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Hellfall: Act 1 - Empty Castles


Act 1 - Empty Castles

By: ParkourThor


  • This is an ongoing campaign for Warcraft 3 reforged
  • The first Act of the this three act campaign contains 7 missions and 1 interlude
  • The second Act will be posted when completed
  • There are currently no difficulty settings, though you can give yourself a handicap in the opening of each mission if you think the mission is too easy


  • This is not set in the Warcraft universe, it is a novel world.
  • Play as two different races/playstyles: Humans and Wizards
  • Play as three different protagonists with intertwining and converging stories
  • The story does not end at the end of this campaign, the story will continue as I develop more missions
  • WARNING: The dialogue is explicit at times


Over 7 years have passed since the Second Martian War, where the combined forces of the Kingdoms of the Knightlands battled under the banner of the Baron's Foreign Legion against the Martian Empire in the West. It was a war of attrition with both sides taking massive losses. Most of the knights that rode west never returned. It ended with an uneasy ceasefire and massive concessions being made by the Warrior King, Boris Yarvin.

The country is still reeling from the losses. With so many knights killed, large areas of the country are without protection. Castles lay empty and lawlessness grips much of the land. Even as all of the Kings and Knights scramble to consolidate their positions, myesterious reports are coming from the Silver Kingdom, of a haunted castle and dark warrior...


  • Chapter 1 - Dark Knight
  • Chapter 2 - Lands and Titles
  • Chapter 3 - First Born
  • Chapter 4 - Eden
  • Chapter 5 - City of God
  • Chapter 6 - Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot
  • Chapter 7 - The Cenotaph
  • Epilogue - The Alliance




Because all of the characters in my story are human (as well as all of the relevant races in the campaign) I have downloaded nearly every custom human model on this site. I have not used all of them yet, but I have used many of them. However, if I have even downloaded your model, I will credit you here. If it hasn't shown up yet, it very likely will. If anyone sees their model but it is uncredited, just leave me a comment and I will fix it. I'm truly grateful for everyone who has worked on models that I have used and I could not have done this without you. I am not leaving the name of every custom model in these credits, there are too many. If any of you want me to credit each of your models individually, I will do so on request.
  • Fugrim
  • Barorque
  • Superfrycook
  • VictorZ
  • Vulfar
  • Mr. Ogre Man
  • Javik
  • Darious
  • BurnedSmackdown
  • Vindorei
  • InsaneMonster
  • Darious
  • Deme3s
  • Tamplier
  • Amikar Acosta
  • Symphoneum
  • Ardenaso
  • Stick
  • Jonathan Edward Amador
  • Wildone
  • Adamus
  • HL_Vortex
  • Spacebuns
  • Xyrohn21
  • Dehme
  • Sichuan Wang
  • SebioL
  • Footman16


In response to a lot of the feedback I have received I have modified the maps. I hope I have fixed all the bugs. I have also differentiated the units used by the factions somewhat and added more unique items. If there are any additional problems do not hesitate to comment and I will update accordingly.

Chapter 01 - Dark Knight (Map)

Chapter 02 - Lands and Titles (Map)

Chapter 03 - First Born (Map)

Chapter 04 - Eden (Map)

Chapter 05 - City of God (Map)

Chapter 07 - The Cenotaph (Map)

Chapter 6 - Gunpowder, Treason, and (Map)

Epilogue - The Alliance (Map)

