display the attachment as either a thumbnail or full image with the options that appear below the post.

Permanent pastes are also an option.
Level 23
Apr 12, 2014
Is there a tutorial on how to get a url for images I have on my computer? Do I need to use pastebin or Github or something similar to host the images before importing? Sorry for the noob questions. I am interested in learning, though.

You can upload your images in the Hive album, the pastebin, or even attach them to your post here.
If you will use the Hive album you can get the url from the right side of the image once you view it.

Or just do what I did here, I attached it in my post.


  • url1.png
    257 KB · Views: 120
Level 11
May 29, 2008
More WIP. Rushing to get this finished now. Heroes are done, now just to keep adding more content to the bosses (like the required second stage!) and add cinematics and the like for polish.


The Fire Demon shooting fireballs while the Treeant boss warms up his charge towards the Scarab King.


Our two heroes (or villains?) posed dramatically at the entrance to the grove.


The Scarab King steps out of the way of the charge while the Fire Demon lays down a trail of fire.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
2 days to go..
To-do list:
  • All boss mechanics
  • Some sort of UI to skip intro cinematic
  • All items and the currency for buying them
  • Reseting the boss fight on death
  • Fixing the cinematic to work for 2 players and not 1

A bit more than 24 hours later:
  • All boss abilities are coded, although I have not tested half of them ingame yet so fingers crossed
  • Still need to make the cinematic optional
  • Still need to make cinematic work for 2 players
  • reseting the boss (by dying) is done in theory, not tested as of writing this
  • Currency added
  • Still need too add items to a shop
Not to mention balance

I predict that I will be able to do make it playable but possibly very unbalanced.
Level 11
May 29, 2008
My third WIP post. This time only a screenshot of the second boss stage for WIP images.

The map is now "Complete", in that it satisfies all of the requirements for this competition and has a victory condition! It's also somewhat fun to play!

Tomorrow I'll spend some more time making it more fun by adding more boss content and balancing the gameplay. Sadly, I realize that the competition ends at 5pm my time, so we'll see how much I can do.

I also made a map resource! Desecration of the Forest


Both heroes dodging around the second stage of the boss, trying to dodge his projectiles. (when playing solo you get both heroes to test with)
Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
Let's go guys, probably all of us are working on this right now, so i hope that makes us more effective.
About my progress, now i'm taking care of all visuals (file name, description, maybe a guide for the boss phases and spells on the quests menu) and working on balance stuff.
Level 11
May 29, 2008
Just uploaded the final revision! I'm done! I'm quite happy with the state of the map. It's a fun dynamic boss fight that should present a challenge to most players, but should be beatable with a couple of attempts.

My brother and I took a couple of tries to figure out our strategy, then beat the boss in a little under 15 minutes on our winning run.
One day left, and four final entries -actively being worked on - have yet to be submitted.

I'd rather you guys not overwork yourselves, so I'm extending the deadline to 20th October.

For those who already submitted, can we take the time to refine some things/add things that we did not have a chance to since the deadline has been extended? I would like to add an outro cinematic and the option to skip the intro. Also, I might want to tweak the sound balancing still.
For those who already submitted, can we take the time to refine some things/add things that we did not have a chance to since the deadline has been extended? I would like to add an outro cinematic and the option to skip the intro. Also, I might want to tweak the sound balancing still.
Do it, you have time until the deadline.

I've already updated my entry a couple of times.
Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
I will just spend it on improving balancing, probably buff the 1st phase of Deathwing.
I would improve things about visual presentation (i don't even have a special loading image), but i am so bad at that i would probably make it worse...
Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
I am getting hard troubles with both my computer (that doesn't stop restarting every half an hour) and my wc3 (that doesn't allow me to open or play any edited map, difficulting the 2 players testing), and now i'm not sure if the map will be working for other people. Anyway, i'll end to equilibrate things (if i manage to) and upload my entry, even if i'm not sure if it's playable.
Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
Edit: Link to map section: Fall of the Destroyer

Entry (sorry if all this looks apresurated, I just don't have too much time, and want to finish with this, i never was good at presentation anyway):


The fall of the Destroyer: Twilight of The Dragon
Finally, the moment is here. The end of the Destroyer of worlds has come. And you are the executer...

2 players map, 2 speccifical heroes, both undependent enough to survive by theirselves, but unstoppable together.
It may be a little bit confussing at the beggining, so I recommend to, at the first try, pause the game and take some time reading every objective (there is a guide to the bossfight at quests menu), every spell and every item, and try to create a plan.
Being there is no lose condition, it's possible to win just by killing everything you find, but it may take a lotof extra time, and isn't funny anyways.
It takes around 6-12 minutes to finish the Bossfight (more than the original one of WoW Cataclysm), around 2-4 extra minutes at buying (except if you already know the optimal purchasing. Being that i designed them, i don't even know the optimal for Blue Dragon yet, and, anyway, optimal items and stats can variate depending the player and the role you want to take, being the red one the most versatile at that, but the blue one the most complex, with interesting stuff for DPS), and some extra minutes for reading. If you do thing a little bit slow, you may get around 18 minutes, discounting reading and planning time.


  • Fall of the Destroyer.w3x
    30.8 MB · Views: 89
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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Last Bastion here's mine.

I have two worries:
1. The cinematic might not work for 2 players, I have replaced all the references to player 1.. I think but I might have missed something
2. The balance is wack. I have not defeated the boss myself since controlling two units while dodging abilities is not something I have the APM to do, but I hope that focusing on one unit will make it all possible.
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