LC's Karma

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
LC's Karma

My own tags for the game: Strategy, Hardcore competitive
Playable with vanilla ai

Alliance of 3 races and 1 overseer judge versus the overpowered human C Army. Hardcore gameplay with strong cooperation and gameplay skills required!

Rules to victory is same as vanilla wc3 maps: Defeat every player enemies.

The Judge have access to headquarter, with map range skills to make chaos in the world, however it costs heavy mana, so every decision counts. However, each direct damaging spells could restore little mana (+1 mana/sec passively)! When the headquarter is blown up, the Judgeheroes are risen from ash!----WARNING!! If they are killed and not revived from the tavern, your game is only relied on your allies!

The Night Elf race have good hp regen at night, plan your attacks at night!
The heroes of Undead race are more versatile than other allies!
The Orcs has better physical stats for their units! Their Watch towers are really deadly to be used tactically!

The Human C Army has access to strong fighters, if they are used well, they can easily defeat the alliance in early game.
Use Gold to upgrade your hero at the Goblin merchant, no limits on your upgrades!

Credits to Bride's Damage Engine mod for Damage tags.
Map Based on (3)Forest Attack, a vanilla wc3 map.

Been working on this project solely on my own started in 2019 during social unrest, all the versions below 1.53 are just trivial updates in balancing and implementing scripts.

Personally I play as the yellow player (judge) at my own preference, but idealisticaly the map should be also compatable for multiplayer as I intended. If you play as singleplayer like me (play yellow + insane ai for other slots), you may found some element of Aeon of Strife gameplay once you destroy the headquarter on your own.

I am still a novice into Jass Programming wc3 modding and the hive forum, so maybe commemt below for useful tutorials in that I can work on if you dont mind, I will be back from time to time, thanks for playing.

**Changelog #2**Changelog #1
Apr 26 2022: removed melee tag

Apr 21 2022: v1.53b1 Revert my World Editor to v1.29 original version of Warcraft III.
**I plan to use this older version from NOW ON**.
Apr 17 2022: Updated Offical Gameplay tags, Map description on hive ;v1.53a1: should be availiable to newer melee patch version Warcraft III Reforged version because it is using Reforged World Editor. Btw, Magsei is my old username.

LC's Karma v1.53b1 (Map)

No reply from the author and also inactivity after seeing my review. Map could be better but currently it's simple. Substandard.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
The tavern does not have all heroes. Should save the map on a newer melee patch version (map options in the editor).
The idea is nice but the issue is it is all just Warcraft III material, no custom races, not much creativity in that regard. It's a bit like playing versus strong computer players in regular melee.
One annoyance might be that the map is pretty cramped and there isn't much room to move around, scout, expand, the enemy basically being right round the corner.

Maybe some more variety in gameplay, some game modes (some new/random enemies or to choose from?) or something to spice things up to make it feel less like you're playing regular melee.

Awaiting Update.

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Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

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Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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