IMO what would make this campaign engaging is unit/troop (+faction/racial) and gameplay variety. Other than that, it has a nice story that keeps you going. My biggest disappointment is that even though this is supposed to be happening in...
Level 1
Apr 16, 2019
Finished playing and I must say, that I enjoyed it. Yet there are some things I would change/repair:
  • Grammar mistakes in dialogues - in almost every dialogue is a grammar mistake
  • In every mission (exxcept for the last one), when a character said something in game (meaning not in the cinematic) there was the line, but also a line from the opening cutscene appeared
  • Quests - Some quests had same requirements to accomplish, yet the description was different.
  • Lastly, I would like to see a differentness among the factions. Eric´s knights, Pirates, they are both same in terms of mechaniscs and troops. Even the stats are same. Also in last chapter (Cenotaph), there are like 5 different soldiers (Templars, Silver city,...), yet again, they are completely same. So they could be also different in terms of stats and spells. Like templars could heal or Eric´s soldiers could throw spears, since they carry them.
Still, as I said, I enjoyed the campaign. I am glad, that you made it in Reforged graphic and I hope, that you will continue with your work.
Level 4
Mar 5, 2022
Finished playing and I must say, that I enjoyed it. Yet there are some things I would change/repair:
  • Grammar mistakes in dialogues - in almost every dialogue is a grammar mistake
  • In every mission (exxcept for the last one), when a character said something in game (meaning not in the cinematic) there was the line, but also a line from the opening cutscene appeared
  • Quests - Some quests had same requirements to accomplish, yet the description was different.
  • Lastly, I would like to see a differentness among the factions. Eric´s knights, Pirates, they are both same in terms of mechaniscs and troops. Even the stats are same. Also in last chapter (Cenotaph), there are like 5 different soldiers (Templars, Silver city,...), yet again, they are completely same. So they could be also different in terms of stats and spells. Like templars could heal or Eric´s soldiers could throw spears, since they carry them.
Still, as I said, I enjoyed the campaign. I am glad, that you made it in Reforged graphic and I hope, that you will continue with your work.

Thank you so much for playing the campaign. I hope despite its issues you had fun. I especially thank you for taking the time to leave so much feedback because it is super helpful!

1. I have gone through so many times to try to get all the grammar errors and typos but I catch more each time I play, so I will redouble my efforts.
2. This issue did not come up in any of my tests. The cinematic messages in-game weren't playing for me in my play throughs at all so I just copied and pasted dialogue as a placeholder to make the little head look like it was talking and deliver the in-game dialogue via floating text messages on the screen. Now that I know that the actual dialogue was working for you I will copy and paste the dialogue into all of those in-game dialogue cinematic triggers and fix that issue.
3. I will double check this and updated it accordingly.
4. I appreciate this critique and I too have considered giving the different factions slightly different abilities (I am somewhat limited in abilities given that only heroes can use magic in my lore) but I haven't gotten around to this yet. Maybe in future iterations.

I will update according to your feedback and repost the maps shortly. Thank you once again for your time and thoughtful comments. Rest assured I will keep working to improve this campaign and continue on to future missions. I am currently working on Act 2.
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Gameplay was fun overall

Nothing major to point out that was not already addressed.
As far as variety you can use the standard bandit forces that's already in wc3 unless you want to make a new faction entirely. They have the multiple units that fit the same feel as the ones you have now in game that do not use magic but they will have different stats compared to Eric's faction for example.
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Level 4
Mar 5, 2022
Gameplay was fun overall

Nothing major to point out that was not already addressed.
As far as variety you can use the standard bandit forces that's already in wc3 unless you want to make a new faction entirely. They have the multiple units that fit the same feel as the ones you have now in game that do not use magic but they will have different stats compared to Eric's faction for example.
Thank you for playing! I have now gotten this critique twice in as many days so I think I will look into making the stats/abilities of the various factions different to spice up your gameplay. I'm currently working on fixing those other issues with typos and whatnot at the moment but I will work on this in the near future.
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
also in chapter 6 my units are benefiting from crest of Honor and Spellbreaker which are from the enemy heroes.
This is the only chapter I have noticed this issue on
Level 4
Mar 5, 2022
I have updated the maps to try to deal with a lot of your points. Obviously not everything is done and I will keep working on it. Thank you again for the feedback.
Finished playing and I must say, that I enjoyed it. Yet there are some things I would change/repair:
  • Grammar mistakes in dialogues - in almost every dialogue is a grammar mistake
  • In every mission (exxcept for the last one), when a character said something in game (meaning not in the cinematic) there was the line, but also a line from the opening cutscene appeared
  • Quests - Some quests had same requirements to accomplish, yet the description was different.
  • Lastly, I would like to see a differentness among the factions. Eric´s knights, Pirates, they are both same in terms of mechaniscs and troops. Even the stats are same. Also in last chapter (Cenotaph), there are like 5 different soldiers (Templars, Silver city,...), yet again, they are completely same. So they could be also different in terms of stats and spells. Like templars could heal or Eric´s soldiers could throw spears, since they carry them.
Still, as I said, I enjoyed the campaign. I am glad, that you made it in Reforged graphic and I hope, that you will continue with your work.
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
It was a good campaign with an interesting story. I have to admit that I didn't think I'd get attached to Erik so much. He's such an expressive individual and has a good character going for him.
The maps are well decorated and the environment is alright. In some maps, the terrains are really bumpy and you can even see the graphical tears in some cliffs or in certain areas where you'd think it's a puddle of water (like in the first map). And I think that the map from Chapter 7 is especially crowded when it comes to houses. The decorations are nice, but the houses are so tightly packed in it's very "ugly" to look at.
I think that Trinity has received too much special treatment from the developer of the map. She has the best skills, a personal army following her and strong items. The rest of the characters are left with "scraps" and potions, there's nothing that could really benefit them until the near end of the story where you stumble over some things from the side quests or creeps you might kill.

I've taken the liberty of making a list of the bugs/mistakes I've found throughout my playthrough in one sitting from beginning to the end:
Chapter 1 - When you step onto the end of the bridge just as you're about to enter the castle's grounds, the auto-save/checkpoint feature triggers per unit that stands/passed that point trigger a LOT of serious frame rate drops.
- Wolf Spirits summoned by the Dog Whistle have the Pillage ability that requires you to research it.
Chapter 2 - Shaggy's tooltips are wrong. For example: at lvl 2 it says that Shaggy has critical strike, he instead has invisibility and increased stats. He gains the critical strike at lvl 3.
Chapter 5 - You can run straight up to the Death Knight and easily kill him off. The sidequest triggered has no feeling of urgency, nothing happens to the people since you can kill the Death Knight off with little effort to spare.
Chapter 6 - If you upgrade Stephen's Crest of Courage to lvl 2 the damage bonus effect disappears altogether, permanently. It will never be active for the rest of the campaign even if you try to kill him and respawn him.
Chapter 7 - If Trinity isn't within range of Aryan's Vaults when they are broken, the item doesn't spawn at all and you risk losing it for good.
- You can easily pass through the "Elven Gate" during Trinity's run since there is an opening between the edge of the gate and a nearby house.

Overall it is a good campaign that needs more polish and attention to its characters, both good and bad that are itemless.
Level 4
Mar 5, 2022
It was a good campaign with an interesting story. I have to admit that I didn't think I'd get attached to Erik so much. He's such an expressive individual and has a good character going for him.
The maps are well decorated and the environment is alright. In some maps, the terrains are really bumpy and you can even see the graphical tears in some cliffs or in certain areas where you'd think it's a puddle of water (like in the first map). And I think that the map from Chapter 7 is especially crowded when it comes to houses. The decorations are nice, but the houses are so tightly packed in it's very "ugly" to look at.
I think that Trinity has received too much special treatment from the developer of the map. She has the best skills, a personal army following her and strong items. The rest of the characters are left with "scraps" and potions, there's nothing that could really benefit them until the near end of the story where you stumble over some things from the side quests or creeps you might kill.

I've taken the liberty of making a list of the bugs/mistakes I've found throughout my playthrough in one sitting from beginning to the end:
Chapter 1 - When you step onto the end of the bridge just as you're about to enter the castle's grounds, the auto-save/checkpoint feature triggers per unit that stands/passed that point trigger a LOT of serious frame rate drops.
- Wolf Spirits summoned by the Dog Whistle have the Pillage ability that requires you to research it.
Chapter 2 - Shaggy's tooltips are wrong. For example: at lvl 2 it says that Shaggy has critical strike, he instead has invisibility and increased stats. He gains the critical strike at lvl 3.
Chapter 5 - You can run straight up to the Death Knight and easily kill him off. The sidequest triggered has no feeling of urgency, nothing happens to the people since you can kill the Death Knight off with little effort to spare.
Chapter 6 - If you upgrade Stephen's Crest of Courage to lvl 2 the damage bonus effect disappears altogether, permanently. It will never be active for the rest of the campaign even if you try to kill him and respawn him.
Chapter 7 - If Trinity isn't within range of Aryan's Vaults when they are broken, the item doesn't spawn at all and you risk losing it for good.
- You can easily pass through the "Elven Gate" during Trinity's run since there is an opening between the edge of the gate and a nearby house.

Overall it is a good campaign that needs more polish and attention to its characters, both good and bad that are itemless.
Thank you so much for playing and leaving such detailed criticisms. I will endeavor to fix all the bugs you pointed out as quickly as possible an update the post. You clearly stress tested some of the levels and found things that the people testing the maps missed (mostly me but a little bit my brothers).

I definitely take your point about the items. There was a bit of a lore focus on only wizards having magical artifacts except for the few Church consecrated relics but I definitely need to look at making the items better, especially for Stephen and Katarina who will not get access to their relics for some time.

Overall I will try to improve based on your critiques and keep them in mind as I move forward onto the next Act. I hope that despite the myriad deficiencies you enjoyed playing and will continue to be patient with me as I work through improving it.

Thank you again!
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
Thank you so much for playing and leaving such detailed criticisms. I will endeavor to fix all the bugs you pointed out as quickly as possible an update the post. You clearly stress tested some of the levels and found things that the people testing the maps missed (mostly me but a little bit my brothers).

I definitely take your point about the items. There was a bit of a lore focus on only wizards having magical artifacts except for the few Church consecrated relics but I definitely need to look at making the items better, especially for Stephen and Katarina who will not get access to their relics for some time.

Overall I will try to improve based on your critiques and keep them in mind as I move forward onto the next Act. I hope that despite the myriad deficiencies you enjoyed playing and will continue to be patient with me as I work through improving it.

Thank you again!
Hmm. Well if it's the lore you're worried about I think you can skirt the rules a little bit for characters that aren't mages/wizzards. It should be quite simple to anticipate the effects and why said character has "that" specific item without the need to add a tool tip to it.

For example, you can give Katarina a dagger that gives her bonus attack damage and slows the target she hits; since dagger is poisoned, it will cripple the victim for a time while dealing a little bit of damage (basically a modified Orb of Venom that doeasn't give melee Heroes a ranged attack vs air units).
Or give Stephen a sword that gives him bonus attack damage and attack speed; since the sword is made out of high quality/refined Tungsten unlike the weapons on the millitary market, it's a lot easy to swing and boasts a sharp edge that doesn't need daily maintenance (he is a noble so he wouldn't be carrying a low quality weapon around).

Even armor can be a fair thing to add. For example "Warriors" like Erik could use heavy armor that gives stats like Ring of Protection, or even use weapons that could cause bluntforce trauma (items like Rusty Mining Pick that would work well with his passive).
Characters like the Marshal, however, could use Shields unlike others (like Frostwyrn Skull Shield) not only because of his model, but his martial training. Characters like Katarina would have access to lighter armor types that enables her more flexibility, sacrificing protection in favor of mobility (effects like Talisman of Evasion + Ring of Protection+1).

I think small things such as these would help certain characters out in the start of the action before or if they will get their hands on some real relics that boast stat increase or special effects (like being able to cancel out magical effects, cast spells or summon units). It was quite disheartening to have most characters see them develop a drinking problem or an addiction to potions while Trinity was getting the most out of... well, she was getting very powerful quickly.

Of course, the more powerful items that can summon minions or unleash bolts of energy would be exclusively for mages since only they would have the necessary training to use such things. So (unfortunately) you won't see characters like Erik summoning a small pack of wolves to his side anytime soon.
Level 4
Mar 5, 2022
Hmm. Well if it's the lore you're worried about I think you can skirt the rules a little bit for characters that aren't mages/wizzards. It should be quite simple to anticipate the effects and why said character has "that" specific item without the need to add a tool tip to it.

For example, you can give Katarina a dagger that gives her bonus attack damage and slows the target she hits; since dagger is poisoned, it will cripple the victim for a time while dealing a little bit of damage (basically a modified Orb of Venom that doeasn't give melee Heroes a ranged attack vs air units).
Or give Stephen a sword that gives him bonus attack damage and attack speed; since the sword is made out of high quality/refined Tungsten unlike the weapons on the millitary market, it's a lot easy to swing and boasts a sharp edge that doesn't need daily maintenance (he is a noble so he wouldn't be carrying a low quality weapon around).

Even armor can be a fair thing to add. For example "Warriors" like Erik could use heavy armor that gives stats like Ring of Protection, or even use weapons that could cause bluntforce trauma (items like Rusty Mining Pick that would work well with his passive).
Characters like the Marshal, however, could use Shields unlike others (like Frostwyrn Skull Shield) not only because of his model, but his martial training. Characters like Katarina would have access to lighter armor types that enables her more flexibility, sacrificing protection in favor of mobility (effects like Talisman of Evasion + Ring of Protection+1).

I think small things such as these would help certain characters out in the start of the action before or if they will get their hands on some real relics that boast stat increase or special effects (like being able to cancel out magical effects, cast spells or summon units). It was quite disheartening to have most characters see them develop a drinking problem or an addiction to potions while Trinity was getting the most out of... well, she was getting very powerful quickly.

Of course, the more powerful items that can summon minions or unleash bolts of energy would be exclusively for mages since only they would have the necessary training to use such things. So (unfortunately) you won't see characters like Erik summoning a small pack of wolves to his side anytime soon.
These were really great suggestions and I have integrated them into the updated version. Thank you for your help!
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
Just like before, I've played the campaign in one sitting from beginning to end and found a few things that stood out:
  • There's a minor grammatical error when Katarina tells Erik "We are no use" during the cinematic where Erik pokes fun at them for being unable to protect their city. The correct spelling is "We are of no use"
  • The item you can get on Trinity during Chapter 7 from the caches works as intended even if it's not complete. Once every 2-3 used abilities, Trinity's mana pool is replenished. The item also doesn't specify that it replenishes mana once every few abilities cast.
  • Avoid trying to skip cinematics. There is a chance if you skip a cinematic by pressing or spamming ESC, you will have 7 main missions and 7 side missions. Basically, the main objective as well as any side missions you will have in that chapter will clone itself 7 times each.
Level 4
Mar 5, 2022
Just like before, I've played the campaign in one sitting from beginning to end and found a few things that stood out:
  • There's a minor grammatical error when Katarina tells Erik "We are no use" during the cinematic where Erik pokes fun at them for being unable to protect their city. The correct spelling is "We are of no use"
  • The item you can get on Trinity during Chapter 7 from the caches works as intended even if it's not complete. Once every 2-3 used abilities, Trinity's mana pool is replenished. The item also doesn't specify that it replenishes mana once every few abilities cast.
  • Avoid trying to skip cinematics. There is a chance if you skip a cinematic by pressing or spamming ESC, you will have 7 main missions and 7 side missions. Basically, the main objective as well as any side missions you will have in that chapter will clone itself 7 times each.
Thank you for all the time you have put in playing and testing the campaign. I really appreciate all your feedback and stress testing. I have corrected the issue with spamming the cinematic cancel. Believe it or not, it never occurred to me to do that! I corrected the grammar error as well.

I was unable to figure out the problem you were seeing with the mana restoration. The item only increases mana regeneration rate. The only thing that increases mana in lump sum is casting healing wave, but that is by design. Maybe you can describe that problem again for me so I can fix whatever issue you were seeing.

Thank you again!
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
Thank you for all the time you have put in playing and testing the campaign. I really appreciate all your feedback and stress testing. I have corrected the issue with spamming the cinematic cancel. Believe it or not, it never occurred to me to do that! I corrected the grammar error as well.

I was unable to figure out the problem you were seeing with the mana restoration. The item only increases mana regeneration rate. The only thing that increases mana in lump sum is casting healing wave, but that is by design. Maybe you can describe that problem again for me so I can fix whatever issue you were seeing.

Thank you again!
Hmm. Well if you get just one piece of the item/artifact and then you cast any two skills with Trinity, on the second or third ability cast she gets a lot of mana back.
So if you cast Healing Wave - Chain Lightning, you get mana back either on Chain Lightning or the third ability like Polymorph for example.
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
Hey guys, I don't understand. This is a campaign made for Reforged, but Reforged does not yet support custom campaigns? So how can this work? Sorry for my noob question.
Do we just play each map separately or something?
You put the files in a folder where you store singleplayer maps in your game ditectory. After that you need to pick and create each map.
Don't worry, what you do to your heroes in previous maps usually carries on.
Level 2
Oct 8, 2014
Hello, game doesn't seems to work for me, keeps crashing in the first mission after a while (i am using reforged graph, wanted to test one with classic to see if it crash, but some models don't appear)
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Hello, game doesn't seems to work for me, keeps crashing in the first mission after a while (i am using reforged graph, wanted to test one with classic to see if it crash, but some models don't appear)
1.33 still has known bugs for playing some maps or campaigns. You might need to wait for another update if you want to play this map without problems.
Level 4
Mar 5, 2022
1.33 still has known bugs for playing some maps or campaigns. You might need to wait for another update if you want to play this map without problems.
If anyone else is having issues let me know. I want to know if it is a widespread problem or if there is something I can fix. If it is just a technical problem with the patch I don't know what tot do.
Level 2
Oct 8, 2014
An update, for now i only crashed in the 1st mission randomly(which i kinda quicksave every now and then to beat the map and move on), in the chapter 5th and 6th
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
  1. The recent patches got custom campaigns back so the maps could be put in one .w3n file.
  2. Kind of annoying to read the chapter text on the loading screen since it's filled with stuff and words.
  3. Preferable not to make dummy checkpoint save files.
  4. Would've been nice to have some villager interaction, some shops maybe.
  5. Some transmissions run too fast.
  6. Erik's message of the bandits after getting the mine appears two times.
  7. Techtree seems to be very much basic and human, as spells/abilities are regular ones.
  8. The Marketplace can be converted before getting the optional quest essentially rendering it unable to be completed.
  9. For some reason ingame transmissions appear two times, Katarina and Halston's.
  10. Reborn enemy units don't have QWERTY hotkey abilities.
  11. Chapter 4 is quite monotonous especially when there's so many creeps you kill the same way and it's not rewarding enough, you max out the hero level fast and the items you get are mostly few tomes. Sure, Runes of Rebirths but those are needed for proper battling.
  12. Why would the info about the Soul Gem reviving the hero once in 10 mins be mentioned in a game message rather than on the item itself?
  13. There was still one more marking on the minimap to teach but the last was the throne with the faceless and Arthur.
  14. After the Death Knight comes tor raise villagers, the transmission of the prince talking about Erik's ragged clothes comes in again.
  15. Techtrees are really lacking (too few units and towers and whatnot to choose from, in general), in this defense mission (especially), the enemy pretty much has what you have.
  16. After the Watchmen cinematic scene if you press ESC, you quickly get cinematic mode on and off and the camera moved where the Watchmen scene ended.
  17. Shockwave and Crippling Blow have the same icon.
  18. So many musketeers hiding in crates. A bit cartoony.
  19. What's the point of having 3 objectives saying the same things but one of them does it combined: "Katarina and Stephen must survive"; "Katarina must survive"; Stephen must survive". Then you get "Erik must survive" two times. Even uglier, all quests have the same requirements while their description is the focus objective.
  20. Pretty tedious trying to move troops around with only one ship.
  21. Besides that Erik isn't even slowed down, he doesn't carry any explosive barrel but plants more than 5 at once in one snap of the fingers. Somehow we are to believe that the barrels are invisible themselves since the enemies don't seem to notice them since they only explode after all circles are filled.
  22. There could've been a more interesting labyrinth to go through to get to a piece of the crystal. The other is even lamer to find.
  23. Lightning Storm says it lasts 12s but actually a few or 2s.
  24. I think Katarina's Sword item found on a previous map is missing.
  25. Pretty anticlimatic to corner the rebel king only to run away. Was he keeping the baron hostage? It's not like he wasn't intending to kill him anyway. He was killed anyways.
IMO what would make this campaign engaging is unit/troop (+faction/racial) and gameplay variety. Other than that, it has a nice story that keeps you going. My biggest disappointment is that even though this is supposed to be happening in another/custom universe, it feels too much like Warcraft considering the units/troops and creatures.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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Level 3
Aug 17, 2017
Game stop responding after compleating EACH MAP.
Not sure if it was even tested.

Also im inable to wrap my hand around the reason of changing building hotkeys. Super annoying.